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A Chance At Redemption (Madison Square Book 3) by Samatha Harris (29)













My phone rang on the nightstand beside my head. I groaned and fumbled around, trying to feel for the damn thing to put a stop to that infernal racket.

Finally, I grabbed it and brought it to my face, cracking open one eye to read the screen without even lifting my head from the pillow.

I didn’t recognize the number, but my curiosity won out and I slid my finger across the screen to answer.


“Gwen, good, I’m glad I got you.”

I frowned. “Who is this?” I asked.


“Alex? How did you get my number?”

“An old company directory. Anyway, listen, I need a favor.”

“From me?”

“Yes, from you.”

“What is it?”

“Well, the walkthrough for the permit is today. I was hoping that you would come.”

“Isn’t today your rehearsal?”

“Yes,” she said. “The walkthrough is right before.”

“And you want me to be there? At your wedding rehearsal?”

“I figured it will go a lot smoother with the permit guy if you were there. I mean, you are the reason he agreed to do this in the first place.”

“Okay,” I sighed as I threw back the covers and dragged myself from the bed.

“Great,” Alex said. I could hear the tension in her voice and I felt bad for being so difficult about this. I did offer to help her with the permit issue, even if it was for Liam. I needed to see it through.

“I’ll see you at six p.m. sharp,” she said.

“See you then.”

“Thanks, Gwen.”

“No problem.”




Madison Square was a cute little neighborhood not far from The Den. The wedding had taken over the entire park. Vendors were already setting up tents and chairs for tomorrow’s festivities, and the little square was a flurry of activity as flowers were arranged and elegant white chairs were set up in a half circle around the center of the square.

I made my way toward the tent where Millie and Alex were waiting. Alex’s face lit up when she saw me. The look of relief in her eyes made me more than a little uneasy. I never thought I’d see the day when Alex McCabe would be happy to see me.

“You’re here,” she sang.

“Yep, I’m here.” My smile was forced and awkward. “Let’s get this show on the road. Where’s…?”

“Gwendolyn,” a familiar voice called from behind me.

I turned and instantly relaxed at the sight of that cheesy grin. “Uncle Frankie.”

He smiled and held his arms open wide as I stepped into them, letting the comforting scent of Old Spice wash over me.

Uncle Frankie was one of my favorite people. He and Dad have been friends my entire life. He was the best man at both of his weddings and like a second father to me.

Frank stepped back, holding me at arm’s-length as he looked me over. Once I’d met with his approval, he smiled, his thick black mustache curling up a little at the corners, reminded me of a carnival barker.

“How you doin’ kid?” he asked.

“I’m okay. I’m staying with Dad for a while.”

“I heard. You’ll be back on your feet in no time.” He ruffled my hair like he did when I was little.

“This is Alex McCabe, the bride to be, and her sister-in-law Millie,” I said, turning toward Alex who practically leaped forward to shake his hand.

“Thank you so much for doing this, Mr. Gardner,” she said.

“It’s my pleasure, Ms. McCabe.” He bent at the waist in a gentle bow and shook her hand.

“Please call me Alex.”

“Okay, Alex. Why don’t you show me what you have planned?”

Alex excitedly clapped her hands and took his arm, leading him away toward the tents. Millie and I followed along quietly behind them as Alex rattled off the plans for the ceremony and the reception.

I watched as she pointed out the lanterns that hung from the giant oak trees and the chairs being set up in the center of the square.

“This means a lot to her, you know,” Millie said.

“I’m just glad it worked out.” I watched Alex’s smile widen as she talked about the square and how much it meant to her and Drew. “I kind of owe her one…or four.”

Millie nodded. “Maybe, but you didn’t have to help her. That’s what makes the gesture that much better. You’re not as horrible as you want people to believe you are.”

“I appreciate you saying that, Millie, but the truth is, I’ve hurt a lot of people.”

“Doesn’t mean you can’t turn it around. You have just as much right to be happy as they do.” Millie nodded toward them as Drew joined his bride to be and introduced himself to Uncle Frankie.

“I was that happy,” I said as I wiped a traitorous tear from my eye. “But I screwed it up. I screw everything up. I’ve racked up enough bad karma over the years to ensure a lifetime of misery.”

