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Bishop (A Frat Chronicles Novel Book 1) by BT Urruela (30)


I DON’T OFTEN SPEND SATURDAY evenings at home. In my adult life, it’s only been done a handful of times, and each of those times was likely due to a bender the night before. I didn’t really feel like fucking with anything tonight, much to my pledge brothers’ disapproval. They tried to get me over to the house for the glow party social they’re having in the basement, but it’s all become the same old shit. I love hanging out with my guys, but I’m sick of that scene. Sicker of it with each day spent as an official brother.

As George Michael works the banana stand across the room from me, I’m in bed, sitting up, with blankets warming my legs, a cold beer in my hand. It’s only my second of the night, and more for the taste of the hoppy IPA than any desire to get drunk.

Taking a swig, my attention is grabbed by a text alert on my phone. I glance over, and when I see the name, and then the time, my heart flutters. I grab my phone and quickly unlock it, pulling up Carleigh’s text.

What are you doing?

As I’m typing, another text comes through. Oh my God. Text walking. What are you doing??

I respond, Hahaha I’m in bed. The better question is, what are YOU doing??? My eyes remain locked on the phone, like I’m awaiting the most important text of my life.

Is she really trying to hang out?

Finally, another text comes through. Up for a drive? Bad night.

In a hurry, I text back, Absolutely! Where you at?

Lucky’s Comedy Club. Dark corners perfect for kissing…

I change into nicer clothes like a runway model on acid, and then throw some putty in my hair before collecting up my cigarettes, wallet, and keys, and heading out the door.

My excitement is palpable, so damn intense that I feel flush across my chest, my heart racing nearly as fast as my Jeep, cruising the narrow, ill-lit country roads. I shoot prayers up to the heavens for no cops to pull me over as I get ever closer to the outskirts of Pittsburgh where Carleigh awaits, her perfect lips like the hare at a dog track. I’m the greyhound, hungry and driven.

With the city skyline lighting the distance, I take the exit and navigate my way through a rundown area of town, tattered convenience stores and open-air laundromats included. A short distance later, I spot the large lit-up Lucky’s sign, and pull the Jeep into the parking lot, scanning the dingy exterior with curious eyes.

Interesting choice.

After a quick hair check in the rearview, I hop out of the Jeep and head toward the front door. There are a few cars in the lot, but not as many as you’d expect for a place that serves alcohol on a Saturday night. Walking inside, I first notice how dark it is.

She wasn’t kidding.

A balding middle-aged man is on the stage, a mic in hand, the spotlight on him. He talks about how much he hates those little stick figure car stickers. I nod my head in approval as I scan the room. There are maybe ten people seated at little round tables near the stage, and a few more at the bar near the front of the place. A few couples take up couches against the far wall, except the very last one, where Carleigh sits alone, her eyes on me and a smile on her face. She’s got a drink in one hand as she passes me a little wave with the other.

I wave back as I approach, smiling wider than I probably should.

“Hey you,” I say as she goes to stand, but wobbles and sits back down to steady herself. She smiles, shaking her head as she stands completely now, leaning over the short table between us to hug me. She smells like a combination of Chanel and gin.

As we part and she sits back down, I joke, “You know, for a substance abuse counselor, you sure know how to knock ’em back,” as I join her sitting.

She rolls her eyes, responding, “Shut up. It’s been a hell of a day.”

“What happened?”

“Want to get a drink first?” She points toward an approaching waitress. “Two drink minimum.”

“For sure. Double Jameson on the rocks, please,” I order, and the waitress nods and smiles before turning on her heel. I look back toward Carleigh just as she lets out an exasperated sigh.

“I just found out my husband got this other woman pregnant.” She scoffs. “At fifty-freakin-two.”

“What?! I’m so sorry, Carleigh. How did you find out?”

“His mother. We’re still very close. She called me today and told me she thought I should know.”

“Are you guys gettin’ a divorce?”

