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Claimed By A Dragon (Dragon Shifter Island) by Maia Starr (3)

Chapter Three


I woke to a knock on the door. Dane was there just as the sun was coming up in the sky. I had a dream that I had seen a great dragon flying just outside of my house, and for some reason, I felt him connected to the dream. I pushed it out of my mind as I accepted the things he had brought for me to eat and drink. A thermos of hot had been made, and to my surprise, it was the perfect sweetness as Dane poured me a cup. He went immediately to work as I sat back enjoying my morning drink.

I laid on the couch, admiring Dane’s ass while he replaced an electrical outlet in the living room. I had been a bit grumpy since spraining my ankle but watching him work made me feel better. It also kept my mind off Bradley and the desperate phone calls I’d been getting. If it weren’t for needing to keep in contact with my mother and clients, I would have smashed the damn things hours before. They had started off whiney and apologetic, but since I hadn’t answered any of them, he had started getting bold and threatening to find me by tracking my phone. I tried to push it off and not think about it, but the thought of him finding me after working so hard to get rid of him really irritated me. My mom told me I should tell Dane, but I didn’t want him to feel like he had to protect me as well as fix my house. He had already done so much more than he needed to. I felt bad that he thought of me enough to feed me for the morning. That was not his job, and I was used to being the one who took care of me.

    Even though my breakfast had been a cold Danish and hot coffee, Dane had made the biggest gesture a man had ever made for me. I didn’t want him to know that though, and for that, I thanked him but didn’t make a big deal of things. I had never had anyone do things like that for me, and even though it felt strange, I thought it was sweet of him to do it…sweet of him to thank of me like that. I only wondered if he blamed himself for my fall and that was why he was going out of the way to be nice? But he was nice before that. I felt safe with him in proximity, but at the same time, his closeness made my heart pound and heat pool between my legs. The way he made me feel was something I hadn’t felt before, and it made me nervous.

I didn’t want to open my heart to anyone after the things that Bradley had done, and I also didn’t want to give my virginity to just anyone; I wanted it to mean something to the person I loved and me, and not just a gift to give away for nothing. I wanted it to be with someone that I was in love with that I knew loved me back, and for reasons that made me afraid…I felt like that could be Dane.

    My phone started ringing, jolting me from my thoughts, and I looked to see who was calling even though I had a good idea. When my suspicions were verified, I threw my phone back on the cushion and leaned back against the couch. Dane turned to face me and gave me a questioning glance.

    “Why do you have a phone if you’re not going to answer it?” he asked, watching my face.

    “I do answer it for some people, just not the person that was trying to call,” I replied, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

    I hoped he would leave it alone and go back to work, but I didn’t get that lucky. Deep down, I did want to tell him all about it, but I didn’t want to push my trash off on a man I barely knew. He stopped what he was doing and came to sit beside me on the couch. My heart fluttered at his close proximity.

    “Why don’t you want to answer whoever is calling you?” he asked, a look of concern making his forehead crease. “I am sorry for asking, but I worry you are not safe.”

    “It’s okay, Dane, I have it under control. You’ve got a lot of other things to worry about besides my annoying phone calls.” I replied, trying to laugh it off hoping he couldn’t see through my line of bullshit.

    He didn’t say anything else but nodded his head in understanding and got up from the couch. He shook his head as though he were shaking more questions away. He finished replacing the outlet and set out working on another. Now that the floors were finished, there wasn’t much left for him to do. The outlets needed to be replaced; there was some painting left to be done, and he had volunteered to do it since I was hurt. The thought of him being finished and not needing to have around here anymore made me sad for reasons I didn’t understand. A relationship was not something I wanted after dealing with Bradley, but I wanted Dane near me. There was something about him that made me feel safe and protected and I didn’t want that feeling to end. It didn’t hurt that he was hot as hell either: so hot, in fact, that I had considered giving him my virginity. I quickly brushed that thought from my mind and scolded myself for thinking it. I felt my cheeks heat and hoped Dane was too busy to notice.

    By the time he left for the evening, he had finished replacing the outlets throughout the house and had started painting the utility room where the washer and dryer were going to go. I could tell he was exhausted when he left, but I had hoped to find a reason to ask him to stay. I felt bad that I wanted to beg him, but that was not who I was, so I sealed that away. My ankle was doing better, and I was able to put a bit of weight on it, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to use the excuse of being an invalid for long. I needed to move in my things and get some supplies from the mainland. I held hope that perhaps I could work myself up to asking him to help me do those things. Deep down, I worried that he would say no, and I would be left alone.

For the first time since I had decided to move to the island, I truly feared being alone. I didn’t know why, but suddenly that thought frightened me dearly.

I was about to hobble to the kitchen to get a drink when there was a knock at the door. My heart started to pound like a hammer to the chest as I wondered if Bradley had found me. I slowly edged my way to the door, trying to stay out of sight of the windows until I got a peek at who it was. I realized I wasn’t going to be able to see who it was through the window as it was too dark, and my breathing escalated.

    “W-who is it?” I squeaked, trying to get my breathing under control so they didn’t know I was frightened.

