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Carter Grayson by Sandi Lynn (10)


“What you don’t seem to understand, sweetheart, is that she’s my employee and she’s currently living at my house. So as far as I’m concerned, I have a right to check on her. There you are.” I stopped in the doorway.

“Mr. Grayson, what are you doing?”

“I came to see what was going on.”

The doctor turned around and gave me a smile.

“Come on in and have a seat. I’ll be finished in a minute.”

“Mr. Grayson, this is my father, John Benson. Dad, this is Carter Grayson.”

“Your father?” I cocked my head.

“Yes. They asked him to fill in today. He’s still on staff here on occasion. He used to work here before we moved to Connecticut.”

“Ah. I see. Nice to meet you, Dr. Benson.”

“Same here, Mr. Grayson.” He nodded. “Okay, pumpkin. All done.” He kissed her forehead. “My shift ends at six. Will you be available for dinner?”

“Yeah. Nora isn’t being released until tomorrow.”

“Great.” He turned and looked at me. “If you don’t have any plans, Mr. Grayson, why don’t you join us?”

I glanced over at Zoey and saw the expression on her face. She didn’t look happy that her father asked me to join them.

“Actually, I don’t have any plans. I’d love to join you.” I smirked. “In fact, why don’t we just have dinner at my penthouse? My housekeeper is a wonderful cook.”

“Isn’t that a little short notice for Sadie?” Zoey asked.

“No.” I arched my brow at her.

“Sounds good.” John smiled.

“Are you ready to go see Nora now?” I asked.

She walked in front of me down the hall, and when we reached the elevator, she spoke, “Why?”

“Why what?” I placed my hands in my pants pockets.

“I’m the hired help, remember? You don’t need to have my family over to your house. Why couldn’t you just have said no?”

“I didn’t have any plans for tonight, so why not?”

She glared at me as we stepped onto the elevator and took it up to Nora’s floor. When we entered the room, the doctor was there talking to her. He placed his hand on hers and gave it a gentle squeeze before leaving the room.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“There’s another tumor and the cancer has spread.”

A feeling of sickness took over me and I needed to sit down.

“Why don’t you just have the chemo, sis? It can buy you some time,” I spoke as I took hold of her hand.

“We’ve already talked about this and you said you supported my decision. I refuse to spend whatever life I have left sick as a dog from that fucking chemo! It’s not going to cure me. You saw what it did to me the first time and I was stronger then.”

“I do support your decision.” I leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m really tired now, so if you don’t mind, I want to go to sleep. The doctor said he’ll release me tomorrow at eight a.m., so I’ll see you then,” Nora spoke.

After saying our goodbyes, Carter and I headed back to his penthouse.

“I know how hard this is for you,” Zoey spoke as we sat in the back of the car.

“Do you really?” I asked in a monotone voice as I glanced over at her.

“Yes. I do. I know you’ve been through a lot, Mr. Grayson.”

“You don’t know shit, Zoey. Unless Nora told you.” I narrowed my eye at her.

“She told me a little, and I’m sorry for your loss.”

Juan pulled up to the curb and I immediately got out of the car.

“And you expect me to believe there’s a God,” I spoke in anger as I entered the building.

“There is,” she said as we stepped into the elevator.

I ignored her comment because if I had responded, I would have lost it, and that was something I didn’t want to do.

The moment I stepped out of the elevator, I went over to the bar and poured myself a double scotch. Hearing that Nora’s cancer had spread tore me apart more than I already was. I wasn’t ready to lose her. Fuck, I’d never be ready. I downed my drink, set the glass on the bar, and headed upstairs to my bedroom to change my clothes before Zoey’s father arrived.

As I was coming down the stairs, I heard John’s and Zoey’s voices in the foyer.

“Hello, John,” I spoke as I extended my hand.

“Hello, Carter. Your penthouse is stunning.”

“Thank you. Would you like a drink? Perhaps a scotch or a bourbon?”

“Scotch would be good.”

I headed over to the bar and poured us each a drink.

“Would you like something, sweetheart?” John asked Zoey.

“I can get it myself, Dad,” she spoke as she glared at me.

“Can I pour you a glass of wine?” I spoke as I glared back at her.

“I wouldn’t want you to go to any trouble, Mr. Grayson. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to check on dinner.”

I raised my brow at John and took a sip of my drink. Sadie announced that dinner was ready, so we headed into the dining room and took our seats.

“Sadie, this smells delicious.” John smiled.

“Thank you, Dr. Benson. I hope you enjoy it.”

“Sadie is the best cook in New York as far as I’m concerned,” I spoke.

“Zoey isn’t too bad herself. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” John spoke with a smile.

“Dad, stop.”

“I must say, Carter, I’m highly impressed at your success at such a young age. Especially for dropping out of college.”

“Dad!” Zoey exclaimed.

“It’s fine, Zoey. That’s public knowledge. Thank you, John. I had to drop out after my father passed away because we were on the verge of bankruptcy and his failing real estate business needed my attention.

“I’d say you are quite the genius for turning that company around and becoming the number one real estate mogul in New York in such a short period of time.”

“Thank you. My company means everything to me. As I’m sure being a doctor means everything to you.”

“It does. I love what I do and I love helping people.”




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