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Chasing Secrets (Forevermore Book 3) by Anna James (5)





Chapter Five


Baby carrier in hand, Maddie strode down the hall, past the nurse’s station, to her grandfather’s room. She hated hospitals. Despised the dreadful stench of pain and suffering hanging in the foul antiseptic air. Had ever since the accident. While her father died instantly, her mother had lingered at death’s door. Maddie shivered. God, she couldn’t wait until Gramps came home from this place.

Maddie stopped in front of the open door. Gulping a lungful of air, she tried to steady her ragged breathing. Lord, she couldn’t do this. How could she tell him the truth about her and Wyatt? Defending a Leone was considered an act of treason. Zoe had been right about that, but sleeping with the enemy… Shudders racked her body. No.

“Is someone there?”

Get a grip, woman, and fast. She sent up a silent prayer that somehow Gramps would find it in his heart to forgive her. “It’s me.” Maddie stepped into the room.

A brilliant smile graced his wrinkled face. “You’re here. Come give me a hug.”

Her eyes widened. Gramps never hugged anyone. She placed the baby carrier on the floor, crossed to the bed and wrapped her arms around him. “You’re looking better today.” Thank goodness.

George stared at her, a glint of wonder in his old eyes. “I can’t believe it. Let me look at you.” He gripped both her hands. “You’re as beautiful as ever, Ava.”

Ava? Good grief. Was he hallucinating? Sure, Maddie was the spitting image of her mother, but Gramps knew better. “No, Gramps. It’s me, Maddie.”

He blinked. “When did you get here?”

She sat on the edge of the bed and watched him, searching his eyes for signs of confusion. They appeared clear. “I just arrived. How are you doing today?”

“I’m fine. You can’t get rid of me that easily. George Scott is made of tougher stuff. A little pneumonia’s not gonna keep me down.”

Maddie threw back her head and laughed. “Glad to hear it.” He’d scared her for a minute, and she’d thought her worst fear might come true and… No. She wouldn’t think about it. Gramps was on the mend. The chemo and radiation treatments had already shrunk the tumor in his lungs to half of its original size, and the antibiotics had all but cured the infection. He’d get better, and come home.

Home. To Scott Hill. Where she and Jacob lived. But for how long once she told Gramps the truth?

Her stomach roiled. Please let him understand. Please let him understand. She’d never set out to hurt him. Wyatt was just… It didn’t matter anymore. She and Wyatt were over. And as far as Jacob was concerned… Maddie glanced over at the baby, then returned her attention to her grandfather. Well, they’d have to figure it out. “I’ve got something I want to tell you about.”

George gripped the remote beside him, and the bed lifted until he sat upright. “Is there a problem at the winery? I shouldn’t have let you—”

“No.” God, all this time she’d been juggling the day-to-day activities at the vineyard with Jacob’s needs, and he still didn’t think she could handle the responsibility. “I’ve got everything under control. It’s about me and—”

Gramps stiffened, and the color drained from his face. “I’m going to be sick.”

Maddie grabbed the white cord next to her grandfather’s side and pressed the button summoning the nurse.

Gramps emitted a distressed groan. He heaved forward, and his body convulsed.

The aide rushed in. “You’ll have to step outside, miss.”

“Okay.” Maddie grabbed Jacob. Heart racing, she hurried into the hall. She paced back and forth while she waited. Good grief, one minute he was fine, and the next…Another loud cry came from inside the room. It sounded as if someone were torturing him. She shuddered.

“Ms. Scott-Smith?”

Maddie whirled to face the woman who’d ordered her to leave. “Yes?”

“You can go back in now.”

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I’m not sure why your grandfather got sick. I’ve called the doctor, and he should be here shortly to examine him. In the meantime, why don’t you go back inside and sit with him for a while.”

“I will. Thank you.”

The nurse departed. Maddie stepped into the room, and sat on the edge of the bed. “Hi, Gramps. I’m back. How are you feeling?”

