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Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1) by S. Nelson (15)



Before I set the car in drive, I decided to give him a quick call, letting him know I was leaving and would be a few minutes late.

“Hello, sweetheart. Are you on your way?” he asked, his voice instantly making my body bristle with anticipation.

Sweetheart? I was taken off-guard by the term of endearment. Although I thought it was a bit too soon for him to be referring to me in such a manner, I’d been happy to hear it.

“Uh…yeah. I’m leaving now, so I should be there in about a half hour or so, barring there are no traffic issues. Oh, and by the way, thank you but no thank you.” I gave him a brief moment to respond. But there was only silence. “The car is a very generous gift, but I cannot accept it, Alek. I’m only driving it to your place so I can leave it there. I’m not taking it home with me.”

He wasted no time. “Nice try, but you’re keeping the car, Sara.” He was discordant on the other end of the phone. I could tell instantly he was getting aggravated and I didn’t want to ruin the upcoming evening, so I didn’t push the issue.

“We’ll discuss this later. I’ll be there soon.”

“I will be counting the minutes.” His voice was calmer, much more content. Boy, I never knew anyone who could switch tones so quickly. Moody man.

The drive to his house was very relaxing. No imposing traffic to speak of. Plus, it didn’t hurt the car handled like a dream, a pure pleasure to maneuver. I had the radio on but kept the volume low enough so I could hear the directions.

The female voice announced I’d arrived at my destination. Making the final right turn, I drove up a wide, dark driveway. Just ahead of me was a single security gate. When I’d pulled close enough, I stopped by the box and pressed the call button.

“Hello,” a sexy voice called out.

“I’m here.”

There was no response, only the sound of the gate starting to open.

 It was but a minute before I’d come to the front of his house, a large, circular driveway swallowing up the front section of the home.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a soft glow over the sky, so I wasn’t truly able to get a good look at my surroundings. All I could see was a huge, red-brick house, the color of it almost seeming old-worldly.

I turned off the engine and flipped down the visor to get one last look at myself. Before I could grab the handle, my car door opened and I was greeted by the man I’d come to see. He extended his hand, welcoming me to exit the vehicle. His touch was warm, immediately putting me at ease.

“Good evening, Sara. Thank you so much for coming.” His voice always did strange things to me. “I hope you found the house without much difficulty.”

 “Hello.” I flushed, naughty images already racing through my head. “Yes, I found the house with ease, but it was mainly due to the navigation system,” I added.

 He simply smiled. “This way,” he said as he ushered me toward the front door, his hand resting on the small of my back the entire time.

The entryway looked to have been at least fifteen-feet tall, the big mahogany door encased by etched glass all around the framing. Although beautiful to look at, I thought it wasn’t very private. Anyone could see into the foyer, the carved glass only slightly distorting the view. But I guess that’s what the security gate is for.

My eyes roamed all around as we entered, trying my best to take in as much as I could. But for as beautiful as his home was, I’d envisioned something completely different.

Had I thought he lived in some sort of mansion? Maybe.

Had I thought his house was going to be a mixture of homey and sophisticated? For some reason, no.

As he ushered me in further, I took notice of a huge chandelier hanging directly over a center table, an arrangement of flowers which would surely make Katherine proud sitting directly on top.

Looking down, I saw a gorgeous, cream-colored marble which welcomed my every footstep.

Elegant and beautiful, much like the owner of the house.

“Sara?” he called out when I’d stopped moving altogether.

“Sorry, I was just taking in the view.” He merely smiled again and gestured toward a room which was off to the left of the main entrance.

“Please, make yourself at home. I’ll be right back. I want to check on dinner.”

After he left, I was really able to admire the room. It appeared to be a formal sitting area. A huge fireplace, meant to be the focal point, called to me as soon as I entered. Detailed stone impressions surrounded the entire piece of artwork. It was breathtaking.

In the midst of my fascination, he had snuck up behind me, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up when I felt his breath on my skin.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Please, forgive me,” he said as he kissed my neck.

I turned around slowly, taking my time before actually looking at him. I needed those extra seconds to try to compose myself. Once my eyes locked on his, I felt my heart skip a beat. Maybe two. Yes, I’d seen him outside when he came to greet me, but it was dark. There, in the light of his house, I could see how truly stunning he was. The soft burnt-orange sweater he was wearing set off his devastatingly green eyes and thick, dark hair. As I glanced him over from head to toe, I noticed he was wearing jeans, which immediately put me at ease. Even though his clothes probably cost more than I made in a month, the casual attire comforted me. Weird, I knew, but it did.

It was then I noticed his eyes mimicking my own, roaming possessively all over me. An undeniable heat poured from his look, one which needed to be tamped down immediately if we were ever going to make it to dinner.

“Wow. Every time I look at you, I can’t quite get over how beautiful you are.” He walked toward me, his tongue parting his mouth and slowly running over his bottom lip.

