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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1) by Mari Sillva (22)


Jesse had been trying to convince Blade to let her driver his car to where she wanted to take him. If it was any other vehicle in his collection, he would even allowed, but the Impala was the Impala, there was no need to say anything else. He would not let anyone drive it. Now there were two stubborn ones fighting again , and they just have made up.

-So you said you want to try to make it work? - Great! I wanted to take you to see a place, but if you want to ruin the surprise, fine. I'll tell you the address, it's just over forty minutes from here. Blade looked at that tiny creature in front of him, wondering if leaving her alive had really been a good idea for his psychological well-being. Only it was too late to go back with his word, unfortunately.

-You should work with sales, you know. You are really good at persuading people. I almost cried now, -Maldonado joked, passing her with an ugly face.

He opened the door of the vehicle brutally, and, entering, sat down with the posture upright and elegant in the hitchhiker's seat.

-Thank you, Blade, you're really cool! - Jesse snorted happily, knowing she was going to run a legitimate Impala.

At each turn, Jesse's heart jumped into her chest for fear of doing some stupidity, killing them at the next corner or whatever. Blade, on the other hand, did not say anything it was the same as when he got into the car: arms crossed and sulking. But she did not think about anything either, she just kept silent, always looking forward to an ineligible expression. Out of the corner of her eye, Jesse saw the thug found the moon in the sky that was full and bright. He could be even more beautiful with the light of her reflecting on his face, the form of sin in flesh and blood.

-Could you really hear me through the moon? - His thick, sexy voice echoed inside the car.

Jesse froze, her hands shaking with the steering wheel. Blade did not realize how much his question had made the young woman nervous, he was too distracted with her head turned out of the window, tilted a little up, dating the beauty of the night sky.

-So you remember the night you got sick and sleep together? - I was so afraid you'd die that day, -she said thoughtfully.

-Every word and detail. He turned his face to look at Jesse deep in the eye.

- Me too. - Jesse blushed as she remembered that they slept glued to each other, naked, like a passionate couple after spending the night making love.

-Thank you, - Blade exclaimed, astonished her. He did not usually be nice to her or to anyone.

- What for? -Jesse was trying to faithfully keep her attention on the road, but with his eyes burning over her it was a bit difficult to keep control of her body, imagine a whole vehicle.

-For saving my life three times. - Blade's voice came out low, but firm.

-Three? - Jesse remembered only two, the first when he almost killed his partner by firing at his hand, his gun pointed at Blade, and the second at night when he fell ill.

- Yes! The third was when you appeared in my life, I was dead before you arrived, -Blade said sincerely with blue eyes shining as two precious sapphires in the moonlight fascinating. -Jesse Carter was already completely in love.

-Actually, it was you who saved my life, Blade, believing in myself knowing that I am a failure in everything I do.

 It took the young woman to blink several times to contain her tears it was good to know that she was not alone in the world now. It was as if one completed the other in the right measure. However, how could a cruel bandit's relationship with a police officer work? It was like wanting to join a demon with an angel, something virtually impossible.

-About to your question, yes, I spoke to you through the moon. It was like the wind, I could not see you, but I could feel you. - Jesse's voice came out sensitive, with a faint trace of crying.

-It's good to know I was not crazy, my angel really always existed. -She could feel the passionate heart melting inside her chest. Blade Maldonado was just the same, irresistible.

-I like it when you call me that, angel. -She blushed a little but enough for Blade to notice his embarrassment, nothing went unnoticed in his eyes.

-Your smell is still on my rug until today, every time I go to my hiding place that's the only place I can sleep in front of the fireplace, but the heat of it is nothing compared to your body, - he revealed unabashedly to look at it.

They passed the rest of the way without exchanging a word, silence said everything. A few miles ahead they came to the place where Jesse wanted him to meet, in fact, the only place she really felt at home, loved.

- What place is this? - Asked the bandit, somewhat curious.

The Impala parked in front of an old, large but old wooden house, painted in white-toned, pulling in a cheap beige tone. Around it was a well-tended garden with several toys made of wood, like swing wheel-wheel among others.

