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Above and Beyond (To Serve and Protect Book 1) by Kathryn Shay (14)

Chapter 14


One week later


The Queen’s Sitting at the White House had been redecorated in slate blues and comfortable couches with a table in the corner, where Isabelle and the boys now sat. Her brother had also broken with protocol and put a door between this and the Queen’s Sitting Room, where he installed double beds for the boys and decorated it in dark nautical-blue motifs.

“Mo-om. It’s your turn.” Of course, this came from Jamie, whose freckles stood out more from the sun he’d been exposed to at the pool.

“Hmm.” She gave the boys a knowing look. “I think that my sons are working together against me.”

They shared their twin expression of conspiracy.

“Nah, we’re beatin’ you.”

Ryan blushed with guilt, his light skin betraying him.

She stared at the Junior Monopoly Board with feigned indignation. She was glad that the boys were having fun, and the play kept her mind off other things. A knock on the door interrupted them, though, and she told Max to come in.

Instead, Nick came through the entrance.

His color was high and his eyes animated. She loved seeing the unguarded side of him the few times she’d gotten a peek at it.

“Hey guys. How’s everybody doing?”

“We’re super.” Jamie smiled. “I love living here.”

“I miss the lake.” Ryan had a sentimental side.

“I have some news. But I want to tell your mom first.”

Isabelle’s heart started to beat at a clip. “You’ve made progress…” She glanced worriedly at the boys.

Just then, Whitney entered from their room. “Hello, guys. Let’s go down to the bowling alley for a while.”

“Yeah!” Ryan rushed toward her.

Jamie scowled. “See why I don’t wanna leave here?” Then he ran after his brother.

Nick approached Isabelle. Lines bracketed his eyes and mouth, and though he was energized now, she’d bet he hadn’t slept much. She wouldn’t know, because after the night in the pool house, she’d had very little contact with him. Intentionally on his part, she guessed.

She was getting very tired of missing him. Wanting him. And the seesaw he kept them on. One minute, he was devouring her like a starving man who needed food, then the next, he was absent from her life. Still, she had to deal with him now.

“Is it over?”

“Not quite, but over enough so you can change your living arrangements.”

“What happened?”

“Mind if I sit?”

“Of course. Can I get you something?”

He shook his head and dropped down on one of the seats formerly occupied by the boys. “Burke Olsen caved first. As soon as we confronted him with what Gabe discovered, he broke down. I don’t think he ever wanted to be part of this network, but he grew up with a father who was deep into the Blue Shadow. The old man was abusive, and all his life, Olsen wanted to please the bastard.”

“Poor Burke.”

“Don’t feel too sorry for him. He did some pretty nasty things.”

“What about the other two?”

“Jacobs”—the shooter at the guard post—“put up a fight, but eventually, the FBI wore him down. He gave us more confirmation about the plot against you to get at your brother.” Nick frowned. “Funny thing, Clark Mason is still saying he did this alone. He’s under psychiatric care.”

“That’s sad. What will happen now?”

“All police departments in major cities are being investigated. Several rings will be broken up—some already have. The Threat Assessment Center believes they can eradicate the Blue Shadow once and for all.”

“Are they sure about that, Nick?” She gripped her hands together. “Am I ever going to be safe?”

“I think so. But you’ll have to stay in D.C. with protection for you, the boys, and your mother for a while. Maybe even for the summer. By now the scandal is probably breaking out in Catasaga. The town will be disrupted and you’d be hounded if you went back.”

“But you said I can make other living arrangements.”

“Yes, your brother believes you’ll be safe at the ambassador’s residence. I concur.”

“Away from you.”


“I’ll be away from you if I move out of the White House.”

He reached over and took her hand. His expression softened, and, just like that, the man was back. “It’s for the best, sweetheart. We don’t have a future and constant contact is too much for either of us to handle.”

Since she hadn’t had any private time with him in seven days, she realized he meant what he said. “All right, Nick, if that’s what you want.”

His eyes flamed now, and not with excitement over the case. With something else. But he only stood and started toward the door. When he’d gone a few feet, he whirled around. “I have to choose, Isabelle. And if I picked you, your life would be the kind of nightmare it’s been lately.”

She’d vowed she wouldn’t pressure him. But words slipped out. “That would be my decision.”

“No, it’s mine.”

“Of course, that way, you’ll get your path to the directorship without taking responsibility for the damage you’re doing to both of us.”

