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Chasing Dove (Branches of Emrys Book 4) by Brandy L Rivers (23)

Chapter 22



Clara had woken with a start when some asshole came sliding down the damned mountain to her cottage in the middle of nowhere. Then the idiot called on the one thing sure to strike terror into her heart.

Luca dealt with him, but it wasn’t over. And the thing was, it should be for nearly ten long years. But nope, it wasn’t. This fool had summoned him back to the realm of man.

She dropped her head, trying to figure out what could be done. Leaving, that was all she could come up with. Going far away and waiting until he went back to slumber.

“Luca, we should go. He’ll be back. He has Thanatos’ help. Which means one of two things. He’s helping Thanatos, or Thanatos is using him to find us. Either way, we need to leave,” Clara explained as she rushed around her bedroom, gathering what she would need for a long trek.

The only way out was a hard journey on her feet.

Luca pushed his white curls off his face and huffed as he leaned against the doorframe. Even in human form he was big. Six foot nine and solid muscle. Intimidating to most. “This is our home. The one we built. With your wards and magic, and my strength, we can stop him. Let’s stop him.”

She dropped the bag and tossed up her hands. “How? Thousands of years, and no one has figured out how to stop him. How the hell am I supposed to?”

He sighed. “Don’t you have anyone you can call for backup? What about the other women in your family? Maybe if you all banded together, you could finally stop him.”

She nodded. “Yeah, sure, maybe. But he shouldn’t even be around. I just heard from a cousin before Thanatos killed her. He shouldn’t be back here, searching this soon. It always takes him nine years, nine months, and nine days before he makes it back into this world. That bastard must have called him back. We’re dealing with a sorcerer.”

“You know sorcerers who can tear the two souls apart.” Luca closed the distance and caught her face. “You have a Yeti. The one who has terrorized the people of this mountain, until they stopped hunting him. I can get rid of him if you refuse help. And no one can breach your wards. You said so yourself.”

“And what if I’m wrong?” she whispered, tears in her eyes. It had been so long since she had stopped running. The constant movement that could have driven her crazy.

She settled in and got used to being there, with Luca, in their sanctuary. And they were so far from anyone else in her family she had hardly felt Thanatos the last three times that thing had come after her bloodline.

“Contact any of your family you can. Perhaps they have people on their side by now.”

“Why would anyone want to help one of us fight that thing? He wants our souls. He wants to torment us in the space between realms and gain in power. Thanatos had been a fool, but Scathane, he would make everyone tremble if only anyone knew what he truly was.”

“What is he?”

“The end of the world if he ever gets his way.”

“Contact someone, Clara. Anyone. Someone must be able to stop him.”

“What about your contacts?” she asked.

He sighed. “The Branches of Emrys? I doubt Ceridwen wants to see me again after I helped Myrddin lock away one of her brethren who had turned evil, causing Myrddin to be trapped in that hellish realm.”

Her head cocked. “But that was his choice, was it not?”

He nodded. “Yes, but Ceridwen was terribly angry when I came back with news of what he did. She still blames me.”

“How many years ago was that?”


“Perhaps she understands by now.”

“I don’t know. She’s never been easy to contact unless she was looking for me.”

“Who could you call then?”

He shook his head. Then a smile graced his lips. “I might have someone who could reach her and make her listen.”

“And how will you contact them?”

He sighed. “Astral Projection. It will be the fastest way to reach him, seeing how you never did believe in modern communication.” He winked. “Would you lie down with me?”

She finally relaxed and moved to the bed with him. Still not fully convinced they could take on Thanatos. Though, it had been years since any of them had tried to do anything more than run. And running only worked so long. He eventually caught up with them, and then they were dead.

His pale gray eyes bored into hers, pleading with her to trust him. He was breathtaking, and she had fallen in love in a glance at those eyes. Then he shifted and slaughtered the Dark Templar, who had been hunting her for what she had done to save a town.

She had created a storm and directed the lightning into the water, killing the fish, which floated to the top. The fisherman simply had to net them into the boats. But apparently, the Dark Templar had been trying to starve out the fishing community because they were protecting an Oracle who had gained their notice by warning those they were hunting to leave and never look back. Many of their victims had gone missing.

The oracle had been Clara’s mother. Only, Thanatos reached her first. Clara saved the town because it had been hers when she was but a child. Before the running began.

