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A Death Wish (Texas Oil Book 4) by Dakota Black (4)

Chapter 4

Katherine turned on a single light in the bedroom and smiled, trying her best to relax. The entire house was beautiful, the space filled with every needed creature comfort. Dropping her bags on the floor, she glanced around the room and nodded. This would do nicely.

Her work with Snake was going to be difficult at best, but she was determined to enjoy the stay to whatever capacity possible. Her attraction to the man wasn’t going to get in the way of the very reason she was here – to bring notice regarding the lies provided to the government, false reports regarding the level of contamination and the person or persons helping the corporate conglomerates fool the public. The file she’d amassed was over two inches thick, information gathered during several months. Secret meetings. Paid informants. Solid evidence that Canfield Oil Refinery had been involved in payoffs.

Speculation regarding Rush had surfaced almost three months before. What she didn’t know is if the leaked information was entirely accurate. Then again, Snake’s reaction to her comment about a new rig was suspect, his presence and his recent hire a curiosity. Either Rush Enterprises had an inside source in the Federal Government and enjoyed laughing in her face, or they were utterly in the dark. Her mind had yet to be made up. Was Snake perhaps nothing more than a pawn? That couldn’t be, not a man as commanding and authoritative as Mr. Driscoll. Her contact hadn’t found anything damaging about his past, but his secret work with the Marines left her curious. At least she’d been warned of his particular skillset.

Goosebumps suddenly appeared on her arms, creating a chill sliding down her spine. Was she already too far in over her head? No. She could do this. At this point, she had to.

She opened the set of French doors and walked out onto the balcony, studying the full moon in the sky. The house was almost perfect. Gazing down at the shimmering pool, she exhaled, wanting nothing more than to take a relaxing swim. The LED lighting was soft, highlighting the rounded concrete curves, the small waterfall positioned on one end. Even the palm trees surrounding the edges, their fronds swaying in the light breeze, was picturesque, the landscaping out of a travel magazine.

Laughing, she reminded herself this wasn’t a vacation by any sense of the word. Still, she could dream and enjoy the scenery.

She’d paid top dollar to have the cabinets and refrigerator filled, let alone the hefty price paid for the equipment rental. Well, she was trying to prove a point after all.

She could just make out Snake, still standing in almost the same spot, studying the ocean as if trying to recapture something from his blackened soul. The man was aching and the chip on his shoulder was too much for her to deal with. This was business. Nothing more. Sighing, she walked back to her suitcase, unzipping and selecting a dress. Yeah, she’d brought clothes that would make her feel good, island clothes.

Groaning, she walked into the bathroom, tossing her make up bag on the counter before changing. The dress was form fitting, an old one from the back of her closet. She was fooling herself if she thought this was anything resembling a vacation, but after the day she’d had, the confrontation with John, she wanted to feel like a worthwhile woman again. Or any kind of woman for that matter.

She slipped into to dress, smoothing down the gentle creases and freshened her makeup. This was going to have to do. She glared at her reflection, making faces before tugging the hairbrush from the side compartment. Her long hair was unruly, the curls going every which way. She brushed until her hair was as smooth as possible in the humidity then gripped the edge of the counter. “You can do this.” Whatever this was.

Before she left the room, she heard music, almost doleful jazz. Stopping just inside the doorway, she was surprised at his selection. She could see him as a metal man, preferring hard vibes and solid riffs. When she walked out into the living room, she remained intrigued, especially given the fact he’d lit several candles. This wasn’t the same man. Hard edged. Angry. Maybe the softer sell was to keep her off guard. Two could play at this game.

She found him in the kitchen, an empty wine glass on the counter, a bottle already opened. “I had the place stocked. I didn’t know what you liked, but I thought we would buy anything we feel we need tomorrow.”

Snake studied her before taking a sip, his eyes roaming down to her bare legs and feet. He swirled the wine, his expression one of contempt. “I’m not certain how you think we’re going to go anywhere, Katherine. We are miles away from civilization and I doubt you’d like to walk.”