He looked as if she’d slapped him. In a way, she had. “I take full responsibility for everything that’s happened between us.”

That wasn’t fair. “I was a willing partner. But I promised myself I’d accept your decision so I won’t try to change your mind. I’ll go on with my life.”

He stilled. “What does that mean?”

“I’m going to pick up the pieces. Go forward.”

“As in dating? Already?”

Funny, she didn’t want to hurt him with talk of other men. But she couldn’t lie. “We discussed this, Nick.”

“Max told me Hanover is coming to D.C. to scout out a possible field trip for his school.”

“Funny, you suspected him and Mary Ellen. His worry over me was because we were friends and Mary Ellen cleared up the confusion about the money for the rare books.”

“That doesn’t tell me what I want to know. Do you plan to see him when he’s in town?” At her lack of response, Nick’s whole face hardened. “Shit, Isabelle.”

She stood then and wrapped her arms around her waist. “As you said, this is your decision, Nick. Now, please go. It’s hurtful having this discussion repeatedly.”

* * *

Two weeks later

Nick had taken some time off and had spent the days clearing his head and honing his body. The respite had gone as well as could be expected, and he felt as though he was back in his old skin. Except for the dreams. Even he couldn’t control his unconscious mind. So he suffered over her loss but plodded forward. What else could he do?

The morning he returned to work, he stopped at the secretary’s desk on his way to the Oval Office to relieve the night agent. “Hey, Millie. Got President Manwaring’s schedule for today?”

The assistant shrugged. “He took it from me. He’s making a change.”

“To what?”

“I have no idea.” She smiled indulgently. “You know him where his family is concerned. Since his sister and the boys came to town, he’s dreaming up all kinds of things to do with them.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

“There’s something special for tonight, I think.”

“I hope it doesn’t need advance work. There’s not much time for that.”

The agent on duty knocked briefly on the Oval Office door and was given an invitation to enter. Nick found the president staring out the window. Dressed casually in gray slacks and a black shirt, he seemed younger these days and more vibrant without the burden of Isabelle’s safety on his shoulders. “Mr. President.”

He turned. “Hey, Nick. Enjoy your days off?”

“I got some stuff done.”

“Hmm. I’ve been thinking…”

“So Mary said.”

He chuckled. “I’m giving her agita with the changes to my routine. But being with Isabelle and the boys only makes me want to see them more.”

Tell me about it. “That’s natural, sir.”

“What do you think of having a party in the Rose Garden tonight?”

That might not be too bad. “For you and your family?”

“Yes, and a suitor of Isabelle’s is coming to town. I thought we might get to know him.”

Nick could feel his jaw tighten. His hands began to fist, but he forced himself not to curl his fingers. “If that’s something you’d like to do, then of course it’s fine by me.”

“No, I asked what you thought of the plan. Have you met this guy?”

“Trey Hanover, right?”

The president nodded.

“I knew he was coming to D.C.” On some freaking trumped-up excuse.

“Yes. He was the boys’ teacher. They adore him. And she seems fond of him.”

“He’s more than fond of her. He overreacted when we went to my home and he couldn’t reach her.”

“I think that’s kind of sweet. Don’t you?”

Sweet? It sucked big-time.

“She should move on with her life.”

Nick tugged at the collar of his white shirt, which suddenly had become tight. “It’s not up to me.”

“She likes and respects you, Nick. I think your opinion would matter.”

Jesus Christ.

“Of course, sure. He’s an okay guy. Squeaky clean, I know that.”

“I thought so.”

They had to stop talking about this! “Are there changes to the rest of the schedule today?”

“No, business as usual.” He glanced at his watch. “As a matter of fact, we have a meeting with the Joint Chiefs in a few minutes.” He looked down at his clothes. “I forgot about that when I dressed this morning. Since the kids and Belle have been here, I’ve been wearing more casual clothes. But the hell with it.”

Again, Nick choked back a response.

The president frowned. “You okay Nick? You went a little pale.”

“Of course, Mr. President I’m fine. Shall we go?”

* * *

Isabelle loved her brother dearly, really she did. But sometimes he made very bad decisions for her. And this one was a doozy. As she walked into the Rose Garden with the boys, who each held on to one of Trey Hanover’s hands, she sighed. Whitney and Max crossed to the other side of the lawn and took up their positions in the grass. She’d hoped that Nick would be on vacation tonight or have the morning shift. But Jimmy probably thought he’d want to be here. So she tried to concentrate on the scent of the rose bushes that bloomed in reds, pinks, and yellows all around the patio. It didn’t work.

