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Barefoot Bay: Twice Cherished (Kindle Worlds) by Ava Branson (10)

Chapter Ten



Reluctantly, I took my hand from Micki’s on the wheel and turned to stare out over the ocean. Dozens of scenarios ran through my head. Most, if not all, ended with getting her in my arms and in my bed.

Dickhead, who are you kidding again? Okay, make that all scenarios led to my bed. But it wasn’t just about making love to her. That was only the start. More importantly, where would it go from there?

Patience. I had to be patient because I was dealing with something incredibly fragile here. We had a history, which meant unless I got my shit together, history—as we’ve all had drilled into our heads—tends to repeat itself and being gifted with this chance with her? No way in hell did I want to fuck it up.

I eased back against the settee and folded my hands across my stomach, watching the way Micki’s body swayed with the boat, the wind toying with loose ends of her dark hair. Her skin glowed in the sun as she tilted her smiling face into the wind. My cock twitched to life yet again, and I had to shift to keep the obvious tenting effect to a minimum. “We’ll grab a taxi later to go get the Jeep at the marina. Can I talk you into dinner out afterwards? We’ll already be on the outskirts of town and there’s a great little place in the harbor that I’d love to take you to.”

She beamed in response. “That sounds wonderful, but does Edith already have something planned? I sure as hell don’t want to do anything to upset her. I just got here!”

“No, no, it’s okay. She’s gone for the day. I told her I’d take care of dinner. For some reason, she found that fucking hysterical. She was still laughing when she left.”

She tipped her head back and laughed, a rich, musical sound that filled me with joy. After a moment, the wind whipped the sound off into the distance, but her happy expression remained. “It’s a mutual love fest between the two of you, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s something like that. No, in all seriousness, she’s a keeper and let’s face it. She’d be lost without me to abuse the few times I manage to get here. Did I mention her husband loves me, too?”

“Oh, now that sounds oddly kinky. How does that work?”

“It works great for him. When I’m here, she has me to browbeat. Takes the heat off him for a while. In fact, I think he’d be happier than a pig in shit if I moved here full-time.”

She chuckled. “Bless his heart. Could you see yourself living here permanently?”

“I don’t know. Could you live here full-time?"

She turned to face me, her beautiful face an unreadable mask, and a finger of dread tapped me on the shoulder. I reminded myself not to push so fast.

“The emotional side of my brain says who wouldn’t want to live here. The pragmatic part of me argues, get real. How would I survive? You know, those pesky, trivial details in life.”

I was smart enough to know to leave it at that. It was a start. A damn good start. “We’re going to have to tack soon. That’ll bring us in a little closer to shore. You still comfortable at the helm?”

She frowned. “The water depth will change.”

“Probably, yeah.”

Reaching over, she plucked one of my hands from my chest and plopped it on the wheel with a little pat. “I can handle the lines. You read the bottom. I don’t want to ruin my image in your eyes by grounding out this beautiful sloop of yours.” She got up and slid into position.

“Chicken?” I asked with a grin.

She shook her head. “No. Abundantly cautious.”

I faced into the wind. “Fair enough, sweetheart. Okay, let’s go.” Several moments passed as the boat adjusted to its new heading and we heeled slightly against the wind, steering us closer to shore. “How about we head in and anchor. It’ll give us time for a swim which, by the way, was going to happen anyway since we have to get off the boat and onto land somehow.”

One meticulously shaped eyebrow lifted in a sardonic look. “Why, thank you Captain Chuckles. I might not have figured that out.” She crossed her arms with a shit-eating grin, looking mighty pleased with herself, and I couldn’t remember an afternoon I’d enjoyed more than the one happening right now. That, and the prospect of seeing her in a bikini.

With that prospect in mind, my crotch tightened and there was no way to address the situation without calling complete attention to the growing erection in my shorts.

Serves you right, man. I figured I’d better make peace with at least one cold shower in my future. Maybe two, but if there was a benevolent God, there’d only be one.

For the next several minutes, neither of us spoke. The beauty of the ocean, the power of the wind…the elements of Mother Nature took center stage. And it was far too soon for my liking when the familiar coast came into view.

“We’re almost there, Micki. Get ready to drop the sheets.”

“I’m on it.” She jumped up and made her way to the bow to winch in the jib. I was so entranced watching her move, I almost forgot my role. Grabbing hold of the winch that operated the mainsail, I switched over to dropping the canvas before firing up the engine and motoring the rest of the way into the small cove. The drone of the engine, however muffled from below deck, still shattered the peace and tranquility of the private cove.

Micki stepped gingerly back into the cockpit. “I’m not totally comfortable setting the anchor, so do you want me to take over the wheel and you handle that?”

“Sure. Here.” I stood, letting her slide in place behind the wheel. Throttling the engine speed down to a slow crawl, I pointed to where I usually anchored. “Keep her headed straight for there, then cut the engine, here,” I pointed to the switch, “when I tell you, okay?”

