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Bright Moon (Illumination Book 2) by Paige Taylor (15)

Chapter Fifteen

You would think that the burials would become easier, that we had experienced through enough that it would hurt just a little bit less, but that’s never the case. We took the time to honour them, to burn them and send them into the higher place. The words spoken, and the tears shed only burrow themselves deeper into my heart, spurring me on and making it all too clear why it’s important we persevere. It feels like we are stuck in a time loop, constantly going through meetings, then wolves die, we set their spirits free and then repeat. Once again, I find myself trying to remember how to deal with the differing personalities of the Alphas rather than actually doing something, anything.

“Sorry I am late to the party!” The familiar drawl of the Vampire Lord sounds as the heavy doors of the meeting room bang open. We asked Darius to the meeting to explain the Fae’s involvement, hoping that we can piece together all our information. Whilst the Alphas all knew of the plan for him to attend our meeting, none were too pleased about it, and the low rumble of growls only reinforcing that sentiment as the vampire walks into the room. The soft nudge of a foot from across the table has my head lifting to look at the soft faced woman who fast became my mentor. She nods her head towards Darius, reminding me that the Vampire Lord has not been addressed. Thank you, Rebecca. That girl is seriously a life saver.

“Hi Darius, thanks for joining us. Alphas this is the Vampire Lord Darius,” I introduce him by swinging my arm out around the table like a fucking maître d’, waiting for everyone to acknowledge Darius.

“Good evening Alphas, thank you for allowing me to join your soiree tonight. Let’s find the motherfuckers who continue to attack us and put an end to it. I for one, don’t want to keep moving people into my home because some egotistical bastard thinks he can kill off my kind one lair at a time,” The Vampire Lord states as he glides into the only available seat at the table, one next to Wade. His all black leather pants, vest and duster producing a slight squeak as he stretches himself out over the chair.

“Alright, now that the special guest is here, what did you find out yesterday?” Leo asks, his hands clasped together in front of him on the table while Sarah watches Darius with wary eyes, just like ninety percent of the other wolves in the room.

“We sat in on Darius’s interrogation of the rogue, and we found out some very interesting, and somewhat disturbing news. D, you’re up,” Dylan motions to Darius, giving him the opportunity to censor whatever part necessary. Darius brings his hands up to the top of the table and lies his forearms flat before he begins to speak.

“Whilst the interrogation didn’t last too long, we did get some key information. Recruitment of the rogues and lones happen at the underground fights, from there a “witch” inducts them, but I’ll come back to that. The rogue indicated a man named Allister gives the orders but I’m certain that Allister is just to the middle man. Two male wolves often pull Allister into meetings, so it seems the orchestrators are wolves, maybe someone trying to undermine the Council? Or even to distract the Council elsewhere, and they start a coup. I don’t know, that is just speculation at this point,” Darius pauses, waiting for the Alpha’s growling to calm down before continuing, the insinuation that other wolves arranged this, betrayed their own kind, riles all of us up.

“Coming back to the witch, well it’s not a witch at all. Once the rogue gave up the information about Allister and these wolves, he died, and a symbol of death appeared on his forehead, in fluorenone green. For those who don’t know or remember the stories, the Fae use that symbol to signify a broken oath. The Fae are fucking with us, and they seem determined to kill me and my kind off, one lair at a time,” Darius ends his recap with those ominous words before. Sitting back down, letting the shock settle in for everyone but my Mates and me. I trace anxious patterns on Marco’s leg, waiting for the yelling and cursing, but it never comes. All the Alphas appear too shell shocked to even make a sound.

“Let me get this straight, we have rogues and lones taking orders from wolves we can’t identify. They want to overthrow our political system, to the point that killing off packs one wolf at a time represents the least of our Councils’ problems. Then, on top of that, the Fae, a race that hasn’t been seen or heard of in over a thousand years, decided to stick their hands in our business, and they’re binding these menaces to them. What possible benefits could they get out of all that? What prompted or motivated this?” Michael, Wade’s brother summarizes from beside his Mate Jason at the far left of the table.

“We believe it may be a power play. The wolves gain foot soldiers to do their dirty work and can fill in the power role while the Council does whatever the fuck it’s done for the last few months, which appears to be nothing, but who knows at this point. As for the Fae, well, they hate the vampires, and I imagine they hate that the portals between realms closed, so I’m willing to bet they made a deal with the wolves. They can kill off the vampires and re-open the portals, as long as they help the wolves gain power over the supernaturals on this side,” Marco explains, as his fingers thread through mine to stop my incessant pattern drawing on his leg.

“We also can’t forget that these wolves and the Fae promised the rogues and the lones freedom to do whatever they hell they want, so we need to find out the exact wording of their bargain to know what they are truly getting,” Darius reminds us, his black leather outfit creaking as he extends his arms above his head, the chair tipping back as he stretches.