The staff came out and asked if they wanted drinks. The boys sat near Trey and bombarded him with questions.

“Did you miss us?” Ryan wanted to know.

“Have you seen Tommy?” The boy at the pool party. Jamie was like a dog with a bone, and Isabelle was sorry to be so irritated with that. “We were supposed to go to his house before we left.”

“Did you know that Nick, Whitney and Gabe are all Secret Service Agents?” Jamie pointed across the lawn where Max and Whitney watched, wearing summer suits and sunglasses.

“No, guys, not until today. But your Mom told me someone might want to hurt her, so that’s why all the agents came to Catasaga.” He reached out and touched her hand across the table. “I was starting to get jealous of Agent Marino until I found out who he was.”

Oh, God.

Jimmy came through the door—and with him was Nick. Her heart thumped in her chest so loudly she was afraid someone else would hear it. He seemed taller today in his dark suit and with his authoritative air. He was a powerful man who walked with confidence. Without even looking at her, he went to stand with Whitney and Max, and her brother walked over to Trey, who stood to meet the president. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. Hanover.”

“Trey, please. And thank you. I didn’t know Isabelle talked about me.”

I didn ’t. But the boys had jabbered on about their cool teacher whenever they were on the phone with Jimmy last year and after they came to the residence at the White House. Her brother encouraged the stories because he wanted to know about their lives.

After asking for a glass of wine, Jimmy sat down with the four of them. “It’s too bad Mom couldn’t come.”

“I think Mom had a date.”

Jimmy’s brows rose. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. Somebody calls her all the time. I think she bowed out tonight to see him instead.”

“Well, Dad’s been dead a while. She should move on.” He grasped her hand. “You too, sis.”

She stared at him

Trey grinned broadly. “I fully agree, Mr. President.”

“Are Whitney and Nick going to eat with us?” Ryan asked.

“No, sweetie. They don’t eat with the president.”

“Why not?”

Jimmy said, “So they can keep an eye on me more carefully.” He socked Ryan in the arm. “Want to play catch?”

“Yeah. Jamie too?”

“Yep. Trey, join us?”

“No thanks.” His blue eyes twinkled. “I’ll stay with Isabelle. I haven’t seen her in too long.”

From the corner of her eye, she saw Nick and Whitney adjust their positions to get a better bead on Jimmy and the boys. Max kept his gaze directed at her.

“So,” Trey asked, “what’s it like to be under constant surveillance?”

“It has its good points,” she said, glancing at Nick.

“I’m amazed at who they are. I wish you could have been comfortable telling me.”

“I had no choice, Trey.”

“Not to worry. Soon you’ll be back in Catasaga and I’ll have you all to myself.”

Again, she stared at him but couldn’t control the stiffening of her spine at the thought.

He sipped his drink and sat back in the chair. “That’s something about Olsen, isn’t it? The Catasaga Police Department is under intense scrutiny. The town was overrun with journalists right away.”

“I hate that. It’s one of the reasons I’m staying here.”

“Much to my dismay.”

His attention, his comments about her were becoming intolerable. “So, tell me about the field trip you’re scouting.”


While Trey talked, she took surreptitious glances at Nick. His demeanor didn’t change, even when something happened that made Jimmy and the boys laugh aloud. And never once did she catch him looking her way.

* * *

Nick didn’t know how hard it was going to be seeing Isabelle with another man. He’d guarded people on dates countless times before, so he thought he’d prepared for tonight. Throughout the afternoon, he’d tried to convince himself that this would be a transition into life without Isabelle.

Boy, had he been wrong.

It was bad enough witnessing Hanover take her hand, move in close and speak softly to her. But once, during dinner, he wiped some sauce off her chin and Nick’s gut clenched. That little intimacy cracked some of his Secret Service armor, and he wanted to rage against someone else touching her. Finally, the boys started to show some signs of irritability and the group decided it was time to get the Bartons back to the ambassador’s house.

“Nick, Whitney, Max, we’re ready to end the night.” The president always took command. “Could you come over here?”

They crossed to the group.

