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Breaking The Rules: A Forbidden Love Romance (Fighting For Love Book 4) by J.P. Oliver (9)


Eric honestly couldn’t say what the hell came over him and made him kiss Hank.

It was probably a combination of things. First, he hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep the night before. Second, he was hungry, and was now going to miss his lunch break, which made him cranky.

Third, Hank strode in looking like sin on a stick, wearing this dark green shirt that had the top couple of buttons undone, exposing his collarbone and the hollow of his throat, the sleeves rolled up to show off his tan, muscular forearms. Those jeans weren’t helping either, dark blue and looking like they were molded to his body.

Was Hank trying to tempt him? Was that a part of his strategy, to come in and look so attractive that Eric couldn’t fucking concentrate?

It didn’t help that Hank had a good point. His family did have grounds for a harassment suit, although Eric could probably get the company to countersue them for the damages done to life and property by the Caskills.

Spray-painting a car bright pink, though, that was pretty creative.

But he couldn’t let Hank know that. If this turned into a harassment suit, even if Eric wasn’t the one who’d been harassing them — he’d only just gotten assigned the case, and he’d been perfectly nice on his one visit — it would be the straw that broke the camel’s back, and he’d be the goddamn scapegoat. There would go his promotion for sure.

He couldn’t have Hank realizing that he and his family had a lot less to lose by a harassment suit than Eric did. The company ultimately had the least to lose out of everyone, but Eric’s promotion was already on the line with this. He didn’t want his entire job to be on the line as well.

So, well, he came at Hank a little hard — no pun intended — and Hank came swinging right back at him.

He couldn’t blame Hank for being angry. Or, well, he could a little. Did Hank think he could just stride in here and give a big speech and make threats, and Eric was going to back down?

Hell no. Hank wanted to play the hero? Well, Eric was going to make it a hell of a lot harder than that. He could hear his dad’s voice in the back of his head telling him, don’t be a pushover.

Eric wanted Hank to stop talking, and he wanted this whole issue to be over with, and he couldn’t stop himself from remembering when Hank had kissed him last night, and how it had felt to run his hands over the other man’s body, to feel Hank touching him all over, and kissing him like he was going to devour him, and Hank just wouldn’t shut up, and Eric…

Well, he knew a pretty surefire way to shut Hank up.

It was like his body acted on the impulse, before he could send it the message to stop, and he crossed the last inch into Hank’s personal space, taking the other man’s face in his hands, and kissing him in the middle of his sentence.

Thank God Eric had already thought to close his office door. Everyone was out to lunch, but he hadn’t wanted to display this argument to anyone who might come back early. Now he really didn’t need anyone to be able to see what was happening.

Hank froze for a moment, and Eric really couldn’t blame him. That had been a stupid, reckless move, and he didn’t know what had come over him. It was just that they were already standing so close, only inches apart, and it took almost nothing at all to close the gap, and Hank’s eyes were dark and blazing all at the same time, and dammit, Eric couldn’t stop his body’s reaction to being so near him again.

He’d wanted Hank from the moment he’d seen him at the bar, and now that he knew what Hank tasted like, felt like, kissed like, he couldn’t have stopped the desire if he’d tried.

Eric prepared to pull away. He shouldn’t have kissed him; it was the stupidest possible thing that he could have done, he’d just messed everything up, and he was going to be in so much trouble for this—

But then Hank started kissing him back.

It wasn’t gentle, by any means. It felt almost like Hank had decided to yell into Eric’s mouth rather than just at him. It was aggressive and demanding and so, so good, and Eric had absolutely no problem responding, pressing up against Hank and biting down on his bottom lip.

Hank growled, his hands coming up to grip Eric’s hips and pin their bodies together. Eric felt like this was war disguised as sex, and kissed back just as fiercely. Hank wasn’t pulling any punches, sliding his tongue past Eric’s lips and dragging it along the roof of his mouth, sucking hard on Eric’s own tongue, nipping at his lips, diving in again and again until Eric started to feel dizzy with it.

He clutched at Hank, holding his head in place and tilting it to get the best angle, retaliating as best he could. It was messy and disastrous and fantastic. He could feel Hank’s body responding, those tight jeans concealing nothing, and he spread his legs a little so that he could better feel that hard length starting to rub up against his inseam.

It sent a hot, dirty thrill through him, feeling how turned on Hank was, the tease of his cock through the fabric. Eric pulled back, panting, and Hank took the opportunity to revisit one of the marks he’d made on Eric the night before, yanking Eric’s tie off and shoving his collar out of the way.

