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Body & Soul Series by Rochelle Paige (15)



I turned over part way, still mostly asleep, and felt a tug on my wrist. “Lemme roll over,” I murmured into my pillow, trying to jerk my wrist out of Morgan’s grasp. Only there wasn’t any give. None at all. I lifted my head, and blearily looked up at my hand.

What the heck?

I rubbed my free hand over my eyes and then opened them wider. I had to be seeing things. I jiggled my wrist and felt the soft slide of furry material on my skin. I looked at the headboard, and as sure as the sun rises every morning, the other end of a set of handcuffs was wrapped around the nearest bedpost.

“This cannot be happening to me,” I growled.

“Shit,” Morgan muttered from the other side of the room. “I was hoping to make it back before you woke up.”

“Back from where and why am I handcuffed to the bed in the first place?”

“I went with Brecken and a couple of his guys to take care of the situation,” he explained, moving around the bed to kneel on the mattress next to me. I watched dumbly as he pulled a key from his pocket and released my wrist, rubbing it lightly with his thumb.

“You thought it was a good idea to not wake me up and tell me what was going on but instead to leave me sleeping in our bed with my wrist latched to the bedpost?” I yelled.

“I had to make sure you stayed put. These were dangerous men and I didn’t want them to lay eyes on you. Ever.”

I took several deep breaths, trying to focus on what was most important first. “How did the meeting go?”

“Good,” he grunted. “You won’t need to worry about them or your father again.”

I probably should have felt guilty about the fact that Morgan had gotten me out of the mess my father was still in, but I didn’t. He’d brought this onto himself and was no longer a part of my life by his choice. Not mine. I focused all my frustration on the man in front of me instead.

“You’re controlling and demanding and possessive and pretty much everything my mom warned me to stay away from with men!” I yelled, the emotional roller coaster I’d found myself on with him finally getting the better of me.

“Angel,” he whispered, an apology flashing in his eyes as he looked at me.

He didn’t stop me from lashing out and it just made me even angrier because I didn’t want his understanding. I wanted a fight—to yell and scream and rage at the world. As much as I knew what had happened with my father wasn’t Morgan’s fault, I wanted to lay all the blame at his feet. It hurt so damn much to know the man who’d raised me, who I had adored even after he abandoned my mom and me, had seen me as nothing more than a piece of collateral to use when he got into trouble. My screams eventually shifted to sobs and Morgan held me through it all.

When I began to settle down, he kissed my throat and worked his way across my chin and around to my ear. “I was never any of those things until you came into my life, my Angel.”

“But why?” I whispered back, unsure what he could possibly see in me that my own father couldn’t.

“Let me show you.”

Gripping my neck to pull me closer into his body, he wrapped his other arm around my lower back so he could lower me onto the bed. As soon as my back hit the mattress, his tongue slid into my mouth and caressed mine slowly. His kiss was soft and thorough—a leisurely exploration that he prolonged by gently nibbling at my lips before breaking away.

His dark eyes lit with appreciation as he gazed down at me sprawled beneath him. My nipples hardened as he stared at me before pushing back onto the mattress. Resting on one arm, one of his fingers blazed a trail of goosebumps along my skin as he traced a path from my breasts to my hip bone and back again. My breath caught in my throat when he lightly traced my nipple and it peaked under his touch.

I couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped my lips when his stubble scraped against my sensitive skin as he nibbled his way down my body, his palm cupping my pussy. “This is mine,” he murmured. “All of you, every inch, is mine to cherish. To protect.”

The promise in his tone scared me because it made me feel safe and protected. I was overwhelmed by the intensity of my feelings for Morgan and had been since the day we met. Every day since then, he had done everything in his power to give me anything I could ever want. Not just things, though. He gave himself to me too, and that’s what I was afraid of the most because he’d managed to make me need him like I’d never needed anyone else in my life.

Lifting himself up, he swiftly ripped his pants down his legs and moved until he was cradled between my thighs. His cock pushed against me, but he didn’t move to take me like he normally would. Instead he held himself still and stared into my eyes with a look of such longing that my hands lifted to cradle his face in reassurance before I even realized what I was doing. I was flooded with emotion as this amazing man, who could have any woman he wanted, gazed down at me like I was the only thing that existed in the entire world.

“I love you,” he whispered right before lifting his hips and slowly sliding inside me.

I gasped at his admission, the words I’d wanted to hear from him since the day I gave him my body. Tears swam in my eyes as I shook my head, sure that I must have heard him wrong. My emotions spiraled out of control, and I closed my eyes in an effort to gain control over them.

“Angel, look at me,” he demanded and my eyes popped back open. “You’re mine and I love you.”

“Are you sure?” I whispered hesitantly, scared to believe what I was hearing him say and what I could see shining from his eyes.

Instead of answering right away, he circled his hips before he withdrew from my body only to plunge back in. “I’m sure,” he promised. “I’ve never felt like this before, but I have no doubt that you were made for me, my Angel. Mine and mine alone.”

“Yours,” I gasped as he pulled out and rammed back in.

“I love you,” he repeated.

“You really do,” I breathed out, finally willing to accept it as the truth.

“Just like you love me,” he rasped, grinding his pelvis against me as his cock bumped my cervix.

“Says who?” I groaned, my legs tensing as my body tightened in pleasure.

“Me!” His eyes burned with an intensity I’d never seen before as he stared down at me while fucking me slow and hard. “And you because you’re damn well going to admit it right now or I won’t let you come.”

He stopped moving, his cock buried deep inside me. I began to squirm and tried to rotate my hips because my orgasm was just a hairsbreadth away but he continued to hold still above me. One of my hands snaked down towards my clit as I was desperate to climax, but he grabbed it and held tightly. My breathing was uneven, sweat dripped down his forehead and I was shocked to see tears in his eyes.

“If anything ever happened to you, I don’t know what I would do. I love you so fucking much.”

There was no denying our feelings anymore and the words spilled out of my mouth. “I love you too.”

His eyes light with joy and his lips twisted into a satisfied smirk. “My Angel,” he breathed out. “I’m your first, last, forever and always.”

His hips swiveled again and a moan bubbled up my throat as he rocked gently back into me. The sex between us had always been incredible, but knowing he loved me added an intensity to our joining that had my heart pounding and the blood pulsing harder through my veins. The climax which had been so close before was held at bay as he leisurely plunged in and out of me. Our eyes were locked, faces mere inches from each other as he thrust deeply and I began to shudder underneath him. My hands were clenched on the damp skin of his back, drawing his body as close to me as I could get him.

“Come for me,” he urged.

“Together,” I gasped back.

“Yes,” he hissed out as I tilted my hips up on his next thrust and moaned when he filled me completely, and my pussy fluttered around his cock. His body went rigid, and I finally tumbled headlong over the edge he’d held me suspended over for so long. My body trembled beneath his while he pushed inside one last time, holding himself deep and filling me with his come.

We lay there, wrapped together and silent for the longest time. I was filled with contentment as I traced my fingers along his taut skin and rested my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

“I love you so much,” I sighed.

“I know you do, Angel. I never doubted it for a moment.”

“Not even when I wore my shortest skirt to the campus bookstore and you caught that boy flirting with me?” I teased.

“I didn’t doubt what you felt for me, only whether you’d ever get around to admitting it,” he replied. “And I sure as hell didn’t trust that boy around you.”

“You don’t trust anyone around me,” I pointed out.

“Don’t expect that to ever change,” he warned. “It’s part of being mine and of me protecting what belongs to me.”

“I wouldn’t change a thing about you. I love you just the way you are.”

“Damn straight you do,” he said smugly.