The Novel Free

Vampire Vacation

The next few hours prove to be very stressful with rapid-fire reports of conflicting information keeping us all on our toes. The misty cloud shape of Liam reports through Francesca that there's no sight of Ivan. Big surprise there. The tiger-cum-wolf, known as Jet, has tracked-with Jon's help-the last location of Ivan to a bloody silver bullet where the scent trail ends. Antonio, Joanna, Sal, Drew, and Asa have not actually spotted Ivan, but they're patrolling the quadrants closest to where he was last scented.

Jonathan has set his wolf dogs to guard the family residences. They'll howl and bark if they sense anyone but Jon near the cabins. What seemed like a good idea at the time is now making me doubt myself.

Do I risk moving the ten families that live in those private dwellings to the main building, or would they be most vulnerable during a move? If there is an attack, will a vampire nearby be able to get to the cabins in time or do I, being the closest, leave the people here at the main building alone?

My own past has not prepared me to defend a large group of people. The harsh lessons learned from my experiences have made me an efficient killing machine and a highly-skilled hunter, but not the best strategist for planning a strong, large-scale defense. Maybe what I need to do is start thinking like a cold-blooded killer again. I've dressed up the core of who I am with pretty trappings-long frivolous hair, perfect make-up, and form-fitting clothes.

But I am something the others will never be-a murderer with the ability to kill from a distance. If it comes down to Ivan or me, I will win, hands-down. Ivan's demented plan may make sense and thus enable me to anticipate his next moves if I figure out what that bastard has in store. Does he plan more sabotage? Will he try to drain another employee? I can defend or go on a counterattack against him before he has a chance to strike if I could figure that out and anticipate.

He will need to feed, but when? His wounds will have healed once the bullet was removed, but his reserves of energy will be getting low the longer he stays out in the cold. His gorging on Paul could hold him a bit more if he got that silver out fast enough, but we don't know how long it was in.

My thoughts tumble one over the other in a faster-than-light torrent of concepts. I must protect those under my care. Restlessly, I pace. To fail here and now, up against this weaker enemy, is not an option. How much longer should I let this hunt go on? I think I am the target, but am I willing to be the bait as well?

Living for years afraid to show what I could do, followed by decades of being used for that talent, had left me ready to snap. Killing without mercy to escape and then becoming a hard, heartless mercenary for a corrupt tribunal did not help me either. The black abyss I battled against for years yawns wide at my feet, ready to welcome me back without a moment's hesitation.

Dria? What are you thinking? Rafe inquires gently from his position by the front desk. Your thoughts are too jumbled for me to read.

I was just debating the merits of thinking like a killer and trying to decide what Ivan would be doing next.

Give the group a chance. It's only been three hours.

He sends his calm, quiet strength to me through our connection. I know he's trying to soothe my rampaging mind. It works a little, but fear for those around me leaks back in slowly.

Three hours and forty-six minutes, to be exact. I look down at my watch to confirm the inner clock I feel ticking loudly in my brain. I had high hopes when Jerry reported shooting him that the hunt would be over quickly.

It may take slightly longer then we anticipated, that's all. The hunters will be happy, our people will be safe, and Ivan will be dead. No fear, my love, we will come through this unscathed.

I wring my hands in a very uncharacteristic gesture of nerves.

You make it sound all neat and pretty wrapped up in a bow, but this guy isn't going to go down easy and I need to minimize the damage.

So... Rafe drags out the "o" sound in my mind. What do you want to do?

Before I have a chance to answer, my phone vibrates on my hip once again. I grab it, flip it open and greet Joanna in one continuous movement.

"I made another pass by the empty guest cabins, as you'd asked," Joanna states. "Still no sign of him."

"Okay." I move to the map spread out on the table. "Antonio is over by the bowling alley and the ski lift. He's closest to you. How are you doing in the cold?"

"I'm ashamed to admit it, but I need to warm up soon. I'm experiencing that slowdown you'd described."

"A quick feed will help you bounce back. Taking a rest should help bring your core temp back up too. Swing by, and I'll let the others know."

No sooner do I end the call and clip it back to my waist, the phone starts vibrating again. This time it's Sal. "The generators are still secure and there's no sign of Ivan here. The good news is we've got him on the run. I saw the wolves racing through the woods minutes ago, hot on his trail."

He pauses. Even in his weariness I can still sense the underlying thrill of the chase coming through in his speech.

"We were trying to flush him out into the open to take him down, but the woods hide many things in the dark."

