Weekends Required

Page 12

Still thinking it was just an accident, he was even more surprised when she left it there and then shocked when he felt a hand settle on his thigh almost brushing against the length of him. His little assistant was quite obviously turned on, and he hoped that he was what had her so hot and bothered. He tried to keep up with the conversation from the others at the table so that attention would not be focused on what seemed to be going on between them. Was she trying to let him know that she wanted him?

He couldn’t have been more shocked if she’d upended her glass on the top of his head. Darting a glance at her, he saw that she appeared to be deep in thought. Did she even know what she was doing to him? When Claire suddenly jerked against him and looked up with wide eyes, Jason felt the urge to grab her hand and drag her out of the restaurant and to his car. She acted like she’d no idea what had just happened between them.

She quickly removed her hand and pulled away from him as far as she could. If she was dream-walking over there he hoped it continued somewhere a little more private. He was more than willing to let her have her way with him but would like it to be somewhere that wouldn’t get them both arrested. He was so turned on he could hardly stay in his seat.

She looked so beautiful tonight. Somehow, he didn’t think the clothes she was wearing were actually hers because they were far more revealing than she would normally wear. Her pale creamy breasts swelled out of the top of the dress and miles and miles of legs were on display for the world to see. Well, hell, she did jump out of a cake with next to nothing on, and even though he hated that, he could almost believe that it was just a job to her and not her normal nature.

What made that job necessary to her was a mystery he intended to solve. He hoped the erection pushing at the zipper of his slacks would subside before it was time to leave. Jason settled back in his chair praying that more than his dinner would cool off soon.


Claire picked at the shrimp and tilapia she’d ordered. Conversation flowed smoothly around the table. More than once she’d caught a questioning glance directed her way from Suzy and had managed a smile of reassurance in return. Grayson was a very entertaining dinner companion and generally kept everyone laughing with stories from various events he had attended.

Suzy continued to be herself and made some comments that Claire was sure that Jason would not appreciate in front of a business associate. She, however, was surprised when instead of being offended Jason openly laughed along with Suzy and appeared in no way offended or put off by her outspoken nature.

Jason’s thigh returned to press against hers, and she’d given up trying to keep distance between them. She knew she’d once again had too much to drink thanks to the man beside of her. When the waiter returned to clear their plates and offer drinks and desert, Claire gratefully ordered a coffee. Soon, everyone was finished and the coffee had helped lessen some of the effects of the Champagne.

“Ladies I think I speak for Jason when I say dinner with you was a great pleasure; this is the most enjoyable meal I’ve had in quite some time,” said Grayson with a smile.

“I completely agree; this has been the most er… stimulating meal I’ve had as well in quite some time,” replied Jason with a rueful smile. Claire wanted to kick him under the table; she was sure his comment was directed towards her, especially the 'stimulating' part.

When Jason took the check from the waiter, Suzy protested, determined to spend Jeff’s money but Jason won in the end and settled the check with the waiter. “Ladies, can I drop you off somewhere?” asked Jason.

“No thanks Mr. D, my wheels are here, and I’m dropping Claire back at the office to pick up her car, so were cool,” replied Suzy.

“I’m actually running by the office myself to pick up some papers I left there, why don’t I drop off Claire and save you the trouble Suzy?” offered Jason.

Claire shook her head, a polite ‘no thank you’ on her lips when to her shock and dismay, Suzy replied, “Hey groovy Mr. D, that would totally save me a trip back into town.” What in the hell has gotten into her? I’m going to strangle her when I get her alone. Not only have I felt my boss up this evening, now thanks to my best friend I have to ride with him too!

As she tried to catch Suzy’s eye, Claire found herself instead staring at the back of her friend's head as she sailed out of the restaurant ahead of them like a queen. She followed as fast as she could, desperate to get Suzy’s attention before Jason and Grayson arrived at the exit of the restaurant.

Just as she reached Suzy and took her arm, she felt her other arm clasped from behind and a voice in her ear, “They’re bringing up my car now,” murmured Jason. Shit, she was well and truly trapped. Claire released Suzy’s arm and settled for giving her a scathing look instead.

Suzy ignored her and turned instead to Grayson, “Talk at ya later Gray,” as she reached up with her knuckle to pop Grayson on the shoulder.

Grayson looked a little surprised and vastly amused as he studied Suzy and replied, “Yes, it’s been interesting Suzanna, very interesting.” Suzy appeared taken aback at the use of her full name but in typical Suzy fashion she shrugged and laughed it off. Grayson turned to Claire and extended his hand to her, “Claire it’s been a pleasure; I’m sure I’ll be talking to you soon.”

All too soon, Jason’s sleek black Mercedes arrived at the valet station, and he was holding the door open for her. Accepting defeat, Claire slid into the soft, leather seat, and Jason shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side. “Claire, why don’t I drop you off at your home instead of at your car? It’s late so rather than navigating a dark parking lot it would probably be more feasible for both of us to call it a night.”

“Bu… But, I don’t have a way to work tomorrow; I have to get my car tonight,” stammered Claire.

Too late, she realized she’d just stepped neatly into a trap. “I’ll of course be glad to pick you up in the morning as well,” replied Jason smoothly.

“That’s too much trouble; you can just drop me off at my car.”

“I would prefer to see you to your door and know you have arrived home safely.” Rather than persist in arguing, Claire quietly gave him directions to her apartment.

“So what was the reason for the celebration tonight? I gather it was something to do with a man from the toast I overheard?”

“Mmm, yes, Suzy’s boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, Jeff.”

