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Chosen by the Vampire Kings - Set by Charlene Hartnady (9)


Lance and another big guy climbed in to the front of the vehicle, Tanya slid in next to Zane in the back. She tried to readjust her boobs without anyone noticing and then pulled on the hem of her dress trying to cover as much thigh as possible.

“Leave it alone.” Zane pulled her onto his lap. The sliding motion had the dress riding way up. “Much better.” His low growl had her nipples tightening and darned if he didn’t notice. She watched in horror as he palmed her breast, making a low rumbling noise as he did it. Everything in her tightened. It felt so good. Too good.

Tanya tried to wriggle away. Zane hissed. His face contorted in pain. She realized she’d knocked his shoulder.

“Stay still, Ysnaar.”

“It serves you right. Stop groping me.”

“I haven’t even begun to…grope you. If you’d like I could…” His eyes had moved back down to her chest.

“No that’s okay. What does Ysnaar mean anyway?”

“The direct translation is feisty one. I have never met a female like you before. You want me, yet you keep pushing me away.” He frowned as he spoke.

“I do not want you. I am a one man kind of woman and since I already slept with Brant…”

Zane snarled. His fangs lengthened. His irises flashed red for a second or two. Tanya cowered, covering her face with her hands. His body shook beneath her as he snarled a second time.

His little outburst was over before it began. His warm hand cupped her chin. “Do not ever be afraid of me. I would never harm you.”

“Don’t do that again.”

“I can’t promise that I won’t react that way in the future, but I’ll never hurt you.” His eyes were locked with hers. “I don’t like the thought of another man touching you, let alone rutting with you.” He released her chin and looked outside the window for a few beats. “I’ve never cared before. I’ve even shared females in the past but the thought of you with him…” Zane shook his head, his dark eyes bore into her. “I don’t understand it. Must be because Brant is a birth enemy or it could be because you are my future mate.”

“I’m not your future mate. I’m not even sure I want Brant as a mate. I didn’t ask for any of this.”

“The system isn’t fair. Hell, life isn’t fair. Yet it is important that you know that the future of one of our covens is at stake. You must choose or we will fight to the death for you.”

It didn’t seem right or fair at all. It didn’t matter which way she turned, which vampire king she chose, one of the covens would be doomed without an heir regardless. 

Zane chuckled, the sound sad. It chilled her from the inside out. “It gives me hope to hear you say that you have not yet chosen Brant.”

“I don’t understand. Surely there will be strong vampires born to your coven. They may not be of royal descent, but surely they will be able to lead your people.”

Zane skimmed his hand over her skin stopping only when he was under her dress, on the side of her thigh. “That’s the problem, all of our males are dominant and strong, they will all vie for the position. It is not in our blood to submit unless faced with royal blood. Once I am gone, an all-out war amongst the males is inevitable.” He casually caressed her skin as he spoke. Were all vampires good with their hands? Goose flesh broke out on her skin as he slid higher in tender circles.

“I see. Why couldn’t a female lead?”

“We lead with both mind and fist. Females are not as strong physically. Any female that tried to take the throne would be slaughtered.”

“That’s barbaric.”

He shrugged and winced at the movement.

“Don’t vampires heal quickly?” She looked at how his shirt stuck to the area. His wound must still be bleeding. It was hard to tell though because his shirt was black.

“This would normally heal within an hour or two, but the poison has slowed the process.” His eyes narrowed. “It may be barbaric”—he raised his eyebrows—“but it is the way of our people and not about to change any time soon.” She had to suppress a shiver as he circled higher.

“You’re doing it again.” His hand stilled, he gently squeezed her flesh.

“Doing what?” she asked.

“Telling me you want me with your body.”

Shit. She swallowed hard. “I am not…my body is not.” Her nipples were hard, her panties damp and he’d barely touched her. What was it about him that had her libido running wild?

Zane looked down at her chest. “Did you drop pebbles down your top?”

Damn this blasted dress. She was so finding something else to wear when they got to his place. “I’m cold.”

He chuckled and sniffed at the air. “I can smell your arousal.”

She gasped. These stinking vampires and their heightened senses. “So sue me, I think your head guard is cute.”

The car swerved. Lance managed to get the vehicle back under control before they careened off the road.

“Oh really?”

“Yes really.” She winked at Lance when he nervously glanced in the rear-view mirror.

“So if I do this, it wouldn’t affect you at all.” With ultra-speed, his hand skimmed up her leg clasping her ass. Tanya moaned. The moan turned into a squeal as her underwear was ripped off. Here one second and gone the next.

She shoved her legs together. “Hey!” His hand squeezed her very naked butt.

“Much better. I told you no underwear.”

“I disagreed. You can’t have everything you want. It doesn’t work that way.”

He pulled her closer to him. Tanya anchored her hands on his chest, but only so she didn’t hurt his shoulder.

“Yes it does.”

Tanya wanted to argue some more but something hard nudged her from below.  Feelings of guilt and desire warred inside her as she realized it was his cock.

