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Blane (Stratham Shifters Book 5) by Sarah J. Stone (5)

Chapter 5



He woke up in a bed and when he looked to the side he realized he was in Sophie’s room next to her. She was radiant with flushed cheeks and bright eyes. In her arms lay the twins. He smiled realizing he’d lost a lot of time.

“They are beautiful,” he said. His voice croaked and he cleared his throat. “How did Aris do?”

Sophie didn’t have a chance to respond.

“I did perfectly fine.” He smiled at Blane. “You look like hell.”

He chuckled and groaned. His throat was raw. It hit him then. He’d thrown up and passed out. “Thanks for that.”

Aris shrugged. “Aren’t my babies perfect?”

Sophie glared. “Our babies.”

“They are beautiful.” He looked to his queen. “You’re okay now though?”

She grimaced. “Sore, but otherwise I’m fine.”

He nodded and closed his eyes. It was then he realized something very important.


Shit. He’d stood her up. His eyes shot open and he yanked the IV out of his arm. He was fine.

“What are you doing?”

He didn’t even glance at Soph. He needed to explain, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t be that receptive to his apology.

“Blane, you can’t do that.”

He was pissed. Again, he’d let something important slide by because of his responsibility to the tribe. “I can—and I am.”

Aris growled. “Do not speak to her that way.”

“I have to go.” His eyes pleaded with his king to understand. The first impression to his mate and he stood her up. He shook his head. “I was supposed to take Dallas out.”

Realization filled his features, but the hard lines around his mouth didn’t disappear. “Still, be respectful. However, I am sorry you didn’t get to see your mate.”

Didn’t get to see your mate.

It was so much worse than that. It was hard enough to get her say yes, but now he ruined it. She didn’t seem the type to get over being blown off easily. He was lucky she’d even agreed in the first place. He had a feeling even getting her to speak with him again wasn’t going to come easily.

No one said anything else, but he knew it wasn’t the end of the conversation. At this moment in time the only thing that mattered was getting to Dallas and explaining what happened.

It looked like he was going to come out of the supernatural closet sooner than he planned with her. She would have to understand that he was part of something bigger. He had a calling, that now was hers too. It was only a matter of time.

“You met your mate?” Soph asked in a whisper.

He couldn’t ignore the hurt. “You were sort of busy.”

She sighed. “But I wouldn’t have forced you to stay. I would have dealt with it fine.”

Blane held his stomach and moved closer to her bed. He reached out and laid his hand on one of the twin’s head

“Axel,” Aris said.

Blane nodded. It was fitting. “And the other?”


He shouldn’t feel jealous, but he did. Twins. He hoped one day to be a father.

“They are perfect.”

“Now, about this mate. Tell me about her before you run off,” she said and glared at Aris. “My own mate couldn’t even tell me you needed to be elsewhere.

“Love, you needed him.”

“But he needs his mate.”

“I’m fine,” Blane said interrupting. “Really, it will take some work, but she’ll be okay. I told her you were having your baby.”

“What’s her name?”


“How did you find her?”

“She was here seeing a doctor.” He wanted to leave it at that but Sophie raised a brow and he knew better than ignoring her. “She has cancer. She’s seeing the new witch doctor. He’s her last hope and apparently she is so far into the sickness, the doctor isn’t sure he can help her.”

Sophie sniffed. “Oh goddess, I’m so sorry. Just give her your beast. That should fix her right?”

Blane shrugged. “It should, but who knows.”


He didn’t need to be told twice. He leaned down and kissed Axel on the head and went to the other side to do the same with Anna. Baby dragons. Who knew what kind of Halflings they would be like. He couldn’t wait to watch them grown.

He slipped out of the room leaving the new parents to their babies. Soon the room would be filled with the others, and that was too much for him.

Now he had to beg his mate not to hate him. Easier said than done he assumed.




Dallas shouldn’t have been surprised to wake up to the sun. Every day she seemed to need to sleep just a little bit longer than the previous day. She wondered what would happen as she got sicker. Would there be days when she wouldn’t even get out of bed? Was that what she had to look forward to?