    “Lauren, it’s me, Dane. Are you okay?” he replied, concern in his voice. He must have been able to hear the fear in mine.

    “I’m okay, hobbling to the door,” I said as I made my way to let him in. “Give me a second.”

    I opened the door and he came in and scooped me up, taking me back to the couch. He sat me down gently and sat beside me, placing my feet in his lap. My heart took a leap, and I knew my eyes were like saucers.

    “Lauren, is something going on you’re not telling me?” he asked, then took a breath before continuing. “You seemed really scared when I knocked on the door. You can talk to me about whatever it is, you truly can. I know I’m the contractor you hired to fix your house, but I want you to know that I am also your friend,” he paused and looked at me softly. “I’d like to be, anyway, if you’ll have me as a friend,” he said as he stared deep into my eyes.

This man caught on quick, and I knew I needed to tell him what was going on in case Bradley did happen to find me and come while Dane was working. I needed someone to know what was going on, for my sanity if for no other reason. Dane was the only person I could think that I wanted to know what was happening, and while that scared me, I knew he was sincere.

    I let out a deep sigh and began to explain the relationship with Bradley and the phone calls and voicemails I had been receiving since coming to the island. I told him about the threat to track my phone and come find me, and how that made me feel. I told him about my mother helping me find the island, and how I hoped it would be my escape, but that I was more alone and afraid than I ever had been. I watched Dane’s face, and his expressions told me that he was holding something back. He appeared to be very angry, and I wondered why it would make him so mad when we had only just met. Did he care for me that much?

Of course, it could also be because he seemed like such a nice man and didn’t appreciate when other men acted like this toward a woman. Bradley had made me so bitter; I needed to remember that whether I wanted to try my hand at a relationship or not, not all men were like that.

    “I wish you would’ve told me about him sooner. I can have a talk with him if you want me to. I’ll get him to leave you alone,” he offered as I smiled at the seriousness in his voice.

    “It’s okay, Dane; he doesn’t know where I am…I hope. All he can do is keep calling my phone, and I don’t have to answer him. Now, you must’ve had a reason for your visit since you just left; what’s up?” I replied, hoping to change the subject. “I feel like you have something you want to say to me, and just so you know, I am more than willing to be your friend. Dane, I am here for you.”

    “I was wondering if you’d come to my house and have dinner with me this evening?” he asked, a hopeful tone to his voice.

I hesitated but knew I didn’t have a good excuse not to go, so I decided I would go and have dinner with a friend.

    “That sounds great! I didn’t know what I was going to do about dinner anyway with my gimpy foot and all,” I said as I laughed at myself trying to get up. “Not that I have all that much here yet.”

    Dane reached out his hand and helped me up, allowing me to lean on him for balance. The warmth of his body was mesmerizing, and it was taking all my strength to resist him. I felt heat pooling between my legs and dampness in my panties. Get ahold of yourself, Lauren, I had to tell myself! You don’t want a man, remember?

I let Dane carry me down the steps and into his truck, relishing the feel of his body against me. As he took my keys up to lock the door behind us, I felt ashamed of myself for the thoughts I was thinking. I loved the way he felt against me, but I knew I didn’t want to open my heart to anyone else. I didn’t want to take the risk of getting hurt again. For some reason, though, I felt like Dane would never do that.

    We pulled in front of Dane’s house, and he helped me out. I could tell he had taken great care of the place. Outside on the porch were wooden chairs that looked like they had been carved straight from a tree. I wondered if they had been made by Dane’s own hands…I was sure of it. I wondered if he would make some for my porch, and though I could use that as an excuse to keep him around a bit longer.

He helped me up the steps and into the house. It was a lot like my place but more rugged and manly looking and smelling. Everything was made of wood, and there were a lot of deer antlers involved in the décor, which I didn’t mind as much as I thought I would. There were a lot of dragon statues on various shelves and I wondered if there was some significance with the dragons for him, but I didn’t ask. I figured he would tell me what he wanted to in time. I watched as he got to work preparing the food and grumbled when he refused to let me help. We both laughed, but my smile disappeared when my phone rang. I jumped, and Dane tensed up across the room. I heard a low growl come from him, and it sounded more like an animal had made it rather than a human. I looked to my phone, and Bradley’s number flashed across the screen. I wanted to break the thing, but I knew that would do me no good. A part of me wanted to hand it over to Dane too, but I knew that wasn’t the right thing to do either.

    I slid my phone back in my purse and motioned for him to go back to what he was doing. I could tell he was angry, and I was confused as to why he would be.

    “Why do you seem so angry? It’s not like I’m your girlfriend or anything,” I said, and the look he gave me made me squirm in my seat. He stopped what he was doing and came closer to me. “I’m sorry,” I said, thinking about how I had spoken without thinking.

    “You might not be my girlfriend, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be,” he paused, realizing what he had just said. “Besides, we are friends, and I am protective of my friends, and it seems this guy is making a nuisance of himself,” he replied. “Don’t be sorry,” he said with a smile while cutting some vegetables.