“This shirt probably cost more than your life is worth, asshole,” Eric said, but he doubted that it made much impact when his voice came out all breathy and rough like that.

Hank scraped his teeth over Eric’s neck. “Good. I’m going to wreck it.”

Eric gave a full-body shiver at that, delight rocketing through him at the thought. Oh, he wanted to be taken apart, wanted to be pinned down and destroyed, but fuck, they were at the office, he had work to do after this…

Not that he was going to pull away. Pulling away, ending this now, would feel like defeat, like a kind of surrender in whatever war they’d started, and he hadn’t given up on anything since he was ten and had tried to quit the local baseball league and his dad told him that he hadn’t raised a quitter.

This probably wasn’t anything like what his dad had in mind when he instilled the importance of never backing down in his son, but whatever. Eric wasn’t backing down from this. Not before Hank did.

And if he got his outfit a little messed up, so what? Half of his colleagues and bosses were cheating on their spouses with some secretary or other, so they didn’t have any ground to stand on. And there could be a million reasons why his suit was messed up, anyway.

Besides … he was starting to think it might be physically impossible for him to pull away.

The desperation and energy that they’d kissed with before had taken on a whole new dimension now that they were pissed at each other. Hank was kissing him like he had something to prove, like it was his sacred mission in life to make Eric weak at the knees, and Eric was doing his damn best to give as good as he got.

Hank’s hands roamed over Eric’s body, greedy, undoing Eric’s button’s with a feverish haste and then sliding his hands underneath, only to make a frustrated noise when he encountered Eric’s undershirt.

“Seriously?” he asked, yanking at it.

“You didn’t know that you’re supposed to put an undershirt under a dress shirt?” Eric asked, undoing Hank’s buttons to find gloriously bare skin underneath.

He scratched his nails lightly over Hank’s chest, earning him a hiss of pleasure when one of his nails snagged a nipple. Eric grinned at him and ducked down, sucking lightly at the nipple, making Hank give out a surprised groan.

He’d barely gotten to touch Hank last time, and vice versa, only running his hands over him a little and then making out while they’d rutted against each other. But now he could get his tongue all over that broad, firm chest, see what made the muscles jump, making Hank let out more of those delicious noises.

Eric wasn’t even really aware that he was working his way downward until he found himself sinking to his knees, nosing at the prominent bulge in Hank’s pants. Hank panted above him, spearing his fingers through Eric’s hair and holding on tightly. Eric shivered, but refused to tell Hank out loud how much he liked that. He’d always been a bit into hair pulling, but like hell was he going to concede that point to Hank.

“I knew you’d look good on your knees,” Hank growled, tightening his grip a little in Eric’s hair and forcing Eric to hold in his whimper. God, that felt good. He wanted Hank inside of him, fucking him hard from behind while he pulled at Eric’s hair — but no way he was telling him that.

That felt too much like surrender.

Instead, he shoved Hank backwards, making Hank fall back against the edge of the desk. Eric made short work of the jeans, undoing them and working them down until he could pull out Hank’s thick, hot cock, feeling it twitch in his hand.

He hadn’t gotten a super good look at it before, in the dark behind the bar, but now he could explore all that he pleased. He licked all over it first, teasing little flicks of his tongue, making Hank groan.

Hank had to like the teasing though, or he would’ve made Eric stop. Eric had no doubt that Hank could manhandle him any way he wanted to; he tried to go to the gym, but he had nowhere near the raw strength he could feel exuding from the other man.

He sucked just on the tip, humming when he felt the salty-tangy taste of precome explode on his tongue. Victory, or the beginnings of it, at any rate. Hank swore loudly, and then swore again when Eric pulled back to suck along the shaft.

He scraped his teeth across Hank’s inner thigh and sucked his balls into his mouth for a moment, before pulling back and finally sucking his cock down as far as Eric could manage.

Hank groaned, long and loud, his hips twitching uncontrollably. It had been a long time since Eric had done this, and he had to remind himself to relax his jaw, to not push himself too far too fast, to breathe through his nose.

It felt good, so good, to do this again, to have Hank at his mercy like this, to intimately feel the pleasure that he was bringing someone, the pleasure that he could give or withhold as he wished. Hank’s cock felt good, stretching his mouth, heavy on his tongue. And Hank was making the best noises, choked-off moans and groans as he tried to be quiet.

Eric pulled off and Hank nearly fell over, tightening his grip in Eric’s hair and tugging a little as he used it to maintain his balance. Eric couldn’t stifle his little moan in time, and Hank froze. A grin slowly stretched across his face.

