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Casual: Part 3 (Power Play Series Book 11) by Kelly Harper (3)

Chapter 3

Tension builds inside of me as I follow Logan through the mansion. The house staff is in full motion now and they greet us with friendly nods and smiles as we pass by. A part of me can’t help but feel like they’re all insiders on some sick joke being played on me.

Logan leads me into a part of the mansion that doesn’t look familiar—which means we could be just about anywhere in this gigantic place. We pass no familiar faces along the way. I don’t think I’d be up to explaining the situation to anyone right now.

We come to two huge oak doors with ornate gold door knobs that stand out from all of the rest. Logan doesn’t hesitate before twisting one knob and pressing his way inside. 

What I find is the most gorgeous master suite I’ve ever seen. Bright, natural light floods in from huge windows and reflects off the marble that seems to cover every visible surface. The entry opens into a common room while a large opening in the right wall leading farther back into the suite. In the middle of the room sits an enormous piece of white furniture that looks like a cross between a couch and a bed. A curved television looms over the room from high on the wall. A video of rolling waves lapping against the coast combined with hidden speakers playing the sounds of the beach brings the room to life.

Logan moves with purpose. I follow him around the bend at the back of the room and am surprised to hear the coastal sounds from the video getting even louder. It’s only when we clear the turn into the master bedroom that I realize the sounds are actually coming from outside—from the real coast—and not from some hidden speaker system.

The entire side of the room opens onto a balcony overlooking the coast. Huge sliding glass doors frame either side to close off the opening if you were ever crazy enough to want to do so. The fresh scent of saltwater flows in with the sea breeze. It’s gloriously refreshing. I can’t imagine a better view to wake up to every morning.

God, I could get used to this.

I’m so distracted by the beauty of it all that, for a moment, I completely forget the reason we’re here in the first place. But the figure of a woman sitting on a sling lounge on the balcony, sipping a colorful drink through a colorful straw, brings it all crashing back.


Logan beelines for her the moment he spots her, his steps elongating as he does. She doesn’t even bother to look up until he’s looming over her, clutching the note in his hand. They stare at each other in silence for a moment before she gives him a curious expression, as though she’s wondering why he’s bothering her.

“What the fuck is this?” Logan demands, clutching the note.

Mara couldn’t look more bored as her eyes flit between him and the crumbled piece of paper. She doesn’t even bother to acknowledge me. I might as well not even be here.

“Good morning, dear,” she says. Her lips peel into a smile that doesn’t come close to touching her eyes. “Did you fall asleep in the gazebo again? You know how I hate waking up without you next to me…”

The intensity of Logan’s eyes is almost frightening.

“Cut the bullshit and answer my question.”

She cocks an eyebrow, unfazed by his obvious outrage.

“I think it should be quite obvious what it is.”

The muscles in his jaw twitch.

“You had no right to leave this. Aimee is one of my personal guests and I won’t have you threatening her.”

A personal guest? Is that all?

“I didn’t realize that things had gotten so serious…” She takes a slow sip from her drink. “You know very well that I’m just doing what I’m supposed to. I just have my fiancée’s best interests in mind.”

If Logan brought me here to make me feel better about this whole situation, then it’s backfiring horribly.

“You can drop the act. Aimee knows everything.”

There it is.

I watch her for a response. Mara gives me another casual glance before returning to Logan. All traces of her fake smile recede as her eyes flash with annoyance. It’s all the confirmation I need.

“You know damned well the kinds of… precautions… we have to take,” she says. She flashes me a hard look. “I thought you were smart enough to leave the professionals back home…”

My eyes bulge.

“I am not a prostitute!”

Mara shrugs a shoulder as though she doesn’t have a care in the world.

“Prostitute, escort, whore… Call it whatever you’d like.”

How dare this bitch!

Logan moves between us before I can do anything I might regret.

“Enough!” he shouts. He gives us both a look before returning his attention to her. “You know I would never risk that.”

Mara flicks her wrist dismissively.

“I’m beginning to wonder exactly how much you will risk. You’re obviously not great about keeping your little… indiscretions… a secret.”

Logan shifts his weight from one foot to the other. He pauses while considering something.

“Are there any other videos I should know about?” he asks.

Mara’s lips curl into a coy smirk.

“Are you worried about more of your little adventures getting out?”

The comment is meant to rile him. Logan doesn’t take the bait.

“Just answer the question.”

Mara’s eyes flash. She kicks her legs off of the sling lounge and rises to face him.

“What would you do in my situation?” she asks, angrily. “You know damned well what we’re facing. We have to prepare for anything.”

“Being prepared doesn’t mean you keep an inventory of blackmail material!”

“Is that what you think it is?” Mara stares him down. “What will it look like if someone else finds out about one of your women and I’m not prepared for it?” She jabs a finger in my direction. “What if someone starts asking questions about her? Since you obviously only think with your dick I have to be prepared for anything.”

By the time she’s finished my heart is pounding hard. This is one of those rare moments that Logan seems to be at a loss for words. I sure as hell can’t blame him. But there’s one thing that is for certain… Logan has been telling me the truth all along. Nothing else should matter.

I wish my nerves would see it the same way…

“This isn’t over,” Logan says. “And Aimee isn’t going anywhere.” Mara looks like she’s about to object but Logan cuts her off with a raised hand. “It would only raise more questions. She’s staying. End of discussion.”

A tense moment passes while Mara looks like she’s searching for another argument that will convince Logan that I need to go when a throat clears behind me, startling all of us. I spin around and let out a held breath. Gervas is standing back in the bedroom, patiently waiting to be addressed.

“Excuse my interruption,” he says. “Mister Copeland has been asking for you.”

“What does he want?” Logan asks, sounding irritated.

“My apologies, I was not clear.” He looks at me. “Mister Copeland wishes to speak with you, Miss Watson.” He turns back to Logan. “Mister Copeland was quite surprised when he discovered Miss Watson was not in her room this morning.”

Logan’s brow furrows and he gives me a concerned look.

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it,” I say, quickly.

“You don’t have to,” he says. “Let me talk to him. I can sort everything out.”

A smirk spreads across Mara’s face as she rolls her eyes. She slides back into her lounge and returns to her drink with her usual smugness. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end. It’s obvious she doesn’t like me. Even if Logan claims it’s all an act. She thinks I’m in way over my head. She probably can’t wait for me to fuck everything up. But that’s not going to happen.

I give Logan a determined look.

“I’ve got it,” I say, my tone almost daring him to test me. “Besides, he will get suspicious if he finds you every time he comes looking for me.”

Logan is silent while he considers what to do. Finally, he nods his head in agreement.

“I trust you. But if you need anything, let me know. Immediately.”

A rush of appreciation flows through me.

“I will.”

Without another word I turn and follow Gervas out of the master suite. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but I now find myself completely committed to helping Logan. I have a renewed sense of purpose, and spending time with Lucas no longer feels like I’m just playing along. Maybe I’ll even be able to enjoy it rather than wondering what Logan might be doing with Mara the whole time.