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Christmas Auction (Owned Book 1) by M.K. Moore (2)


Kiernan O’Toole

467 is mine. I will do anything, pay any amount to make sure that happens. When I came here with my buddy, Nikos, I had every intention on just choosing anyone, as terrible as that sounds. However, when the line of women being auctioned walked out, she immediately caught my attention. I can tell that she’s the kind of girl that is so beautiful but doesn’t know it. Her body turns me on more than I can say. The second she hesitantly steps forward her soul speaks to mine. The red dress she has on does nothing for her. It’s ill-fitting, but I can see the curves that she is rocking plain as day. Her sensuous tits would make a Roman sculptor weep with joy at the thought of sculpting her. Her long reddish brown hair is curled and looks so soft. I imagine it wrapped around my fist as I take her from behind.

She makes my fucking cock hard as a rock, which it hasn’t been for quite some time. Her beautiful face somehow looks innocent and worldly at the same time. She appears to be a million miles away, but her wistful smile is what seals her fate. I don’t even think she knows she’s doing it. I listen to Martin list her accolades but she could be a hooker and I’d still have to own her. My interest is even more peaked when he says she is a virgin. I squeeze the glass that I am holding until it breaks in my hand. I manage to keep the primal growl that is growing deep within me at bay.

I am the ugliest bastard Atlanta has ever seen and I don’t give two fucks about it. I make no apologies for the man that I am.

Growing up poor in Atlanta was hard as fuck, but I pulled myself and my family out of the trailer park we lived in. Atlanta will always be home, but never again will I have to set foot in that drug riddled tin nightmare again. My scholarship to the University of Georgia changed not only my life but that of my parents and my two little sisters as well. I made my money in pharmaceuticals. I recently sold my company for one hundred billion dollars. My company created a pill that treats two kinds of cancer. It is my highest achievement to date.

I raise my paddle each time an amount of money is called. Soon, it’s just down to me and Kent, the certifying doctor used by the auction house. He’s a drunk and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near these women, but I’ll be damned if he gets his hands on my girl again.

I outbid that drunk fuck soon enough.

I almost feel bad that Helena has no idea who I am. Not enough to warn her or stop her though.

Standing, I straighten my tux, adjust my cock, and move forward to claim my bride. She is standing next to Martin and his brother Peter. I don’t like that one fucking bit. They are staring at her tits. Her eyes are on mine as I walk closer and closer to them. I have to give her props, she doesn’t flinch as she takes in the horror show that is my scarred face.

I reach them, but before anyone can speak, I take her in my arms and kiss her like a savage. Her arms go around my neck. Her moan goes straight to my balls. If it weren’t for that, I don’t know how far I would have taken it, but I don’t want anyone hearing the sounds she makes as I pleasure my goddess until she can’t fucking walk. I reluctantly break the kiss but keep her close to my side. She is panting for air, and that is hot as fuck.

“Okay, so, uh, are you two ready?” Peter asks as Martin goes back to his podium.

“I am,” she says immediately. Fuck. Yes. Her sexy accent makes me even harder.

“As am I,” I reply.

“Introductions are in order, Kiernan O’Toole this is Helena Milton. Coincidentally, you are both from the Atlanta area.”

“That works out well,” she says with a loud laugh. Even that suits her.

“Nice to meet you,” she says sweetly. There is something about her sweet southern accent that makes me glad that she is fucking mine.

“Yes, very nice,” I say looking her up and down.

“Right this way. We have a minister in another room,”

“Perfect,” she says breathlessly.

“Lead the way,” I say taking her hand in mine.

“Wait,” she says, stopping, causing me to growl and practically drag her forward. “No, please. I can’t get married in this God-awful outfit, please, Kiernan.” She looks at me pleadingly. I know at this very moment that I will never be able to tell her no. I smile at her reassuringly.

“Did you bring something else to wear?” I ask. Seeing her face break out in a giant grin makes the wait worth it.

“I did. I have a few things up in my room. I didn’t expect to sell, to be honest with you.”

“Well, you did. What would you have done if I lived elsewhere?” I ask.

“I would have sent for my things,” she says shrugging.

“Peter, wait up. Helena will be changing first.”

“Of course, sir.”

“Wait for us here. Helena, lead the way,” I say. Peter nods and leans against the wall. He pulls out his phone. I watch her ass sway as she takes off down the hallway, towards the elevators.

“Most people call me Lena,” she says after pushing the button.

“I am not most people, Helena,” I say getting into the elevator.

“I am beginning to see that,” she says, hitting the sixth floor.

We ride up in a comfortable silence. The doors open and we walk to the third door on the right. I lament that it’s not enough time to watch her ass sway as she moves. At the door, she pulls a key card out of her bra. Lucky fucking key card. She opens the door and I am surprised to see the tidiest hotel room I’ve ever seen. Nothing is out of place.

“I’ll be just a moment,” she says opening the teal suitcase that sits on the king size bed.

“Sure,” I say watching her bend over to unzip the boots. Fuck, her dress creeps up her ass and I am not seeing any panties. I stand near the door with my arms crossed over my chest.

She steps out of the boots, picks them up, and tosses them into the trash can. Interesting.

I watch, fascinated as she piles her long hair on top of her head and wraps a ponytail holder around the mass of curls. A few tendrils escape and fall down her back again.

“Kiernan,” she says softly.

“Yes,” I reply. My voice has an edge to it. She turns her head to look at me.

“Can you help me with my zipper?” she asks, licking her plump lips.

“Of course,” I say, moving over to her. Her perfume is intoxicating. In the ballroom, I didn’t notice it because of all the scents in the room, but alone in this much smaller room, it’s all around me. I slide the zipper down her back, my knuckles grazing her skin. Once it’s down, she turns abruptly, before I can step back. She lets her dress pool at her feet.

Suddenly, she is standing naked before me. My eyes roam over all the skin bared to me. Her big tits make my mouth water. Her pale pink nipples are large and I watch as they harden. Her rounded tummy is sexy as fuck, she has the birthin’ hips my mama talks about. Fuck. Now, all I can think about is her carrying my babies. As my eyes make their way down her body. Her bare pussy is plump and I can tell from here that she is wet.

“Where are your panties?”

“I couldn’t breathe with panties and that fucking contraption on,” she says, lowering her eyes.

“I see. Thank you for showing me what's mine.” She gasps but quickly recovers.

“I am just showing you what you purchased, so you can back out if you don’t like what you see,” she says looking at the floor. How the fuck could I not like what I see? I fist my hands at my side to keep from tossing her ass on this bed and sinking balls deep into her.

“Turn for me,” I say, through clenched teeth. She does so and I step closer to her until my fully-clothed front is up against her naked back. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I put my lips to her ear.

“You, my wife, are beautiful. I don’t want to hear you talk like that ever again. All of you belongs to me, including this very wet cunt,” I say running my fingers through her wetness. She moans. Bringing them to my mouth. I suck my fingers clean. Fuck, she tastes like peaches. As if I’d expect anything less from a Georgia girl. She shivers against me.

“I am not your wife, Kiernan.”

“Not yet. Get dressed.” I say, releasing her.

She needs to be my wife, right fucking now.