-This is where I always come when I want to hide from the world or when I am hurt by some idiot. You're not the only one here who has a hiding place, Tiger, -she teased him.

-Stop calling me that, - she mumbled, a sour face on her face, looking like a spoiled brat.

-You do not seem to care when Sara calls you Tiger, does not she? Ah! I forgotyou have a strong connection that comes from many years. - Blade hated when Jesse was ironic with him, really that sort of thing did not fit her.

-We really have! And that's none of your business it's my business and Sara's business.

Jesse stared at him for a few seconds. Turning her gaze away, hurt by being mistreated for the thousandth time, Blade could not converse civilly with anyone, he lost her temper easily.

-Maybe it was not a good idea to bring you here, you can leave if you want. Of course, you did not want to come, I kept insisting. You can go your way, Blade, good night! -She got out of the car, slamming the door, walking fast with watery eyes, but she did not cry. Not even when he heard the engine of the car accelerating, Blade was leaving, maybe forever.

-Swallow the weeping, -Jesse, they do not deserve to see you like this.

Jesse was able to restrain himself Blade was literally able to take her to heaven and hell at the speed of light. He took a deep breath in front of the old wooden door and held the doorknob that had a broken side he would remember later buying a new one. As she opened the scent of butter-popped popcorn into her nostrils and the warmth of the place she loved most in the world softened her pain, as the sun appeared after a rainy day. She made as little noise as possible, seems to be in a minefield.

-Surprise! - Jesse shouted excitedly as she reached the room. She did not want to cry anymore, it was incredible how that place had the capacity to heal any pain of whatever size. That's why he wanted to bring Blade there, but he was too ignorant to let anyone do something good for him.

- Auntie Jesse! - Angry Nun's children who were born with the HIV virus screamed in unison were completely in love with the researcher.

At present, the number of sheltered in the place was of twenty children, all very well cared for with much love and affection by the volunteers of the place. Jesse was very proud to be one of those responsible for helping to keep the place open, each month he would personally give half of his salary, and if he could, he would donate.

-Goodnight My Loves! - He kissed her face one by one, fondly.

It was Saturday night, the day they stayed up late, not long, for Sister Florence's storytelling session, the shelter's director. They ate popcorn and played games at will.

-It's good of you to come, my dear, for a minute I would not get the beginning of the story. - Sister Florence came into the room, holding little Alice for only ten months on her lap and a huge smile on her face.

-I thought you could not come, sister, but here I am.

Jesse hugged the nun, placing a kiss on Alice's face that lived with her face closed, could not go on the lap of anyone besides Sister Florence and did not lay down her pacifier at all, just to suck. The nun, sensitive as she was, realized that the investigator was not well. One person when he really likes the other knows when he is sad.

-And who is your friend? - Asked the Nun looking at someone behind Jesse, the girl froze.

After taking the reason, he looked back and there was Blade, handsome as always with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, totally awkward. But the sour face remained the same, but what mattered was that he had not left.

-Is he your boyfriend, Aunt? - Asked Thomas, a seven-year-old redheaded boy with orange sardines.

The boy wore white pajamas with carts on his feet, socks with kitten ears. His mother was an eighteen-year-old girl who died shortly after giving birth to her. No one knew who the father was because he was born with the AIDS virus. No one in the family wanted to keep the poor child, so they gave him a baby to Sister Florence.

-Stop being nosy, Thomas, that's ugly. Leave our visit in peace and sit in your place, my love, in a little while I will begin to tell the story today. -Sister saved Jesse she had no answer to the boy's question.

-I'm sorry I brought anyone without warning, sister, but I wanted him to know the place I love most in the world. That makes me feel at home, protected.

Blade looked around her, seeing a bunch of clunky kids all talking at once, a messy house with toys scattered all the way up to the ceiling. Outside it looked like a rainbow of so many colors it had. An exaggeration, he thought, unable to hear his own thoughts in the midst of that mess. What does she see so incredible in this place? I do not know hell, but it must be better than this place full of little monsters talking nonstop.