“Well hasn’t this turned into a fuck up of epic proportions?” Petra, the Alpha with the shaved head says from where she sits across from me.

“You can say that again,” I whisper under my breath, wincing as a few chuckles sound around the room. Stupid werewolf hearing.

“It seems to me like sending people into the underground fights are our only option at this point,” Josh, Alpha of Imperial Forest and Wade’s other brother ventures from his place next to his wife Rebecca.

“The same thought occurred to us, but we don’t know who. We can’t just send any wolf in,” Wade states with grim resolve. Sometimes people experience that one lightbulb moment, that moment when you know you must make a sacrifice for the people you love. Apparently, I’m having a lightbulb moment. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this until now.

“I’ll go in,” I say to the wolves around the table, trying to tune out the protests of my Mates.

“I’ve fought there before; the spectators and the other competitors know me. They may hold some apprehension about me coming back, but I can just explain that I need to work out my anger over the death of a few wolves in my Pack. Once I’m back in, then you guys can send in some low-profile wolves to sniff out anything suspicious while I’m there. Two birds, one stone,” I propose, turning to my Mates, using our bond to beg for their understanding.

“But surely Allister will know not to bring anyone involved in while you are fighting?” Rebecca questions, her worried eyes meeting mine.

“Maybe, but if I get back on the circuit, as in compete regularly and not just here in town, then he will. He won’t have a choice,” I say grimly, not wanting to imagine how long I could be away from my Mates.

“We can’t seriously consider this!” Wade yells, his heavy fists banging down on the table as he kicks his chair out behind him. He moves behind me to dig his fingers into my shoulders, enveloping me in his protective embrace.

“Wade, she makes a good point. She knows the inner workings of the fights. If she joins the circuit, it will force Allister to do business somewhere with these people. We send a few wolves around with her, one in close contact, and a few in the crowd to help watch for activity. It’s the closest we’ve come to a solid lead so far,” Leo tries to reason with him, wincing when he meets his son’s eyes above my head.

“I’ll go with her. She won’t be out of my sight,” Zane insists, the only one of my Mates to agree so far.

“All of us should stay with her. Joining the circuit could mean you’re both half a country away if anything goes fucking wrong. And I can see it going wrong at some point, there’s no fucking two ways about it,” Dylan’s anger threatens to erupt, his fists clenching and unclenching beneath the table. I can feel all of them down our bonds, fighting between what should happen and what they want. All of them want to keep me safe and protected, but they also know this could be our only way to get information, their dilemma the epitome of head versus heart.

“I understand the superficial risks, and we can plan out contingencies for the other more specific risks later. I’m not debating that this could end in disaster, but we need to do this. We can’t keep sitting around, waiting for something to happen,” I insist to my Mates, ignoring the other wolves sitting around the table. I need them to understand and accept first and foremost.

“I will happily send in some of my lair, and I will contact the other Lords across the country. Ava will not be alone ever,” Darius vows, his pensive eyes locked on my own. D nods his head in my direction, and then with vampiric speed gets up and heads for the door in the space of a blink.

“Thank you for allowing me to join you on this council today. I will be in touch as for my plans and any new leads on the events of the last few days. Ava, make sure you stay safe, I still want that sandwich,” Darius teases before winking at me and exiting the room.

“Ok, I think the matter of Ava’s participation is more of an personal decision, but all for her proposal, raise your hand,” Leo instructs the room. Everyone but my Mates raise their hand. Now just to convince my brooding mates.

“Onto the next topic, now that we know the rogues and lones are hitting specific people, I also vote that we kill on sight. No second chances, no sympathy. They chose to attack us, leaving no room for compassion here,” Leo puts to the room of Alphas. My Mates stop their internal conversation, to second the motion and show no mercy, a sentiment reciprocated by every wolf in the room. Not that I’m included in their discussion, the bastards. I can feel the mental block on my bond.

Soon, all the Alphas leave the room, nodding their heads in respect to my Mates and me. I stand up and turn around to sit on the table, waiting for the final wolf to exit the room and leave me alone with my Mates.

“So, let’s have it then,” I prompt, taking in each of my Mates’ expressionless faces and steading my nerves for the discussion ahead.

* * *

"I don’t care if wolves and vampires we trust are going to surround you or nor, you will stay alert and safe, do you understand me, sweetheart?" Marco commands against my ear, as he holds me close, his mint choc scent filling my senses and soothing me.

My Mates agreed that even though they didn’t like the plan, it was our only decent option. Zane was the only one going with me, as the Packs needed Marco, Dylan and Wade. We couldn’t risk our Packs becoming unsettled, there was too much at stake. At least one wolf from each Pack would attend the fights as spectators to keep an eye out when I couldn’t. Zane would act as my advisor, because who would believe that I was here without at least one of my Mates?