He patted her hand. “I need to rest now.”

“Okay. I’ll be right over here.” Maddie pointed to the vinyl-covered lounge chair beside the bed. She’d wait until the doctor arrived. Leaning over, she pressed her lips on his paper-thin cheek. “I love you, Gramps.”

His lips curved. “I love you, too.”

A warm pressure filled her chest, and spread throughout her. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d said those words to her.

Gramps reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’d never hurt you, my girl. Wouldn’t knowingly cause you heartache. You know that—right?”

What was he talking about? “Gramps?”

He closed his eyes and his hand went slack.

Maddie sighed. “I’ll let you sleep now.”

“Come back soon, Ava.”

Oh Lord, not again. Was Gramps losing his mind?


Maddie woke with a start. Darkness surrounded her. Where the heck was she? The last thing she remembered was lying down on the living room couch after she’d visited Gramps at the hospital. She glanced at her watch. Eight p.m. Good grief, she’d been asleep for almost four hours.

Oh no. Jacob. He started to wail on cue. Maddie jumped up. “Mama’s coming, sweetheart.” Someone pounded on the front door. It must have been what woke her in the first place. “Hang on a second.” She’d get the baby, and then see who’d come to visit.

Maddie moved, and stumbled, shin connecting with the edge of a hard surface. What the hell? She didn’t remember the coffee table being so close. Pitching forward, Maddie hit the floor. A sharp sting tore through her right ankle like a bullet, then something heavy thumped to the floor beside her.

The banging grew louder, more urgent. Jacob cried harder. Her head started to pound.

“Maddie? Is everything okay?”

“Wyatt?” He came back. Her heart did a crazy little flip. With Herculean effort, she pushed up into a sitting position. “Help.”

The front door burst open. Wyatt stood there large as life. Moonlight glinted off his large frame and he looked like an avenging angel. Dear Lord, the man is magnificent.

“Where are you, Maddie? What’s going on? I heard a crash.”

“Over here.” She dragged herself over to the side table and turned on the light. The coffee table had toppled over. Books and magazines littered the floor, and Gramps’s bronze bust lay on its side. It must have been the sound Wyatt heard, but what was it doing on the coffee table? Hadn’t Gramps always displayed it on one of the built-in shelves surrounding the fireplace? Obviously not. Good grief, if it had fallen even a millimeter closer it would have whacked her in the head. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to say good night to my son.”

Jacob. Right. Why in the hell was she disappointed?

Wyatt rushed to her side and knelt beside her. “What happened?”

“I tripped over the coffee table in the dark, twisted my ankle.”

Jacob let out an ear-piercing shriek.

Maddie pressed her foot into the ground and tried to stand. White spots flashed before her eyes. Oh dear God in heaven. Bad idea. Really bad idea.

Wyatt scooped her into his arms. She sagged against him. How was she going to take care of Jacob? He placed her on the couch with infinite care. A hulk-sized man, he’d always been gentle with her, never rough.

“Don’t move. I’ll get him.” He strode over to the porta-crib, picked up the screaming baby and began to rock him. “It’s okay, slugger. It’s okay.”

“He’s hungry again.” Had to be. He’d missed a feeding while they’d slept.

Wyatt started to hum. The deep baritone rumble seemed to soothe the fussing child and he quieted. Good grief, less than twenty-four hours as a dad and he’d become a baby whisperer. Hell, if she was honest, the soothing melody calmed her, too. How did he do it?

“I’ll change his diaper first, and bring him to you. He’s pretty wet.”

Her eyes widened. “Have you ever changed a baby?” She’d bet this year’s grape harvest the answer was no. Color flooded Wyatt’s cheeks, and Maddie almost laughed. She’d been right.

“How hard can it be?”

He’d have to learn sooner or later if he wanted to be involved in Jacob’s life, although the jury was still out on whether he’d stick around for long. He may have come back tonight, but would he stay? “Have at it. You’ll find what you need in there.” She pointed to the cabinet adjacent to the crib.

