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"As you can see, it's a very good proposition." Paolo's thick accent trills over the 'r's', as he exchanges a look with Ramone, the man he's brought along with him today for whatever reason. He tips his head toward Ramone, relaxed, his eyes lingering on him before turning back to me.

Flipping through the paperwork, I quickly scan over everything. It's just the kind of business venture I've been looking for, at least on paper. Colombia has certain tax laws that would make this very appealing, but there's something about Paolo that has me hesitating. Sure, Paolo looks friendly and really, to some degree he is, but I know it's just a front. He's a businessman, so he plays nice, but in reality, there's something darker going on under the surface... something I would really like to investigate and use to my advantage.  Since Paolo has come to me, we're on my home turf. I have the ball.

"I have to admit, Paolo, I'm liking what I'm seeing," I say, placing the stack of papers back on my desk. "Of course, I'll have my attorney go over everything as usual, but assuming it’s all worked out, I think we have ourselves a deal."

With a gracious bow of his head, Paolo gives me a smile that doesn't quite meet his dark eyes. "And I am glad to be hearing it. Please have your lawyer take his time, there is no rush as I expected you to say that. Thank you for the partnership." Both he and Ramone stand up, and Paolo reaches over the desk to shake my hand in a firm gesture. "I did not see your brother here today. He is doing well, yes?"

I don't expect him to bring up Joseph, but I smooth over my expression easily. "He will most certainly be present to sign off on our new venture here, but after that, he'll be off on his next adventure, I'm sure. Can't stand still for the life of him."

He nods. "Please give him my regards. I look forward to seeing him at our next meeting."

I agree and thank him for coming by, shaking Ramone's hand as well as we head into the front lobby area. Thelma's voice drifts down the hall as she talks to someone who's just come in. She was our father's executive assistant since the early '80s, and even though she still dresses like it, she's very good at her job. Except for when she gets a little too chatty.

"Will you be needing anything before you go, sir?" Thelma asks Paolo from behind the front desk. "Drinks, perhaps?"

Without missing a beat, Paolo leans against the desk, a flirtatious grin spreading across his face. "Are you asking me out to drinks, mi carino?"

Thelma who doesn't really look her age, but still much older than Paolo or Ramone for that matter, falls for it hook, line, and sinker. "Oh my," she laughs, trying hard not to smile, her face pink. "I was simply asking if you'd like any coffee before your trip back, Mr. Moreno."

Ramone, who I can't help but notice looks somewhat put out, nods and thanks me before going ahead of Paolo and leaving. If I didn't know any better, the arguing going on after Paolo follows him sounds like jealousy.

I raise an eyebrow. Huh... Paolo is a mystery after all.

"Sir? Ms. Romero is here to see you about Joseph," Thelma finally says as I turn back around.

A beautiful younger-looking woman with curly dark hair hanging past her shoulders and gorgeous warm brown eyes is standing off to the side, and I follow her line of sight as she watches Paolo and Ramone take off, a flicker of concern in her eyes before she smooths it over and looks at me.

"Hello. Michael, I presume?"

At first, I don't recognize her—mainly because she's not dressed in her nurse scrubs.  She’s wearing a light blue dress, with her makeup done just enough to accentuate her eyes and full mouth. I realize this is Lana Romero—the in-home nurse I hired for my brother.

"Yes, I'm Michael Wright. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Romero," I say, surprised to see her stick her hand out to shake mine. It's almost a relief to see that everything about her is understated rather than flirty, especially given Joseph's personality and penchant for trying to screw anything female that walks by him. But, on the other hand, Lana Romero is staggeringly beautiful in a rich, natural and much more real way than any other woman I've seen. If she knows this, she certainly doesn't show it.

"Please, call me Lana."

"All right, Lana. I must apologize for not recognizing you when I came out. I was, for some reason, thinking you'd show up in uniform."

She waves me off with a professional smile. "Not at all. After all, that's how I'm usually dressed anyway."

Thelma hands me Lana's file, and I gesture for Lana to follow me into the conference room, shutting the door behind us. "Why don't you take a seat?"

Lana folds her hands over the table, looking at me expectantly.

"I've checked over your references, all of them excellent. Nothing but high praise from past clients, as well as the staff at the hospital you were previously employed with. All very good." Well, at least Thelma checked her background, and then basically gave me the cliff notes version, anyway. I did go back and recheck the most prominent private clients, just to make sure Lana was good with being discrete. There'd be no contract without a non-disclosure agreement when working with us.