“We sure as hell are now. I’m meeting with my lawyer again tomorrow to start the paperwork. I wasn’t sure before that, because, you know, twenty-one years is a long time. I invested a lot into that marriage. I was the good wife. I did the dishes. I cooked. I cleaned. I gave him a blow job anytime he wanted.” She looks at me with sincerity in her features. “I’m not talking just birthday stuff. I’m talking whenever he wanted it. And then he just stopped wanting it.” She takes a drink and then shakes her head. “I don’t know when it happened, or how, or why, but slowly, over time, he started caring less and less, and stopped wanting me at the same frequency. And I tried everything. I mean, everything. I bought the cute little outfits, surprised him at work in his office at lunch in nothing but a trench coat. And do you know what he said? That jackass said, ‘How could you do something like this? This is my job!’ Like I had committed a damn crime or something.”

I shake my head. “Fuckin’ idiot.”

“Right?! And come to find out, he was fucking—ugh, having sex with one of his girls in there the whole time. One that I know of. Who knows how many there have really been? He’s probably had them all in there.”

“Sounds like divorce has been a long time comin’.”

“When you invest as much time and energy and love into a thing like I have with this marriage, it’s just not the easiest thing to walk away from it all. I loved him so much. Heck, I still do. I can’t lie to myself about that. But he has hurt me beyond how much I ever thought a person could.”

“I’m really sorry you’re goin’ through this,” I say as the waitress brings my drink. I take it from her and thank her. I sip a little as Carleigh orders another.

“I’m sorry to give you this crabfest. I just needed someone to talk to, and all my friends got too drunk to be of any help. They’re all these divorced cougars anyway, always out on the prowl.” She pfffts, shaking her head, though her eyes read envy. “I don’t think I could ever be like that.”

“Don’t be sorry about a damn thing. I’m actually pretty certain I’ve requested your honesty a few times already. I’ve been dying to pick your brain.”

“Well, pick away. There’s so much stuff going on up there, I could talk for days.”

“Please, feel free to.” I take another drink as her expression changes from that of frustration and anger to a slight look of seduction.

She bites her bottom lip before she says, “But we have some dark corner kissing to do too.”

I shrug. “I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me tonight, gorgeous.”

She smiles, stroking her long black braid before she kisses me deep and passionately, her hot tongue an on switch for a hard-on. My dick stiffens as her hand meets my thigh, and it ticks to full form when she takes my bottom lip between her teeth, biting just to the point where pleasure meets pain, and I fucking love it.

As her lips leave mine, it takes me a moment to open my eyes. When I do, I see she still has hers closed, and she runs a slow tongue across her bottom lip. Her eyelids slowly creep open and she smiles.

“I kind of missed that,” she says.

“I definitely missed that.”

A loud shriek through the PA system draws my attention to the stage. The MC chuckles, giving the mic a few good taps before thanking the balding comedian for his act.

“Everybody now put your hands together for our favorite Saturday nighter, JD McGinnis, The Ragin’ Redneck!” the MC says, and my mouth drops open.

“No fuckin’ way,” I mutter.

“What?” Carleigh asks.

Looking back toward her, surprise still written on my face, I reply, “That’s my fuckin’ fraternity advisor. He’s a fuckin’ lunatic. I didn’t know he did stand-up. Though I ain’t the least bit surprised.”

I look back toward the stage as JD takes the mic from the MC and gives him a pat on the back. He’s wearing a pair of crocs with white socks, jean shorts, and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. There are two sides on the front of the shirt. On one side, there’s the female silhuette from a bathroom sign. Above it reads ‘My mom.’ Just beside it is the silhouette of a stripper riding a pole and above that it reads ‘Your mom.’

I chuckle, shaking my head. “This oughta be interesting.”

“How’s it goin’, folks?” JD says loudly into the mic.

The docile crowd’s response is subpar.

