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Austin's Christmas Shortcake by Dani René (2)


He stares at me for so long I think he’s angry, but then he grins. It stops my heart. The man is handsome. With sharp features, a full head of messy black hair, and those eyes. They’re as blue as the sky. Like windows into the man himself. I love getting lost in them. I always find myself staring at him for a little too long.

He’s dressed in a light blue dress shirt and gray slacks. The local doctor. He’s loved by everyone in town, even me. He’s thirteen years older than me and totally off-limits, but it doesn’t stop me from fantasizing about him. He doesn’t look old. In fact, he looks like he’s in his late twenties.

It started the day he helped me when I twisted my ankle. I was in so much pain. When his strong hands touched my skin, heat jolted through me. And it wasn’t from the agony of my injury. Ever since that day, I’ve been plagued with thoughts of him touching me again, in places only one boy has ever touched.

“Lily, I told you, call me Austin. I’m not that old.” He chuckles and his eyes shimmer with mischief and… desire? “And you really didn’t have to. I’m sure I could’ve

“It’s my pleasure,” I cut him off immediately. “And it didn’t take very long.” When I smile at him, his gaze lingers on me. Almost too long. “I’m making shortcake too. It’s my mom’s favorite recipe.” I continue mixing the dough. The strawberries I found in the fridge will be perfect on top of these with some whipped cream.

God, that sounds like an erotic fantasy waiting to happen.

Stifling a giggle, I watch Austin grab three plates and set them on the small dining table, with cutlery and some napkins. As I watch how he moves, I find myself enthralled with the man. I’ve known him for a while and each time I’m around him, I see him as a father, but also as a man I’d love to be with. He continues moving around the kitchen until the table is set for three.

“You’re joining us. No questions asked, okay?” Blue eyes pin me to the spot and I have to swallow the lump that forms in my throat. He’s so handsome.

Quickly, I nod. “Thank you. I didn’t expect to

“I insist.” This time it’s him interrupting me, but I can’t stop the smile on my face.

Dropping my gaze, I ready the mixture for the pan to ensure we have dessert in time for our after dinner treat. We both move in sync around his small kitchen, making it feel almost normal. Like I’m meant to be here.

It’s strange that for a successful doctor, he’s never bought a bigger house. Yes, he drives a flashy car, but there’s something down to earth and humbling about him. I turn in time with him and we find ourselves inches apart. His body heat sears me for a moment.

Lifting my gaze, I meet his eyes. “I…” My mouth is dry, like I haven’t had anything to drink in months.

“Lily,” he murmurs my name, leaning in, his mouth so close to mine I’m sure if I stood on my tiptoes, I’d be able to kiss him.

Do I want to? Yes, yes, I do.

“Lily!” A shriek from the beautiful little girl echoes through the room.

Without a second thought, I’m racing into the living room to find her dancing in front of the television to one of the pop bands I’d been listening to earlier.

“Look!” She points at the man on screen, the lead singer, who strangely resembles her father. “It’s your boyfriend,” she informs me with a giggle, which is sweet, yet mischievous.

Shaking my head, I respond, “I don’t have a boyfriend, silly.” When I turn to get back to the kitchen, I slam into a solid form. Warmth cascades through me, over me, straight to the spot between my thighs. “Sorry, Mr. Bai—” Catching myself on his name, I amend by murmuring, “Austin.” It comes out breathy.

The hunger in the depths of his eyes is swirling like a pool of heated desire. He does want me. But he’s never made a move. There’s never been a moment where he said it right out or even tried to kiss me. Since he’s come home tonight, it’s twice that we’ve found ourselves so close the electricity shoots through me, causing goosebumps to rise all over my skin.

His hands are on my shoulders. Our bodies pressed tightly together. But, as soon as the moment arrived, it’s gone when Chelsea squeals with excitement at the songs on the TV.

“I should…” I gesture to the kitchen and he nods.

Releasing me from his hold, Austin steps back, and I miss his touch. I want it. More than I’ve ever wanted a man before. If I’m being completely honest, I want this. Him and Chelsea. I’ve grown to love them both in my own way.

Pushing past him, I make my way into the kitchen. I inhale a deep, cleansing breath to calm my erratic heartbeat. This is going to be a long night. My shoulders tingle where he was holding me and I wonder how much longer we can skate past each other. I’m unsure of what’s happened today, but he’s never been so attentive. Unless, I’ve never noticed it before.