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Bound to Him: Violent Spawn MC by Heather West (22)





Carter Banks was an asshole. President asshole of the Soldiers of Hell and he owned my ass. Literally. Thanks to a harebrained idea of a friend, I found myself in serious debt to the club. Carter had told me to be grateful that he was willing to let me work off the money I owed him for the room and board he’d given me over the past two months.


“Hannah, beer me!” Martin slammed his hand on the bar. I hid my eye roll as I opened the fridge to pull out his usual. Miller Lite. What self-respecting man drank that and called it a beer? Then again none of the Soldiers respected anything. “Can I get a look?” He waggled his eyebrows at me when I slid his beer toward him.


“Not now, Martin.” I caught Carter’s glare after I spoke and sighed. Saying no wasn't allowed. “Fine.” I unbuttoned the first three buttons on my blouse and pulled it open, giving him exactly what he wanted. A peek at my breasts. Martin never touched, never came to my room at night to help chip away at my debt, he just liked looking. It creeped me out.


“Fuck you have nice tits, Hannah.” He grinned, keeping his eyes glued to my chest. “You are going to make some asshat a really happy man. You’d make a great old lady.” He tipped his beer in my direction.


I laughed. No way would I ever be anyone’s old lady. Once I was debt free, I was out of that club, out of that town, and into something that had meaning. Showing my tits, fucking those idiots, it was just currency. I wanted more from my life. I deserved more from my life.


As life lessons went, spending the last few months with the Soldiers had been the harshest. I knew better than to trust anyone, but call it a lapse in judgment. I’d listened to Lisa. She’d been dating Carter’s brother and VP, Hunter. He promised to make her his old lady. When Lisa found out I was looking for a place to stay, she offered a room at the MC’s clubhouse. Hunter had said it was fine. Carter even gave his blessing. Said to make myself at home. At first, everything seemed fine. On the surface, Carter was pleasant and accommodating. I stayed out of his way as best I could, kept to myself and stayed out of everyone’s way. I tried to get a job at a bar in town, but Carter swooped in and insisted I just bartend for him while I was living there. But then shit changed, like it always does.


Lisa and Hunter broke it off; she found him in the kitchen, his cock buried in some girl's backside. Hunter threw her out when she said she didn’t share. I tried to go with her, she was the only connection I had to the club anyway, and that’s when Carter’s true colors shined. I owed him, three months' back rent, plus “incidentals,” and unless I was going to pay, I needed to work.


“You know, you could try smiling. It might help.” Martin glanced at Carter, who still glared my way.


“I don’t get why he keeps me here. He looks like he hates me most of the time.” I wiped down the counter and did my best to ignore his presence.


“Hate is just another form of passion to Carter.” Martin continued with his advice. Out of all the members, Martin had been the nicest. Not nice enough to get Carter to let me free, but he never overstepped. Other than the creepy ogling, I felt safe when he was around.


“Well, I don’t need his passion.” My attention went to the front door of the club as it swung open and three large men sauntered in. They weren’t Soldiers. Their kuttes were different, and their patches detailed their club. Satan’s Riders.


Martin must have seen my concern. “It’s okay, babe. We’re expecting them.” I tried to relax. I should have been used to the tension, the fights and threats, but I was beginning to think I was never going to adjust to it all.


He swung around on his stool and went to greet the men. I recognized one of them as Nathan; he was the president of the Riders and had been in the club a few times over the past week. The other two were new. A tall, bald man with ink around his ears, and a short beard covering his jawline stood as tall as Martin. But, the man beside him, he was even bigger. He stood a few inches over the other men now huddling around them greeting them with handshakes, Carter among them.


A hard look settled on the taller man. Dark, blue eyes swept the room, stopping on me for a moment. He raised an eyebrow when I didn’t shirk away, and a deep dimple appeared on his cheek when he grinned. A sadistic grin that sent a shiver through me. Martin said something that drew his attention and the five of them headed the back room.


Carter glanced my way, and I ducked my head down, moving around the bar pretending to be working. Through the corner of my eye, I watched the menacingly tall man, and he watched me, too.


