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Cavanagh - Serenity Series, Vol I (Seeking Serenity) by Eden Butler (38)

                       N O W

Two Days Ago


She’s like a bird on the water, touching the surface. In her element, on this track, running, Autumn shines. It’s like me on the pitch. Free from shovelfuls of shite the world dumps on me. She runs, her body solid, firm, her expression focused and every inch of skin, every hair on her body glows.

I could watch her all day and never get bored.

She knows I’m here, watching, waiting. I wonder if Joe told her we spoke. I wonder if he’s let her know that I apologized. Autumn, at least, isn’t running away from me. Not yet. I’ve noticed that she’s always running away from things. Never toward anything. I wish she’d stop that.

When she enters the final curve on the track and heads my way, I stand, shake the grass from my jeans and wait for her. Rhythm slowing, feet at a jog, she catches my eyes, but doesn’t smile. Behind us, Donovan is on the pitch running sprints, but there is no one else around. The air has turned cold, just like Autumn likes it, and I can’t help but worry that she has only a thin jacket to keep her warm, that her pants aren’t thick enough.

“Hey,” she says, stopping just in front of me, jerking the buds from her ears. Her voice is cool, but not unfriendly.

“Good time?” I ask when she checks her pulse. She doesn’t believe a run is worth the effort unless her heart hammers hard.

“Yes. Could have been higher.” I get a quick glance, a glimpse of a smile before she starts walking away.

“Will you talk to me a little?” I say, unable to keep my eyes off her body.

“I’m not stopping you from following me, you know.” The banter is calm, but not the comfortable jabs we’ve shared over the past four months. I miss that, her, us, and would do anything to get it back.

But she is walking too fast, arms swinging too quickly and I can feel the wall around her; how she won’t let me walk too close to her. How when my finger brush hers, she instantly curls her arms over her chest.

I can’t take it.

“Stop,” I say, tugging on her shoulder until she spins around to face me.

“What do you want, Declan?” Autumn is shorter than me, hell everyone is, but I’ve always loved how her head fits just under my chin. A perfect complement to me. I want to tell her that I miss her, that I can’t breathe without her, but those are words that won’t mean anything at all. She doesn’t want words.

“This,” I say and pull her to me, cover her face with my hands, her lips with my mouth. It felt like coming home. For nearly two weeks now I’ve needed this. I’d been a homeless beggar missing the comfort she gives me. She doesn’t resist, not immediately and I take the quick lick of her tongue against mine as an invitation, pick her up, move us back to lean against an oak tree. My hands circle her back, protect her from the rough surface and I move against her, work my hips into her body so that she knows that every part of me has missed her. And she’s missed me too. That much I can tell by the way she pulls on my collar, how tight her legs squeeze my waist. “McShane,” I say breaking away from her, breath heavy on her neck when I rest my forehead on her shoulder. “I love you. I miss you.” There are tears glistening in her eyes, shining against the moonlight above us when I look at her. “I’m sorry. I’m so fecking sorry, love.”

“You hit him.”

“I did.”

“You wouldn’t listen, wouldn’t explain.” She loosens her hold on me, removes her legs from my waist, but doesn’t push me away when I lean against her.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

My thumb moves to her bottom lip on its own. I can’t keep my hands off her, can’t stop kissing every bit of skin I see. When my lips attach to her neck, up to the spot under her ear, Autumn represses a moan, pushes me back.

Her arms are straight, flexed, keeping me from touching her. “You walked away from me, Declan.”

“Love…” I want to hold her, kiss her until this time apart is nothing but a nightmare that never happened.

“No. You did. I didn’t know what happened. You wouldn’t listen. Stop that,” she says when I lean in to kiss her again. “I’m still mad at you.” I drop my hands, scrub my fingers through my hair and she watches me, so stubborn, still so angry that I can see her cheeks turning pink. “I walk in and Joe’s on the floor and I’d never seen you so angry. You wouldn’t listen and when I tried to explain everything Joe told me, when I wanted to comfort you, you…God, Declan, the way you looked at me.” Autumn’s eyes close, and she gives her head a shake. “You’ve never made me feel disgusting. Ugly. Wrong. But you did that night.”