“I won’t,” she said to no one. The room was bright and silent. Just the way her life had become since she lost Derrek to the young tart who was able to ride him without cringing—or throwing up. She shook her head. She tried to please him, but in the end, she hadn’t been able to, and he’d left. Now she had gotten stood up. It shouldn’t bother her so badly, but it did. Something about Blane lit a spark inside of her.

She huffed, but obviously not for him. Yet he’d seemed so sincere about his interest in taking her out. What changed?


After a hot shower and putting on her sweats Dallas planned to spend the day vegging out. It wasn’t often she allowed herself to actually be lazy. Most of the time she found a way to always be doing something. Moving to Stratham hadn’t changed that; it only made her have to find new things to do. The town was small, but so far, the people had been friendly enough.

Those thoughts led her to think of Blane. She couldn’t imagine him not showing up. He was determined to take her out. Something had to of interfered. She shook her head. She didn’t know that. He could have easily decided that an older woman with severe cancer wasn’t worth the time.

Really who would want me?

It was thoughts like those that let her know her depression was starting to rear its ugly head. She laid in bed with the newspaper. She hated the news. It was more depressing than her life, but she had always liked staying up on current events. She was engrossed in a letter to a columnist she’d been reading for years when there was a knock on the door.

She jumped and looked at the door with suspicion. There wasn’t anyone who knew where she was. Even Tali hadn’t been to visit yet. Maybe today was that day. She allowed herself a small smile and crawled out of bed ignoring the twinge of pain that shot down her spine. It didn’t keep her from sucking in a breath though. She cleared her throat and stood letting out the breath to erase the pain. It wasn’t that new, but the level of pain was. It lingered wrapping tiny spindles of agony around her spine. Her breaths came out in pants, and sweat glistened covered her forehead. The visitor knocked again this time a little louder. Dallas frowned. That wasn’t Tali. She froze realizing who it could be.


Her heart picked up its pace and flutters filled her stomach. Oh, it was definitely him. She could feel his warmth through the door, but she was upset.

No, she was pissed.

Standing her up with no word was cruel. He was the one who’d wanted to take her out and didn’t even have the courtesy to cancel.

No, he just didn’t show up.

This time when he knocked it was panicked. “Please let me in. I promise I can explain.”

She laughed. “Right.”

“My friend had a very difficult delivery. She almost died.”

How could she be mad at that? She leaned forward but still didn’t open the door. “Is she okay?”

She heard his sigh. “Luckily, Dallas, please let me in. I swear I didn’t intend not to show.”

Again, he sounded so sincere. But was this some sort of twisted game? She didn’t think so. He wouldn’t go through all the trouble for a woman basically on her death bed, right?

She undid the locks and opened the door slowly and her breath caught. He was paler than her. His eyes were dilated and he looked as if he was struggling to even stay on his feet.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Can I come in please,” he said and wavered.

She opened the door and moved to the side. He stumbled inside and she reached out to hold him up. As soon as her skin made contact with him, something happened.




Her hand was warm yet clammy, but it was her touch that he needed. His beast rose from his heavy slumber aware that their mate was near—and she was comforting him. The beast he’d learned to love, preened by her attention only to whimper when her hand jerked away as if she hadn’t even realized she touched him. When she yanked her hand back, he frowned at that moment not realizing something vital. He watched as her, observing in silence as her eyes lingered on her fingers as if she was trying to figure something out. Her pupils were dilated and her lips pursed in confusion. But everything he noticed was by her body language.

Maybe she was. He couldn’t feel her and when he tried to nudge her subconscious he was locked out. That’s when the reality hit him.

He couldn’t read her now. Not the way he could others, and not the way he had the previous day. Her emotions were gone. He no longer had access to her subconscious.

Without much thought other than the instant craving to hold her, Blane reached for the hand she still stared at. She didn’t even stop him when he intertwined their fingers together.