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Ally's Guard (Book 4.5) (The Dragon Ruby Series) by Leilani Love (8)

Chapter 8

Ally lay in bed until she heard the water turn on in the other room. Her mind reeling from what had happened. Jared had taken care of her last night after the incident with Chad, tucking her in bed and staying with her after her nightmare. When she woke up curled up with him and they kissed, she didn’t want him to stop. She didn’t think about the fact that she suddenly had an urge to bite him. She just gave in to the temptation.

It would be a big lie if she said she hadn’t been attracted to him. He hadn’t been a guard long but he wasn’t young. From what she had heard his family didn’t want him to join, making him one of the older recruits when he’d signed up. From what she saw though he was well trusted and admired.

Despite what everyone thought, she would be happy with a simple life. Since she gave up on finding love, she had gone for rich. That made it easier to guard her heart from falling for someone who, in the end, would never love her anyway. For love though, she would be happy with simple.

Could she change Jared’s opinion and make him fall in love with her? During this weekend, she had to show him she wasn’t the spoiled girl he thought she was. She could cook. She hated cleaning, but she could do it. What would happen at the end of this weekend if he didn’t want her for more than just her body? She knew he would never cheat on her. Mating amongst his kind was sacred, and the dragon in him would reject another female. But would that be enough?

She took a breath and got up from the bed. She had a lot to pack and had been daydreaming enough so she quickly got dressed. Ally wanted to show him she wasn’t a spoiled little princess so she put on a pair of jeans and a blouse and packed up quickly, getting all her stuff together. When she got to the bathroom and saw her collection of makeup she sighed. She didn’t want to throw it away but knew Jared would find this an expense he probably couldn’t afford.

Putting it in a travel bag she was determined to be a simple girl, no make-up, no complaining and nothing fancy. She knew that he might never love her but maybe she could get him to like her. She felt a stab of disappointment. She wanted someone to love her, to look at her the way her sister’s mate looked at her. Would she be willing to settle if he couldn’t?

She wondered what he would do after the weekend if they weren’t compatible. Would he really let her walk away if she wanted too? Would Fate be so cruel as to tie her to a guy who thinks so little of her? As she put the last of her stuff away she sighed, her sisters had warned her that one day playing dumb and helpless would come back and bite her. She snorted as she shook her head, funny playing dumb and stupid got humans on reality TV and made them millions, but for her it might cost her everything.

“Do you need any help?” Jared asked as he stood in the doorway to the master suite.

She turned and she couldn’t help but look him over. Jared was wearing a pair of slacks that hugged his legs and a polo shirt that did nothing to hide the muscles underneath. He had a strong jawline and her eyes were drawn to his lips, the bottom was slightly fuller than the top and she had often found herself wanting to nibble on it. His lashes framed his eyes beautifully and she had often thought it was unfair how she would have to spend so much time finding the right mascara when his were perfect. His hair, still wet from his shower, was normally kept pretty short on his neck but longer on top giving her something to play with when they kissed.

She shook her head. “No. I got it all,” Ally said and stacked her smaller make up bag onto her large suitcase.

“Let me, Princess,” Jared said as he grabbed the handle and easily pulled it along while he carried his small bag.

Ally followed him out. She knew he would have helped all the girls with their bags but for some reason she found herself worried that he did it because he thought she was weak. She hated feeling insecure and knew it wasn’t an attractive quality in anyone.

When they arrived downstairs one of the bellhops was instantly by the door and took their bags. Jared whispered something in his ear. Ally wondered what he’d said but assumed he was just requesting the car.

Jared gave her a smile and nuzzled her neck making her moan softly in the back of her throat before she felt him lightly smack her ass. “They are bringing the car around Princess. If you like, you can wait for it while I check us out.”

She giggled, nodding before obediently walking outside to wait for the car. Ally felt eyes on her the second she stepped out through the doors. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she felt a sense of unease. Not spotting anyone, she patiently stood near the bellboy who had their luggage.

Ally bit her lip and kept looking around. She jumped when she felt a hand on her waist, a small yelp escaping her. She heard Jared chuckle as she looked up at him. “You startled me.”

She watched him trying not to smile. When he failed horribly, she rolled her eyes and he put his arms around her to pull her close. Ally playfully smacked his chest. “I haven’t forgiven you.”

Jared chuckled and nipped playfully at her neck surprising her. “I didn’t mean to, Princess. Will you please forgive me?”

She wasn’t used to this playful side of Jared. She had seen it with the other people when they were at festivities together, but never with her. She nodded, leaning into him and felt him smile against her neck. “Good girl, would you like to sit in the back one last time or will you be riding up front with me?”