She can’t be serious. I remember looking at her like she was mad because she so easily believed everything Joe told her, but disgusting? She has to know I’d never think that of her. “I was angry. You have to understand. I was just angry.” I take her hand, give it a squeeze but she pulls back, draws her fingers into a fist. My ginger angel, running away again.

“That’s not an excuse. You just, wouldn’t listen.”

Stubborn, pigheaded woman. I can only look up at the stars, trace the patterns of the constellations because I know if I speak, a row will rise up between us. I forgave her for the stupidity between us. I hack her off. We argue, but she’s never been so bleeding set on holding on to her anger and it pisses me off. When I look at her standing here, back straight, chin up like she’s daring me to deny what a stupid arse I’ve been, my temper flares.

“I wouldn’t listen? You mean like you wouldn’t?”

The realization moves in her eyes, narrows them and I know she remembers how I let her rejection go nearly as soon as it happened. But Autumn has a hard time admitting when she’s wrong, admitting when she’s being pigheaded. She won’t let this go. Not easily. “That’s not fair. The situations are completely different.”

“How do you reckon? I begged you, Autumn.” Her head goes down and I move my hands to my hips, kicking my foot against a tree root. “You know I did. You wouldn’t listen.” It had been the lowest moment of my life. She knew I loved her, she knew how sorry I was that I hadn’t told her the truth about Joe. And even when I explained everything, when I was so raw and open that I let her see my tears, she still slammed her door in my face, had me beating against it and begging her like a pathetic idiot. I’d hit the wood so hard that the door shook on its hinges. Three hard thumps and I’d hit the floor, voice cracking between my sobs. “Autumn! Don’t do this. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry! Please. Please, I love you. I can’t breathe for how much I love you.”

“You ripped my fecking heart out and all I wanted was you to listen, to let me explain.”

“I was angry and—”

“And so was I when Joe gave me that letter.”

“I apologized, Declan, a billion times.” Autumn pulls on my jacket when I turn away from her shaking my head at how fecking pointless this argument is. “You said it was forgotten. You said it didn’t matter.”

“And it doesn’t.” Her chest connects with mine when I tug her close and this time she isn’t pushing me back. “I’m just trying to make you see that this situation is the same. I tried to apologize to you. I’ve tried for over a fecking week. But you shut me out, like you always do.”

“I do not—”

“You do! You did then. Hell, you won’t even discuss a future with me, any kind of future.” And she won’t, not ever. Gives me a bit of a complex, like she’s not as serious about us as I am. “Every time I mention our life after university you get all wobbly and change the subject.”

“It’s not intentional.” She is all over me, grabbing my face, pulling me down to look at her and I want to forget this fight, store it away for another time. But that won’t help. It won’t settle anything. “It’s not something I like to think about,” she says. “I know nothing is permanent, nothing is forever.”

Her words were like a slap, a jab straight to my gut. She’s unbelievable. Couldn’t she feel what I felt? Didn’t she know that she was it for me? I pull Autumn back, at arm’s length and grip her shoulders. “I am. We are. I fucking love you. I’d die for you. I’d kill for you, but I won’t let you throw happiness away with both bleeding hands.”

I grab her again, kiss her until the low moans I love hearing from her vibrate against my chest, until she leans against me because her legs wobble. “You and me, McShane. The fecking end. You best get that idea in your thick head.” She blinks, mouth open as I hold her face, hoping that my eyes tell her I mean every fecking word I say. “I’m not going anywhere, love. But if you need time…” I have to close my eyes thinking on spending even another day without her. When I look down at her, she is frowning and I feel the quick shake of her fingers when she holds onto my hands. “I can give you that, love.” I don’t want to step away. She feels too good next to me, smells too sweet and when I walk backward, our hands pull together, as though she isn’t so sure she wants me away from her either. Three more steps and Autumn curls her arms around her stomach. “I walked away, yeah, but I never left you.”