“Well, hell, who shit in y’all’s cornflakes this mornin’?” JD continues, pacing the stage back and forth slowly, purposefully. “Now, I don’t know what’s up y’all’s ass, but I had a fist in mine last night. No lie. And I ain’t talkin’ the Korean girl’s hands who does my pedicures either. I’m talkin’ Wilt Chamberlain’s girthy mitt. I know what y’all are wonderin’. I can see it in yer damn faces. I’d judge me too if I were you, but hell, ya just don’t know how good it feels ‘til ya try it. I actually got in trouble a few weeks ago with the gastroenterologist’s office. Yeah, bet ya didn’t think I knew what that word was, did ya?” He cracks a grin. “So, I guess them doctors don’t take too kindly to my repeated phone calls. And I kept tellin’ him, it don’t make no damn sense to me that they ain’t got recreational colonoscopy options. I’ve offered ’em plenty of money. Like, ‘ay, Doc. I want a camera up my ass. Let’s fuckin’ go!’” He shrugs. “But what do ya do?”

“I miss that,” Carleigh says, grabbing my attention.

As JD continues in the background, I turn toward Carleigh. Arching a curious eyebrow, I ask, “Miss what?”

“Well, I mean, not the fisting and the colonoscopy stuff, but just, that kinda stuff in general.” She blushes and her eyes flit to the drink held unsteadily in her hand.

“What stuff?”

“Ugh!” She scoffs, shaking her head. “You don’t want to hear it. I’m just drunk.”

“No, no, no! Tell me.”

“Butt play, okay? I miss it. When my husband and I were first married, and the sex was still good, we did it all the time. It’s a different sensation. Not better, just different.” She shrugs. “I miss it,” she repeats. “And I’m just drunk and horny.”

I gulp, fighting back the heat that’s now sweeping over my body, the desire intensified times a thousand, my dick now crammed against my denim uncomfortably.

“What?” she asks, looking away bashfully.

“That was just probably the sexiest thing you could’ve ever said,” I say, shaking my head.


“Absolutely! You’re right about it. It’s not better. Certainly not worse. But different, and fuckin’ incredible.”

She bites her bottom lip, her cleavage getting redder as she cracks a mischievous smile. Her eyes slowly trail back to the stage as the smile remains on her face.

“Thanks for what’s goin’ on in my pants right now, by the way,” I say, chuckling as my eyes fall back on JD too.

Suddenly, she grabs my cock, and turns back toward me. As my eyes roam slowly from her hand to meet her eyeline, my mouth gapes, and she says, “In due time.” Her hand returns to her drink and I want to whine for her to put it back, but I chuckle instead, shaking my head.

“You are gonna be the death of me, woman.”

“You have no clue, Bishop. No clue.” She hesitates before she adds, “Soon though.”

It’s hard for me to concentrate on JD with Carleigh’s last words still lingering between my ears, thoughts of her unclothed, seeing that sexy thick body naked for the first time swirling about in my mind.

“Ya know what I mean?” JD’s voice becomes clear again, but the thoughts of her remain. He continues, “There ain’t no shame in pissin’ yerself, is all I’m sayin’. I ain’t proud of it, no. But I’ve learned to accept it. Ya learn the importance of vinyl mattresses, folks, real damn fast. I’m tellin’ y’all.”

I crack up laughing, thinking about that stupid mattress in my apartment back in Crescent Falls, and every barracks room I’ve ever had.

“I served in the Army, ya know. And I was over in the desert durin’ the first Gulf War.” For the first time tonight (though it’s gotten better since JD took the stage) the audience comes alive, clapping loudly. “Thank y’all,” he continues. “I just drove trucks, but let me tell ya, when yer job is drivin’ fuckin’ trucks back and forth across the goddamn desert for long stretches at a time, a pissin’ problem is ’bout the last damn thing ya need. By the time I ended the trip from Kuwait to Baghdad, I had two passengers worth’a piss bottles beside me. Had to be upwards of a hundred. I don’t wanna say I threw a bottle or two toward some hajis and told ’em it was lemonade, but …” He shrugs. “I ain’t no liar. Now, I see yer judgin’ faces, but ya gotta understand this—urine’s gotten a bad rap over the years. It’s sterile. It’s environmentally conscious. And, well, I’ll tell y’all the truth—it tastes pretty damn good.”