“Bad break-up huh?”

“You could say that. I won’t go into the whole thing, but it was sudden and unexpected on her part.”

“That’s a real shame; Suzy is great; I can’t imagine a man doing any better,” said Jason earnestly. He just continued to surprise her and apparently her expression showed it.

“What’re you thinking?”

“I’m surprised that in a company the size of Danvers you seem to know everyone.”

“They’re my people Claire and as such each of them is important to me. Everyone there contributes to the success we have, and they’re as worthy of my respect and concern as are you,” added Jason quietly.

Had she ever really known Jason? She’d always felt that he was oblivious to everything around him other than the bottom line. The truth seemed to be quite the opposite; Jason had his hands on everything in his company and obviously spent a lot of his time getting to know each person in it. Claire was surprised to see them approaching her apartment. She was almost sorry to see the ride end so quickly. She directed Jason to her vacant parking spot, and Claire let out a loud groan before thinking.

“What’s the matter?” asked Jason.

“Oh it’s just my neighbor, Billy. I can never seem to get into my apartment anymore without him stopping me,” said Claire.

“Is he bothering you?” demanded Jason.

“It’s nothing major; he just wants to be more than my neighbor and I’m not remotely interested.”

“Let’s see if we can let him really know you’re not interested.” Jason shoved his door open and walked around to her side to open her door. Speechless, Claire stayed in her seat looking up at him. “Come on sweetheart, let’s get inside.” Jason grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear, “he’s looking at us, play along.”

Too surprised to resist, Claire allowed herself to be pulled out of the car. Jason shut the door behind her and put his arm around her shoulder.

As they walked onto the sidewalk, Billy approached them. “Oh Claire, I thought someone had parked in your space and I was coming to take care of business for you.” Hitching his jeans a little higher as he delivered that line, Billy then turned to look at Jason inquiringly.

Jason offered a hand and said, “Jason Danvers, appreciate you looking out for my girlfriend, Bill.”

“That’s Billy or William, not Bill. I’ve never seen you here before; how long have you known Claire?”

“Oh we’ve been close for several years, isn’t that right baby?”

“Er, um, yes several years. We usually stay at Jason’s house that’s why you never see him here.”

Billy’s eyes darted back and forth between them as if sensing something amiss but unable to grasp exactly what it was.

“Well Bill, it was nice meeting you, see you around; I’m sure.”

As Jason led her away she heard Billy say, “It’s Billy!” Jason took the keys from her hand and opened her apartment door following her into the entryway. Claire collapsed against the wall, laughter shaking her body.

“That was so funny! You really had him torn up calling him Bill; he’s very serious about his name,” Claire managed to choke out between peals of laughter.

Jason didn’t seem to see the humor in the situation that she did. “Claire, I don’t know if you should take him so lightly, he seemed very territorial towards you. Are you sure that you have never had any type of relationship with him?”

“Ugh, are you kidding me? Give me credit for having some standards. I’ve never had any type of anything with him nor have I ever given him any hope that I would. I think he’s just a lonely person who likes to imagine things are something they aren’t. He probably does the same thing to all the female residents here.”

With a skeptical look, Jason asked, “Have you ever seen him doing that?” After some thought, Claire reluctantly admitted that she hadn’t. “Please be careful and for heaven’s sake, don’t do anything to encourage him, you never know about people Claire.”

Touched that he was concerned, Claire said, “I promise. I’ll be careful, thank you for being so concerned.”

Danger, Danger, look away, run, now! Even with her head telling her to run, Claire couldn’t turn from Jason. Time seemed to stand still as they looked at each other.

With a muttered oath, Jason closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. “You have had me half out of my mind tonight; I’ve got to taste you.” With that comment, Jason’s lips took possession of hers. Heat slammed into her as he pulled her even closer.

Claire moaned as she opened her mouth to his seeking tongue. Shivers of desire and pleasure coursed through her as Jason’s tongue thrust into her mouth just as his thigh pushed its way between hers. Like a starving person, Claire feasted on the sweet, hot stroke of his tongue. Jason’s hand slid down her back to the curve of her bottom, and she lost what little sense of preservation she had left by rubbing herself urgently on the erection she could feel burning against her stomach.

“Oh god, I want to be inside you Claire; you’re killing me!” With her bottom cupped in his hands Jason lifted her off of her feet and said roughly, “wrap your legs around me.” Claire wrapped her legs tightly around him, causing her dress to bunch up around her waist. Jason’s erection now pushed hotly against the thin silk of her black lace panties. His tongue blazed a trail of fire down her neck, moving closer to the swell of her aching breasts. Jason lowered the top of her dress exposing the tight, pebbled nipples.

Claire slid her hands in his soft, silky hair and moaned loudly as Jason took a nipple into his mouth and started to suck it. Never had she been so grateful to be without a bra. Claire urgently tightened her legs around him, rubbing herself harder against his erection as she felt herself close to orgasm.

“Oh God,” she panted, "oh please!”

“What do you want baby? Tell me what need.”

“You,” Claire croaked out, “I want you!” Almost sobbing with the force of her desire, Claire was helpless to stop the raging storm within her. Dimly, she heard a ringing sound. Suddenly, Suzy’s voice filled the apartment from the answering machine.

Claire jerked back like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on her. In disbelief, Claire realized she had her legs wrapped around her boss, and her boss had her breast in his mouth. Despite the aching need between her legs, Claire started pushing at Jason and telling him to stop. Jason lifted his head and stared at her with flushed cheekbones and wild eyes.

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