I think back to some of the traps I've set in the past. The ruthless rogue predators whom I caught and showed exactly what ruthless truly meant.

"Look up-don't neglect the trees. The wolves can't scan high as easily as you and it would be where I'd hide."

A grunt greets me on the end of the line. "Good thought. When I was a general, we fought in the open. The forests and jungles were far, far away."

He hangs up, assuring me he'll check the trees. I start to pace again, wondering if this plan of Asa's to have the hunters track Ivan down is the best course of action. My own futility cripples me. Rafe will always be my prime concern. Leaving his side to attend the hunt has never been a viable option though I hadn't anticipated how I'd feel about my employees and the guests' safety.

When did a piece of land in the middle of nowhere and a bunch of humans become so important to me? What would happen if Ivan did ruin it all and the police came to investigate?

Rafe and I would have to start again somewhere else. But the decades I have invested here, dammit, they do mean something to me after all. I don't want to lose it.

This place has become a part of me. The fact hits me hard-the truth lodging in my throat like a hard pill to swallow.

The shock of revelation leaves me staring into space for a few minutes.

Francesca comes in from the hall, breaking the spell, where she was at her post watching the back entrance into the north wing of the building.

"Liam came in the back. He made his way to the pool to warm up."

Pulling myself away from the realization that I have allowed myself to care for something beyond Rafe, I focus on what Francesca's saying.

I wondered how long Liam could take being in mist form out in the cold. The fact that he's going to an eighty-two degree pool to first warm up is telling. I hope I can convince him to go back out, armed and in human form. Another set of legs and eyes, with a weapon, will be much more valuable. Some men are stubborn. It shouldn't take much to get the warrior in him to the forefront, to recognize the real need and act on it.

Nodding to Francesca, I let her know I heard her and she returns to her post. We have Theresa positioned in the lobby watching the front and the west wing. Matt, Jet's mate, is on the second floor as our first line of defense in case Ivan enters through a window again. Rafe, the strongest of the four mates, is in the west wing, at the pool. That wing has the most glass and the least amount of defensible walls.

Honestly, I'm a little freaked at the idea of having anyone susceptible to vampire wiles watching an entrance. We're limited with only the four humans powerful enough to resist Ivan long enough to call for help, but it was the only choice we had.

I resume my earlier movements, prior to the phone calls. My pacing must be nerve-wracking to the companions, servants, and employees left in the building, all of whom are gathered in seats watching me. I feel like a caged tiger pacing in front of bars at the zoo.

What the hell do they all want from me? I hold back the urge to start screaming obscenities. It might make me feel better, but I'm betting it would freak the shit out of all of them.

Let me think about the facts I've got so far-Ivan's wound will require him to feed soon. The apartments are secure, for the most part by Jerry. The dogs are watching the cabins. Ivan's only option to feed is either to catch one of the vampires out tracking him or... or... to come here.

Shit. I knew it would come to this. My agitated mind didn't allow me to connect the facts and see the truth.

"Change of plans, everyone." I look up to find all thirty sets of eyes glued to me. Guess my nerves are catching. "You're all going down to the basement. Grab coats and food. It's cold down there."

I call Theresa, Matt, Francesca, and Rafe back in. All of them will be going down together. Within ten minutes, they are ready to head down the basement stairs located in our private suite. Joanna arrives at the back door to get out of the cold right when the last of the group heads into the hotel kitchen.

"What's going on, Vivian?" Joanna asks.

I'm standing near one of the tables in the dining room, counting heads and making sure no one's left behind. Rafe nods to me from the entrance to our suite.

Done, he says while closing the door. The last of them have descended the stairs.

"I'm putting them in a more secure location." I reply to Joanna. "Hopefully, it won't be long until Ivan's caught."

Joanna looks cold and very pale.

"You need to feed. Here."

Before she can protest, I draw my nails across my wrist and thrust it to her lips. Her eyes go wide, but the lure of drinking old blood causes her to latch on to me quick enough.

What are you doing, Dria? Rafe's voice in my mind sounds angry.

I'm starting Plan B.

I close the mental door firmly, not wanting to explain myself right now.

While Joanna feeds on me, I lean over and brush her hair carefully to one side. My teeth break the skin on her neck before she has any idea what's going on. One small mouthful is all I need. Sealing the fang marks, I rise and pull her off my wrist.

My hands cup her face gently as I angle her to look deep into my eyes. Pushing my will out, I capture her mind so swiftly that she has no time to register even fear.