Ally smiled, pulling back to look up at him. “I’ll ride up front with you.”

Just as he pulled away, she noticed the car had been pulled up Ally greeted the valet when she saw he was standing with her door open for her.

“Thank you,” she said as Jared helped her into her seat.

When the door closed she felt eyes on her again and frowned. The entire time Jared was holding her she was focused on him and didn’t notice this feeling. Hopefully once they left that uneasiness would go away.

When Jared entered the vehicle, he pulled out into traffic and started driving. After a few minutes Ally finally spoke up, “You mentioned taking me home for the weekend, but I just realized I don’t really know where you live.”

Jared, she noticed, paused before finally speaking up. “I have a small house and some land about fifty miles out of town.”

She nodded trying to picture it. Jared never really seemed like he was made for the city but she couldn’t picture him as a country boy either. He just always seemed the most comfortable joking around with his, friends and he loved his work.

Despite traffic Jared had them at the small airport where one of Viktor’s private plane waited for them. The flight wasn’t long and Ally chose to sip on some tea and read a book while Jared seemed to get lost in his work. She watched him, periodically wondering what he was working on but not wanting to bother him, she kept quiet and continued to read.

When the plane touched down Ally was amazed at how quickly he got everything loaded into the back of his vehicle. She was loaded up and tucked into his truck without a word and they were off in record time. A giggle escaped her as she looked over at him. “Jared if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were worried someone was going to stop you from taking me home.”

A look crossed his face and he rubbed the back of his neck before finally replying, “No. Just wanted to make sure we got out of there before Viktor decided he needed me for something else today.”

Ally patted his thigh in mock sympathy before finally asking, “Jared, after this weekend, what happens if we decide we aren’t compatible?”

If she wasn’t watching him so closely she might have missed it but she saw his hands tighten on the wheel, felt the muscle in his leg tighten, and his jaw clench. “If you decide you can’t be happy with me, then I will let you go.”

Ally wanted to ask him what happens if he decided he could never be happy with her but she was afraid of the answer. Mates, she had learned, had been marked by Fate to be together. Had they ever been wrong before?

They drove in uncomfortable silence back to his place. Jared’s jaw tensed as they drove, and Ally’s mind went over a thousand questions she wished she had answers to. When Jared turned to go up a driveway to a house, Ally eagerly looked around. Trees had surrounded the house so she couldn’t see from the roadway but was surprised when they turned past them.

The house was bigger than she expected with a wraparound porch and she smiled when she noticed a porch swing. She felt him watching her and turned to give him a smile. For the first time, she could see he was nervous, and that touched her. I like your house, or it’s cute, seemed to be the wrong thing to say, so instead she said the first thing that popped into her head, “You have a porch swing.”

He looked a bit surprised as he stopped in the driveway. “There was one here when I bought the house. It seemed to fit, so when I was rebuilding the porch I just fixed up the old one.”

She nodded, opened the door and when he opened his she got out to look around. She couldn’t tell where his property ended but she noticed she couldn’t see any houses nearby. Colorado had lots of thick trees, so the house had a lot of privacy.

Jared came up behind her and with his hand on her back, led her into the house. As big as the house was, it was sparsely decorated. There was a couch and a big screen TV and a chair that looked out of place. It was open to the dining room and kitchen. It was a beautiful space that just looked like he’d forgotten to buy stuff for.

While she looked around, she felt him watching her. “I mostly sleep at the barracks with the men, so I haven’t decorated much.”

She tried to give him a reassuring smile. “It could use a woman’s touch.”

He laughed, nodding. “Probably. The kitchen has everything we need to cook with and the bedroom could still use a few personal touches, but I haven’t been home enough to think about the rest.”

Not sure what to do she looked at him. “Where should I put my stuff?”

The grin he gave her was purely devious and he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “What makes you think you will need anything from your suitcase?”

She felt her breath catch as her pulse raced at his proximity and the look he had, like he wanted to devour her. “I imagine I would, at the very least, need to change my clothes at some point.” she pointed out.

He shook his head no before he dipped his head and nipped at her pulse. “Guess again, Princess. You won’t be needing any clothes this weekend.”

She couldn’t help but moan at the idea of spending the entire weekend with him naked and in his bed. “What about my toothbrush and….”

Her voice trailed off as he continued to kiss and bite along her neck. “I’m sure there’s something in the house for you to use.”

With that, Jared bent down and picked her up causing her to yelp in surprise as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He carried her down through the kitchen into a small hallway that led to an open door and a room that surprised her. It was almost the size of the living room and had a nice big sleigh bed in the middle. The wood was dark cherry and the dressers all matched. It had several big windows that gave her a view of the mountains to the back and she even noticed he had his own private patio.