“You like that, don’t you?” he asked. He tugged hard on Eric’s hair, used it to get Eric back to standing, and Eric’s knees nearly buckled at the sensation and the show of dominance.

Hank’s eyes raked over him. “You’re not nearly messed up enough. Still looking like a goddamn snob.”

“Better than you,” Eric retorted. It was far from his best line, but he could be excused when Hank looked the way he did: shirt hanging off his broad shoulders, exposing his bare chest, his gaze heated, and his cock and muscular thighs on full display.

Hank yanked him in and kissed him again, this time succeeding in getting Eric’s clothes all the way off and putting his hands on Eric’s bare skin. “I can’t wait to mark you up, see how pretty you look with some purple and blue on you, so you’ll know that I was here and this happened and remember how good I made you feel.”

Eric growled at him. “Shut. Up. Don’t make me gag you.”

Hank just pulled back enough to smirk at him. “I have a feeling you’re the one that likes to be gagged.”

Eric could feel his face heating up with a blush and another thrill of arousal, but he just kissed Hank again instead of responding.

They were skin to skin now, and once Hank got his damn jeans off there was nothing left between them. He could touch everywhere, feel everything he’d wanted to the other night, but couldn’t because clothing and time restraint.

Fuck, this was so stupid of him to be doing this in his office, but no one was around, and god dammit he wanted this, wanted to feel that rush and release that he hadn’t felt with anyone in so long. He couldn’t remember the last time there’d been this hot, burning feeling in the pit of his stomach, that need to just get someone inside of him, like he’d kind of die if he didn’t.

For a moment it became nothing more than desperate groping and making out, almost like they were teenagers again. Hank’s hands were all over him, exploring him, and he could feel their erections bumping together, precome smeared all over both their stomachs and making them even messier.

Eric had the sudden, wild thought that if he was in Jonas’s office with that promotion, he wouldn’t be able to do this. Jonas had the office with the glass paneling on either side of the door, so that you could always see in. Everyone would know what he and Hank were up to.

But luckily, he was in the smaller office with all walls, so…

Hank’s grip tightening on Eric’s hips was his only warning before he was spun around and had to brace his hands on his desk to keep from falling over. It wasn’t the most graceful of moves, and he looked over his shoulder so that Hank would be sure to see his eye roll.

“As if you were ever going to take the lead,” Hank replied, plastering himself to Eric’s back and kissing along Eric’s spine. His hand came up to tangle in Eric’s hair again, and he used his grip to tilt Eric’s head to the side and suck at his neck.

Eric fumbled for Hank, grabbing him, yanking at him so that he could kiss him properly. It was awkward at this angle and he was giving his neck a twinge, but he didn’t care; he had to kiss him again.

It figured that the first guy he’d be this insane for was the one guy he probably shouldn’t be fucking.

He grabbed Hank’s wrist and guided his hand down, indicating for Hank to get a move on—preferably before everyone else came back, or either one of them came to their senses and remembered just how bad of an idea this was.

Hank pulled back, playfully smacking Eric’s ass. “You’re lucky Luke gave me some damn supplies to try and encourage me to go out with someone,” Hank told him.

Eric looked over his shoulder again and saw Hank pulling out a condom and a small packet of lube from his wallet. Thank you, Luke indeed.

“Looked like his plan worked, then,” Eric said, as Hank opened the package and slicked his fingers up.

“You’re a real sass, you know that?” Hank said, dragging a finger along the cleft of Eric’s ass, the tip of it catching on his rim and making Eric suck in a breath.

God, it had been such a long time since he’d done this. That should’ve made him more cautious, he supposed, but instead it just made him more restless. More eager.

He wondered vaguely if this was what a midlife crisis felt like.

“You like it,” he told Hank, tilting his hips up and hoping that Hank got the message.

Hank slid a finger inside, a little quick, but Eric liked the burn of it, pushing back into it. He reached backwards, grabbing Hank and yanking him back towards him. Hank seemed to get the message and immediately kissed along Eric’s skin, the ridge of his spine, the outline of his shoulder.

Eric never would’ve admitted it out loud, but the kissing helped to relax him a bit more, helped him take the second finger more easily. He could feel that old stretch, and the feeling of pleasure sparking up and down his spine, and he groaned, his mouth falling open. God, yes, he’d missed this, and hadn’t even realized how much until he had it again.

Hank twisted his fingers, and finally found the perfect spot — Eric’s body jerked like he’d been electrocuted, and maybe he had. It was hard to tell when it felt like his skin was crackling, as Hank hit that spot again and again.

He could practically hear the smirk in Hank’s voice as he rumbled, “You like that?”