I'm going to need your help over the next few hours. You will not remember any of this. I'm going to lock parts of your mind away right now to protect your sanity. Do you understand?

Yes, my mistress. I will do whatever you command.

Sleep, sweet Joanna, sleep.

Liam exits the pool wing. He sees me across the lobby sitting at one of the dining room tables alone and gives me a wave.

"Where is everyone?"

"I sent them down to the basement." I'm feeling cool and calm now.

The clear path ahead of me makes every moment crystal clear. Live by a plan and you live. No plan and you die.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yes." Liam eyeballs me sitting prim and still in my seat. "Want me to go down there or will you send someone up?"

"No need." I smile. "There are several pints in the fridge. We had some employees donate while you've been out in the field. Just pop a bag in the microwave to take the chill off."

He wanders past me to get the blood. "Good thinking."

"Speaking of good thinking, you ready to go out with a weapon and not as mist the next time?"

Liam sighs as he places the bag in the microwave and sets it to low. "Yes, I had the same realization myself. While misting to fly is a wonderful skill to have, it isn't the greatest for a large-scale surveillance at night."

"I agree. Go out when you're ready, but stay close to the main building. I have a feeling Ivan is on his way here."

"Here? Out of every place he could get warm, why here?"

"Because he came here for me. I'm going to give him exactly what he wants."

Not knowing how to respond to that, Liam wisely says nothing. My phone vibrates, yet again.


"It's Antonio. Did Joanna make it back?"

"Yes. She's warming up in the gym on the first floor. Getting her blood moving with some exercises to increase her core temp."

"I can stay out a bit longer. Where do you want me next?"

I check the map we moved from the theater. It's spread out on the table in front of me.

"Move to the front of the main building. Stay about a thousand yards out. I have a feeling the hungry Ivan is going to head our way soon."

"Roger that." Antonio ends the call, sounding way happier than a cold vampire should sound.

I open up my mental link to Asa.

Asa? I need you to circle back towards the main building. Call Drew first and tell him you want his help. Make a big noisy show getting yourselves to the main building. Explain to him that he's bait for Ivan.

Excuse me, repeat that command?

Jesus, I'm in your head, Asa. It's not like you misheard me.

Are you truly using him as bait?

No, I have other plans for him. I'm going to be the bait.

Does Rafe know about this? His mental voice sounds tentative.

Rafe always knows everything I have planned. That doesn't mean he always agrees with it.

Asa hesitates a brief instant before responding. I'm not so sure in this instance that Rafe would be wrong.

You let me worry about that. Get Drew over to the main building and hide. Wait for my signal and then bring him in the entrance by the pool.

Yes, ma'am.

We end the connection just as Liam finishes up his drink.

"You feeling up to heading back out in the cold yet?" I ask.

Liam regards me with cold, calculating eyes. I think he was watching me while I mentally talked to Asa.

"You're a cold-blooded killer hiding in that lovely body, aren't you?"

"Aren't we all, Liam? We are vampires."

He nods, accepting the truth of my words. "Yes, we are. But some of us are better at it than others."

I smile at him. It's a chilling smile that doesn't reach my eyes. "Some of us are. We're the ones who live the longest."

"Ivan won't be one of them, will he?" Liam asks softly.

"Not if I have anything to say about it."

Liam layers back up and heads out the back. He's off to flush Ivan in closer to the building and help spring my trap. I contact Sal over the phone then mentally connect with Jonathan, who's working in tandem with Jet. Instructing them all to make separate, large sweeping circles three-quarters of a mile out around the main building, and then to tighten it up on each pass they make.

Dria, Rafe pushes into my mind. I'm not happy with this plan. You're making a huge assumption. Have you even tried your theory out yet?

I can't risk alerting him. Logically, though, it all adds up. I think it will work.

It's a big chance.

I know. I try to send some reassurance back to him through our link. I'm not in danger. You trust me on that, right?

I do. He heaves a big mental sigh. I just hate that this is a battle where I can't be at your side. I can see him leaning against a wall in the workroom. He's the last stand if Ivan gets past me and all the other vampires.

Yeah, that's a snowball's chance in hell.

We're not even ten feet apart. You can charge up the stairs if I need you.

That brings a smile to his face. One of the best things about you, is you don't need me.

One of, huh? You'll have to tell me all the others when this mess is over.

Like you don't already know... Rafe gently closes the link, knowing I need to concentrate for the next steps to go off flawlessly.

Everything is in place. I only need to wait for the guest of honor to arrive.