What an asshole. A nasty retort was on the tip of her tongue. He was goading her, treating her as if she had zero idea what she was doing. She’d been given a layout of the villa, the garage included. If her instructions and hefty payment had been clear, she’d be able to back her increasing anger. She offered a smile and beckoned with a single finger. “Follow me.” She walked through the kitchen, past the brooding man to the single door located just off the wash room. Flinging it open, she fumbled until she found the light switch. Then she prayed to God the assholes on the island hadn’t forsaken her.

He walked out and down the two stairs and into the garage.

She could hear the thumping his boots made then peeked around the corner, breathing a sigh of relief. Not only was there a jeep parked in the small area, but she could see two sets of diving equipment positioned on a small table. She could only pray the boat was parked at the dock, the cost cutting into her bank balance, but they needed to be able to go out further, past the first set of reefs. “We have everything we need.” The single look he gave her was enough to send a series of electric jolts coursing through her body. Sucking in her breath, she walked back inside the kitchen, grabbing the wine bottle and nearly sloshing the wine onto the counter.

“I’m impressed. You seemed to have thought of everything.” His words were simple, the tone husky.

“I tried to. I realized our time needed to be well spent, especially since you have no faith or concept of why we’re here.” Perhaps pushing his buttons wasn’t in her best interest, but the man was going to know she was serious as well as important. She took a gulp of wine then glanced at the label. Her money had been more than well spent. As he walked closer, she could sense he was hungry, but not necessarily for food. She resisted looking at her chest, her hardened nipples, the goosebumps that had formed even in the humid conditions. And she was wet, her panties soaked. This was insane.

“You are much more than I believed you were capable of.”

“I’m not certain if that’s a compliment.”

Snake hesitated. “Take it for what you will.” He walked out of the kitchen, grabbing the bottle.

She remained behind, sipping on her glass of merlot and trying to figure out how to get through to him. Had some woman been responsible for turning him into a hardened man? Was he trying to keep her at arm’s length for fear of actually caring about someone? Whatever hand he’d been dealt kept him on edge, full of rage. How sad.

She wanted to break the ice, to talk to someone other than herself. She counted to five, cursed several times then walked out of the kitchen to find him.

He was out on the back deck, leaning against the railing, the wine bottle on the table. “You know this place?”

Katherine padded out onto the deck, remaining just behind. “Not this particular place but the Cayman Islands? Yes.”

“He brought you here. John.” His tone was flat.

Startled, she was hesitant to answer. She studied the blue water, listened to the sound of the splashing water, allowing it to lull her into a sense of peace. Even hearing John’s name was enraging.

“Yes, I know as much about you as I’m certain you learned about me.” The single look was authoritative, commanding.

“Yes, we came to the Caymans on our honeymoon, if you can call the time we spent anything of that nature. He was on his phone doing business for the majority of the time.” This wasn’t just about undressing her with his eyes. He wanted to devour her. “Yeah, I know. As if you care. Neither do I.”

Snake remained silent, his hand swirling the wine glass. “There are no perfect relationships.”

“At least we agree on something.” She walked toward the railing, making certain to keep a clear distance between them. Leaning over, she inhaled the scent of the ocean, relishing in the light spray of salt water as the waves crashed against the shore. She sensed she was being watched, sized up, as if she was the enemy. Perhaps, there was more. The electricity between them was palpable, current creating goosebumps and tingles. “And you obviously know these islands.”

He said nothing at first. “I know them to a degree.”

“You never give a straight answer. That’s what I’m afraid of, especially when you report back to your bosses at Rush. I’m certain whatever you tell them will be creative.”

“My goal isn’t to hurt you or your upcoming political campaign. That’s not the kind of man I am.”

The words were surprising, even tempting. Far too tempting. “What kind of man are you?” She tipped her head and even in the twilight, she could tell he was tense. Brushing hair from her face, she resisted moving closer.

