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Beach Bum Billion-Heiress (The Beach Squad Series Book 4) by Marika Ray (18)


Three months later...


I was getting ready at Jax' place, which was actually now our place, now that I'd given up my rental house. With our crazy work schedules it just didn't make sense to have two places. Though the quarters were tight, it was a cozy space. Jax was the best roommate, not blinking an eye when I walked in with boxes of home decor to spruce up the place and make it feel like my own. I didn't tell him how much everything cost, and he didn't ask. The perfect arrangement.

Speaking of money, he had yet to agree to my constant ideas on how to improve The Surf Shack, though I had noticed him implementing some of my more affordable ideas on his own. He hasn't taken a dime from me, which both irritated me and made my heart swell with admiration. I'd been searching for people in my life who were there for me, not my potential inheritance, and now I'd finally found him.

Well, them, actually. I can't forget my Beach Squad girls. Literally. I couldn't turn around without one of them up in my business. Which was bitchin', I just wasn't used to having people around me that actually cared about my life. It was taking some getting used to, but I was loving it. I'd never had siblings, but now that I had a whole slew of sisters, I realized what I missed out on growing up.

But I couldn't think of all that right now or I'd tear up. And I'd done a bang-up job on my makeup today in preparation for my big day.

That's right. I did it. I built my restaurant.

This dream-made-reality had been my sole focus for months now, not because of my father's ultimatum, but because I'd become fully invested in this venture. I'd discovered a natural love for rehabilitating businesses. If I may say so myself, I had a keen eye for seeing what needed to be done to turn a struggling business around. And I so happened to have the money needed to invest in my ideas. At least for now.

That's why tonight, the soft opening for Stem2Stern, meant the world to me. It was my first project and I fucking killed it. Seriously. The restaurant was gorgeous inside and out. The head chef I hired from Seattle for an ungodly amount of money was just as jazzed as I was about our dishes. Didn't hurt that he was a sight for sore eyes. Not that I was looking. But hello, I have eyes! The staff was perfection with their impeccable training under my head manager. I even created a subtle nod of respect to Jax' father and his contributions to the HB community by incorporating his last name in the restaurant's nautical name. Plus it earned me a particularly unforgettable night when I unveiled the name to Jax.

A few months together had done nothing to cool the flames between us. I barked out orders during the day to my construction crew and happily let Jax dominate me at night in his bed. Or out on his porch. Or on his boat that one day. Something about the contrast, total control versus almost no control, got me from zero to sixty in a second flat. We hadn't said those three little words to each other yet, but I honestly didn't need to hear it. I knew how I felt about him deep in my soul, the same way I knew Huntington Beach was my home the minute I breathed in the salty air.

Now I just had to impress my father enough that he'd give me his blessing. He was the final piece in putting my life together exactly as I wanted it. Tonight was make it or break it as far as my trust fund and inheritance was concerned.

No pressure.

"Hey, rich bitch, you home?" Bailey's voice called to me through the front door loud and clear.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Forget how to use a fucking door?" I yelled back, not bothering to get up and let her in. She called me a bitch. She could let herself in.

I heard the door open and slam shut before the tornado known as Bailey walked into the flat.

"I got your dress and shoes right here. Plus Jax' new suit and tie. Don't know why he needs a new one, he just bought one a few months ago. How many fancy suits does a lifeguard need? I mean, swim suits, I can understand. But a suit and tie?" Bailey was huffing and puffing, laying out outfits on the bed as she ran her mouth.

Something about her comment struck me as odd. When had Jax needed a suit? I'd never seen him in one. Maybe she was mistaken and meant he'd bought one awhile back, before I moved to HB. I, for one, was looking forward to my handsome lifeguard spiffed up and in a monkey suit for once.

"Jax'll be back shortly. He just called me when he got back to the station after his shift. In the meantime, will you help me with the dress?" I may have a lot of money at my disposal, but fancy cocktail dresses weren't really my thing. They were totally Bailey's thing, which is why I'd enlisted her help for this evening. At past corporate events, I'd purposely dressed in my normal bohemian manner, claiming I wanted comfort, but really just wanting to piss off my father.