Luca had been the first man who had caught her attention. And he wasn’t fully man. No, he was far more. A primitive being who had evolved, adapted, and became more than the people of the mountain could ever understand.

Maybe if he chose to be in his human shape more, it wouldn’t be an issue. But on the mountain, it was far easier for him to travel as the yeti.

His other form frightened many people, but never her. Maybe because he saved her. Or maybe because she recognized what he was to her the moment they gazed upon each other.

Luca slipped into his trance, and she moved away to find the things she’d need to scry her entire family. Not that much was left.

She made it downstairs and filled a bowl before taking it to the dining room table. Then she grabbed the ritual knife. It had been a century since she had to contact everyone.


* * * *


Jacinda sank into a seat, grabbing onto her necklace as it buzzed against her chest. She shook her head. That was the same way Mom had always contacted her, but she was dead.

Still, someone wanted to talk to her. She felt it in her soul.

“I need a bowl of water or something. Anything with water in it.”

“Why?” Preston asked.

“Someone is trying to scry me,” she answered.

“That could be a trap,” Matoskah warned.

“I don’t believe so. No, my mother said someday, someone may contact me from our family when they needed everyone. Which means Thanatos is likely making a move already.”

Chatan left her side and came back with a bowl of water. “We can handle anything together, right?” he asked, looking from one person to another.

“Yeah, between us, we should have enough power to counter anything. Even if it is a trap, we should be safe,” Matoskah answered.

Jacinda perched on the chair and whispered the words to enable the spell to take hold from the other side.

A face she didn’t recognize entered her view. The woman’s hair was the deepest shade of black, her eyes shone like onyx, but her skin was pale as snow.

She slid to the side as another woman formed in the empty space. This one had blond ringlets and blue eyes. Her head tipped as she peered at her.

Then one more woman, this one seemed more aged than the other two, though not by much. Her hair was brown, her eyes green, and she looked tired.

The first woman who had appeared started. “I don’t recognize two of you. That’s no surprise with as many years that have passed, and I knew we were running out of surviving family, but there is a problem. Someone seems to be helping Thanatos. He recently killed Mina, a dear friend and cousin, and all that’s left is us.”

The blonde’s smile evaporated as a baby cried. “Whatever you’re planning, I can’t be a part of it. My daughter is too young. I have no one to watch her while I try to stop something that wants me dead.”

“Understood. Go, I simply needed to know who could,” the woman answered.

Jacinda said, “Wait, what’s your name?”

“Jessabelle. But don’t contact me while he’s hunting. I can’t risk that now.”

Jacinda smiled. “I may have a solution, but we can handle this without involving you. Good luck and take care of her.”

She dipped her head. “Thank you. I’m sorry.” She blinked out and the other two faces moved to share the bowl.

“You have a plan?” the first asked.

“Yes. I’m Jacinda. Mina’s daughter. She died just a few days ago.”

“I know, she contacted me. I’m sorry. We were close. I wish we had an answer before her death.”

“She sacrificed herself to give me time to figure this out.” Jacinda took a slow breath.

Chatan’s hands closed over her shoulders and she leaned back as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“Then perhaps Mina was right. Hawk and Dove have finally been found. Which means we have a chance to stop him.”

Jacinda nodded. “Who are you? Both of you?”

The first woman dipped her head. “Clara, and I’m in Nepal, high in the mountains.”

“Brialle,” the other woman said. “I’m in Tokyo, hiding in plain sight.” She let out a tight laugh. “I travel a lot. I try to stay ahead of him.”

Jacinda asked, “Where did you see Thanatos, Clara?”

“Here, near my cottage. It’s nearly impossible to get to, though.”

“We can figure that out,” Robert said.

Clara looked around. “Who all do you have with you?”

“That’s a long story. But Robert can translocate anywhere he wants with a thought and take people with him.”

“He’s not limited by distance?”

Jacinda shook her head. “Apparently not.”

“I am not,” he answered.

“All right. We’ll have to find a way to tell you how to get here. I may contact you again shortly,” Clara answered. “Thanatos is lurking in the other realm near here. We don’t believe he can slip through my wards, but I’m still paranoid.”

“Understood. Contact me when you know how to get us there. We’ll work on a plan from here.”