I shake my head, laughing at his absurd ass, when Carleigh’s hand returns to my dick, first catching me off guard, and then owning my full attention.

Looking at her, I warn, “You keep doin’ that, and I’m gonna need to drag your ass to the bathroom. Or, at least, go take care of business myself.”

Giving my crotch one last good grab, she removes her hand and replies, “One, no you won’t. If anyone is getting you off tonight, it’s going to be me.” She passes a seductive smirk, “Two, bathroom sex? If it weren’t this nasty place, I’d be dragging you there myself.” She smiles wide before she kisses me, cupping her hand against my face too. As our lips part, she says, “We need to get out of here soon, honestly, and while you can still drive.”

“After him?” I point toward the stage, a wide smile on my face.

“He better hurry,” she purrs, her hand returning to my cock and staying there this time as she faces JD once more.

It’s not long after entering her apartment that she starts to kiss me, more than the pecks she dotted my neck with as I drove to her apartment. I make note, as the waves of pleasure roll over me, to ask her later why the fuck her husband got the house to begin with.

Our walk into the apartment and toward her bedroom is uncoordinated as we cycle between making out and tearing off each other’s clothes one piece at a time. By the time we make it all the way to here room down the hall, we’re both naked. To my utter delight, she flips on a dim light on her dresser, exposing her incredible body. I’m taken back by it; not surprised by her desire-inducing curves so much as I’m surprised by their effect on me. As I had already figured out from the hours spent in her office, she is shaped to the exact standard of my perfect woman. When it comes to a woman’s body, though all of them are beautiful in their own right, I believe as they did during the 1600s—the Baroque period—where women had shape to them, curvaceous hips, a cock-raising ass, and gorgeous full tits.

She stands there in the dim light, her arms crossed in front of her, a nervous look in her eyes. “What?” She bites her bottom lip. “I have a few holiday pounds left over.”

I take a few steps forward, cupping her elbows with my hands and pulling each arm away, exposing her breasts. I look her over, admiring her perfect quarter-sized nipples and the thin landing strip that leads to that sexy slit, jet black like the long hair she has braided and resting beside her right breast, framing its excellence.

“Carleigh, you have the sexiest body I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, shut up!” She scoffs, rolling her eyes, but I step closer to her, my naked body against hers, and I slide a hand to her full ass cheek, clutching it tight.

She gasps, closing her eyes for a moment.

“I’m not even fuckin’ kiddin’,” I whisper, my lips to her ear. “I thought you were sexy clothed, but seein’ you naked is like an out-of-body experience.”

She scoffs again, leaning back and batting a hand against my chest. “Now, how many women have you said that to?”

“Zero.” I grin. “I ain’t your normal almost twenty-six-year-old. I don’t just fuck around. I like connecting with another. I like experiencing each other. I like passion and seduction.”

“Do you know how wet you’re getting me?” she whispers breathlessly, her weight against me once more, her warmth radiating.

I pull my head back a little, and looking into her eyes with a grin, I reply, “I’d really love to find out.”

“I’m yours for the taking, Bishop,” she mutters, flashing me hungry eyes.

I push her back onto the bed, forcefully, and she falls with a gasp. She lands, and before she can do much more than look at me, I move my hands to her perfectly thick thighs, and I spread them, maintaining eye contact with her the whole time. I want her to know how many aching minutes I’ve spent in that seat across from her, dying to experience this right here.

