The Novel Free

Vampire Vacation

"Viv, the power is out," says an abrupt voice coming over the phone.

"Uh-huh, tell me something I don't know. And who is this?"

"Oh, sorry. It's Asa. I'm at the front desk and wondered what was going on."

"I have no idea." I roll my eyes in frustration. Why didn't the front desk tell him to call the building with the generators? "Does anyone down there have a clue?"

"No, and no one is answering from Gen-One either."

Gen-One? What the hell? Now we have military-esque names for places I have to learn? Damn, I am not a happy camper when sex is interrupted. I sigh heavily and pinch the bridge of my nose.

Ignoring his own phone, Rafe gently lifts mine from my fingers. "Asa, go down and check -then report back to us. Bring Bob from the ground crew, or Jonathan, with you. The front desk can give you their numbers and a map to the building."

I hear Asa's response from the other end of the line. "Gotcha, will do."

Rafe closes the phone and hands it back to me, but before I have a chance to clip it back in place, it goes off again. The impulse to scream in frustration is tempered with the urge to shove the vibrating bit of plastic between my legs where it will do the most good.

Rafe again plucks the phone from my grasp. You're riled up good, aren't you? Let me handle this one.

He answers the phone with one hand and places his free one on my hip. His touch is light and comforting. "Hello?" Rafe moves his hand down and around, cupping my bottom and hauling me closer to him.

The voice over the phone is a stark reminder that we have a business to run. "Oh-Rafe? I tried reaching you on your phone first then called Vivian's. Joanna, from the MacKellan group, called to request a donor. Iona's next on the list and I see a notation here that it's her first time. As protocol dictates, I'm calling to notify one of you."

I whimper as I step back from Rafe. I've got to hold off a bit longer. I can do it.

"Consider the message relayed. She's right here. Has anyone briefed Iona?"

"Yes, she's good and her panic bracelet's in place. She's expected up at suite eight in about ten minutes."

"Let Iona know that we'll both be nearby. If she feels uncomfortable at any time, she should hit the button. Understood?"

"Yes, I'll let her know."

He closes the phone, handing it back to me. Heat fills his gaze as he brushes the back of his hand across my cheek. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Considering I'm still pouty about not getting laid, I can't fathom what he's thinking. I open my mind to his, welcoming the rush of his desire as it pushes into my thoughts. I pause a moment to sort through all the delightful naked images he's got coursing through his brain, until I see what he means.

I snap back into focus, locking my own heated gaze on his. "Damn, you're good. I hadn't though of that."

He picks me up, tosses me over his shoulder and runs with breakneck speed down the hallway. Laughter bubbles up and over, tumbling from my mouth as we race toward the stairs. Leaping down the steps four at a time, his feet barely make contact. The view I have of the rug streaking by is nothing compared to the sight of his jeans-covered ass working double time.

We're across the landing in seconds, my feet touching back down the instant he stops.

"This is so good, that on some level, you know it must be wrong." I'm giggling like a schoolgirl and I don't care.

Rafe puts his finger to his lips. "Shhh..." You made so much noise laughing I fear the whole lobby is looking up right now.

He eases from our spot in the reading parlor and looks over the edge of the railing. All clear. Go try the door.

I slide open the concealed panel leading to the observation room and slip inside. Rafe's right behind me, closing the door as soon as he clears the opening.

"You always monitor the first time an employee donates blood to a guest. Why should this time be any different?"

I smile, rubbing my body up against his. "Yes, that's true. But normally I do it alone."

"You blame me for wanting to watch two girls at once?" His voice sounds slightly incredulous.

"No, I don't blame you. Think you'll be this open when I want you behind me when I watch two guys?"

"As long as I get to bend you over and explore all the same spots they do, then no, I don't mind." After all, liebling, I won't be looking at them.

Good point. Let's go peep.

Three short steps bring me to the desk with the monitor. I click the mouse to animate the screen from hibernation. Rafe moves up behind me, pressing his arousal into my crop-sensitive backside. Scrolling through the room views, I stop when I get to suite eight.