“So fix it,” she said, like my life was car trouble.


“Fix it,” she repeated. “You have the power to turn your life around. If you want redemption, then go get it. Nothing in life comes easy and the best things you have to fight like hell for. So get off your ass and fight.”

I raised my eyebrows, eyes widening as Millie’s words sank in. She was always so polite and sweet. Her candor surprised me.

She smiled and squeezed my arm before she headed off toward where the wedding party was gathered in the center of the square.

Alex let out a squeal that echoed through the square and I looked up to see her throw her arms around Uncle Frankie’s neck. He laughed and shook Drew’s hand as Alex released him.

Alex looked over at me with an excited smile and gave me two thumbs up. The permits were all set and the wedding was full steam ahead again. Not that it was really a doubt. I knew Uncle Frankie would come through.

I made my way over to Alex and Drew to say my goodbyes as Uncle Frankie excused himself to take a call.

“Oh my God, Gwen,” Alex said, her smile so wide her face looked like it would break in half.

“I’m glad it worked out,” I said. “I’m gonna go, but…I have something I need to say…to both of you.”

Alex frowned and Drew stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked down at his feet.

“I owe you an apology.” Alex opened her mouth to interrupt, but I stopped her. “What I did…the way I treated you was awful. I was awful. I was jealous.” I sighed and met Alex’s eyes. “You have everything—talent, amazing friends, family. Hell, people like you. I wanted what you had and I thought if I could take it from you, then I would feel better, but I was an idiot and I hurt you, both of you.”

I glanced between them. I wanted to be sure they understood how sorry I was. “I’m truly sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused. I don’t expect you to forgive me. I just wanted you to know.”

“Thank you,” Drew said, wrapping his arm around Alex’s waist.

Alex was quiet. She watched me, her eyes narrow. Drew nudged her, but she ignored him.

“I guess I’ll just be going,” I wasn’t going to wait around for the tongue lashing I knew I deserved.

Alex held up her hand to stop me. “Look, I’m not going to pretend I like you. You’ve been nothing but a pain in my ass for years and yes, a very small, very petty part of me kind of enjoyed watching you losing everything.”

“Red,” Drew scolded, but she held up a hand to shut him up.

“But…” she said. “You did me a favor, so I’m going to do one for you. Come to the wedding.”

“What?” Drew and I asked together, then looked at each other a little put off for having the same thought.

“Come to the wedding,” she repeated.

“Alex, I don’t think—”

“This thing between you and Liam has the potential to be something amazing and you two are being ridiculous.”

“Red, I…” Drew started, but she shushed him.

“I feel it in my gut that there’s more to this story that he doesn’t know.”

I ducked my head to hide the tears that welled in my eyes. My conversation with Max had been enlightening, but Liam would never believe me, let alone forgive me, so what was the point?

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “I broke his heart. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with me. Going to the wedding is only going to make things awkward for everyone and I did enough damage to your relationship already. Ruining your wedding would be overkill even for me.”

Drew let out a soft chuckle and Alex turned on him, daggers shooting from her eyes. He smiled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead and her body relaxed.

“This is your chance to make things right. Talk to him, make him listen. At this point what do you have to lose?”

She had a point. I mean what did I have to lose? I shrugged and folded my arms across my chest.

“You want redemption, Gwen? This is your chance. Come to the wedding, talk to Liam. He deserves an explanation. Whether he forgives you or not is up to him.” Alex gave me a small smile, her eyes locked on mine. I felt trapped and more than a little annoyed. Did she always have to be right?

I bit my lip and nodded. Alex’s face lit up with a smile and she nodded, rising up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on Drew’s lips.

I scoffed. “You guys are disgusting.”

Drew raised an eyebrow. “Jealous?” he mocked.


He laughed and I said my goodbyes, letting them go rehearse. They walked away hand in hand toward their family and friends wearing matching blissful expressions, and I couldn’t help but smile as I made my way toward the car.

The thought of tomorrow was terrifying, but Alex was right. Liam deserved an explanation, and what happened after that was in the hands of fate. Unfortunately for me, fate seemed to have a hit list and Gwen Stevens was sitting right at the top.