Jared put her down next to the bed and she watched as he slowly removed her clothes. “You will not be needing this,” he said as he tossed her shirt onto the dresser. He knelt and removed her shoes, tossing them to the side before reaching up to undo her pants. His movements were determined but unhurried as he slid her pants down her hips and off her body.

When he stood back up she was wearing nothing but the lacy white bra and matching thong. As his eyes checked her out from top to bottom she knew he liked what he saw and promised herself she would always make sure to buy lingerie that would get his attention.

“I’m not the only one that will be staying naked all weekend,” Ally said raising an eyebrow.

Jared held up his arms. “By all means.”

She pulled his shirt out of his slacks and laughed as she tried to pull it up and over his head. He was so tall she had to press herself against him and stand on her tippy toes. After a moment of him letting her squirm against him he finally helped her and she tossed it in the same direction he’d tossed her clothes.

Ally blushed going to her knees before him and slid her hand up under his jeans. Jared picked up his foot and let her remove his boots. Her hand came up and she bit her lip as she looked up at him and slowly unzipped his slacks.

When she started to pull them down her eyes widened as she noticed he wore nothing underneath and his cock sprang free of the restrictive material and bounced in front of her. Jared must have seen her reaction because she heard him chuckle above her. She pushed them down and with a little help from him she finished removing his clothes.

A look up at him and Ally could see the hungry look in his eyes. A slow smile curved at her lips and she kept her eyes on him as she leaned forward and licked up his hard length to the head of his cock, twirling her tongue around it. She watched as his jaw hardened, then heard the hiss of his quick inhale.

There was something empowering at knowing this sexy strong male was affected by her and she opened her mouth to gently suck on the head. He growled low, feeling his hand go to her head and his fingers slip into her hair. He didn’t try to control her movements; instead he let her take her time as she teased him with her mouth and tongue.

To balance herself she put her hands on his hips and slowly began to bob up and down. Every time she took him deep into her mouth she felt his hand in her hair tighten and when she pulled back she could feel the muscles under her hand tighten as if they were fighting the need to push forward.

Ally felt her core tighten every time he growled and moaned. There was something so sexy in the sounds and she knew her thong was soaked without him even touching her. When he began to meet her mouth with a thrust, she moaned around him.

“Oh fuck,” he growled before she felt him pull away, causing her to whimper in protest.

Before Ally could protest he bent down and picked her up bringing her face to his with a hard kiss. Ally wrapped her legs around his waist. The thong wet but still between them, she felt him move his hips causing his hard cock to grind against her and make her gasp against his mouth. His hand slid from her legs up to her center. She felt him grab the thin material and heard the sound of fabric ripping before he lifted her up just enough that he could slide his cock inside her.

She moaned into his mouth loving how Jared took her standing up, his feet planted firmly as she bounced on his cock. His hands on her ass helped guide her up and down. And as he thrust his hips up he took her hard and quick. She broke the kiss and panted as she buried her face in his neck, holding him tightly as he moved at an almost punishing pace. When she felt his hand smack her ass, she let out a yelp and her entire body responded as her core tightened around him.

Jared continued to thrust into her and she felt her pleasure begin to build as he gripped her ass tighter in his hands. She began to lick and bite wherever she could reach until she felt her lips slide across his neck and knew that was her mark on him. His grunt as he thrust harder into her let her know he loved what she was doing and she continued to tease it with light bites before sucking on it.

Her pleasure grew with each hard thrust until she couldn’t hold back, a scream escaped her as she instinctively bit him. His growl filled the air and he thrust harder into her before biting her neck, causing a second wave of pleasure that hit her harder than the first.

He held her down on him and she felt his hard thrust as he joined her in her pleasure. Ally held him close and when they both started to finally come down she felt him take the few steps to the bed. Jared turned so that when he fell onto the bed with her he was on his back and she was on top of him.

Jared kept a hand on her ass, keeping her astride as he adjusted himself, so they were on the bed properly. Ally giggled, impressed with how he had managed to keep their bodies connected. When Jared seemed content with their position she felt his hand slide up her back to undo her bra. She moved slightly so he could remove it.

A small smile played on his lips and he reached up and pushed her hair back behind her ears. Ally turned her head and kissed his palm. When he adjusted his hips under her she gasped as she felt his cock kick inside her, realizing he was very hard despite having just come. Her core rippled around him and he raised an eyebrow. “Care to go for a ride, Princess.”

She sat up and bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud. As she swirled her hips she felt his hands slide up her thighs to lightly grip her waist. “Hmmm I always wanted to ride a dragon.”

With a light smack on her ass she felt him move under her and she gave in to the desire to do just that.




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