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A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole (18)




Mam and Dad, thank you for supporting me with this book. Your personal battles with cancer have changed, not only me, but our small family. Your bravery, but most importantly, your positivity and inspirational attitudes in the face of something so difficult, made me look at life in a completely different way. Although the past few years have been incredibly rough, it has made me appreciate every single breath of every day. It has made me appreciate you both beyond measure—the best parents in the world. I love you both so much! Thank you for letting me use your experiences in this story. It made it true. It made it real.

Nanna. You were taken from us far too young. You were my very best friend, and I loved you to pieces—still do. You were hilarious, and always such a positive and bright presence. When I thought of Poppy’s mamaw, there was no one else I would ever model her on. I was ‘the apple of your eye’ and your best buddy, and even though you’re gone, I hope this book has made you proud! I hope you’re smiling up there with Granddad, in your own little version of the blossom grove.

Jim, my late father-in-law. You were so very brave until the end, a man to look up to. A man your son and wife were so very proud of. You’re very much missed.

To my husband. Thank you for encouraging me to write a Young Adult novel. I told you the idea for this novel a long time ago, and you pushed me to write it, despite being it so different from my usual genres. I owe this book to you. Love you always. For infinity.

Sam, Marc, Taylor, Isaac, Archie and Elias. Love you all.

To my fabulous beta readers: Thessa, Kia, Rebecca, Rachel and Lynn. As always, a HUGE thank you. This one was a toughie, but you stuck with me—even though I made most of you cry! I love you all.

Thessa, my star and mega-assistant. Thank you for manning my Facebook page and keeping me in check. Thank you for all the edits you make me. But mostly, thank you for encouraging me to keep the epilogue in this novel—we had some stress over that decision, didn’t we? Okay, LOTS! But you were my backbone though this. Love you to bits. You never ignore my frantic texts late at night. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.

Gitte, my lovely Norwegian Viking! Thank you for jumping into this adventure with me. From the minute I told you I had this idea for a YA weepy—oh, and the guy was Norwegian—you encouraged me to write it. Thank you for the many translations. Thank you for the muse—he’s the perfect Rune! But most of all, thank you for being you. You are a true and fabulous friend. You had my back the entire way. Love you, Pus Pus!

Kia! What a fabulous team we make! You’ve been the BEST editor and proofreader ever. This the first of many stories to come! Thank you for all the hard work. It meant the world to me. Oh, and thank you for all the music checks! My fellow Golden Bow(er) (along with Rachel). Who’d have thought that all those years of us playing cello would come in this handy?

Liz, my fabulous agent. I love you. Here’s to my first foray into YA!

Gitte and Jenny (both this time!) from TotallyBooked Book Blog. Again, I have nothing to say but thank you and I love you. Everything I do, you encourage. Every genre change I make, you support. You are two of the very best people I know. I cherish our friendship… it’s “as special as special can be”.

And a huge thank you to all the many, many more wonderful book blogs that support me and promote my books. Celesha, Tiffany, Stacia, Milasy, Neda, Kinky Girls, Vilma… Gah! I could go on and on.

Tracey-Lee, Thessa and Kerri, a huge thank you for running my street team: The Hangmen Harem. Love you all!

My @FlameWhores. With me through thick and thin. I adore you girls!

To my street team members—LOVE YOU!!!

Jodi and Alycia, I love you girls. You are my dear friends.

My IG girls!!!! Adore you all!

And lastly, my wonderful readers. I want to thank you for reading this novel. I imagine right now your eyes are swollen and your cheeks are red from all the crying. But I hope you love Poppy and Rune as much as I do. I hope their story will stay in your hearts forever.

I couldn’t do this without you.

I love you.

Forever Always.

For Infinity.