Encroaching on my personal space, he eventually stopped when the front of his boots hit my shoes. He reached out and hooked a finger under my chin, coaxing my face upward until we were staring into each other’s eyes. Without a single word, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, his warm breath tickling my mouth. It was a soft kiss, but it was as sensual as ever. He finally pulled back, making me stumble forward a step.

“I’m not starting something I won’t be able to control, especially before I get a chance to feed you.” He consistently seemed pleased with himself whenever he realized he rendered me a pool of desire.

I was disappointed to say the least. I wanted to be consumed by the man every time I came in contact with him.

It couldn’t be healthy. Not on any level.

“Come now, dinner is almost ready,” he said as he took my hand and led me toward what I assumed was the kitchen.

My eyes continued to dart everywhere. “You have a beautiful home, Alek,” I offered, the smile of awe never leaving my face.

“Thank you. I’ve put a lot of hard work into this place. I helped design it from the ground up. Even had a major hand in decorating it. I’m very pleased with how it all turned out.” He grinned as he quickly looked around his masterpiece.

His smile was one of the many things about him which enticed me. Forget about when his dimple decided to make an appearance. At that point, I was reduced to nothing but a horny woman.

Trying my best to rein in my overactive hormones, I decided to find out a bit more information. “How long have you lived here?” I asked, still gripping his hand.

“I’ve been here about five years now.” He suddenly took on a faraway look, as if he was in deep thought. “I plan on being here for quite some time.”


Time to gather some more info.

“Do you have staff who work here?” I wasn’t quite sure why I’d even asked him that question.

“I have someone who comes in twice a week to clean, but that’s about it. Why? Should I have a live-in maid, butler, groundskeeper?” he asked.

I suddenly became uncomfortable. “Uh…no…I…” I stammered.

“You are too easy to rile up, Sara. I’m only teasing you.”

With my free hand, I lightly smacked him on the arm. “Don’t do that. I never know when you’re serious.”

He halted all movement and turned to face me. “Oh, you’ll know when I’m serious,” he all but growled as he pushed me backward until my back hit the wall. Hovering his lips above mine, he softly spoke, his breath tickling my mouth. “I’ve made Coq au Vin. I hope you like it.”

He said nothing else.

He didn’t move.

He was teasing me.

Tempting me.

I closed my eyes, all too enthralled with the man who was sweetly torturing me.

All of a sudden, he gifted me with a quick kiss before pulling me onward toward our destination.

What the hell was that?

We finally reached the kitchen and I was speechless yet again. All of the top-of-the-line appliances were scattered throughout. Every convenience one could ever want. There were a few items I didn’t quite recognize, not that I was schooled in such expensive things.

My curiosity took over. I approached one such appliance and ran my hand over it, willing it to perform for me.

“What is this used for?”

He furrowed his brow and tilted his head. Clearly, my ignorance was shocking. “It’s a bread maker. I like to make fresh bread every couple days.” His lips curved upward, seemingly amused by my every question.

“The only bread I buy comes already sliced and in individual plastic sleeves.” Smooth, Sara.

“I’ll make sure you get your own fresh batch to take home with you then. You really don’t know what you’re missing, babe.”

There it is again. Another term of endearment. I could definitely get used to being addressed in such a manner, but it was still throwing me off.

As if sensing my sudden disconnect, he continued talking. “You’ll never want to eat store-bought bread again. You’ll see.”

We eventually ended up in a formal dining room, a table so huge it took up the entire center of the space. I hope he doesn’t expect us to sit at opposite ends. My need to be close to him was always too much.

Deciding to check out the piece of furniture, I walked all around it, noticing there were already two place settings situated right next to one another. Thank goodness.

“This is a beautiful table. Where did you find something so large?”

His back straightened and his head was held high, obviously very proud of his possession. “I had it crafted in Italy and shipped here. I was wandering through a local craftsman’s shop when I was there on business last year and really liked his work, so I commissioned him to make this piece for me. I’m extremely pleased with it,” he said, running his hand over the back of one of the intricate chairs. “Look at the etched detailing he did up each of the legs and all around the edge of the table. He’s a true artist.”

“It really is quite breathtaking.”

As I made my way around the rest of the table, admiring it in its entirety, I noticed even the dinnerware seemed quite expensive.

Sensing my quick reservation, he made his way in my direction. “Are you all right, Sara?”

“Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just…I kind of feel out of my element here, Alek. Everything is so over-the-top, fancy and sophisticated, and I’m …me. Simple.”

“You are anything but simple, my dear.”

I couldn’t help myself, the verbal spewing too much to hold back. “Why do you keep referring to me in such ways?” I needed to know if he talked to every woman with such sincerity and unabashed affection.

“What do you mean exactly?” I could tell I’d thrown him for a loop with my sudden off-the-wall question.