Joanna walks across the room clad in only a short, pink robe. Her pert nipples show clearly through the thin silk. Shoulder-length blond hair is tied back in a ponytail, showcasing her elegant neck. She sits on the bed, with the welcome basket at her side.

Reaching in, she removes a bright pink conical device. She places the toy on the bed next to her, opening the picture book instructions it came with. Joanna moves one hand to the two small buttons, jerking back when the cone starts to vibrate.

"This thing has sound, right?" Rafe whispers in my ear. "I'd hate to miss a thing." Pulling my hair to the side, he leans in to nibble under my ear. Short, strong teeth nip playfully at the skin. "You've got to get this turtleneck back off so I can get to you better."

Before I lose my train of thought by removing my clothing, I reach forward and adjust the sound on the Bose speakers.

Joanna's voice comes in loud and clear, in sync with the real-time video feed. "This little gadget might come in handy today." Climbing up on to the bed, she moves to straddle the vibrating cone. "Ohhh... yeah... that's nice."

I hastily remove my sweater, beyond caring if I make my hair static-y. Power pulsates beneath my skin, tingling and moving as if the energy were alive. Jonathan's strong werewolf blood still infuses me, even with the bleed-off I gave to Rafe last night.

Rafe's clothes lie in a messy pile by the door. Eager hands fumble at the back of my skirt. The metal-on-metal rasp of the zipper prompts me to wiggle my hips in an effort to be free of the article faster.

A tentative knock on the door brings my head around.

Rafe chuckles a low, throaty sound. "Darling, that's from the live feed. Not here."

"Damn!" I smile at my own foolishness. "I don't normally have the sound on. That threw me for a second there."

Stepping out of my skirt, I hook it onto my booted foot and toss it in the direction of Rafe's heap of clothes.

"Hi, I'm Iona. The front desk sent me up at your request." Her voice over the speakers pulls our focus back on to the monitor.

"I'm Joanna, please come in."

Iona steps into view. She's wearing a loose flowing skirt and a matching low-cut, peasant-style top. The gentle sway of her breasts beneath the top indicates she's not wearing a bra. Looks like she has come prepared if Joanna shows an interest in more than blood.

Rafe chimes in like he's watching a stag film with buddies. "Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about."

"Can you keep those comments to yourself please? I'm trying to look out for the welfare of an employee." I snort as I finish the last part. Even I can't claim altruistic motives at the moment.

Rafe runs his hands down my hips and presses me forward. I place my hands on the desk and push back to nuzzle his cock with my butt.

Iona speaks to Joanna in the other room. "I've never donated before. Can you tell me what you'd like? I don't want to disappoint you."

Joanna smiles in response. She stalks forward and leans in to Iona's neck. "You smell like Vivian, but she hasn't fed from you. Interesting." She takes Iona's hand and gently pulls her further into the room. "Why don't you take a seat? I prefer the femoral artery."

The sound of fabric ripping pulls me back to myself. My thong flies in the direction of the clothing. A wet tongue pushes into me from behind. Firm hands grasp the inner tops of my thighs, spreading them for better access. Slick, velvet pressure tickles my clit.

I toss my head back and growl out, "Ohhh...that feels good."

"Femoral artery? Is that the top of my thigh?" Iona's excitement comes through as her voice rises on the last question.

Joanna cups her cheek, leaning forward to place a light kiss on Iona's mouth. "Is that okay, kitten? I won't if you'd rather not. There's always the neck and wrist."

In answer, Iona reaches down to her hem and raises the long skirt up to mid-thigh. "No, that's fine." Her voice sounds breathy. "Whatever you'd like."

Rafe grunts and pulls away from my opening. Mewing softly, I look back at him.

You hoping to watch them while you do me? You're a bad boy.

Joanna walks back to the bed, returning with the pink sex toy. "This thing is cool. Have you ever tried it?"