“Whitney, you’ll go back with the boys to my mother’s house.” They’d also have a uniformed escort. He turned to Hanover. “I enjoyed meeting you, Trey. I hope to see you again.”

“Not more than I do, Mr. President.”

Isabelle went to hug her brother goodbye.

“Walk in with me and Nick for a minute, will you, Belle? Trey, another car will take you to your hotel. Max will show you the way to it, then wait for Isabelle there.”


As they headed inside with Nick behind them, he could hear the conversation. But he was trying to keep his eyes off the gentle sway of Isabelle’s hips, encased in a short skirt. She wore the thing with a sleeveless white shirt that hugged her breasts.

The president slid an arm around her shoulders. “I liked him, honey.”

“He’s a nice man.”

“He’s in love with you, you know.”

“I know he’s interested.”

They stopped at the entrance to the Oval Office. “The question is are you interested in him?”

“Honestly, Jimmy, with all that’s happened, I don’t know anything much other than I want to be safe.”

“I understand. I’m sorry I’m the cause.”

“You aren’t. The Blue Shadow is.” She kissed his cheek just as Nick’s relief approached the door.

“Nick, you’re sprung. Walk Isabelle out to her car where Max is waiting, would you?”

“Jimmy, I—”

“Hush. Good night, both of you.”

As she and Nick left the main house and approached the exit, Isabelle was quiet. At last she broke the silence. “I’m sorry, Nick. Tonight had to be hard to watch.”

He couldn’t lie. Neither could he confirm her suspicions. Instead of pressing him, she reached out and grasped his fingers, the contact hidden by their bodies. She squeezed, he squeezed back and then Max opened the door.

Nick said, “Keep her safe, Blackwell.”


With that, Nick turned and headed to his own car. When he got to the driver’s side, he kicked a tire. Hard. Again. He could barely contain what was inside him. When some of his frustration was spent, he considered going to a bar, but agents had gotten in trouble at bars lately, so he drove home.

All the while, he was plagued by thoughts of the night.

I hope I see you again, Trey …Not as much as I do.

He ’s in love with you

Consequently, Nick was in a foul mood when he pulled into the garage at his town home. When he entered the kitchen, he froze. Someone was inside. Drawing his gun, he crept down the hallway.

And heard, “Jesus, not again.”


He’d forgotten he’d given Gabe a key. His brother was staying at Whitney’s apartment while she guarded the boys at the ambassador’s residence, so he hadn’t expected him here. “Shit.”

Gabe turned from where he stood in the family room off the kitchen, holding a drink. “Looks like you could use one of these.”

“You should have let me know you were coming here, Gabe.” His voice was sharper than he intended. “I could have blown your head off.”

“Point taken. Now, get a drink and tell me what’s got you tied up knots. And not only tonight. Since I came to D.C. you’ve been a wreck. It’s why I’m here.”

“I’ll have the drink. But I’m fine.” Nick poured himself a double Scotch and they took chairs across from each other. He scanned the room. He’d had the whole place professionally decorated with the best leather couches and chairs, accented with grays and blacks. But God, it was bare. Utilitarian. Cold. He remembered the homey comfort of Isabelle’s lake house.

After a while, Gabe set down his drink, sat forward and dangled his hands between his knees. “Nicky, you’re not fine. And I think I know why.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re in love with Isabelle Barton.”


“Don’t shit me, bro. I know the signs. I know you.

That was true. Before Gabe distanced himself after his fall from grace, they’d been the best of buddies. But he couldn’t tell Gabe what had happened between him and Isabelle. He just couldn’t. Unless… Fall from grace. Hmm. Maybe Gabe could help him get this under control. Surely, he wouldn’t want Nick to suffer the same fate as he had. So he said, “You’re right about Isabelle. I’m sick over it. I need help to get her out of my mind.”

Gabe cocked his head. “Why?”

“Because I can’t do it by myself. I’m drowning, here, Gabe.”

His brother’s gaze narrowed on him. He didn’t say anything for a while. Was he mad that Nick was blowing his career when Gabe wanted his back so much?

“Any comments?”

“Yeah. Just one. If you love her, go after her.”

* * *

Isabelle’s mood was morose as she got ready for bed. Tonight had proved one thing. Not that she was in love with Trey Hanover but that she loved Nick Marino. Deeply. And could never have him. Sliding silk over her head, she was reminded of how he touched her. How he held her close. Kissed her hair. Whispered sweet words to her. But she was never going to experience that again. Climbing under the sheets, she turned on her side. First one tear fell, then the next. All-out sobs encompassed her.