She’s already trembling, her legs like vibrators against the sides of my head as I lean down into her. Her moans deepen as my tongue trails circles around her bud, teasing her, making her squirm with desire. I suck in, my tongue lashing against her bud, and with each rapid stroke, her body tenses and relaxes in a cycle.

My cock is aching, so ready to be owned by her, to feel her for the first time … and I hope to fucking God not the last.

Standing up straight, I command, “Turn over. I wanna see that perfect ass.”

“Yessir,” she replies, her bottom lip slipping between her teeth, her eyes just slits. She stands, turns around, and bends over so that her stomach is flat against the bed, her voluptuous ass perked up and awaiting.

Taking a cheek into each hand, I shake my head, letting out a sigh. “Jesus, woman. You are ridiculously sexy. So fuckin’ wet.”

“You have no idea how turned on I am right now. I haven’t come like that in—God, just fuck me. Please, fuck me. I need you in in me so bad.”

“And I need you, but Lord, I’d have to be an animal not to do this first.” Spreading her ass cheeks, I dive down toward her, my tongue out and connecting with her tight little asshole. She lets out a light squeal of both pleasure and surprise as I circle her hole with my tongue. Her subsequent whimpers send surges of pleasure through me, heart-racing pleasure like the kind I felt when I was a teenager just discovering the whole wide world of sex. She makes it all feel so brand new again.

Her whimpers build to desperate moans, and the sheen from her absurdly—and deliciously—wet pussy, makes my hunger for her impossible to ignore. Not that I’d want to. I stand up straight, my hands still spreading her ass cheeks apart, and I lead the tip of my dick to her pussy, which glistens from the cum and saliva I left behind. Slowly, I work my dick in, the warmth electrifying, the feeling rushing down each limb.

Working her pussy in slow thrusts, I wet a finger with my tongue and begin lightly circling her asshole with it. Her moans intensify, her breathing heavy. Her whimpers slay me. They will me to work a finger inside her asshole slowly as I thrust my hips harder. She gasps as I settle my entire finger inside her, and each time I pull my dick out of her and thrust back in, I come hither my finger in her asshole, working both holes simultaneously. I’m driven like a madman by her quickly escalating screams of pleasure. When she shouts my name, I can feel my dick pulsate inside her, ready to unleash the cum that’s been building since the first day I sat across from her.

“Oh fuck, Bishop, I’m going to come again. Oh God. Oh God,” she cries. “Oh my God!”

She drives her ass up into me, her arms sprawled out like she’s being searched and hands clinching the bedspread as her whole body seizes.

“Put it in my ass, Bishop,” she manages to say between labored breaths.

Slowly removing my finger and dick from her, I grin as she lets out a gasp. Leaning down on top of her, I move my lips to her ear and whisper, “Are you sure?”

“Oh God, yes,” she whispers. “Please fuck my tight little hole, Bishop. I need it so bad.”

Kissing her neck first, I straighten and meet the tip of my cock with her asshole.

She gasps already and I’ve yet to do a thing.

I spit in my hand and wet my dick with it before entering her, one slow inch at a time.

“Oh fuck!” she cries, her head tilted to the side, and I can see her face is completely flush now.

I continue until I’m settled completely inside her, and she cries out in pleasure. Just the feel of her tight warm hole surrounding me, even with no motion, stirs the cum in my sack. Never have I felt an asshole so perfect in my life.

“Start slow, baby,” she says, looking back at me. “And then fuck me up.”

Her words send a signal directly to my balls, letting them know to get ready to fire. As I slowly work my cock in and out of her tight hole in smooth strokes, she drops her face into the mattress and lets out a satisfied moan, which is stifled by the bedspread. Leaning down into her, I reach a hand to her mouth for her to suck, while my teeth nibble her neck, all the while, my hips thrusting in coordinated movements meant to hit just the right spot.

Her breathing picks up right along with my pace, her whole body red now, her hands white-knuckled as they grip the bedspread. Streaks of red across her back mark where my nails have been

“It’s happening again. I’m almost there,” she gasps. “Oh my God, I’m going to come again.”