Snorting, Snake downed the entire glass before turning toward her. “The kind you don’t want to know. The kind that will rip apart your world. I’m far too dangerous for a woman like you.” The words were nothing more than a challenge, pushing to see if she would break. When she remained quiet, he chuckled and grabbed the wine bottle by the neck, swinging it back and forth as he took long strides toward the door.

“You have no idea what kind of woman I am, what hungers I have. The kind that are all consuming and unrequited. You might find out that what I crave is absolute danger.” Katherine moved toward him, grabbing the bottle out of his hand. “That is, if you’re man enough to find out.” She held her breath as she started to walk past, the position of his heated body standing in the doorway requiring close proximity. Even the scent of his exotic cologne was alluring, sensual yet wild. Her mouth was suddenly dry, yet her pussy was wet, soaking her panties.

Gripping her wrist, he yanked her closer, forcing her breasts against his chest. Snake lowered his head until their lips were almost touching. Breathing in and out, his eyes darted back and forth across hers. “Be careful what you ask for.” He held the stance, refusing to move, refusing to allow her to go anywhere. “I take what I want.”

She licked her lips and wanted nothing more than for him to kiss her, take her right here. Claim her. But this was nothing more than a game. Huffing, she issued a wry smile and yanked her arm out of his hold. “I guess we’ll see.”

A series of chills remained scuttling into her system when he allowed her to slip back into the house. Blinking several times, the man was not going to see her reaction. Not now. Not ever. Her legs were like rubber and she struggled to walk back into the kitchen. She placed the wine glass on the counter, allowing a slow breath to escape and closed her eyes.

There was no sound alarming her that he’d followed, but she knew he was there, standing right behind her. Tensing, she gripped the edge of the counter, waiting, wishing for more than the standoff they’d both become accustomed to.

“I suggest we go out to dinner.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, she nodded. “Yes.” When she turned around, he’d left the room, his empty glass, the only sign he’d actually been inside the kitchen. Beads of perspiration had formed above her lip and she licked them away, shifting her hips as trickles of her cunt juice slid into her thong. “Jesus.”

* * *

Snake opened the garage door, peering out into the darkness. The confrontation with Katherine had been expected, yet far more sexual than he cared to admit. His cock remained hard, pushing against his pants. Why was this woman so enticing? Why did he care? He slid into the driver’s seat, starting the engine. He knew the island well, much better than he’d allowed her to believe. This had once been a playground, long before he’d attempted life as someone else. He suspected things hadn’t changed much if at all. There were businesses and restaurants that had survived generations of hurricanes and strife. He sensed her presence and glanced into the side mirror.

Katherine stood on the landing, peering at the driver’s window as if expecting to drive. To her credit, she didn’t try and force the issue, simply moved to the passenger door, climbing inside.

He darted a single glance before shoving the gear into drive. She was completely uncomfortable, her body language and pinched face giving her away. But he could tell how turned on she was, her dark desires fighting with her conservative requirements. Smiling to himself, he sped down the path, keeping his foot pressed on the accelerator. If she craved danger, he would be happy to oblige.

Taking a chance, he’d decided to find his old haunting spot, the single location he used to visit on a frequent basis. Not a single woman had ever been with him to the local joint, but there was a first time for everything. His thoughts shifted to an earlier time in his life, moments shared with a woman who’d captured more than just his heart. This was no time for haunting memories. If Katherine had a hidden agenda then he’d be a fool to allow his guard down, even for a night. Even for desired passion.

He rounded the corners, the speed forcing the tires to squeal. The winding road led to an area tourists would likely never see, perhaps would even be concerned for their safety. This was a treasure, the secluded beaches and stunning water only a small portion of what the village offered.

“Where are we going?” Her hand was firmly gripped around the handle above the door, her hair flowing in the wind given the open windows.

“A small restaurant that’s incredible.” The headlights illuminated the craggy road, the broken pavement, pot holes creating deep dips along the sides. The single lane road had seen better days but held no traffic. Not at night.

She sighed but remained quiet, allowing her body to move with the bumps, her face staring out the windshield.