Blade was horrified! If I did not want to have a child before, now much less, not in a million years she just did not run away without looking back over Jesse. Especially when I saw a picture of Jesus hanging on the wall, looking at him as if he were judging him for daring to step on holy ground. To tell the truth, Blade did not understand what her intention was to bring him there, it was clear she would hate right away.

-Welcome to our home, my son, everyone here is welcome. Just like God who only loves his children regardless of anything, we judge no one.

Sister Florence put her hand on his shoulder, looking at him as if she could read his thoughts. She was a lady of more than eighty, wrinkled skin full of marks showing the experience and wisdom she had.

-Thank you, - he said only suspiciously, staring at the woman in her usual black habit clutching her feet to the last strand of hair, the collar was white, and over it, the chain hung a crucifix.

- Thank you, my dear! We do not have many visitors here, they call our children like demons just because they were born with the HIV virus they say they have the "bad blood."

At that moment, Blade was shot in the middle of the chest, hitting his heart full, the pain was the same. Consequently, he looked around again, but with other eyes. Then he found himself in those children, but unlike him, they had each other and someone who loved them. He had none of it, had to turn himself. They were happy even though they had several reasons to be sad, and strangely they smiled the whole time. The house seemed no longer a mess, but rather a well-equipped hiding place for those not accepted by the world. Now I understood why she brought me here, to show that there were others like me. But they smiled despite everything, despite the pain.

-Now settle down where you feel most comfortable because I'm going to tell you a beautiful story that fits perfectly today. Could you hold it for me, dear I think she liked you? Sister Florence practically threw the child into Blade's lap, who held her in disgust as she leaned against him.

Little Alice stopped sucking on the pink pacifier staring at the thug. Blade's charm, it turns out, worked for the opposite sex regardless of age. It was then that she smiled at him, holding out her hand to touch his face.

-I think she liked you, she does not like any lap other than Sister Florence's, - Jesse commented with a smile, Blade was very relieved to know that she was no longer upset that he had been a complete idiot for the thousandth time. -Hold her straight because you can drop her on the floor, we do not want this, do not you, Alice? - She caressed the little girl's face, adjusting it in the correct way Maldonado's lap.

-You take it, I do not like children! - He tried to hand Alice over to Jesse, but the little girl wrapped her fat little arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder. Sucking on a pacifier, blinking slowly, sleepy without much choice, he sat with her clinging to him beside the investigator on the dark green couch to hear the nun tell the story.

-Today's chosen story is that of the" Good Samaritan, "where God comes to teach us that the goodness of a heart is often hidden where at least seems, - explained Sister Florence in a rocking chair.

All the children sitting on the floor in silence were listening with their eyes intent. Except one who was sulking sitting on the second rung of the stairs leading to the second floor of the house. It was Jeniffer the oldest among the sheltered. She was always alone in the corners, wearing a black cap covering half of her face and headphones with Gothic music in the last volume. His nails painted black, matching the rest of his robes that were the same tone. She looked like Stephen's daughter, Blade though. Despite so much personality for a thirteen-year-old girl, she had an insecure, sad look, he would say. Jesse thanked his sister for choosing that beautiful story to tell, it really fit a glove for the occasion.

-Thank you for not leaving, you do not know how important it is for me to be here.

Jesse laid her head on Blade's free shoulder since the other was more than busy with little Alice, who still kept her arms around his neck, holding tightly as if afraid someone might get her out.

-When I want something, I do not give up easily.

Blade interlaced his fingers in the midst of the young woman, who to her sounded like an I'm happy to be here with you too.

There was once a certain man who was robbed beat him to the ground. And while he was bleeding a citizen passed. He was a priest and he pretended not to see him, for he was in a hurry, he had priorities, but the truth was that he lacked love. In the same place, a Levite is passing, perhaps a song for God. He sang, saying, -I love Thee above all! - But did not love others as one should love oneself he did the same thing as the priest and proceeded empty-handed, and the injured man remained to lie on the ground in the same place was coming to the good Samaritan I do not know his name or even his religion. I do not know how he sang if he prayed well, but I know his hands were busy. But within him, there was much compassion and breaking protocols he approached the wounded man, poured olive oil on his wounds stagnated the blood and lifted him up the good Samaritan without any obligation took care of that man by making his life the essence of him. He did not look at what he looked like, what the poor man had to offer, just helped him. This is God: He does not judge people by appearance or what they say they are. But you see your attitude when you do things to gain nothing in return or when you do them without anyone is looking.