"Thank you, Mr. Wright. I do my best to make sure my clients are well taken care of," she replies, tilting her head ever so slightly. It's a cute mannerism, and I move on to go over the details of the job. I notice how relaxed Lana is. She's composed, precise with her answers, and very knowledgeable about not only caring for a spinal injury like Joseph's but dealing with people in a business arrangement. If I had to guess, I'd say Lana is used to being around men with money behind them. It's a refreshing and somewhat relieving thought, at least.

I try not to let my gaze fall from her eyes, to make sure I'm not leering over her inappropriately, but there's no denying the beautiful body hidden away under her modest day-dress. It's almost disappointing that she's not even remotely flirtatious with me.

Stop being a damn idiot, Michael. Keep your head on straight. She's here for an interview, not a date.

Clearing my head of the nonsense, I remind myself that there's no good to come from getting involved with an employee—especially one who'll be caring for Joseph. It's foolish to think that just because Lana is gorgeous, she's interested in anything other than doing her job.

After going over the pay, I nearly smack my head, aggravated. "Oh, I can't believe I didn't mention this sooner, but there's one more thing. I'd actually like for you to move into our home during the job period. And don't worry," I quickly add, seeing the crestfallen look on her face, "We have a full, separate suite with its own private bathroom and kitchenette. Really, it's an apartment in its own right."

The apprehension that floods me as Lana sits here across from me, hesitating, is thick. In my mind, I roll back and try to think of ways to offer her more of a benefit. I didn't think to ask, but maybe she's married. Maybe she's in her own home and has no desire for a position like this, but she's such a good candidate for the job, that I blindly search for ways to have her agree anyway.

"You'll have total privacy, believe me, and of course, the freedom to come and go as you wish during your personal hours. It's just that this was the ideal arrangement given by my brother's doctors, you understand. If there was a way around it…" I say, my voice trailing off.

"It's not a problem," she starts off slowly. "It's just that, well, I have a daughter—a seven-year-old girl. Plus, the casino is out of the way from her school. It's not really a quick drive."

I'm surprised to hear Lana is actually a mother, but I wave it off. "No concerns here if you're okay with it. She's welcome to stay with you. In fact, I can arrange safe and secure transport to and from school for your daughter, and we'll see to it that you have ample time to spend with her, of course."

Her brown eyes widen as she processes it all. From the outside looking in, I feel as though this might feel like an offer that's too good to be true, judging by the look on Lana's face.

I decide to take a different approach, and explain myself, leaning forward on the table. "My mother worked very hard day in and day out after my father died. Once she became ill… the only regret she ever mentioned was that she didn't get to spend more time with us." I pause for a moment, not wanting to think too much on that subject at length. "I don't want to put you in that position, either and I certainly don't want to sacrifice Joseph's quality of care just to find someone less attached. That wouldn't benefit anyone here." And for some reason, I throw in, “Please say you’ll accept,” thankfully without the hint of desperation I’m feeling deep down.

It might be my imagination, but Lana’s eyes soften for a moment, ever so slightly, but she gives me another professional smile, extending her hand forward with total confidence. “I would love to come work for you and help your brother on his road to recovery.”

“Excellent. I have to thank you for being Joseph’s saving grace. He’s... not always the easiest person to deal with at times. Any help he can get is much appreciated. Now that that’s all settled, why don’t I escort you back up front so you can start on your paperwork with Thelma? She’ll be able to answer any questions you may have regarding that.”

I lead Lana out of the conference room with a glimmer of hope my chest, mainly for Joseph to be cared for by a competent individual. Surely if he has Lana on his side, he’ll be back to his old self before we know it. On second thought…

Thelma gets Lana situated with the paperwork, and once she’s completed it, I thank her again for coming by, adding in how I’m looking forward to working with her and meeting her daughter. Lana tucks a curl behind her ear and smiles again as I hold the door open for her.

Under her dress, her hips sway as she walks away, and I let my imagination wander just for a moment, traveling down her toned legs. Behind me, Thelma clears her throat loudly, and I turn away from watching Lana disappear out of sight, the corner of my mouth quirked up.  

I like to keep things professional, and thinking dirty thoughts about someone who’s effectively an employee is completely out of order, but there is something about Lana Romero that makes me want to be a different man.