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A Wanderer's Secrets: A Billionaire Romance (Summer Flames Series Book 2) by Maggie Kane (15)

Chapter 19




Emma shifted restlessly and scanned the empty tables around them and the street beyond. The cafe was deserted after lunch. The staff had disappeared at Nikos’ command and generous tip. They had the place entirely to themselves. Nikos sat stone still and looked like he was almost asleep. He’s exhausted, she thought. He’s been too busy making sure everyone is safe to sleep.


He had driven the Ducati at a breakneck speed around the curves of the valley. More than once Emma thought that perhaps he had decided that if they ended up smeared along a Greek highway they wouldn’t have to deal with DeLaney. She couldn’t argue that it almost seemed like an attractive alternative.


From across the street, Jack Bennett watched her fidget in her chair. When he had found her a week ago, he knew he couldn’t just walk up to her on the street and say “Hi, your folks sent me to bring you home.” She had been running for too long, and her fear was too great. When he caught wind of other people sniffing around her as well, and he knew that he didn’t have a lot of time. Then, he saw Michael DeLaney walk past the townhouse three days ago, and he knew his time was up. He had to push her.


Fortunately, she and Nikos had done exactly what he had hoped for. They had fled for the vineyard. DeLaney wouldn’t take long to follow, but Jack was counting on their abrupt departure to give them enough of a head start. Now, he just had to convince her to go along with his plan.


Emma saw him cross the street to the cafe, her eyes snagging on his messy blond curls. He pushed through the door making the little bell jingle. She sensed Nikos sit up and come alive next to her. Jack spun a chair around before dropping onto it backward, straddling the back and crossing his arms over his chest. He smiled at Emma. “You mom calls me every Monday. What am I going to tell her this week?”


Emma’s eyes went wide. Talk about a sucker punch, she thought.


“Do not distress her further,” Nikos growled and sat forward. Emma squeezed his hand, grateful that he was with her.


“It’s ok. He’s right. I’m done running.”


Jack’s blue eyes bored into hers for a moment before he gave her a quick nod. “Good, but you can’t exactly waltz back into Logansport and say ‘Hi Mom. I’m home.’ DeLaney is only a few hours behind me.”


Nikos stiffened. “Why are we sitting here then? You led them to us.” He spat the words angrily and shot to his feet, toppling his chair over noisily.


Jack didn’t move. “I followed them to Athens. They led me to you. They’ve had a bead on Emma for over a week. I’m hoping they didn’t notice you left town until this morning.”


Emma looked at Nikos as he stood towering over them, looking around the small dining area as if he expected boogie men to suddenly appear from under the tables. “We’re here. Let’s see what he has to say.”


Nikos took a breath, and Emma felt another pang of guilt for the dark circles under his eyes and stress etched across his handsome features. Reluctantly, he resumed his seat and looked at Jack, “Speak. Quickly.”


Jack’s mouth lifted in a lopsided grin. Emma decided she liked him. His laid back manner soothed her. She knew she was neck-deep in cow patties, as her dad would say, but with Jack and Nikos on either side of her, she felt like it all might just work out.


“The first thing is to ensure Emma’s safety. She needs to disappear.” Nikos jerked his head in agreement. He had already concluded the same. That part was easy. He waited impatiently for the next step.


Jack continued, “Then, it’s time to go home. The only way you’ll ever be safe is to put your uncle behind bars and take his organization apart. You won’t ever stop looking over your shoulder until that happens.”


Emma doubted she would ever stop looking over her shoulder, but he was right. Until this was settled, she would always be forced to run. “How,” she asked quietly, but without fear. “When I left, they thought I killed Gary and ran off with the money. I didn’t, by the way, but I know who did.”


Jack nodded. “The cops never really believed that theory. They know that Malachi is behind all of this. You are the key to bringing him down. The DA will make sure you are safe.”


Nikos scoffed at the declaration. “I will make sure she is safe. We will talk about going to America later. For now, let us disappear.” He moved to stand up again.


Emma looked at him sharply, “Us?”


“Of course- us. Do you imagine I would let you go on your own?”


“Nikos, what about Abby and the vineyard,” Emma couldn’t let him put everything he loved in jeopardy for her.


“Let me take care of that. If DeLaney is on his way, then we need to go- now. What do you want him to tell your parents?” He jerked his chin at Jack who had been watching the exchange in silence.


“Actually, I think Emma should come with me,” Jack said steadily.


Nikos froze and stared at the American. Emma’s mouth was slightly open and her brows knitted together. She found her voice first, “Why?”


Nikos didn’t let Jack answer. “We go together. It is not open for discussion.”


Jack held up his hands. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t know anything about flying under the radar. Besides, if we split up, it will make it harder for DeLaney to know where to look. I have the documents we need. If Emma and I leave now, we can be out of the country and off the grid by sundown. You can meet us in the states in a couple of week.” Nikos’ looked at Jack with a face like thunder. Again, Jack put up a hand to stop the tirade that was building. “The key is to disappear and fast. Then, we pop up and move against DeLaney before he knows what’s coming.”


Emma jumped in as Nikos’ opened his mouth to protest. “I think I should go.” Her gut knotted even as she said it, but she wanted to keep Nikos away from Malachi. “His plan makes sense. This also give you a chance to make sure Abby is safe. You can meet us later.” She took his hand as tears filled her eyes.


Nikos looked hard at her. She was trying to protect him and Abby. He also knew that time was of the essence, and the minutes were slipping away. Slowly, he nodded. “How long,” he shot the question at Jack.


“Two weeks from today. We will walk into the courthouse and present Emma and her story to the DA.”


Emma’s heart pounded as she thought of it. She pulled in another breath. She couldn’t think any more. If she kept thinking, she wouldn’t be able to go through with it. Abruptly, she stood. “I’ll meet you outside in five minutes,” she said to Jack. He regarded her for a moment and gave her a nod before weaving through the tables and out the door.