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Damage Control by M. S. Parker (30)


Damn traffic. I was supposed to meet Reb at The Kamden McBride Foundation ten minutes ago. He hadn’t told me details about what he planned to do before, but he had said that he was going to do some of his own work on his new image.

I pressed my hands against my stomach, hoping to calm the butterflies fluttering there. Just the thought of seeing him again had my body reacting like I hadn’t been with him just last night. I knew some people may have written it off as merely something physical. My first taste of sex had been a pleasurable experience. Of course, I’d want more.

And I did.

But it wasn’t only that.

What I felt was too fast, too soon, but I couldn’t control it.

As my taxi pulled up to the building, I pushed aside everything I was feeling and focused on the work we were about to do. I had to take things one day at a time with Reb.

He was already there when I arrived, and I took a moment to watch him with a pair of kids who were here for family day. He was so good with them. We hadn’t talked about kids or marriage or anything permanent, and a few weeks ago, I would’ve laughed if anyone had talked about thinking of a future with someone they’d only known for such a short time, but it was so easy to picture him playing with his own kids.

With our kids.


I took a steadying breath and started toward him. He turned before I reached him, his entire face lighting up. He wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up so he could kiss me. He kept it chaste but didn’t put me down when he broke the kiss.

“I know this isn’t the most romantic time or place, but I can’t wait any longer.” His expression was serious. “I love you, my Paige.”

* * *

Reb’s timing hadn’t gotten any better since the night he told me how he felt.

The eight of us had spent the last few days in Aspen, at the home Reb and his friends shared, and it had been amazing. The other women and I had gone shopping while Reb pitched music to Erik for the movie of his new book, and Jace worked with Alix on the cover, then we’d all come together for dinner and movies or skiing. The first night we were all there, we’d decorated the house for Christmas, and last night, we’d done gift exchanges. Today, the other couples had headed to where they’d be spending Christmas, leaving Reb and me alone for the holiday.

Which meant, tonight, we were using the playroom.

Over the past three months, Reb had been introducing me to various aspects of the BDSM lifestyle. At first, he’d made it gradual, still concerned about scaring me off, but then I’d bought him a flogger for his birthday and things had taken off from there.

He’d used that same flogger earlier tonight, and my ass was still smarting, but it wasn’t at the top of the sensations I was feeling at the moment.

My arms were stretched above my head, the handcuffs around my wrists attached to the chain hanging from the ceiling. A pair of matching silver clamps were attached to my nipples, the chain connecting them to each other. One day, he’d promised to add a third clip for my clit, but I wasn’t quite ready for that yet. The fact that I currently had a thin plastic shaft in my ass, and Reb’s cock in my pussy, was more than enough for now.

He’d been making these insanely deep, slow strokes, telling me about all the ways he was going to fuck me, all the places we were going to have sex…and I’d been pleading with him to just let me come.

Then, he’d said the words that proved he had the worst sense of timing of anyone I’d ever met.

“Marry me, my Paige.”

Time stopped.


He pushed himself deep inside me and slid one hand down between my legs. The other, he moved from my waist up to the chain resting just below my breasts. He gave it a little tug, and I let out a gasp.

“I said, marry me, my Paige.”

I turned my head slightly to look at him behind me. “Are you really asking me that now? Like this?”

He chuckled and rotated his hips, sending a ripple of pleasure through me. “I meant to ask you somewhere more romantic, but I couldn’t wait any longer.”

His fingers began to move over my swollen clit, and I shuddered. I was so close to coming, and he knew exactly how to keep me right on the edge.

“Should I make you wait until you accept my proposal to let you come?”

I whimpered, and he put his mouth against my ear.

“Don’t worry, Paige, I wouldn’t do that to you. You may come.”

He pulled back, paused for a moment, and then drove into me, hard. I cried out, the combination of overwhelming sensations tipping me over into the sort of orgasm that made my vision go white and my entire body quiver. And then he came too, growling out a declaration of love.

It wasn’t until he was releasing my restraints, removing the clamps, and doing all the things that a Dom did to take care of his sub, that I gave him his answer.


He appeared to have stopped breathing. “Can you say that again?”

I smiled and put a hand on his cheek. “Yes, Reb, I’ll marry you.”

With a laugh, he swept me into his arms and spun me around, singing the first song he’d written for me. My head whirled, and I knew this is what life with him would always be. Full of laughter and love…and music.

Wow!!! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the Billionaire’s Muse series as much as I did writing it. As a special treat, I’m writing a bonus novella, Change of Plans (The Billionaire’s Muse – The Wedding). I’m not telling who’s wedding we’ll attend, but everybody will be there, so be sure you are signed up to my newsletter and I’ll email the book to you for free, TWO WEEKS BEFORE the official release on Amazon on Valentine’s day. to sign up for the free pre-release copy of the book.

M. S. Parker