The road remained winding, trees overhanging the narrow path, hitting the top of the jeep. With every hard slap, her body visibly shuddered, her mouth going slack.

He could smell her fear.

Snake rounded a corner and could see lights, various lit torches coming from just up ahead. When he neared the area, he could just make out the dilapidated sign. Island Paradise indeed. He hesitated before advancing, almost concerned as to what emotions the location would conjure up.

Leaning forward, she squinted then looked in his direction. “You’ve been here before. Secrets and lies.”

The words haunted him.

As he pulled next to the few cars in the parking lot, jamming the gear into park, he exhaled. “I’ve been almost everywhere. There is a great deal you don’t know about me, instances and events that you’ll never find on any report, no matter the level of payment you provide.” He could see trepidation in her eyes, as if he’d probed her entire life. There was no need. He knew exactly what she was made of and what she longed for in a relationship. “Shall we go inside?”

“As long as we can get a drink.”

He cut the engine, a grin remaining on his face. She was still full of surprises. The building had been recently refurbished, the tawdry colors vibrant even in the flaming torches. Even the stone around the entrance had been repaired. He could hear the lapping waves, could smell the fresh seafood on the grill.

Opening the door, he ushered her inside, keeping his hand on the small of her back, surprised that she didn’t object.

An older man walked around the corner, the limp more pronounced than from years before, the once salt and pepper hair now gray and white, but his intense eyes remained the same. A scowl covered his face until he was within a few feet. “Snake Driscoll? Is that you?”

“I wondered if I’d find you here.”

“My God, son. I thought you were dead.” His decidedly French accent remained husky, but years of heavy smoking had stripped him of his once sensual baritone.

“Pepe. I’m so pleased you’re still here and at times, I believed I’d be better off dead.” Embracing Pepe, he could hear the words whispered from a man he so respected.

“Be careful, son. There are those who still remember you and what you’re capable of.”

Nodding as he leaned back, Snake had known coming here could be a mistake, but given the almost twelve years, he’d hoped otherwise. Anonymity wasn’t an option.

“And who is this beautiful woman?” Pepe’s eyes twinkled, and he took her hand.

“This is Katherine Wallace, a very important senator in the United States,” Snake offered, resisting laughing given her trite expression.

“Just Katherine and on this island, I’m merely a woman who enjoys a good meal and a fine glass of wine,” Katherine said as she gave him a nod of respect.

Pepe laughed and kissed her hand. “I like this one for you, Snake. I like her very much. You, my dear, have come to the right location. We have the freshest fish and don’t allow my battered restaurant to fool you. The wine is superb. Come. I’ll give you my finest table.”

Katherine sighed. “That would be wonderful.”

Pepe began to sing, the words in lilting French, as he walked through the six-table restaurant and outside a back door, leading them to a small table for two nestled in the corner. “The finest view in all of the islands.”

“This is gorgeous,” she breathed, her face lighting up.

Pepe winked at Snake as he pulled out her chair. “If you will allow me to select the perfect wine, that would make me a happy man.”

“Absolutely.” Snake eased down onto the chair and had to admit, the memories were bittersweet. The setting was certainly romantic, although his previous visits had nothing to do with romance or even sex. His business adventures had required the seclusion as well as trust in those around him. He could trust Pepe with his life. In truth, he had more than once.

“He knows you well.”

“Pepe and I have shared many a bottle of wine.”

She rolled her eyes before concentrating on the view off to her left. Breathing in, she rested her chin on her folded hands, her entire body stiff with apprehension.

“Does that surprise you?” Snake asked. In the moonlight and soft lighting, her skin glowed, accentuating her almost delicate features. She wanted to be taken seriously, her work of extreme importance, but the woman hiding behind the mask of steel wanted nothing more than to let go, giving up control. Olivia was very much the same, but this woman held a need that was all consuming, threatening to break free at any time.

“I suppose nothing should surprise me about you any longer. Then again, I was surprised to learn about your training as well as your degree. I would have taken you for something else entirely.”