It scraped against every fiber of my being to admit I not only wanted my trust fund, but I wanted my father's approval. I'd promised myself that this was my one last shot at it. The pit in my stomach formed at the thought of being disregarded yet again, but I couldn't keep giving him opportunities to hurt me.

I was dressing appropriately for the first time, yes, for approval, and also because this restaurant mattered to me. Maybe the first business deal ever to really matter to me. I think I'd found my calling.

Slipping on the dress Bailey found for me, I was surprised to feel content at the image staring back at me in the mirror instead of feeling like a noose was being tightened around my neck at the first touch of corporate wear. Probably helped that Bailey had found a killer dress that skirted the line of business formal and shabby chic. Plus the fact that it was a bright turquoise blue made me feel like I'd be a spot of happy color in a sea of dark, boring suit jackets.

"Damn, girlie, that dress was made for you! Jax won't know what hit him when he sees you. Good thing your father will be there to kill any sexy time vibes and keep you kids in line." Bailey cackled, tickled at the thought of my gruff father giving Jax the hairy eyeball. The Beach Squad had heard all about my father and had promised to attend the soft opening to be my emotional backup.

A huge surge of emotion washed over me and made my eyes well up. Pulling Bailey into a bear hug, I whispered, "Thank you for being the best friend a girl could ask for." I felt her squeeze me back for a quick moment before she pulled away and clapped her hands, rushing to put everything away. She wasn't quick enough though and I saw her eyes suspiciously wet.

I seemed to have no problem showing emotion to those I trusted. On the other end of the spectrum was Bailey. She was one tough girl, but since I'd gotten to know her, I'd come to realize she was a sweet, soft marshmallow inside. It had become my mission since then to hit her straight in the heart as many times as I could. She still loved me. I was pretty sure.

Just as we got all her stuff packed up, we heard Jax downstairs talking to Jonny before he made his way up to the apartment.

"That's my cue to leave you lovebirds." Bailey punched me in the arm and I grabbed her up in another hug before she could escape me.

"Ugh..." Bailey gave me her signature eye roll before untangling from me and leaving, but it came with a grin.

I slipped on my heels, giving myself another glance in the mirror, working on my confident, businesswoman face, imagining my scowling father sitting in front of me.

Jax, the big sneak, crept up behind me without me noticing. His strong arms wrapped around my waist and brought me back into his chest. My eyes fluttered shut and I just breathed him in: sunshine and sunscreen.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, baby," he whispered in my ear. A quick kiss to my earlobe, a nibble up higher, then a kiss behind my ear. The shiver hit me like it always did when Jax touched me. My body only responded to him, like our bodies knew each other on a cellular level. "No matter what happens with your father tonight, promise me you know."

I tilted my head to see his face. "Know what?" His eyes were focused entirely on me, not letting me even think of looking away.

"Know who you are. Know you are capable, and smart, and strong. Know how worthy you are of every good thing. No matter happens," his arms squeezed me tighter, "don't let your father take that knowledge from you."

I spun in his arms, my gaze never leaving his. My man's face was set in stone, his sincere words bringing a dreamy smile to my face. "I know. Whether he gives me the trust fund or not, I know I'll be fine. More than fine." Even in heels, I still had to stretch to plant a kiss on his lips. "I mean, if worse comes to worst, I can teach surf lessons, right? I'm damn good on my board now."

He smirks, the levity returning to his face. "Yeah, you only lost your swim bottoms twice last time we went out."

I pulled away, swatting at the air. "Oh, please, I just did that for your sake."

"Uh huh, sure."

"Don't you need to be getting dressed?" I threw some lip gloss and my driver’s license into my tiny clutch, refusing to meet his eye, knowing I'd burst out laughing. Seriously, they needed to make better swim suit bottoms that stayed where they belonged. It wasn't my fault.

I heard his swim trunks hit the floor and I spun around so fast I nearly went down in my sky-high heels. Goddamn, he was hot. All tan skin and bulging muscles, messy dark hair and blue eyes. I followed the trail as nature intended to see he was already shifting from soft to hard, lengthening as I watched him move.