She didn’t know how much longer it was when she heard a knock on the door. “Belle, sweetie, can I come in?” Her mother. Home from her date.

“Yes, of course.”

Evelyn Hicks came through the door. She went to the corner and turned on a small light.

Her mother was mussed. Hair not as perfect as when she left. Clothes a bit in disarray. Hell, her mother had been in bed with her lover. The notion brought a fresh round of tears.

Crossing to the bed, she drew up Isabelle. “It’s okay, honey, cry it out.”

She did. All the loss and loneliness and fear. When she finished, her mother handed her some tissues. “Now, tell me what this is all about.”

Isabelle blew her nose, then shook her head. “It’s everything that’s happened these past few weeks.”

Evelyn waited a bit, then said, “It’s not nice to lie to your mother.”


“I know this Blue Shadow thing has been hard. But you’re crying tears of a woman in love.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because I’m familiar with them. Way too familiar.”

“I know you still miss Dad.”

Her mother’s eyes shone with support and love, comforting her. “This isn’t about me. This is about you and that handsome Agent Marino.”

And honesty. Evelyn Hicks was always honest.

“How could you know that?”

“Because I know you.” She gripped Isabelle’s hands. “I haven’t seen you like you are around him with any other man since Michael died.”

“It’s hopeless, Mom.”

“No, it’s not. What’s more, you can’t miss this opportunity. It may never come along again.”

“Like you and Dad.”

“No, like me and Eric. The man I’m seeing. The man I love. I was afraid, too, honey, to go there with him. But he was patient, and here I am.”

“It’s not that. I’d risk anything for Nick if he’d have me. But he’s an agent. He can’t cause another scandal in the Secret Service.”

“Being with you wouldn’t be like hooking up with prostitutes.”

“No, but that’s not all of it. He wants to be the director of the Secret Service someday, and there’s a path to that now. Jimmy says he’s going to fast-track it.”

“If he had that job, he’d be out of the line of fire. You wouldn’t have to worry about him.”

“You don’t understand. He won’t get that job if it’s revealed he fell for one of his protectees.”

“Are you sure?”

“He is.”

“That’s an issue then.” Her mother’s light brows furrowed. “You could talk to Jimmy.”

“No, this is Nick’s decision. I’m not going to make it for him.”

“Then, I’m sorry. Very, very sorry.”

* * *

“Thanks for coming in on your day off, Nick.”

“I’m always here if you need me, sir.”

“Good to know.”

They sat on the couches. Jim Manwaring wanted an informal setting for this talk. “We need to discuss your career. I mentioned to Belle that I was planning to fast-track your path in the Secret Service after what you’ve done for my family.”

“You talked to Isabelle about me?”

Jim noticed the muscle in Nick’s jaw pulse.

“Why, is that a problem? Don’t you like Isabelle?”

“I like her fine.”

The guy could barely get the words out.

“She’s a special person. But she needs someone in her life.”

Nick’s eyes widened. “What does that have to do with me?”

Jim sat back. How to proceed? Shit, he’d just go for it. “It has a lot to do with you.”

“It does?”

His agent watched him. Might as well put him out of his misery.

“I think you know the answer to that question.”

“I do?”

“Yeah, but in case you don’t think you can tell me, as Isabelle feels she can’t, I’m going to be the one to address this elephant in the room.”


Jim held up his hand. “No, it’s time for the charade to stop.”

Now Nick’s face reddened. “Sir, I’m sorry if I let you down.”

“You didn’t let me down. In any way. It’s fine with me that you’re in love with my sister, especially since she’s in love with you.”

“I…I…” Abruptly, Nick stood and began to pace.

For several seconds, Jim let him. “Nick, we have to deal with this. It’s become too big.”

He stopped suddenly. “I don’t intend to pursue a relationship with her. I promise you, Mr. President.”

“I believe you. And that’s the problem. I want you to have a life with my sister.”

“No, that’s impossible. I was clear about what I wanted in the Secret Service.”

“The directorship.”

“Yes, and I can never have it if I breach this kind of protocol.”

“Maybe not. But I’m here to tell you that I’d prefer you choose my sister. I’d rather have you as a brother-in-law than working for my protection detail or running the Secret Service.”