“I’d like it a lot better if you’d hurry up,” Eric snapped in response, refusing to beg and admit how badly he wanted to get to the main event.

Hank chuckled like he knew just what Eric wasn’t saying, and pulled his fingers out. Eric could hear the crinkle of the condom package being ripped open. “I’d ask if you’re sure,” Hank said, “but I have a feeling I’d get smacked for it.”

“Only afterwards,” Eric said, willing to be magnanimous, seeing as he was getting a pretty good end of the deal.

He glanced back in time to see Hank rolling his eyes, but then Hank started to slide into him and Eric’s brain short circuited just a bit.

Holy shit, he’d forgotten what it felt like to feel stretched and full like this. He could remember it, of course, but memory was absolutely nothing compared to having the actual sensation again after so long without.

His throat clicked dryly as he sucked in air. Hank was actually being nice and not commenting on it — but then Eric glanced over his shoulder and saw Hank’s eyes closed, his face screwed up in concentration.

It had been a while for Hank, too, Eric realized, and he kind of wanted to laugh. They made a hell of a pair, one of them trying not to shoot off too early, and the other one trying to figure out how to adjust all over again.

Eric forced himself to relax, remembering how much he enjoyed it once the ball got rolling. His body started to loosen up, getting used to the sensation, and he began to get impatient.

He pushed his hips back, growling a little. “C’mon,” he demanded.

“Pushy,” Hank replied, but he started moving, just short little thrusts at first. Eric groaned as that friction started up — that slick, sharp-edged, pleasurable friction that he couldn’t get anywhere else, the kind that only came from having someone inside of him, the kind that made his mouth drop open and his eyes squeeze shut against the onslaught.

Fuck. Hank had found just the right angle, must have somehow memorized it from when it was his fingers, and was hitting Eric’s prostate like he was on a time limit or something. Eric could feel a hysterical laugh bubbling up inside of him as he realized what this would look like to anyone who came in. The door was closed, but not locked, and if somebody was determined to talk to him, all they had to do was open the door and they’d see Eric starring in his own real-life porno.

Hank pressed himself up against Eric’s back, reaching around to take Eric’s cock in hand and start jacking him off in time with his thrusts. He sped up even more, and holy shit, Eric almost wished he had a camera or a mirror or something, so that he could see as well as feel how Hank’s hips were moving.

Between the heat and friction of Hank’s hand around him, and the relentless press against his prostate, and the friction inside of him, Eric knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. He clenched back around Hank’s cock, making Hank stutter in his rhythm and groan.

For a moment, Eric wished that the condom wasn’t on. He wanted to be able to feel the hot spurt inside of him, feel the mess dripping down his inner thighs. But it was far from sanitary, and even if he knew that Hank couldn’t give him anything, it was not the kind of mess he wanted to have in his goddamn office, of all places.

Still, he kind of wanted to feel that messed up and debauched.

Hank sped up his hand, his thrusts becoming more erratic, and then Eric felt him stutter and Hank’s hips slammed in deep as he pressed himself completely into Eric and let out a long, low groan. Hank’s cock jerked and stiffened, and he knew, he knew that Hank was coming, and the very idea of it made his stomach light on fire, and he came all over the front of his desk.

It was a good thing he kept tissues in his desk drawer because of allergies.

Eric slumped forward, panting, feeling acutely aware of his body and Hank’s: the sheen of sweat on his skin, the way their skin slid together, the bruises on his hips from where Hank had gripped him, the ones on his neck and back from Hank’s teeth and lips, their harsh breathing, and the way Hank’s chest expanded and contracted against Eric’s back.

He didn’t want to say it out loud, because that would earn him a smug smirk from Hank or something, but … holy shit.

Eric couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever felt so thoroughly fucked, or so goddamn boneless and sated afterwards. He wanted to just collapse and not move for the next, oh, hour or so.

They lay there, Eric braced against the desk with Hank at his back, for a few minutes before Hank pulled away.

Eric stood up. Hank wasn’t saying anything, and so neither was he. He wasn’t going to start a fight while they were both naked, for Christ’s sake, but he wasn’t going to get all … mushy, either. It was just a good fuck, made better by the whole aggressive tension thing they had going on. It didn’t mean anything more than that, so why pretend that it did?

Except … he’d never felt this crazy about anyone before. He’d always thought that people were so stupid about the whole sex drive thing, rolling his eyes at how his friends in college would be unable to keep their hands off their significant others. It wasn’t even a romance thing, it was the whole we need to have sex now or I’ll die thing.

