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Alien Message: Alien Romance (Sensual Contact Series Book 1) by Amelia Wilson (14)


“I believe she’s sleeping,” Maslar whispered, laying down his harp. He stared at the beautiful human woman, his body longing for her yet his heart longing to cherish her as he had cherished his own lost female.

“I wonder what she’s thinking.” Andar stepped closer to view the sleeping woman the same as Maslar was. They both hovered over the edge of the hammock. “She looks like an angel,” Andar sighed. “I can’t believe she is actually ours to care for.”

“What do you suppose she thinks of us?”

“I could smell her desire when she saw us,” Andar said huskily, his own raw, male scent flooding the room. Maslar sniffed the air and was surprised at how quickly Andar had all but chosen the human woman as his female, almost at first sight. It would take Maslar much longer before his own scent flared rich and thick in the air. He doubted if it ever could again. He’d had one female before. One he loved more than his own life, and he’d lost her. He lived with that pain daily. It was a new feeling, this tiny seed of hope that bloomed inside his chest and his heart when he looked at the human.

“Do you think that she thinks this is wrong? Us using her like this?” Maslar asked, turning to Andar.

Andar reluctantly removed his eyes from the woman’s face and turned towards Maslar. “I doubt it. The program is voluntary. Surrogacy is legal on her planet, as it is on here. We have given Earth much and her women have come to us to help us in return. It is much like the relationship we have with our own planet.”

“I suppose you could see it like that. What if she came only for the payment? Some humans do.”

Andar smiled, shocking Maslar. “Would it truly matter if she did? She’ll change her way of thinking soon enough.”


“We know that our species is best at the carnal act of pleasure. We would have to be, or we would have died out long ago. The act of conception is so rare that if we did not enjoy our females, we would have surely ceased to exist.”

“It is a basic fact of life. We were meant to enjoy the planet and all that it provides. Our bodies were designed to give and receive pleasure. There is nothing more natural.”

“Though we’ve never shared a female before, I know we will enjoy it. I’m sure it will be as natural as anything else.”

Maslar nodded. “I hope so.” He was thankful that their species could not show embarrassment as keenly as humans could. He recalled the delightful way the woman blushed when he could tell she was thinking about them. His body flooded with heat when he thought of her in the same way. It was an unnerving flood of emotion and sensation that he had not expected.

“Shall I carry her up to the bed?” Andar asked. He looked uncertain. Maslar was reminded that his friend had never had a female live in his house before.

“I think so. If she wakes, soothe her and she should not fight you. We only intend to give her pleasure and she intends to give us a young. We both know what we want from each other. This night will be about her pleasure and hers alone. We will know soon enough if she has conceived.”

Andar looked longingly at the woman before he bent and scooped her up delicately in his arms. “I’m not going to leave it up to chance. I plan to remain in that bed for many rotations of the sun and moon.”

A hot rush of raw, powerful heat swept through Maslar as he watched Andar carry her up. His body responded, his muscles clenching, his cock hardening painfully. The need to take the woman, to possess her and pleasure her, to drive her wild and hear her sharp cries of need drove him forward, towards the hanging rope ladder.

He climbed it quickly, ascending to the second floor with ease. Andar was already laying Janelle on the bed. She stirred, her eyes fluttering open. Maslar held his breath, waiting to see how she would react. Could she smell the strong scent of a male’s desire flooding the room? Could she sense just how thin their control would be stretched before the night was over? How they would all be brought to the brink time and time again?

She smiled sweetly when her eyes settled on Andar. She surprised Maslar by holding her arms out, extending a hand for Andar to join her there on the large bed. The mattress was a woven cover of the same material that constructed their clothing. It was essentially a huge, soft bag stuffed with the seed of huge flowers that burst into fluff when over ripe. It was placed on the wooden floor, but thick enough to be more than comfortable.

The room was devoid of other furniture. Some of the tree branches had been twisted through the holes in the trunk that served as windows, and arranged as shelves to hold objects or an extra set of breaches.

Janelle glanced at Andar and the sensual light in her eyes was unmistakable. She tore her gaze away and her blue orbs met Maslar’s purple ones.

“Is this how we begin?” She asked wide-eyed, her voice sweet and innocent.              

Maslar had not heard or seen anything so beautiful in a very long time.