"We don’t know how long it will take to get this information, but keep your phone on you, I want to be able to facetime you. I need to see your face and make sure you’re ok, alright sweetheart?" Mac implores as he runs his lips over my forehead gently, before kissing down my face until he finds my lips. His tongue brushes over mine, and his hands thread through my hair, pulling me closer. His kiss steals all the breath from my lungs and causes me to lose awareness of everything but his lips.

"Better go say goodbye to the other two before they start pouting," Mac laughs against my lips, his hands tightening around my hair and pulling it back slightly to allow him to give me one last kiss over his mate mark on my neck.

"I love you Mac," I say before kissing him one last time.

"I love you more, sweetheart," he hums in response before patting my ass and pushing me in Dylan’s direction.

Dylan grabs my hand and pulls me into his chest, his hands finding a home in my back pockets, tightening around my ass. Before I can utter a word of goodbye Dylan's mouth is on mine, kissing me with a desperate hunger and holding me against his hard body. I try to wrap myself around him as much as possible, crossing my arms behind his neck and pulling him in closer to me, until not a single millimetre separates our bodies. I pour all my love into our kiss, let our bond feel the pain I feel at leaving them, and then let all my hope flood our bonds so that they can feel how quickly I want to come back home to them. I pull my mouth away from Dylan's to kiss over his face and down his neck to cover our mating mark. His trim body shudders when my lips touch our mark, and his head bows. I move my hands to frame his face and lift his head up to meet mine.

"I will stay safe. I will come back to you, I swear," I vow to Dylan.

He wraps his hands around my waist and tugs me back into his chest, holding me close, as he takes a few deep breaths.

"I will follow you beyond the grave just to drag you back myself, Ava. There is more than this life for us," Dylan whispers as he leans back to kiss me hard one more time before twirling me into the arms of my last Mate I’m leaving behind.

Wade holds onto my hands between our bodies before placing them on his chest and placing them over his heart. He bends forward to press a light kiss on my forehead before a sigh feathers over my head.

"You are my heart. I hate that we cannot go there with you, I hate that we need to stay here, but I understand it. You keep yourself safe, because how can a man walk around with no heart?" Wade pleads before his lips travel down my face, kissing over each eyelid, over my cheeks, nose, and finally brushing over my lips. Softly at first, but then he dives in, unable to hold back the anguish I know he feels inside. Our tongues clash against each other, our lips biting and sucking, unable and unwilling to hold back.

I feel the growing fear that something will go wrong not only in myself but spreading through all my Mates. Zane stands talking quietly with the other guys off to the side. He holds our bags, packed and ready to drive out to the underground fight, which thankfully is only an hour away. Wade starts to taper off our kiss before delivering one last soft peck as he pulls away.

"Ok, you guys know the plan, don’t tell anyone you’re coming back to fight until you stand in that room with the cage. Then, let everyone and anyone hear that you’re back, that way Allister won’t have a choice. It will force him to put you back in the fights. The other wolves and vamps all have their tickets, and they will be in the crowd. Just focus on your fight, don’t act like you are searching for anything else. Zane and the others will do that for you, clear?" Dylan runs through the plan one more time as he walks to my side, his hand skimming down my bare arm to tangle his fingers with mine.

"Clear, and even if I wasn’t, Zane memorized for me," I remind them all with a laugh, hoping that it might lighten everyone’s mood, but all it does is cause their faces to tighten in a half laugh, half wince.

"I love you all. I will stay safe, I promise you," I tell them, leaning up to give Dylan one last kiss on the cheek before repeating the process with Marco and Wade. I get in the car, holding back tears as I watch them all hug Zane and walk back to the steps of the pack house. I turn around and wave at them as Zane climbs in the car and starts the engine, blowing them all kisses when the car starts to drive off. I wipe away the few tears that started to fall, trying to ignore the dread and anxiety that hits me with every meter that we move away from them.

"You will see them soon, angel. We will only do this long enough to gain some answers, and then we’ll get the hell out of there," Zane says as his hand rubs up and down my leg, trying to soothe my frayed nerves.

"I know, I just hope it’s sooner rather than later," I reply, praying that I won’t fuck this up.

* * *

I hear the murmurs before I even see the cage, people call out my name. Shocked voices and the widened eyes of the spectators greet me as I step through the doors in my fighting gear. The shifter fighting world is a very small world indeed. Behind me, Zane glowers, towering over the crowd in full scary bouncer mode, moving people aside who try to come up to me. The whispers turn to yells as questions are thrown around, filling the room with variations of my name and people wondering if I’m here to fight. I head towards the bar, wink at the bartender and hop onto the bar, and give a nod at Zane, who whistles so loud I think my ear drums almost burst.