Iona smiles, more confidence in her now. "Oh, yes. The Cone's phenomenal." She laughs out loud, visibly relaxing into the chair. "Vivian gave all the employees one for Christmas last year." She sits up in the chair and gestures Joanna over, retrieving the device from the other woman's grasp. "Let me put it to my personal favorite setting. It pulses in waves and gets pretty intense."

I'm only human. Rafe angles himself behind me, wrapping his fist around himself. And they are pretty damn hot. The crown of his erection probes my wetness, teasing me with a bare inch.

Iona lowers the vibrating device to the floor, placing it between her feet. She settles back in the chair to watch Joanna. The perky blond vampire steps up and squats over the cone. She lowers herself on it, gently pushing Iona's thighs further apart while descending.

Rafe's thick head moves from my dripping center. A thick finger slides down my ass crack, plunging into my pussy and drawing back out. It leaves a wet trail back up to my tight sphincter, circling the muscle before pushing in.

"Mmm... yeah, more baby. Push that thumb in deep."

Rafe complies, making my back arch in response.

"Good choice, this one is delicious." Joanna punctuates the comment with leaning in and kissing the maid's thigh. "But not nearly as delicious as you're going to be."

You bad girl, you like watching Joanna on that toy.

My eyes focus back and forth from the ladies on the monitor, to the vague reflection of Rafe and me in the screen's shiny surface. Both are so compelling, I'm glad I don't have to choose one and look away.

I squirm back, searching for the big hard dick I know is there. Don't make me beg! Put your cock in me, dammit!


Rafe's hand collides with my rump. The movement presses his thumb in deeper and I moan out my pleasure. A second, softer smack follows the first.

Don't get bossy with me, or I may make you wait until the ladies are through.

A glance at the screen reveals the vampire's hand is hidden under Iona's skirt, at the juncture of her thighs. Joanna is kissing just below, at Iona's inner thigh, while riding that cone for all it's worth. Shit. She hasn't started to feed yet. They could be a while.

Rat bastard. I bet Rafe would make me wait. I reach out with one hand and click the system to dark. "I've seen enough to ensure Iona is safe. No need to infringe on their privacy more than is needed."

"Aww, no fair. I was enjoying that."

Are you trying to tell me you aren't enjoying this? I pull forward a bit, and look back over my shoulder.

He runs his other hand up and down my back. No, liebling, you know better than that. It was sexy to watch and play at the same time. He punctuates his desire by pulling me back in place, while driving his thumb in again. Rafe places his cock at my opening, teasing me with the pressure again. I love driving you crazy with want, my love. You're so damn hot and responsive.

Want me to play dirty? I push out with my desire, allowing it to fill the small room like a cloud. I feel a shudder pass through his whole body, reverberating down his arm and into his wicked thumb as well. Sensing what's about to come next, I tighten my inner walls in expectation.

Rafe removes his thumb and roughly grabs my hips with both hands. My ass is forgotten in the race to drive his erection into me as fast as he can. Silk on steel pushes into my tight sheath. The sensation of being finally filled, after an hour of torment, quickly pushes me to the edge. Pushing back, my hips move in a slow circle. Rafe drives back and forth in deep and steady strokes.

"Oh God...just like that," I choke out. The waves start to build inside and my internal muscles start to ripple along his length. "Faster...please..."

"No." He keeps his rhythm the same, no faster, no slower. "I'm gonna bring you again."

Hearing that, I let go. Tossing my head back, I moan out my peak to the room.

My power pulses up and out with my release, ratcheting up Rafe's already increasing need. The liquid rush between my legs allows him to slip in and out with ease.

Hot, sweaty skin touches my back. His hand snakes around to my front and tickles my sensitive, erect clit. Another hand cups and squeezes my left breast. The kneading sensation combines with the thrusting and circling to push me higher once again. Our movements on the surface of the desk trigger the wireless mouse to activate and the monitor jumps to life with the two ladies.