With Carter tucked away doing business, it was easier for me to breathe. I finished stocking the bar and wiping down all the tables. I had only another hour before I could go hide in my room while Carly finished out the night. The door rang, signaling Carly’s arrival and I started to breathe a little easier. If the meeting went well, she’d be slinging drinks to those guys for a few hours. Hopefully, I’d be fast asleep and my door locked before they started searching out their evening’s entertainment. Carter hated that I locked my door. At first, he'd forbidden it. Martin had stepped in for me, said that without a few hours of sleep a night I’d be useless to them. Carter called it a bullshit excuse, but, in the end, allowed it. He had a key, though; there was no getting around that. But at least none of the other guys would bother me for a few hours while I slept.


“Hey, hon.” Carly tied on her apron and took a seat on a stool. “Anything exciting going on?” She nodded toward the closed door. The door only closed when there was club business being discussed. Since most of the members were either in the lounge drinking or out in the courtyard, it was odd to see it shut.


“I don’t know.” I plucked up a bottle of water and unscrewed the top. “Some guys from Satan’s Riders are here. Martin and Carter took them in there.” Hooting and hollering floated in from the courtyard as I sipped my water.


“Leo’s out there showing off his new bike.” Carly rolled her pretty blues. She’d been gifted with red curly hair that I would have died for. Better than the pixie cut brown hair I sported. “Some custom spoiler or something.”


I gave a laugh. “You’ve been working for these guys for almost two years, I would have thought you’d have learned a thing or two by now.”


“Nah. I’m here for the tips and the protection.” Carly’s older brother had been a member of the club before he was killed during a job. So when her ex-boyfriend decided to start laying into her, the club stepped up. Martin mostly. He’d taken care of the problem, but it hadn’t fixed everything. Her ex hadn’t disappeared altogether and every now and then she’d get messed with at whatever job she managed to land. Martin hooked her up at the clubhouse. Secretly, I think Martin had a thing for her, but she insisted he was just a good guy. Uh, huh. Considering the company he kept, it wasn’t exactly difficult to be the good one.


“Whatever.” I laughed with an eye roll. She said something, but I my attention was yanked by the sound of my name. I jerked a look at the end of the bar. Mr. Universe stared back at me with that same smile. I straightened up and put a fist on my hip. “What can I get you?”


“Hannah, take Brandon here back to your room. Show him a good time.” Carter walked out of the back room. I looked from him to Brandon.


Carly patted my hand and gave me a sympathetic look before hopping off the stool and rounding the bar. “Hey, Carter. Can I get you a drink?” Carter nodded but kept his gaze on me, waiting for me to comply.


“Sure, thing.” I swallowed, dropping the towel on the bar. “My shift’s over,” I gave the big guy a smile, hoping to hell he wasn’t so damn big everywhere.


“Your shift’s never over,” I heard Carter growl as I rounded the bar and shimmied up to Brandon. He smelled as good as he looked. Clean, musky. A girl could get lost in those dark eyes of his.


He wrapped his arm around me, hauling me up to his side. “Where’s your room, beautiful?” He had already started walking toward the hall leading to the member’s rooms.


“Just down the hall.” I didn’t try to get out of his grasp, since he held on tight and I figured he was playing at some game with Carter. The fierce expression on Carter’s face as we turned into the hall was enough to know that he didn’t like what was about to happen any more than I did. But knowing he was pissed about it sent a little thrill through me.


I pointed to my door, and he dropped his arm from my shoulders, picking up my hand and heading straight for it. The heat of his touch tingled over my hand and up my arm. I tried to get a better look at his expression, but he’d moved ahead of me. He pushed through the door and half flung me into the room. I twirled around to face him.


Hungry. His eyes reminded me of a man who hadn’t eaten in a very long time, but surely this hot man before me was no starving peasant. He leaned against the door, folding his arms over his massive chest. His shirt pushed up his arms showing off more of his ink. Tribal bands ran down both arms to his elbows; from there several different designs woven together filled in his forearms ending with black cuffs around each wrist.


His stare unnerved me, the way he seemed to peer into me, trying to read me. I looked away. I wasn’t that easy. “So, what would you like?” I asked, like I was a menu or something. For the tenth time that month I promised myself that doing this didn’t make me a real whore. I wasn’t some low-life street corner hooker. I was a survivor, doing what I needed to survive. I knew what happened to women who crossed the club.


