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Black Velvet (The Velvet Rooms Book 1) by Linnea May (46)

Chapter 3




I wonder if this is what normal people feel like before they embark on a first date. The excitement, nervous anticipation of what’s to come. I can’t imagine that their feelings even come close to what I’m feeling when I head out to collect my toy.

There is never a set day or time, but always a window of when it will happen, a window of five days. I don’t want her to know exactly when it will happen, because it would ruin the surprise and affect her behavior. I want a raw and natural reaction when I take her, actual shock, actual fear.

However, the woman has to be prepared for me to take her—she has to be in a proper state, clean and waxed, equipped with certain things I want to see when she comes with me.

And one special item of her choosing. I know she will get lonely at some point, they always do. No matter how well prepared they feel, or how much they actually enjoy being in my possession, they all reach a point when it becomes too much to handle, when they wish for normalcy and a reminder of who they are outside of their temporary cage.

Whatever it is they need in that moment to calm and reassure themselves, I want them to have it. But just that one item. In some cases, I never found out what the woman had chosen to bring with her. Other times, it turned out to be obvious, such as a stuffed animal, a certain item of clothing, or some kind of memento. I may do unspeakable things to them, but I will never strip them of this one item. It’s one of the clear lines that I draw for myself, the line I draw to keep them sane and connected to the outer world.

Most of them expect me to come for them in the dark, which is why they scurry through the streets like little rabbits that are being chased, always throwing hurried looks over their shoulder to see if someone is following them. It’s fun to watch, but I never catch them this way. They feel safer during the day, while they’re out running mundane errands such as grocery shopping, or chatting with neighbors as they walk their dogs. They never check behind their backs then, and while it is harder to kidnap a woman during broad daylight, there is always a window of opportunity, a brief moment when they are oblivious and not expecting it, but they’re also out of sight of others.

The perfect moment to seize them.

That moment hasn’t happened with this one yet. My current prey is a perfect Barbie doll with blonde hair and svelte curves, who goes by the name Ruby Red. She is not only easily recognizable because of her striking red fur coat, but also very alert. The coat is her one distinctive feature, the token that sets her apart from everyone else.

Just like all the women before her, she was instructed to move around outside as much as possible—at least six hours per day, any time of the day, day or night—but she wasn’t supposed to draw attention by doing anything too out of the ordinary. She doesn’t have a day job that I’m keeping her away from—she is a full time escort, just like the others.

Ruby appears to be a true night owl, and it’s obvious she has no intention of changing her habits. I have been observing her for three days, and she’s rarely outside before dusk. Tonight is no different. Much to my dismay, she has frequented a shit hole bar every single night since I started watching her. I don’t like drinkers, something I clearly stated in my requirements. Nothing about her profile indicated she drank, so I am assuming it’s new, perhaps something she developed this week to cope with the stress that comes with an arrangement like this. She seemed a lot more harried than any of the others, more frazzled, more worried. Definitely flighty – none of the others have spent as much time looking around as she does, moving like a nervous squirrel. Just tonight, she scurried down the street before disappearing into that bar, her refuge of choice, it seems.

I considered following her inside, to do things a little different than I have with the others. But that would be breaking protocol. I hate breaking the rules, especially the ones I’ve set up for myself, and the rules clearly state that it has to framed as an abduction with no prior contact. No chit-chat, no winking, not even any looking at her face. I like the mystery of not knowing.

I want to see her face at the same time she sees her cage for the first time. It’s a magical moment, one of the best, and almost better than some of the orgasms I will enjoy with her.

And it can only be that special if I don’t know too much beforehand. The girls are always asked to hide their faces behind a fabric mask that covers most of their features. It may be awkward for them to walk around like this, but that’s not my concern.

It is equally important that they don’t see me coming. Ruby, with her constant turning and watching and searching, was a little annoying in that regard. She is making it surprisingly easy tonight, though I am not prepared when she suddenly darts out of the bar half an hour sooner than she usually does. I only notice her when she has already turned her back to me, walking in hurried steps and, for a change, not looking anywhere but straight ahead, as she practically flees from the bar.

What’s going on with her? Did she get in trouble? Did someone harass her?

I start the car and follow her, as I always do. Usually, I have to be extremely careful because of her nervous behavior, but tonight she doesn’t waste a second looking behind her. She seems to be acting differently.

And it offers me the perfect opportunity.