At the end of the story, Blade squeezed Jesse's hand so much it seemed like he was going to crush her fingers at any moment. Perhaps there was still a chance for a heathen like him.

The investigator was not the only one there to make good use of her money, Maldonado's partners had no idea where he put so much money if he had no bank account anywhere and had not many properties. What nobody knew was that Blade was like Robin Hood, robbing the rich to give to the poor. But what you do with one hand, the other does not need to know, kept the secret only for him.

Soon the bandit was in a hurry to leave, it was past the time the children went to bed.

- Where do I put this thing? -Blade asked with total disdain, pointing to Alice sleeping peacefully on her lap like a porcelain doll.

-On the second floor, at the last door at the end of the hall, you can lay her down in the crib, - the nun said, wanting to laugh.

Sometimes Blade's bad mood was funny to anyone who did not really know him. He climbed the stairs grunting, but he put the baby in the crib with the greatest care in the world and still stroked his blond hair. Even though he did not like her, she had to admit that her fat, rosy cheeks were sweet. On the way back, down the corridor he ran into Jeniffer, Estevão's thirteen-year-old daughter's project with the cap on her head, almost hiding her eyes the headphones on the ear so loud that the bandit could hear the music from afar his face.

- You do not have to hide from the world many have not had the same luck that you have to live in a house with people who love you. Do not let anyone take the best moments of your life from you, take action before it is too late, -Blade exclaimed as she passed the girl, without turning to look back.

 Maldonado heard the noise of the cap going to the floor and the headphones being tossed away. At last Jeniffer decided to free herself to the world. Blade and Jesse said goodbye to Sister Florence and left, taking with them the peace of that place.

-I'll drive you home, - Blade said, getting into the driver's sidecar.

-This is yours, I'd better hand it over before I forget. - He took the tape recorder in his bag and handed it to him already inside the car, without looking at it. -Thank you for taking me home, I know you're far from your normal route. - She shuffled into the passenger seat, pulling the short dress down.

-I'm not taking you to your house .- He turned the key making the Impala's motor snore and cast his eyes to her legs with more than half uncovered.-Let's go to mine, - he concluded in a low, firm voice.

-Are the people waiting for us there? - She asked suspiciously, nervous at the thought of having to be alone with him.

-I'm not talking about this house, but our hideout in the mountains.

How so our? If he had not heard it loud and clear, Jesse would have asked him to repeat it again, just to make sure she was not going crazy. When they reached their "hideout", her heart stopped when Blade locked the door, took her hand in silence and led her to her room, the main house.

- Good evening, investigator! - He said standing right in front of her as soon as they arrived in the room. -If you need me, I'll be sleeping on the rug in front of the fireplace, smelling you. - He rubbed the tip of his nose into the curve of Jesse's neck, making delicate contours with the tip of his thumb on her back. She almost screamed at me not to let her sleep alone.

-Why can´t you sleep here with me? – your bed is large, two people fit perfectly in it, she argued, smoothing his face, which closed her eyes to enjoy the wonderful sensation.

-I do not know if I could just sleep next to you, it's safer for you to stay in the living room. I only brought you here because I want you near me tonight, even if it is not in my arms. -His eyes darkened dangerously.

-I'm not talking literally about Sleeping Blade. You're making a fool of yourself, - she grunted nervously.

-I do not think it's going to happen today, it would be as if you wanted to give me something in return for having forgiven you. - Besides, we should at least go out a couple of times or see some movies together sitting on the couch. I hate this kind of show, but for you, I can handle it. I want to make it as normal as possible, that is good for you. He tried to take her hand, but she did not leave it with a step back.

-That's not your choice, Blade. -She took a step closer to look at him. -It's mine and I hope you'll accept my decision, - Jesse said, reaching behind her body for the clasp of her dress.




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