Wyatt grabbed a new diaper. “Son of a—”

“What happened?”

“Nothing. Everything’s fine.” Back to her, Wyatt yanked off his T-shirt and tossed it to the ground.

Maddie gasped, and not from the pain in her throbbing ankle. All those hard planes and corded muscles on display. Oh my.

He laughed, then turned around to face her with Jacob secure in his arms. “He peed on me before I could get a new diaper in place. He’s all set now.”

She stared at his bare chest—no, gawked would be a better word—while her imagination started conjuring all kinds of inappropriate actions. Like running her hands over those large pecs, and firm abs. Trailing her fingers through the dusting of soft hair that arrowed down to his… No, no, no. She wasn’t interested in Wyatt Leone anymore. She wasn’t.

Wyatt strode to her, talking as he made his way. “Now that we’ve got you all set, let’s see about your mama.” He handed Jacob to Maddie.

She lifted him to her breast, and he began to nurse.

Wyatt knelt in front of her. The familiar scent of musk and spice drifted past her nostrils. Damn, he smelled good. Really, really good. She sighed.

He lifted her foot. Tingles ran down her spine at his touch. Good grief, what was wrong with her tonight? “I’m okay. It’s probably just a slight sprain.”

“It’s pretty swollen. I’ll take you to the walk-in clinic.”

“It’s fine.” Maddie wasn’t one to seek medical advice for every little ache or pain.

“Maybe not. What harm is there in having someone look at it?”

Weak. Gramps didn’t believe in doctors. Didn’t trust them. Which was why the cancer went undetected for as long as it did. “I’ll go if it’s not better in a day or two.”

He muttered something under his breath Maddie didn’t catch, stood and righted the table. Grabbing two pillows from the couch, Wyatt placed them on the flat surface and positioned her foot on top. “I’ll go get some ice. Do you have an Ace bandage and some ibuprofen?”

“They’re in the bathroom, down the hall from the kitchen. The Advil is in the medicine cabinet, the wrap in the closet.” Maddie yawned. She couldn’t help it. This nursing every few hours had her bone tired. She wasn’t sure if she could keep it up, especially when Grandpa came home.

Gramps. Crap. She’d promised to come back tonight to visit. He’d woken feeling like his old self before she left, but the doctor wanted to run some tests to be on the safe side. Maddie agreed. She’d go tomorrow for sure, no matter what.

Wyatt disappeared and returned a few minutes later. “Take these.”

He handed her two tablets and a glass of water, and she swallowed them. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” He bandaged her foot, and located the ice pack on her puffy ankle.

Wyatt took Jacob when he finished nursing and returned him to the crib, then came back to her. He scooped her into his arms. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you upstairs to bed.”

A lick of excitement raced through her. No, no, no. She shoved at his hands, trying to get free. “Are you crazy? I’m not going to sleep with you.”

His deep belly laugh disconcerted her.

“Don’t worry. I won’t be joining you.”

“Then why—?”

“You can barely walk. How else are you going to get upstairs?”

Maddie cringed and averted her gaze. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He didn’t want to have sex with her. She should be relieved. Why in God’s name was she disappointed? She didn’t want to sleep with him, either. Liar. “I’d prefer to stay on the couch. We can drag the porta-crib next to me. That way I can get Jacob without too much trouble when I need to.”

Wyatt took the first stair. “You need to sleep. You won’t do that if you stay in the living room all night. I’ll bring Jacob to you when he’s hungry.”

Maddie crossed her hands over her chest and scowled. “And how are you going to do that?”

“I’m staying here tonight.”

“Here? Tonight?” she sputtered.

He nodded.

Anticipation hummed through every inch of her body. Dear God, it had been more than a year since she’d even thought about sex. Now she couldn’t stop. She stared up at Wyatt. His gorgeous eyes smoldered with heat. No way. Not gonna happen.