"Uhnn...ohhh..." Sounds of female voices reaching orgasm fill the air.


Hips piston back and forth slapping against my rump. Rafe's thick cock slides in and out in time with his attention at my eager nub. I arch back into the feel of my husband's body, no thought for the images on the screen. His hand leaves my breast and a strong fist wraps into my long tresses to tilt my head back with force.

"Yes, yes! More, God, please more!" Iona's plea bounces off the walls in the little observation room and Rafe's thrusts come faster in answer.

The feelings and sounds quickly overcome me, forcing my second orgasm like a steam train. Clenching my pussy around him, I try to increase his sensations as well, hoping to pull him into the abyss with me. My hair tingles along my scalp, the pressure of being held in place counterbalancing the taut muscles in my neck.

Rafe whispers into my ear, "Come for me, my goddess. You're mine."

One last tug does it, tipping me over the edge with his gentle restraint. Sounds and garbles come pouring forth from my throat. I'm unaware of anything but the electrical sensations lighting every nerve ending in my body at the same time. The shudders wrack me as my head is let go, and strong arms come around my middle to circle me in a tight hold. Warm shooting pulses deep inside my core accompany Rafe's loud moans of release.

A minute or two goes by before either one of us cares to move. Rafe's stubbly cheek rakes back and forth on the middle of my back in a loving caress of skin on skin, bringing me inexorably back to the here and now.

Rafe must have reached over and clicked the system quiet because the new lovers are no longer on the small screen.

He follows my train of thought and answers, "You were right, they deserve their privacy too." Running his hands up my sides, he rises from his position along my back and pushes forward one last time inside me. "That and the fact that if I watched much more I'd be ready for round two-and we've got work to do."

I sigh as he withdraws from my body.

"You're right. The backup power supply isn't meant to last longer than a day or so. If we can't find the problem with the main generator, we're going to have to reroute the power cables to the back up one." I groan at the thought of working out in the cold to accomplish that. "I'm going to detour down to our apartment to change. I don't want to ruin these boots in the snow."

I turn to face my lover and press my lips to his. My arms twine about his neck while his encircle my waist. Our mouths open, allowing the kiss to deepen. Pulling back, I look deep into his eyes. "That was astounding. I'm glad you thought of it."

He sighs and leans his forehead down to touch mine. "Every now and then, I get some good ideas." A slow smile curves the corners of his mouth upward. "And I'm always grateful you're ready and willing to give them a go."

I snort at the "grateful" part. "Like I could resist you naked for long? Please."

We get our clothes back on and meander back to our private suite. I change quickly into my leather pants from last night and a sturdy pair of Muggs, leaving the soft turtleneck on to keep me warm. I clip my phone back into place and check my watch. Our little interlude in the observation room lasted about thirty minutes. With any luck, we should be hearing back from the boys soon.

Heading into the kitchen, I find Rafe already pouring himself some coffee. His phone starts to vibrate, prompting me to raise an eyebrow at him in question.

He checks the screen. "I think it's Asa, though I don't recognize the number."

I find it interesting that Asa would be calling Rafe and not me this time. It would be nice if he naturally reported to Rafe. I don't relish having the young vamp call me with every concern, so I'll wisely keep my mouth shut.

Rafe flips open the phone, giving a terse greeting. I can hear Asa's voice come over the line. "We have a problem here."

"Hmm?" Rafe looks up to meet my eyes, checking to make sure I'm listening.

"The generator has been damaged. According to Jon, it will take days to fix."


"He also reports that the same vampire from room six was here at Gen-One. He thinks the power was sabotaged."

"We'll be there in ten minutes," Rafe says, speaking way more quickly than usual. "Tell Jon to call the maintenance guys and Jerry out. We've got a big job ahead of us."

Rafe clips the phone back to his waist and looks at me. "If that bastard is going after the power, what's next?"

I think back to what I know of Ivan before answering. "He's setting the stage. He wants us scared."