This time I’m going to come with her. The floodgates have opened, my resistance disposed of.

As she screams out in orgasmic pleasure for the third time tonight, I unleash a load of cum inside her as I slam down into her hot ass for the last time, settling against her with my cock still inside, the all-out buzz from orgasm transitioning to the usual post-coital numbness that my seizing muscles cause.

FUCK!” I’m an animal, my humanity set aside as the orgasm floods me with an electrifying euphoria. I lay beside her, my chest falling and rising with each ragged breath.

She turns over, kissing me on my stomach and chest, before she lays down on her back beside me, her head upon my chest as she lets out a pleasured sigh.

“Wow.” She lets the word linger, a wide smile on her face, her eyes closed.

“You’re tellin’ me.” I chuckle. “I’ve thought a lot about that this the past month. A lot. But never could I have predicted it would be that good!”

“I haven’t felt anything like that in my entire life. Ever. Not even in the best days of my marriage.” She looks at me and smiles, patting my chest. “I just may have to keep you around once our sessions are finished.”

“I sure hope you do.” I hesitate before asking, “No regrets?”

She shakes her head firmly. “Not a single one. That was everything I’ve wanted, everything I’ve thought about for so long. I want more. I want so much more.”

“The night is young, beautiful.” I smile, motioning toward the sliding glass door that leads to a small balcony. “But dear Lord, do I need a cigarette break. Care to join me?”

“Absolutely. I mean, I won’t partake, but I’ll keep you company.”

“Yeah, that’s what I meant.” I smirk, standing from the bed slowly, my legs still wobbly as I start to get dressed. “I was hoping you weren’t back on the train at least.”

“No. I nearly coughed up a lung after that night at the hotel.” She stands too, taking a moment to steady herself, her eyes going wide. “Jesus. I can barely feel my legs.”

I laugh.

“I’m serious,” she says, laughing too as she grabs a satin nightgown from a hook on her bedroom door and throws it on. She then leads me out onto the balcony.

Lighting up a cigarette, I take a puff and eye her through the exhaled smoke. “Can I ask you somethin’, now that we got that first round outta the way?”


“Why did you have to get an apartment? Why not him?”

She shrugs. “He has a lot more stuff at the house than I do. His home office. The home gym. It just made more sense for me to move out.”

“How long have you been here?”

“About four months since we separated. Since I found out about everything.”

“How did you find out? If you don’t mind.”

She puts a hand up. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” Smiling, she says, “You know, when we first got together, there weren’t cell phones. You had personal ads to meet people, but I never knew anyone who used them. After we had been married for a little bit, and the internet started becoming a thing, I never in a million years would’ve suspected anything. Nor did I know enough about online dating, chatrooms, whatever, to think anything of it. So, I never paid it any mind until, one day, I did. I was looking on his computer for an old photo of mine for a family reunion and stumbled upon some nudes … and not of me! Well, that got me snooping, and I found more than I ever bargained for. Years and years of infidelity.”

“How long did you stay with him after you found out? The first time, I mean.”

Her eyes fall to the balcony floor as a look of shame crosses her face. “Probably another five or six months, I suppose. Enough time to find out he wasn’t going to stop. And now, with him knocking his secretary up…” She lets out a heavy sigh, lifting her palms into the air. “What do you do?”

“Well …” I take one last drag of my cigarette and then dab it out on the metal railing. I exhale the smoke and continue, “He’s missin’ out. Big time.” Kissing her first, I then motion to the bedroom. “Round two?”

She grins. “Promise to give it to me like you did before? My ass needs more attention.”

“Fuck, I can certainly comply. Happily.” I smile, tapping her ass with my hand. “Now, hurry up and get in there.”

She passes me a playful look, scurrying in as she the gown slips from her shoulders to the floor, that beautiful ass beckoning me again, willing me into the room after her.




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