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Biker's Little Secret: Carolina Devils MC by Brook Wilder (22)


Chapter 2

Learning To Be A Man


Hammer wrapped his son’s small hands, making sure it was solid without cutting off the blood circulation. Jaden, as always, was quiet, serious and cooperative. They both enjoyed their training time. It was the perfect way to stay fit, relax, and clear the air as problems arose.


“How was school today?”


“Fine, sir.”


“Nothing interesting?”


“Trevor beat the hell out of Craig.”


“Craig’s that bully, right?”


“Yep. I told Trevor what to do and did it. You should have seen him, dad. It was great.”


Hammer frowned. “Rule number one is to take it someplace private. If Trevor took your advice, how did you see it?”


“He waited until everyone was in class and they took it to the far side of the yard. I knew where they were going to be, so I watched. Trevor took out his knee with a kick, elbowed him in the back of the head, and once he was stunned tore his face up. Craig was never all that good looking but from now on he’s going to be one ugly…”


“Serves him right.”


“Yes, it does. Ever since Craig hit that little second grader in the face, every guy in school has been out to get him.”


“How’s the little lady doing?”


“Better, but still scared. We take turns walking her to class and sitting near her at lunch.”


“Just keep doing the right thing. She’ll come around.”


“You are never going to believe what my teach had to say.”


“The cute blonde?”


Jaden nodded.


“She looks pretty tame. Let me guess. She said kids shouldn’t fight at school.”


“Yep. Said ‘human beings’ shouldn’t be hurting each other. I get the feeling she doesn’t approve of fighting outside of school either.”


“Sounds a little gullible.”


“Gullible but nice.”


“That’s a winning combination in my book.”


That’s what his dad always said when he thought a woman was hot. Jaden snickered at the thought of his old man and his prim and proper teacher together. “She even asked if it would be possible for me to report guys fighting, only she called it incidents of aggression.”


Hammer couldn’t keep the smile off his handsome face. “What did you tell her?”


Jaden beamed. “I agreed that it would be possible. I just didn’t tell her that it wouldn’t be very probable.”


Remembering an Alice in Wonderland line to that effect, Hammer chuckled. Giving his son a light smack to the upper arm, he praised his ingenuity. “Way to go, son. You handled that nicely. Didn’t get into an argument with your teacher and didn’t make promises you’ve got no intention of keeping.”


“Ain’t no woman telling me what to do when it comes to doin’ what I think is right.”


“I’m proud of you, but you shouldn’t say ain’t. People in leadership positions need to speak properly. The guys will only listen to you if they think you’re smarter and tougher than they are. Also, they rely upon us to move back and forth between the MC and the outside world. If we don’t speak well, people will think we’re not educated.”


“I’ll remember, sir.”


Hammer could feel the pride mingling with love swelling in his chest for his only child. The little man was growing up quick and was smart as a whip. It was cute how his son called him sir, just like all the other men in the MC. No one had ever asked the boy to do that. He just picked it up to fit in. Hammer quickly wrapped his own hands and they began to spar.


“Keep your feet spread wider apart. You’re smaller, so you need a better center of gravity. Remember to roll into the punch. It takes the power out.”


Jaden’s small legs jumped apart slightly and he began moving around, looking for an open spot to land a punch.


“Your first order of business is to get a larger opponent down on the ground. Once you’re both off your feet, he loses any advantage over you.”


Jaden’s grunt was the only acknowledgement of understanding.


“Now when is the correct time to get aggressive with someone?”


Jaden wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of one hand, as he moved.


“When they stop listening, refuse to comply, or become belligerent. When the situation is too dangerous for words, if I think he’s going to escalate, or I can do so without consequences. Also, certain people require pain to make a lesson stick.”


“Good job. When is the correct time to hold your aggression in check?”


“When there’s a larger plan in motion, when in view of the public, when there are overwhelming numbers of opponents, or when there is no clear exit strategy.”


“Who do you never harm?”


“Females, disabled individuals, the elderly, and younger kids.”


They sparred back and forth all over the huge mat in the club house gym for about twenty minutes then spent the rest of the hour lifting weights and hitting the sandbag together. It was high quality guy time, and Hammer loved it.


Hammer draped his arm around his son’s shoulders as they walked through the club house to the bar. Settling themselves onto stools, a woman wearing a short satin kimono slid plates of food in front of them. Hammer glanced up at the woman disapprovingly.


“Shelby, we discussed proper daytime attire. You can’t walk around the club house half-dressed during the day.”


She teased, “I thought you liked me half dressed.”


“I like most of you better when you’re half dressed, but there’s a proper time and place for everything.”


“I don’t see what the big problem is.” Her whiney voice was beginning to grate on his nerves. He cleared his throat and exercised his last bit of patience with the woman.


“Do you think it’s appropriate to serve me and my son food wearing lingerie?”


She looked down at her clothing and shifted uncomfortably.


“I like to dine without distractions. It’s why I don’t watch television or work while I eat. When it gets to the point that I can’t eat a meal in peace with my son, it’s a clue that maybe I should look into replacing some whores. The ones who can’t follow directions will be the first to go. Am I making myself clear?”


“Yes, Hammer. I’ll change into some jeans.”


Jaden sat quietly with his hands in his lap, waiting for his father to finish with the business at hand. Once their drinks landed on the table, Shelby left in the direction of her room.


Hammer glanced at his son and shook his head.


Jaden smiled slightly. “I know what you’re going to say.” Using a deep voice, he mimicked his father’s tone. “Gotta be strict with the whores or they’ll take the place over.”


Hammer shoved his hand through the boy’s sweaty mop of hair. “Eat up, smart ass. We’re burning daylight.”


“Can we shoot some hoops?”


“Sure, but then I have to step out on business. It won’t take long.”


“I know, you don’t have to say it. I’ll stay in my room and do my homework.”


“I’ll be checking it when I get back.”


Jaden grumbled. “You always do.”