“And what would that be, Katherine? I have varied interests, much like you do. I worked in oil fields for years when I was younger, but what lured me was the ocean. I’ve never been as comfortable anywhere else in my life. Then again, you know something about this as well.”

Katherine took a deep breath, her eyes never blinking. “I think we can end the cat and mouse game. My life is an open book. Although my father was a highly respected oceanographer, he was gone for extended periods of time, traveling the world. Yes, he gave me a love of the ocean. I learned to free dive when I was four, scuba diving almost every day by the time I was seven. My mother used to say I would grow up with web feet.”

“Here we are. I believe you will enjoy my selection,” Pepe said as he returned, showing a dark bottle to Snake.

“Perfect. What is on the menu this evening?”

Pepe winked at Snake as he opened the bottle. “The freshest yellow fin tuna and octopus. I will be preparing your food tonight. I can tell, my friend, that you will need your strength.” He began to sing again as he poured the two glasses, then patted Snake on the shoulder. When the grip increased, he glanced up at Pepe. The old sign the man remembered. What did Pepe need to tell him?

Snake shook his head as Pepe walked away, a lightness in his step. “He seems to believe we’re together.”

“He would be wrong.”

Leaning over, he studied her eyes, could see such sadness buried deep inside. “For whatever reason John believed he should hurt you, the man was a fool.”

Taken aback, she lifted the glass of wine, her lower lip quivering. “Please don’t mistake why we are here. I have one week to help you understand the effects of off shore drilling, even in a remote locate such as this. I’m not certain that will matter to you or how you will jade the report that you provide to your employers. That, I can’t control. What I can control is how we interact. While we will get to know each other, make certain you understand that I have no interest in anything…”

“Carnal? Primal? Dangerous?” He chuckled, enjoying the slight blush. “That’s exactly what you want. You want a man to take full and complete control of you, demanding every task, requiring obedience and providing you with discipline and punishment as necessary. You want nothing more than to succumb, giving your Master everything he desires. Pain. Pleasure. Raw ecstasy. But you refuse to look into the mirror for fear of retribution.”

The words were exactly what she needed to hear and nothing that she would admit to. At least not right now.

“Tell me I’m wrong, Katherine. Tell me you don’t hunger for a man to take what he wants. Tell me you don’t long to be an obedient little girl. And tell me you don’t crave a firm hand, keeping you in line, spanking you as necessary. Tell me.”

Her hand was shaking as she reached for her glass, almost tipping it over. “You don’t know a single thing about me. Nothing at all. You assume because of your good looks and powerful demeanor that all women will simply fall at your feet. That’s where you’re dead wrong. We will not speak of this again. This is a business trip. Do I make myself clear? You are going back to your life as I will mine. Nothing more.”

She was antsy, a sheen of perspiration coving her upper lip, her body quivering.

“As you wish, Katherine and for the record, I have no love for Rush Enterprises. They offered me a job, one that allows me to stay near my ranch and the few people I give a damn about. If you can prove that their rigging methods are in any way damaging to the environment, whether the ocean or land then I will report the findings. What the powers that be at Rush do with this information is out of my control. And I won’t stand on a stage, in front of dozens of news reporters, who have zero understanding of the damage that can be caused to the environment by careless acts. After these two weeks, I fully anticipate we will never see each other again. And in truth? That is fine with me.”

Katherine lifted her glass. “A toast to the truth.”

“The truth, always.” As he allowed their glasses to touch, he felt a sharp pain behind his eyes. He hadn’t been truthful to anyone in fifteen years, even himself.

The tension mounted between them.

“A ranch?” she finally asked, her tone hesitant.

“Another surprise. That’s not on the gathered information?” Snake snarked then ran his finger around the rim of the wineglass. “The land has been in my family’s name for over a hundred years. I inherited the ranch many years ago, although I had nothing to do with it for a very long time. My brother is much more of a cowboy than I’ll ever be.”

“A working ranch?”

“Yes, I’m proud to say an actual working ranch. We have almost two thousand acres. My brother takes care of the business for me, thank God.” Snake chuckled. “Logan is a Godsend.”