“You keep calling me sweetheart and babe.”

“Do those names make you uncomfortable? Do you not want me to call you those things?” He seemed perplexed—at my oddness, I was sure.

“It’s not that I don’t like to hear them. It’s just…they seem like names you would call your girlfriend, or wife.”

 “While I’m not quite ready to propose yet,” he laughed, “Would you be more comfortable with the terms of endearment if you were my girlfriend? If it’s something you’d like, I could definitely do that.”

Wait…what? Where the hell did that come from? Is he serious? I looked around to see if there was someone else in the room with us he could be talking to. Is this a joke?

“Well?” He breached the small space between us, reaching out and pulling me into him. He stared at me, but all I could do was avert my gaze, not sure what to think.

“Sara, look at me.” I heard only demand in his tone.

When I finally connected with those dreamy eyes of his, I almost faltered. “What?”

“Do you want this relationship to be exclusive? If so, I could easily comply, and gladly, I might add.” There is that damn smile of his.

I didn’t know Alek enough yet to know whether or not he actually wanted what he was proposing. From my small amount of research on the man, he didn’t do the girlfriend thing. But what the hell do I know? It’s just all magazine rumor trash anyway, right?

“Are you going to give me an answer anytime soon? It’s not a trick question, love. I promise.”

Go big or go home, right? “Do you want to be exclusive with me, Alek? I mean really exclusive, as in no other women, at all?”

“I’m fully aware of what exclusive means, Sara. Do you? It also means no flirting or touching any other man. Is that something you can accommodate?” Is he serious?

“You make it sound like I hang all over strange men, flirting endlessly with them. But I don’t behave like that. Not at all. I’m pretty reserved with that type of stuff.”

“What about the way you are with Matt? You seem pretty friendly with him.” His demeanor started to change, his grip on me tightening, pulling me that much closer.

“Really? Do I have to go over this again?” I asked, beyond frustrated he wouldn’t let the issue with Matt go. “Besides, he’s my friend and I feel comfortable around him, so he’s someone I’m affectionate with, whether it be hugging or kissing.” I could see the look on his face becoming harsher, going from semi-relaxed to instant fury.

“You kiss him?” he practically shouted, his nostrils widening, air sucked through his teeth in haste.

“On the cheek, Alek!” I shouted back. “I don’t make it a habit going around making out with my friends.”

“Oh.” As if contemplating his next question, he waited a few seconds before opening his mouth again. “Did he ever actually tell you he was gay, or are you just assuming he is?”

“He never came out and told me, per se, but I see the way he looks at other men when we’re out together. Those looks, mixed with the fact he’s never with a woman, only lead me to the ultimate conclusion. I think he came close once to blurting it out, but I guess he lost his nerve.”

I suddenly stiffened in his embrace, our conversation making me feel as if I was betraying my friend on some level.

“I still don’t like it. I won’t be comfortable with you hanging around him until I know for sure he doesn’t want to fuck you.”

“Alek!” I exclaimed. “Really? Come on. Now you’re just being ridiculous and unreasonable. I’m not going to stop hanging out with Matt because you think he wants me. I’m telling you, it’s the farthest thing from the truth.”

His ludicrous statement had me trying to free myself from his hold. I sure as hell wasn’t going to be controlled by someone because they had certain thoughts about certain things.

“Where are you going? Why are you trying to get away from me?”

“I won’t let anyone tell me who I can and can’t be friends with or hang out with. That is a definite deal-breaker for me, Alek. I won’t be controlled by anyone.” My voice rose an octave with each statement.

“That’s not what I’m trying to do, sweetheart,” he stated, his demeanor softening a little bit. “I only want to protect you and make sure you’re safe, and if it means asking you to refrain from acting in a certain way, then so be it. I want you to live your life the way you want to, but with some adjustments which will put my mind at ease…where your safety is concerned. So, if you tell me you truly feel Matt is gay, well, then I’ll trust your judgment on the issue. But no touching or flirting with any other man. Can we at least agree on that?”

I certainly didn’t understand his overwhelming need to protect me. He’d said as much on numerous occasions. But I guess it wasn’t the worst thing, although I already knew he’d be using it as an excuse going forward, something we’d surely battle over.

“Deal,” I responded. Really, it was a no-brainer. Why would I ever entertain another man when I had him in my life? I would have to be certifiable.

He seemed to appreciate my agreement, leaning down to plant a kiss on my mouth. As with every other intimate encounter, I was instantly turned on, wanting him to continue his lovely display of affection.

But it wasn’t to be. He drew back and said, “There. It’s settled then. We’re exclusive.”

I was still a bit confused by the turn of events. Never did I expect him to propose exclusivity so soon, if at all. It could all be over within a week, or a month. I was praying that wasn’t the case, but the simple truth was I just didn’t know.

The only thing I could do was sit back and enjoy the ride.




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