But apparently his body was slow on the uptake, or it just had to be the right person, because now he felt that way with Hank. A part of him wanted to just nap for a few hours, and another part of him wanted to kick the guy out and tell him to never stop by again, but a big part of him wanted to shove Hank up against the wall and initiate round two.

Instead, he settled for grabbing the tissues out of the drawer and cleaning everything — including himself — up as best he could.

Hank smirked when Eric handed him the tissues. “Nice of you to keep those handy.”

“I have allergies in the spring, asshole,” Eric replied. “You’re the one who had condoms and lube in his pocket, if I’m remembering correctly.”

“Blame Luke for that one; he gave them to me.”

“You accepted them.”

Hank rolled his eyes. “All right, touché.”

Once they were all cleaned up, Eric wasn’t quite sure what to do. Kicking Hank out felt like both the right and the wrong thing to do. The guy hadn’t apologized for anything that he’d said, after all, and they were still on opposite sides of this battle. Eric certainly wasn’t about to back down.

But just telling him wham bam thank you ma’am didn’t seem like the right thing, either. Hank had a right to be upset, and kicking someone out after he’d just given Eric an orgasm that had his brain leaking out of his ears felt unusually callous.

Ugh. This was all so much more complicated than it needed to be. All that Eric had wanted was a promotion, and a casual fuck for once in his life. Was that too much to ask of the universe?


Eric took a deep breath. “Look. You’ve got legitimate issues with this thing. And I’ve got my own issues. I’m not going to just back down for no reason, but I’m willing to talk with you and see what your side — your family’s side — is.

“I’ve got to eat lunch still, but I’m always putting in overtime, so my boss can’t exactly complain if I take a long lunch for once. There’s a diner down the street that Adam introduced me to; why don’t we go there and talk this out? Like adults.”

Hank looked suspicious, which Eric supposed he had a right to. “And you’re just going to hear me out? You’re not going to try and sell me on anything?”

Eric sighed. “I’m not a snake oil salesman, no matter what you and your family seem to think. I didn’t even want this assignment, but it’s mine now; I always do my best, and I don’t like giving up.

But I’m guessing you don’t either. Yelling at each other obviously hasn’t worked, and we’re stuck with each other until this damn thing is resolved one way or another, so why not just … try this over again. Start over, pretend we’re just now meeting to discuss the issue.”

Hank squinted at him, as if trying to discern any hidden motives or tricks in what Eric was saying. “And I suppose you’d like to pretend that this—” he gestured between the two of them, looking pointedly at Eric’s crotch area— “didn’t happen either?”

Eric honestly didn’t know how to respond to that. Was it best to pretend that it had never happened? Was it even possible?

“Maybe we could just pretend that happened before we learned about this whole … legal matter.”

“Legal matter,” Hank snorted. “You sound like Adam.”

“I do have to know a bit about law,” Eric replied, feeling wrong-footed and trying not to snap at him. He grabbed his tie to put it back on, only to have Hank take it from him.

“Here,” Hank said, winding the tie around Eric’s neck. “I can’t ever do one of these myself without a mirror, or it turns out crooked.”

Eric obediently stood still as Hank did his tie up for him. It was … odd. It gave him this fluttery feeling in the pit of his stomach, and made him feel a bit warm, but not in the turned on kind of way.

He ignored it. Hank was just trying to make them both look presentable, because while it would definitely reflect badly on Eric if his coworkers found out what he did, he couldn’t imagine that it would work out all that well for Hank either, if people realized his part in things. It wasn’t like Hank was doing it to be nice, or anything; he wasn’t doing it because he genuinely liked or cared about Eric.


He waited until Hank had finished and then quickly stepped away, away from the warm hands and heat of his body and the freshly-fucked smell that still clung to him.

“So, shall we?” he said, grabbing his jacket, even though he was probably not going to put it on. He wanted to at least try and look like he wasn’t blissfully riding the post-sex high, and he quickly finger-combed his hair to get it looking somewhat decent.

“You look fine,” Hank replied, rolling his eyes and double-checking his shirt wasn’t too wrinkled.

“Easy for you to say; you’ve just got jeans and one shirt, I’ve got a whole ensemble.”

“That’s what you get for overdressing, I know you work in an office, but really? Was all this…” Hank gestured at Eric’s suit. “Necessary?”

Eric didn’t answer, just finished throwing the trash away in the waste bin and opened the office door. “Let’s go, before I change my mind and just sue your ass.”

Hank had a look on his face that said he didn’t really believe Eric for a second. Instead he swept his arm out, like he was being a gentleman and letting Eric walk through the door first.

Eric pointedly didn’t look at him as he walked out the door.

This was going to be fun, he thought sarcastically.




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