"Quit looking at me, Sage." My eyes regretfully left the view that had them entranced and saw that Jax was staring back at me, his eyes intense.

I shrugged. "We've got time."

He gave me the look, the one that said I was being naughty.

"Well, we do! You'd have to promise not to mess up my make-up or my hair though. Can you do that?" Now it was my turn to be skeptical. Jax had a thing with pulling my hair. I didn't mind it normally, in fact I loved it, but not when I'd taken time to curl my long hair and artfully pull a few pieces back with pins.

"Turn around." Jax wrapped his hand around himself, while eyeing me in my dress. I didn't bother looking away, too entranced with each tug and pull to give him my eyes.

"No hair pulling. I'm serious."

"Turn. Around."

Ah, my dominant boyfriend was back. I whirled around, knowing I'd be repaid in spades for my obedience.

"Hands on the dresser, feet apart."

I leaned onto the dresser, stepping my high heeled feet wide apart. Jax' heat hit my backside as he came closer. The shivers started again when he ran one rough finger up the back of my leg, then up under my dress. The skirt flipped up and his big hands grabbed hold of both cheeks, squeezing and pulling me back into him.

My lacy thong was pulled aside and he pushed inside immediately, the feeling of fullness like none other. It hadn't taken long in our relationship for me to get on birth control, for no other reason than to feel Jax without any barriers. I groaned and pressed back, wanting more of him, now. What I got was a slap on the cheek, the sting startling me, creating a frenzy inside of me.

"Please, Jax," I begged, my voice already breathy and desperate.

"Maybe it's time for those spankings I owe you from our camping trip. Make this beautiful ass you keep showing me nice and red before we go meet your father. Would you like that? Meeting dear ol' dad with my handprint still on you?"

I dropped my head between my arms, biting my lip to keep from screaming at him to hurry up. To keep moving. Jax spoke so calmly and smoothly normally, that to hear his dirty talk in the bedroom was an instant turn-on.

His hand smacked down again, the sting starting on my other cheek.

"Answer me."

"Yes, yes, yes..." I was panting from trying to keep still, from keeping myself from raising my voice to beg him for what I needed. I brought my head up to take in the scene behind me in the mirror. Jax' face was so serious, like he was holding onto his restraint by a thread.

He thrust back in, setting a fast pace that made my eyes roll back in my head with pleasure. Thank God. The dreamcatcher he'd given me a while back to match my tattoo was swinging wildly from the corner of the mirror.

The goose bumps were taking over, the feelings rushing through my body too good to contain, when he pulled completely out.

"No..." I whined, feeling the cold air meet my heated skin.

This time it was two smacks, one right after each other to both cheeks before he charged back in, the orgasm instantly rolling up my torso and making me cry out with its intensity. I didn't know why that was so hot, nor did I particularly care at the moment, still floating on a high I'd come to crave these last few months.

Jax didn't stay long, running off to the bathroom and back again, wet washcloth in hand. The cool cloth felt perfect against my skin, cooling it off and cleaning me up at the same time. Then Jax was on his knees kissing my cheeks, murmuring his praise against my skin.

I giggled at the feeling. "You're such an ass kisser..."

Jax climbed to his feet and flipped my dress back down before turning me and kissing me quickly. "Only for you." Then he turned and got dressed in the clothes Bailey had laid out for him, transforming from my casual lifeguard to the most gorgeous businessman I'd ever seen.

"You're staring again."

I huffed, not liking that he'd caught me and called me out on it. I couldn't help myself. It was like watching a chiseled sculpture move in fluid motion. If the statue of David could move, you'd watch, completely mesmerized, amiright? Totally not my fault...

"Time to open up your restaurant, baby." Jax stood before me, his hand outstretched, ready to accompany me to my big event. He'd slicked the top of his hair back with some sort of gel, the cleaned up hairstyle highlighting his rock hard jawline. He looked ready to take on my father in an epic battle for my self-esteem. Now the only question that remained...was I ready?