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BBQ, Bikes, and Bears: An Alpha and Omega series spin off story by Lisa Oliver (7)

Chapter Seven

It was close to two in the morning by the time Roy, on his bike, followed Clive on his, up the long driveway to his mate’s home. In contrast to the club, Clive’s house was well out of town and hidden behind a huge wall of trees which had Roy’s bear stirring restlessly, but Roy had more important things to ponder on his ride than his bear’s incessant need to scratch his back on a tree. He meant what he said, he wouldn’t speak of anything he heard when Clive was dealing with Bobby to the police. But the knowledge the Black Skulls were looking to expand their drug trafficking didn’t sit well. In Florida drugs were a far bigger problem than guns, at least from a police perspective. Maybe I can drop a few hints….

Roy cut that line of thinking as Clive parked in front of a modest house. From the outside, it didn’t look overly large, which would make sense for a single man. At least, Roy assumed Clive was single. A quick sniff in the air confirmed no other scents around, but Roy was still cautious when he followed Clive into the house.

“This is my space,” Clive said, throwing his keys on a small table by the door. “If you scent anyone else here, they’re intruders and you’re free to eat them.”

“I’d rather nibble on you.” Now they were alone there was nothing holding Roy back from claiming his mate – he hoped. Slipping up behind Clive, he wrapped his arm around him, groaning at the way Clive’s scent was tinged with the cooler night air. “Tell me now,” he whispered, as he ran his nose along Clive’s neck, “Is there anything else that might be a barrier to me claiming you?”

“You mean, besides the fact my club is likely to be attacked within days, we’re not likely to have seen the last of Bobby, my members all still think I’m straight, and you can’t be seen with a biker in town because of your job?” Clive turned in Roy’s arms, gripping Roy’s shirt. “Can’t think of anything else, can you? You’ve learned a hell of a lot about me since you pulled me over almost twelve hours ago. Is there anything about you I need to know before you put that cock of yours to good use and claim my ass?”

“I eat a lot.” Roy was struggling to think of anything – his mind filled with wanton images of his mate’s bare ass. “I…er…I’m not likely to show any signs of aging for at least another couple of hundred years or more, and you won’t age anymore either, so we’ll have to move around every ten years or so. My Mom is still alive, and I have a ton of cousins we’ll probably bump into down the track sometimes, and….”

“Holden or Ford?”

Roy gulped. “Depends on the year and model.”

“Good answer. Harley or Triumph – nah, don’t worry, you ride a mean bike. Star Trek or Star Wars?”

How do you expect me to think when my cock’s so hard it’s going to leap out of my pants? “Trek.”

“Pizza toppings?”

“Meat lovers, double meat, double cheese.”

“What do you have with your whiskey?”

“Nothing. Whiskey’s perfect on its own.”

“That’s good enough for me.” Roy felt Clive’s hands move until they were resting just above his zipper. “How long will it take you to get out of those pants?”

“No time at all.” Roy groaned as the sound of his zipper opening rang in his ears. Hot hands, hard hands, damn, it was his mate’s hands circling his cock, tugging his length into the air. Roy scrunched his toes in his boots. He was going to blow in seconds.

“Damn, we’re going to need a lot of lube for that.” Clive lightly tugged on his cock and Roy followed the movement. “Come with me, babe. I’m riled up enough to have you take me against the fucking door, but the single use lube sachet I have in my pocket isn’t going to be enough.”

I don’t know if I can hold off that long, Roy thought as he was led by his dick down a short hallway and into what as clearly Clive’s space. Clive flicked on the light. Neat. Sparse. Clive was a lot tidier person than Roy was known to be. But all he could focus on was the custom-sized bed that dominated the room.

“Spent too many of my years sleeping on cots,” Clive explained, catching his glance. “It’d be quicker if we stripped ourselves, don’t you think?”

There was a part of Roy that wanted them to stop, take their time and savor their first time together. Clive was his mate and that was significant. But that’s just it - this isn’t a hook up. You’ll have centuries to explore the man in front of you. Just get the bloody claiming done before something else gets in the way. Tugging his shirt over his head, uncaring of where it landed, Roy pushed his pants down his thighs and bent over to undo his boots before kicking them and his jeans off. Free of his clothing, he looked up to see Clive sprawled out on the wide mattress gently fisting his cock, a half used tube of lube by his side.

“I’ve seen some amazing bodies in my time,” Clive’s growl was worthy of any shifter, “but you’re my wet dream walking.”

Roy couldn’t answer – his mouth was bone dry and when he licked his lips, it didn’t help. Clive wasn’t built like he was, but the older man worked out. His entire chest and arms were covered in black ink. Roy recognized the USMC knife and eagle tattoo inscribed with “Death Before Dishonor” on one shoulder and the battlefield cross on his chest. Built like a tank, Clive didn’t have a slim line on him and that included his dick. Sparse gray hair covered his chest and angled down to a darker treasure trail that culminated into a mass of trimmed dark and gray curls covering his groin.