"Hello everyone! To answer your questions, yes I am back, yes I am fighting, and no it is not just for one fight. I need to work off some anger, and I heard this is the best place for it," I yell with a wink to the crowd before bending down, picking up the beer waiting on the bench, and guzzling down every last drop. The crowd’s cheers surge as I let my cup drop to the bench. Statement made. I reach down for Zane's hand and lean on his strong arm to jump down before smiling to myself and wandering over to the fighter’s entrance. The bouncers don’t even try to stop me, they just let us walk straight through with a nod.

"Feeling a little bit theatrical, angel?" Zane teases me down our bond, chuckling a little as moves in step at my side.

"Well, they said to make sure everyone knows I’m here, so I took the easiest and fastest option available," I laugh, our shared amusement trickling through our bond. The brief respite of light-hearted banter dies the second I walk around the corner of the competitor’s room. Allister remains just as slimy as ever, except now I know the fuckface sent lones and rogues after me and my Pack. The urge to smash his head into the wall repeatedly hits me, so strong I almost can’t stop myself from lunging at him.

"What the fuck, Ava? You’re not fighting, you’re not fucking allowed to fight here anymore!" Allister whines in his nasally little voice as he huffs and puffs in the hallway. His oversized pants and suit jacket just make him look like even more of a joke than he already is. He isn’t a professional, he’s nothing more than a weasel.

"Firstly, I left, I wasn’t banned Allister. As for what I’m doing here, I have a few anger issues that I need to work out. I'm allowed to fight, and everyone out there wants me to fight. Or are you going to go out there and tell them that I’m not fighting? Good luck. I’ll just go sit in the locker room and wait until you do," I shoot him a sweet smile before Zane and I brush past him, our eyes rolling simultaneously. God, could his cologne be any fucking stronger. I fake gag as I pass him.

"Is he actually going out there to try and convince that crowd you’re not fighting?" Zane questions incredulously as we listen to Allister’s small feet pad out into the main room.

"Yup, just wait," I smirk, throwing my bag down on the familiar seats opposite my old locker.

Not even one minute later, Allister emerges from the hallway, covered in beer and food scraps.

"Ha! Where did they even find a banana?!" I laugh at Allister when I notice he missed the banana skin that’s perched on his shoulder.

"Shut the fuck up, whore. You’re fighting tonight, fine. Third fight from the top," he huffs in anger before turning his little rat nose up at both of us and marching out.

"Time to get ready, then. Wanna wrap me up, Zane?" I ask with conviction, realising we completed the easy part of our plan. I promised I wouldn’t fight in these matches anymore, and even though I know my Mates agreed to this plan, I still feel guilty for bringing us back here.

"It will all work out, Ava, I know it will. Have faith in yourself and in the rest of us to help protect you," Zane assures me as he starts to tape up my hands. He possesses an uncanny ability to say just the right thing to calm the storm swirling within me, and it’s one of the things I love most about him.

We spend the next two hours warming up, stretching and mentally preparing for my first fight, readying myself to walk out and climb into that cage again. It’s not long before I hear my name announced over the speakers, and I narrow my senses, falling deeper into the killing calm that serves me so well in these fights. Automatically, I begin my walk, hoping that Zane knows to follow me out to the ring. I see the spectators screaming from the seats, feel the vibrations of the cheers and their feet as they get worked up to my entrance, a small part of me revelling in the fact. The eyes of the spectators flick back and forth between their human and animal sides as the brutality of the event entices their base form.

I watch Allister, the creepy fucker, shoulder past me into the ring to announce the fight. His twinkling feral eyes land on me for a few seconds too long. I face my opponent, a woman who I’ve never seen, though she watches me with apprehension. Her eyes struggle to focus on me as the spectator’s excitement continues to climb and they become more ramped up. The latches of the catch snap shut, and I take a deep breath, settling into my stance as I wait for her to attack. Her eyes widen at something moving behind my head before the lights shut off. The shock draws me out of my calm, and I hear the screaming of the crowd, the stampede of people rushing out of the arena. Something heavy drops on the mat, and gas starts spraying out of it. The thick gas burns my lungs and feels like needles burrowing into my eyes. I scream obscenities as the burning and pain brings me to my knees.

"AVA, FOLLOW MY VOICE, ANGEL," I hear Zane shout as I struggle to find direction.

"ZANE!" I scream back hoarsely before I start coughing hard enough to feel blood speckle my mouth. I try to get Zane to keep talking, trying to find my way to him, but I hear nothing else, I hear nothing but the cries of other people.

Footsteps thud towards me on the mat, but I can’t open my eyes long enough to make out any discernible shape of the person in front of me, to know if they are friend or foe.

I feel the air moving towards me but don’t have enough time to move away from the blow that I know is coming. Pain explodes at the back of my head, and the world goes dark.




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