He eyed me quietly for a minute, then twirled his finger in the air, signaling me to turn around. I did my best not to roll my eyes, and followed his directions, moving my feet and spinning around. I doubted he could see much in my jeans and blouse. “Take off your clothes.” His low voice commanded. “All of them.” Of course.


I unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it down my arms, tossing it to the chair beside the desk and moved my hands to my jeans. I looked up briefly to find him staring at me intently. The hunger hadn’t died down; in fact, it had intensified. With my jeans tossed aside, I reached back and began to unfasten my bra. “Wait.” He put a hand up to still me before taking the few strides needed to get to me. His large hands rested on my shoulders. “You’d think you’ve never stripped for someone before.”


“Strip? You told me to take my clothes off. They aren't the same thing.” I tilted my head. “You should be clearer in your instructions if you are going to give them.” Irritation flashed in his eyes and, for a moment, I thought about stepping away.


“You’re right. I should be clearer.” He cupped my chin in his hand, the sensation of his touch speeding up my heartbeat. “I’m going to finish undressing you, then you’re going to slide your pretty self down to your knees, and you're going take my cock in your mouth.” With the utmost skill, he slid his free hand around me and unclasped my bra. “Keep your eyes on me.” It wasn’t an option.


I looked into his dark eyes and wanted desperately to find somewhere else to look. The intensity was too strong to remain there for long. I settled for his chin. A strong chin. He gave a low chuckle, as he pulled my bra from my arms. “I guess I will need to be exact with you. Look at my eyes. Don’t look anywhere else. Unless I’m behind you, you keep your eyes on mine. Understand?” He tweaked my nipples making me jump, the short-lived pain jolted through my body. The heat inside of me grew even when I tried to stamp it down. This man was dangerous. His hands cupped my breasts, his thumbs circling my now taut nipples. I took a steadying breath. He was unraveling me and we’d barely begun. “Such pretty tits.” He leaned down then and dragged his hot tongue across them, keeping his eyes on me the whole time.


I tried to ignore the sensation, but the trip wire had been tripped and there was no undoing it. When he released my breasts and squatted down in front of me, I fought back the moan that bubbled in my chest. His fingers slipped into the waistband of my panties. Suddenly, I wished I’d worn something a little sexier than my usual soft yellow cotton. I didn’t usually care about the undergarments the assholes saw, but this guy was different. He seemed to drink me in.


“Let’s see what we have here.” He pulled the panties over my hips and down my legs.


I closed my eyes for a brief moment, trying to corral all of the rambling thoughts in my head. How could his touch have such an effect on me?


His hand slid in between my legs, and he wiggled it. “Open.” One word. One simple command, and I was helpless to disobey. My feet slid apart, as he’d already removed my panties. How’d he do that? “Ahh, here it is.” His hand rubbed against my sex. I was already wet, I could feel it and now he would, too. The grunt of approval only fueled the fire inside of me.


With one hand wrapped around my waist holding me in place, he began to stroke me. Fingers slid between my lips, rubbing my wetness over me. “So wet.” He kissed my thigh, and I nearly buckled beneath the tenderness of it. Next, his teeth bit into me, the same place as his kiss and I cried out. Bending over and steadying myself on his shoulders. He growled and bit me again.


“Fuck.” I groaned when his tongue licked the spot where his teeth marks now sat.


“Oh, such a dirty mouth.” He chuckled and began to move his hand quicker, rubbing me harder. My clit responded quickly to the touches, by wanting more. I pushed my hips toward him, looking for that connection, for that little bit of relief. But he wasn’t done with me. His hands disappeared and he stood up, grinning at me like a cat who’d just caught the damn canary. He wiped the hair away from my face, tucking the short strands behind my ear. “There, that’s the look I like.” I had no idea what look he was referring to, only that he seemed pleased and in return, my thighs became damper with my desire. “What did I say you were to do when I finished undressing you?”


Keeping my eyes glued to his I slid down to my knees, looking up at him. Those eyes. I could tumble deep into those eyes if he wanted me to.




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