Striding over, Roy crawled between Clive’s legs, knocking his mate’s hand away. With a cock in his mouth he didn’t have to say anything, but damn, he couldn’t stop his moans as Clive’s taste flooded his tongue. Musk, sweat, honey, and the undertones of leather from the pants Clive had been wearing. Clive was keen to get on with things, resting his feet on Roy’s shoulders so his hole was exposed, tapping Roy’s head with the lube tube.

Roy wasn’t a fan of multitasking, but he knew a lot about prepping a man well enough to take the length bobbing impatiently between his legs. Sucking and slurping, moving his head just enough to keep Clive interested, he fumbled and got the cap off the lube, coating his fingers. Clive’s body barely moved, but the moans and pleas for him to not stop were delicious. The hairs on Clive’s balls tickled Roy’s chin as he nudged his finger inside Clive’s warmth.

Scrap warmth – the man was hot and so freaking tight. If Clive had been penetrated with anything in the last ten years, Roy would eat his handlebars. The pressure around just one finger was intense and Roy felt a slow boil in his groin as he imagined that heat around his cock. His bear wasn’t helping – usually dormant anytime Roy got his dick sucked – this time he was being pushy. Clive needed to smell of them inside and out and the bear wanted his teeth in Clive’s hard shoulder. He was pushing for the claim.

Unused to dealing with his animal half in intimate situations, Roy moved as fast as he dared. The fact that Clive was willing warmed his soul – he doubted the gruff marine ever gave up his ass without a fight. Three fingers in, still tight, the situation was taken out of Roy’s hands when Clive tugged on his hair.

Roy peered up, his mouth still cradling the head of Clive’s cock, to see bared teeth and pupils blown. “Get your cock in there.”

Okay. Roy was hardly going to argue, not when his need was just as desperate. Taking one final lick, because damn his mate was tasty, Roy rose up on his knees and shuffled closer. The bed cover was blue and for some reason Roy knew he’d remember that for centuries to come as he swiped the remains of the lube on his fingers along his length and nudged his cock against the loosened hole.

Clive panted heavily as Roy pushed his cock inside his mate’s heat as slow as he was able. It wasn’t easy – his bear wasn’t known for his finesse. The veins on Clive’s neck showed in stark relief as he arched his head back, his fists clenched by his side, forcing air out of his lungs in an effort to relax his body. Roy gripped Clive’s legs, still bracketing his head, rocking his hips gradually, sinking deeper one inch at a time.

“Damn and shit and fucking hell,” Clive cursed as Roy’s balls finally grazed Clive’s upturned ass. “This is one hell of a work out.”

That struck Roy as funny and he grinned. “You’ve just been laying there. I’m the one doing all the work.”

“Bastard.” Clive’s tone was fond. A sheen of sweat coated his rugged face and Roy had the urge to lick it off. But not yet. The insanely tight grip on his cock had eased and every cell in his body urged Roy to thrust. Moving Clive’s legs so they rested on his hip bones, Roy dropped his torso over his mate’s and swiped his tongue over Clive’s stubble.

“You’re one hell of a mountain of a man, Roy Carmichael.”

“I’m your mountain of a man and I always will be,” Roy reminded him, his hips thrusting harder and faster as Clive’s body adjusted to him. He’d always heard mates fit with each other, and now he knew those gossips were right. The pressure around his cock was sheer heaven and Roy knew, this first time, he wasn’t going to last. Clive’s arm was around his neck like a stranglehold, the man writhing and meeting his thrusts, his ragged panting brushing over his shoulder.

The point of no return came far too fast. Roy tried to grab Clive’s cock and give him a helping hand – he was desperate for Clive to hit his peak at the same time. But their body position made it impossible, so he did the next best thing. His balls tightened, his cock spurted, and Roy crunched down with his elongated teeth into Clive’s neck.

“Fuck!” Clive’s yell was so loud, Roy was worried for a moment that he’d hurt his mate, but as he licked over the huge wound that now sat like a circle on the join between Clive’s neck and shoulder, he felt his mate’s body shudder beneath him and a sticky wetness on his abs. Clive’s breathing slowed and his head tilted to one side. He was out.

Licking lovingly once more over the mating mark Clive would wear for the rest of his life, Roy carefully pulled out from his mate’s body and lifted his head, sniffing for a bathroom. Now his orgasm had passed, his body and mind were shutting down. It’d been one hell of a day. Making a mental promise he and his mate would find time to talk about the dangers Clive was in, and what he was going to do about their different careers in the morning, Roy quickly cleaned them both up and then arranged the blanket over his mate and climbed under it with him. He wasn’t in a hurry to go anywhere now that his mate was in his arms where he belonged.