She had to stay strong. Deep down, she quite liked Zane. She even enjoyed their sparring way more than she should. She obviously was attracted to him, but Brant was the vampire for her. If she slept with both of them it would create major problems. Brant might never forgive her. How fun would that be? Living out the rest of her life with a pissed off vampire who fucked her whenever he needed a new heir. No thanks.

“I can tell that you were spoiled growing up. Vampire females might open their legs at the click of your fingers but…newsflash…I’m a human.”

His whole body tightened and his jaw worked. “You don’t know me, therefore you may not assume anything about me.”

Oopsie, it seemed she had crossed a line. “Do vampire females turn you down?” If she was one of those hussy vamps she wouldn’t hesitate to jump Zane at even the smallest crook of his finger.

His lips twitched. At least he looked a little less angry. “I can have my pick of the females,” he paused. Why did she hate the thought of that? Zane came across to her as a virile male. He had sex regularly, she had no doubt.

“I was not spoiled. Far from it.” He looked outside. Focusing on the view of the dark, thick forest. His thoughts far away. Something that Stephany had said came back to her. Her friend had mentioned Zane having had a difficult childhood.

“You act spoiled sometimes. I’m sorry if I made the assumption that you were spoiled as a child.”

His midnight eyes softened as they landed on her. “I am the king. I’m used to my coven obeying my every command.”

“I’m not a part of your coven. I am not yours to command.”

His face lit up in a smile that had her insides belly flopping. “It is a new and intriguing concept, yet I feel that I am entitled as you are my female.”

“I’m not yours.”

“You are mine until you go back to Brant.” His face hardened at the mention of his enemy.

“Even if I was yours. It would be as partners. Equals. You need to try and wrap your head around that.”

“Female…” His hand moved from her ass to her hip. It somehow felt more intimate. “…I will try.” Not much, but coming from him, it meant a lot.

They turned onto a dirt track that cut between the trees. The thick forest suddenly opening into rolling lawns. Tanya had a ridiculous urge to rub her eyes. Perched on the highest hill was an honest to God stone castle. Just like the ones from the story books she had read as a little girl. The ones she loved so much that they had sparked her love for books, which ultimately had led to her dream of buying the bookstore. The stone castle had three towers and a flag. The only thing missing was a moat and drawbridge. The large iron and wood doors were open.

“And how is it that you mocked Brant about his mansion?”

“This is way better.” Zane winced as he exited the vehicle. He waited while she did the same.

The castle, just as the cabin had been, was practical. It might lack flash but it was comfortable. Homey even. Passages were long and wide. The rooms were big and airy. There were a number of both male and female vampires there. The place was busy.

“Does your whole coven live here?”

“A large number do but no not everyone. The West Tower is mine.” Zane moved slightly ahead of her, moving to the right and up a winding stair case. Tanya noticed how his hand sought support from the wall every few steps. Zane paused more than once as they made their slow ascent. Sweat dripped from his brow and his skin had paled by the time they made it to his…chamber. She struggled with a better word. An old fashioned version of a loft maybe. There were large windows. A wooden trussed ceiling and shock horror in the form of a four poster bed with carvings of massacres in the dark shining wood.

What the hell was wrong with the man? She noticed an elevator in the far corner. Why had he insisted on walking?

Zane stripped out of his shirt and jeans. Her face heated. The air caught in her throat. She looked away.

“Female.” She turned. Zane was between the sheets on the large bed. His broad chest had her mouth-watering. Aside from Brant, there was another very good reason why she shouldn’t have sex with this man. Make that scary vampire. Yet, the more she got to know Zane, the more she realized he wasn’t that scary after all. The problem was that the very good reason she shouldn’t have sex with him kept evading her. Brant seemed very far away as well.

She swallowed hard. Not sure of what to do. If she joined him in bed, they would end up having sex.

“Female.” He sounded irritated this time. “I promise not to…grope you. I need you close right now.” He worked his jaw for a second or two. “Please,” so softly spoken she barely heard him.

“Are you okay? Do you have a first aid kit? We need to do something about your shoulder.”

“I need”—he paused like he was thinking about confiding in her—“sleep. Join me. I won’t be able to rest unless you are next to me.”

Zane needed more than just sleep. For whatever reason, he didn’t want her to know what that thing was. Tanya looked down at the material that covered her body. A thin summer dress was all that would be between them. In his current condition, she couldn’t turn him down though.

Tanya nodded, noticing how the tension in him eased. She slid in next to him. His arms banded around her pulling her in close. Within minutes his breathing turned rhythmic. She tried to move but his hand tightened on her waist and he mumbled something incoherent, so she stayed still. He nuzzled his head into the back of her neck. Warm breath tickled her skin.

Tanya felt wide awake. His big body enveloped her and his musky scent surrounded her. Zane was very different from what she had expected. Sure, he was the fierce warrior but he had a…softer side. He demanded and issued orders as casually as he drew his next breath. His men seemed to obey without question, yet there was a small part of him that reminded her of a small lost boy.

Lying there, snug against him, her body felt so tightly wound. Part of her was a little disappointed that he hadn’t wanted to take it further. That he hadn’t tried anything. The bigger part of her was happy he hadn’t though. Her will power was at zero.