“Bring warm clothes. Very warm. We’re in the mountains and many have died due to the weather.”

“We’ll be prepared,” Robert assured.

“I hope so.” Clara offered a smile.

“Think you’ll need me?” Brialle asked. “I’m a Deathcaller.”

“Actually,” Jacinda said, “yes. Thanatos, or the thing that controls him has imprisoned the soul of every person he’s killed. We may need help sending them on.”

“Dear Lord, that’s horrible. Of course. If you give me a number, I’ll send my address if the translocator can come get me.”

Robert told her his number. “Send the information, and as soon as we have it figured out, I’ll text you the plan.”

“Will do.” Brialle faded from view.

“Jacinda,” Clara said, “I’m looking forward to getting to know you. Your mother told me much about you over the years. And it’s good to see that you have grown into a powerful woman. I didn’t truly have hope we could stop him until now.”

“I don’t understand,” Jacinda whispered.

“I promise to explain as soon as we have a moment.”

“Soon. And we may have a way to get to you sooner than you expect.”

“I’m not even going to ask how,” she answered, then faded.

Jacinda sat back. The last of her family. Four women and a baby. That was it. At least she would save them, hopefully.

Chatan dropped into a seat beside her. “Well, Clara in Nepal is truly in a hard place to get to. Eddie sent a message that Toryn’s men reached the other two, though they are hanging back, watching. They seem safe. However, Clara is in a valley up near Mount Everest, and he has no idea how anyone built anything there.”

“Great. How close did they get?” Jacinda asked.

Chatan shook his head. “Miles away. And they’re lucky satellite signal works because compasses don’t, and neither does GPS.”

Jacinda stood up and paced away.

Robert’s phone rang, and he picked it up. “What’s going on, Draecyn?” He frowned and pressed something, then set the phone on the counter. “Okay, you’re on speaker.”

Draecyn answered, “I know where Clara is, and I know how to get us there. You can either bring everyone to me and we can go. Or come get me, take me, then bring the rest.”

“How?” Jacinda asked.

“Her man told me. He can use astral projection to communicate. And I’ve been to his home.”

“I think it’s best if I come with you,” Jacinda said.

“Not without me,” Chatan answered.

Robert nodded, one corner of his mouth turning up. “Sounds like us. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t take her away without you. So, you two can come with me. We’ll get Draecyn, then go to wherever Clara is. I’ll get everyone else there directly after.”

She nodded. “Sounds good.”

Preston looked up. “Mountains of Nepal. Don’t forget to stop by the Silver Council to outfit them before going all the way there. Don’t want to freeze to death.”

“I won’t forget,” Robert answered.

He stepped away from the group and Jacinda followed, Chatan on her heels. As soon as they touched his arms, they were standing in a vast library, full of magic, books, and artifacts.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“That’s hard to explain,” Robert answered. “There are several exits, one to Scotland, one to South Carolina, and another on a tropical island.” Robert shook his head. “This rift connects them all.”

“They can do that?” Chatan asked.

He nodded. “As far as I know, only a druid/mage hybrid can create them.”

Draecyn cleared his throat. “Actually, a lot of druid hybrids can. Maybe not to the same degree, but they certainly are gifted in the area.”

“What?” Chatan asked, his head tipped.

Draecyn rubbed at his chin. “Yes, in fact, perhaps Tremaine could assist you in figuring out what you can do there. He is somewhat of an expert. Though I’m sure he doesn’t realize how capable you will be with rift magic.”

“What are you talking about?” Chatan asked.

He smiled. “Your island. It’s a rift of your own creation. Why do you think only those you want to see it can?”

“But Eddie and Taryn never could,” Chatan protested.

“You could change that with a thought, now that you know.”

Chatan shook his head. “I can worry about that later. Right now, we need to find Thanatos and stop him. And you said you know how to get there.”

Draecyn nodded. “First, we need to get you ready. I have gear for us. Not everyone back at the longhouse, but the Council should have plenty of that stored away.”

“They do. And that will be our next stop after I get you three to Nepal,” Robert answered.

“I need to contact Clara first,” Jacinda answered. “To let her know what’s going on.”

Draecyn nodded. “Wouldn’t hurt. And I have a way for you to scry her. Come.” He started down an aisle.