“Got it.”

I stared at her mouth. I couldn’t help it. The urge to cup her jaw and kiss those soft lips rushed through me and my hands were halfway reaching for her when I regained control and promised myself, when the moment was right, to taste that beautiful mouth once again. But there was no doubt this self-denial shit was a miserable, son-of-a-fucking-bitch.

Five minutes later and satisfied with the set of the anchor, we worked side by side to secure the sails.

“We’re all set here. Let me grab a ditch bag. You didn’t bring a purse or anything, did you? I don’t remember.”

“No, I didn’t. I was so excited about the sail I even left my cell phone behind. God, I never do that!”

“Well, good, I’m glad you were that excited. I’ve got mine and my keys so, if you don’t want your clothes and shoes wet, you can leave them here and we’ll get them later.” I rummaged through a small cabinet in the cockpit, pulling out a waterproof bag. Dropping my cell phone and keys in the bag, I sealed it and laid it on the cushion. Peeling off my T-shirt and kicking off my deck shoes, I leaned through the open cockpit hatch and deposited both items on the counter in the galley.

“Works for me.” She kicked off her sandals and shimmied out of her shorts. Fire orange bikini bottoms came into view and I couldn’t have torn my eyes away if someone held a gun to my head. If you could call that ridiculously small scrap of fabric a bottom. But, holy hell, if that was the bottom, I couldn’t wait to see the top.

She was pulling her tank top up when a strong gust of wind hit the boat and it lurched, sending her stumbling off-balance. My hands shot out and clamped around her waist to steady her while she finished pulling her shirt off. When her head popped out and she got her sea legs back, I know I should’ve let her go, but damned if I could. Her smooth skin felt like the finest silk against my hands and I wanted to slide them up and down her body. To pull her to me and let her feel against her soft belly just how badly she affected me.

Neither of us spoke. I couldn’t. Slowly and painfully, I let her go, dropping my hands to my side. The only solace was seeing that she’d been equally as affected. Her lips remained parted. Her chest rose and fell in quick, shallow breaths. The soft curves of her breasts teasing me with hardened nipples barely covered by small triangles of nylon. My self-control was taking a hit. A huge, fucking hit.

I took a step back before saying screw it and making love to her right there in the cockpit. But that wasn’t what I wanted for the first time.

“That water better be cold.” Big brown eyes blinked and I realized I’d spoken out loud. Jesus, my head was screwing with me.

Whether she was being polite or she understood my dilemma, she added, “Here’s to that.” She picked up her shorts and folded both pieces of clothing neatly before tucking her sandals under the bundle and putting them next to mine in the cabin.

I had a momentary free pass to drink in the sight of her while she did that, which only served to make my erection even more evident. Luscious, soft curves in all the right places. Everything I’d remembered, only amplified by a thousand. Memories were one dimensional. The flesh and blood goddess that stood in front of me was not. This was the woman that affected me like no other and I wanted her back with a fire that was all consuming.

“You okay using the steps on the stern to get in the water? I’ve got a dive ladder stowed here somewhere if you want that.”

She moved to the back of the boat, leaning over the small expanse of deck in between to check out the steps. It gave me another tantalizing view of her backside when she did. Christ, how I wanted to grab those hips and pull them against me.

Either the sight of her was going to fucking kill me, or I was going to implode and make headlines for it.

“No, this is fine.” She turned with an eager look. “Ready?”

Sweetheart, I’m this close to coming in my shorts. “Sure. Go on. I just need to lock up.”

When I followed her over the side, I decided my god was not a benevolent one today. The water was a balmy eight-three or eight-four degrees, and I needed something along the lines of a polar ice cap.

I struck out after her and a couple of minutes later, we hit shallower water. I touched bottom before she did. She flipped on her back and treaded water, smiling at me as she did.

“You know this is heaven, right?”

I certainly did. “It’s shaping up rather nicely.”

“Come on,” she coaxed. “What could possibly be missing?”

“I don’t know.” I darted underwater and took a hard kick to come up beneath her, wrapping one arm around her waist before coming up for air. I tossed the ditch bag towards shore, letting the waves carry it to the sand. “A mermaid, that’s what’s missing. Oh, wait!” I pulled her towards me. “I found one, and she’s wearing the most delightful excuse for a bikini I’ve had the privilege of seeing in a long time.”

Laughing, she pushed away from me and out of my grasp, kicking off for shore. The difference in our heights gave me the advantage. I reached out and caught her by the ankle, yanking her back, squealing the whole way. This time she let me pull her up against my body, her hands resting on my shoulders. Strands of hair crisscrossed her forehead and I reached to move them. Dropping my gaze back to those haunting dark eyes, I knew I’d lost any chance of keeping my hands off her.

Her chest rose and fell along with mine and I couldn’t tell whose heart was beating the hardest. The waves, as if in collusion, gently nudged our bodies against each other’s, like a tuneless dance only we could hear.

I lost the battle.