“I bet it’s amazing,” she whispered as she leaned further in.

Shrugging, he glanced toward the ocean. “The days spent at the ranch brought me some of the best memories of my life, grounding me in a way I never wanted early on. I had no desire to work with the family. Broke my father’s heart. First born son.” The words seemed to come easily.

“We all need something or someone to ground us.”

“The ocean?”

“Yes. I’m a different person when I’m close to the ocean. Maybe the salt air, the way the water feels on my skin.” Katherine laughed. “I have no idea why I didn’t pursue my father’s dream. I think I rebelled, wanting to get away from what I’d grown up with. Then again, I never really knew my father since he was gone a significant portion of the time.”

Snake wanted nothing more than to reach out, brush the strand of hair out of her eyes. Instead, he took another sip of his wine.

“I know what you’re thinking. A long way from oceanography to the law and becoming a senator.”

“I wasn’t thinking that at all.”

She toyed with her glass before giving him a darted look. “Then what were you thinking?”

He hesitated before answering. “That you wanted to run away from everything you knew simply to prove yourself. To your father.”

Laughing softly, she nodded several times. “I guess I really am an open book. Not that I ever knew if Daddy was proud of me. He died without ever saying a word. Didn’t come to my college graduation, never sent a note of any kind. He was a formidable man with few friends and one too many enemies.”

“Enemies?” The thought had never crossed his mind.

“Telling the world that what they’re doing is destroying the ecosystem in a very vocal manner doesn’t bode well in certain circles.” Sitting back, she continued to laugh, finally snorting until her face glistened from perspiration as well as embarrassment.

At that moment, he knew she was the most beautiful woman in the world. “Like father like daughter.”

“Exactly.” Coughing, she patted her chest and shook her head. “I’m not entirely certain what I’m doing any longer.”

“None of us ever really do. We work to pay the bills, worrying about where we’ll go next or perhaps if there’s anything important any longer. We frustrate over menial tasks, as if they matter to anyone. Few of us take chances, preferring to sit back on our laurels. We’re just playing a game with the people who are buried deep inside, fear and self-loathing making it impossible to follow our hearts.”

Katherine shuddered. “But we want so much more.”

“Only the lucky few allow themselves the right to come clean, becoming the person they were intended to be.” He wasn’t entirely certain why he’d shared his inner turmoil with her. Even his relationship with Logan had never been close enough for him to hear the mutterings of a madman. He allowed a slow breath to escape as he noticed Pepe’s beckoning face.

“You were right about me.” Her words were whispered.

“That you’re living a lie?”

“About what I want in a man.” Her words were almost inaudible. “What I hunger for. What I need.”

Leaning over, the creaking sound of the chair matched her scattered breath sounds. “When you’re ready to ask me for what you want, I’ll be happy to give you what you need. But you will have to ask.” His cock was throbbing, his balls swollen to the point of anguish. He could hear her rapid heartbeat, could tell her throat was clenched and could smell her blatant desire. Reaching over, he finally eased the hair out of her eyes, allowing the tips of his fingers to brush down the side of her face.

A single moan slipped past her lips as the jolt of current shot through both of them.

“Just ask,” he whispered then eased his chair away from the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

“Of course.”

He could tell that she was fighting with herself, longing to have the courage to ask him for everything she’d fantasized about for so many years. He could feel the savage part of him bridging the surface, ready to strike, to devour every inch of her. While he’d learned patience, there was no way he would be able to resist her. Hissing, he controlled his breathing, pushing back his libido. This was no time to lose control.

Snake knew enough about Pepe to realize that whatever the man needed to tell him was of utter importance. He’d left the island without any fanfare, never to return. The circumstances had been difficult and life altering, but what he’d turned into during his stay on the islands had almost destroyed his life. He had more than his share of enemies, men and even a few women that would enjoy seeing his new life unravel.

He found Pepe in the kitchen, working with a staff of two.

