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Believe Series box set by L Chapman (72)



It seems like I have been at Mark’s for hours now, just waiting for Mia to come and join us. I can’t relax until I know she is safe, so I send her a text.

Mia, we have Chinese here. It’s your favorite, or so Connor said. I will keep it warm unil you arrive. I can’t wait to see you. I need a hug. Xx

Megan, I’m on my way now. I need to drop off my final designs. Hug is on its way. Get Connor to give you one for now. Xx

Erm, no. That’s just weird. See you soon.  Xx

I love the fact the Mia is finally buckling down and working her bum off trying to get her work done, but seriously, I am not giving Connor a hug.  That’s just weird.  Annabella is being so helpful, like an angel.  She has kindly taken Lucy for her nighttime bath, giving me some much needed time to sort out my head. I definitely need it.  I send Connor out to walk Jessie because I have no energy to walk her tonight.  I can’t do with her wanting me all night, so hopefully, she will be tired and settle down.  I know she is in a strange environment, but I still hope she sleeps since I don’t think she has ever stayed here before. 

It doesn’t feel right being in this house without Mark or without knowing he will be here shortly.  I have never spent a night in this house without him, and I’m not looking forward to it.

I reach for my mobile to contact Jenny.  I need to check how everything went.

“Hi, Jenny. How did today go?” I ask.

What? You’re pregnant? That’s wonderful.” A smile lights up my face, and I begin dancing up and down in my seat.  I’m so happy for her.  She is finally getting what she has dreamed of. I just hope nothing goes wrong. She is great with Lucy and will be a wonderful mum.

“Oh my God. You need to tell me everything. How did the test go?” I probe.

As expected, we spend a while talking about what happened with her. She had tried to ring me earlier in the day, but I couldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t talk to anyone. I only wanted to know that Mark was okay. I was a mess, and I still am.

“Jenny, someone attacked Mark today. They got into Annabella’s house while we were in the garden. Mark had gone to walk Jessie, so I don’t know what happened.  No one really does.  The doctors say that he is going to be okay, but we are still waiting on test results. He is a mess with cuts and bruises.  It’s horrible.”

“No, stay there. You have bump to think of. I’m safe. I have Connor, and there is some other security around.  I don’t know, but I will be fine.  Mia is coming too, so we will all be together.  Well, except for Mark, since he is still in the hospital.”

Mia walks straight into the lounge, looking down.  I can tell she isn’t happy.  She has a face like a slapped arse. I know I will find out soon what’s happened.  Oh God.

“Jenny, I have to go. Mia just got here.  I’ll text you later.”

“I’m fucking sick of men!” Mia yells as she walks over towards me, turning around to see if anyone else is in the room.  Luckily, it’s just us.  Annabella is still upstairs with Lucy, and Connor hasn’t returned yet.

“What’s happened?” I ask, even though I’m not at all sure I want to know.  I’m not in the mood for Mia’s ‘all about me’ attitude.  She should be worried about her brother, not herself.  He could have died today.

Connor rang her earlier and told her about what had happened.  He has kept in touch with Scott all day, and she hasn’t once contacted him to check on Mark.  When Connor rang, Mark had just been admitted into the hospital.  You would think she would care about him, as he has always taken care of her.  

Mia sits down beside me on the sofa. “Am I ugly?” she asks, looking up at me.

“No, you’re so pretty, hun. What happened?” I shake my head in disbelief. Who would say something like that to her?

“Scott said it. I asked him to kiss me, and he refused,” she admits.

“He is here to protect you, Mia, nothing else. Your brother would have killed him for kissing you. You will find Mr. Right. It took me years to find my Mr. Right.”  Mia is going through some faze right now.  She doesn’t seem like the girl I first met.  She seems so immature for her age, and she is only a couple of years younger than me. Thank goodness I never went through the ‘throwing tantrums over boys’ kind of stage.

“Thanks, Megan.”  She moves her hand dismissively.  “You’re right. Anyway, he is like forty.  That’s old.  He does not have much life left in his cock.”

“Mia!  You can’t say things like that.  Age is just a number.”

“If you say so.”  She pauses. “Are you ready to eat?”

“I guess,” I say, letting her leave to get everything sorted for tea. Although she is young, she is very organised when it comes to work. However, when it comes to men, she is terrible. She thinks everyone wants to sleep with her. I hope she grows out of it soon, before she gets herself in trouble.  You can tell that Annabella has rubbed off on her in some ways, but not the ones that matter the most. 

I don’t want to eat anything, but I know I need to in order to have energy to look after my daughter.  What I really want is to sleep in Mark’s arms. Yes, for once, I want to sleep.