“Ah, my friend. You understood,” Pepe said under his breath.

“Of course, although I’m surprised after all these years you even remember me.”

Pepe shook his head. “Marco, take over and be very careful with this dish. For one of my oldest friends. Come.”

He trailed behind the older man into a small bar and waited as Pepe poured himself a brandy, waving off the offer to join him. “What’s wrong, Pepe?”

“You disappeared.”

“I had an opportunity to leave, but I certainly didn’t disappear.”

“Well, as you well know, things are different on the islands.” Pepe took a gulp, his hand shaking.

“You’re not well.” He could also sense Pepe was frightened.

“I’m fine, although my daughter is insistent that I come live with her in Florida. What would I do in such a place? My home is here.”

Snake eased his hand over his friend’s. “What has you so spooked?”

Pepe’s brow furrowed, and he looked over Snake’s shoulder, as if anticipating a nasty interruption. “I heard nothing about you for over ten years. You leave. Nothing.”

“But?” The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. What he’d left behind in this beautiful tropical paradise was death. He’d cheated death more than once.

“A man and one I never saw before came into my restaurant asking for you. He sat and drank, eating for almost two hours without saying a word. Then he cornered me in the hall, asking if I’d seen you.”

“What did you say?”

Pepe took another gulp. “That I hadn’t in ten years. There was no fear at the time. I told the man the truth and he could tell.”

Snake exhaled and rubbed his jaw. “What did this man look like?”

“Tall. Blond. About your age. There were no distinguishing features that I could tell. It was dark, and he wore black clothing. I admit, I was shaken, but there was nothing more that I could offer him.”

“And what did this man do?”

Pepe tipped his head, his eyes darting back and forth. “Don’t, my friend. You have a new life, a beautiful woman on your arm. Enjoy your vacation.”

“This is no vacation, Pepe.”

“Please tell me you’re not coming back here. There is nothing but despair for you. That I know, my friend.”

“No,” Snake said as he leaned against the bar. “My life is in Texas right now. I am merely helping out Senator Wallace for a project she’s working on.”

Pepe studied Snake’s face, as if uncertain what to believe. “He left something for you. At first, I was going to throw it away, but something told me you’d be back.”

“What did he leave?” Now, his skin was crawling.

“Hold on.” He pushed the drink away and walked behind a small curtain.

Snake didn’t try to follow. The trust remained intact. He did study the few people he could see, as if he was being watched. There was no way of telling who remained on the payroll and why they would bother coming out of retirement.

“Here you are, Snake. As you can imagine, I didn’t look inside.” Pepe placed the sealed brown envelope in his hand.

There was no writing, no indication of the previous owner. The weight felt more like paper, perhaps photographs but the thickness was surprising. He could also tell the envelope and its contents had been placed in a dirty environment. “Thank you for keeping this safe for me.”

“I’m sorry to have interrupted you but I knew you’d want this right away,” Pepe said as two customers came into the bar. “I must go. Please enjoy your dinner and I predict that you and the lovely senator will become very close.” A smile crossed his face.

“I guess we shall see.” Shoving the envelope into his jacket, he tapped on the bar as Pepe headed for the couple.

Pepe hesitated and took two long strides toward Snake. “I can tell you one more thing about this man and this I know for certain.”

“All right.”

“He was sent here to kill you.”




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Rogue Wolf (Aspen Valley Wolf Pack Book 7) by Amber Ella Monroe

Too Far Gone: A Grey Justice Novel by Christy Reece

by G. Bailey

Nick (Brothers in Blue Series Book 1) by Simone Carter

Triangle (Fight It Out MMA Series Book 3) by Terra Kelly

Never Doubt a Duke by Regina Scott

Fool’s Quest by Robin Hobb

Drink Me Up by Wylder, Penny

Beautiful Salvation by Jennifer Blackstream

The Detective Wins The Witch (Nocturne Falls Book 10) by Kristen Painter

The Remingtons: Some Kind of Love (Kindle Worlds) by Magan Vernon

Knocked Up by Nikki Chase