    I was surprised at what I heard him say. He wanted me to be his girlfriend? We had only known each other for a few days; how could he possibly know enough about me to decide like that? I pretended that I hadn’t heard what he said and continued making conversation and learning more about him. I learned that we had several things in common, like the fact we were both from big families, but Dane’s two siblings had died early in their lives. I asked him how, but he became too emotional to talk about it, and I didn’t push the issue. I learned we were both also afraid of boats, and we both shared our horror stories regarding them. I wondered at that a little bit, considering he had to go to the mainland sometimes for supplies, but again didn’t push the issue. I just figured he had someone else that went for him. At that, I couldn’t remember him ever talking to anyone else, on a phone or otherwise.

    We ate our dinner of baked fish and seasoned vegetables and talked a bit more before he took me back to my place. He helped me up the steps to the door and waited while I fumbled for the key. I didn’t like leaving things feeling so awkward, but I knew in time we would learn more about one another…if I didn’t scare him off or push him away first.

    “I had a really nice time with you tonight, Dane.” I paused as I pushed my hair away from my face. “Thank you. Your company was just what I needed to not feel so lonely in this new place,” I said as I slid the key in the lock.

    “You’re welcome, Lauren. I enjoyed spending time with you as well. I enjoy getting to know new people,” he replied, leaning closer to me as he stared into my eyes.

   My heart jumped quick, and I gulped audibly, trying to hide my thoughts. It took me a second, but then I knew he was going to kiss me, and I needed to decide whether to allow him to or not. Part of me wanted it and wanted it bad, but the other part of me wanted him to keep his distance as my heart wasn’t ready for another romantic interest just yet. Before I had time to make any kind of decision, his lips crashed against mine and sent my head spinning. He pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his warm neck. He slid his tongue along the line of my lips, asking for entrance. I let his tongue slide inside and relished the feel of it against mine. My head buzzed with the thought of him as I could feel the heat in the shallow parts of my stomach. My body yearned for the closeness, and I sighed against his lips, hoping he hadn’t noticed the desperation. I also didn’t want him to feel the emotional battle that was raging inside me.

    He pushed me against the house, kissing me harder as his hands roamed my body. I wanted him to take me inside and show me what sex was all about, but I didn’t want to lead him on. I hadn’t told him I was a virgin, as the conversation had not come up. I didn’t dream I would feel that way. I wasn’t interested in getting my heart tangled in another romantic debacle and getting hurt again. I knew I needed to stop him, but he felt so good pressed against me, and I could feel the hardness of him pressed against my belly I couldn’t stop it. He finally pulled back, and we panted, trying to catch our breath together.

    “Come inside with me, Dane?” I asked, part of me hoping he’d say yes. “I mean, if you want to?”

    “Are you sure? I’ve never really done anything like this before. Outside of a relationship, I mean,” he confessed as I tugged on his hand pulling him inside.

    “It’s okay, Dane. I’ve never done this at all,” I replied as he helped me hobble toward the couch. “I mean…at all!”

    “Wait… you’re a virgin?” he asked, pulling away from me.

    “Yes, I am,” I replied, nervous that he’d reject me.

    “I’m honored that you want me to be the one you give that part of yourself to. I really like you, Lauren, and this means a lot to me,” he said as I sat on the couch.

    “Dane, I think you’re misunderstanding this. I am not looking for a relationship right now. This doesn’t mean we are going to be together,” I said, scooting toward him a bit.

    He backed away from me and stood up from the couch, walking towards the door. My head was spinning at the sight of his sudden change in mood.

    “I’m sorry, Lauren, I can’t do this,” he said as he turned the doorknob. “I don’t want things this way.”

    “What’s the big deal, Dane? It’s just sex,” I replied, knowing I lied with every word; it was more than just sex to him and me both.

    “It’s more than just sex to me, Lauren.” He paused, looking for the words. “I just can’t do it, not like this. I’m sorry. I’ll be here tomorrow to finish painting. Goodnight.” He walked out and closed the door behind him.

    I laid back on the couch, sadness overwhelming me as tears slipped down my face. I was the one that hurt someone; how was that possible? What had I done? He was the only person that I knew, and now he would want it to be business only. When the job was finished, I’d be alone and afraid, and that wasn’t something I was ready for. What could I do to fix it? I had to do something; I couldn’t let the only friend I had in this new place walk out of my life forever. I realized it wasn’t because I didn’t want to be lonely; I cared for him even though I was doing everything I could to protect my heart he was getting through my defenses and breaking down the walls a bit.

    I wasn’t tired, so I opened my laptop and began using my newly hooked up internet. I knew I would be behind on emails and business projects and needed the distraction, so I headed to my inbox to reply to some of the messages. I was horrified to find that my inbox was full of messages from Bradley and decided to move them to a different folder in case I needed them for evidence later on. I didn’t want to have to go to the police, but I knew if he didn’t stop, I was going to have to. If Dane found out about this, he’d probably find him and kill him. I responded to the other emails that were in my email and started working on a project when I was alerted me of another message. I opened my inbox to find another message from Bradley. This time I decided to open it.


Well, I have tried to call and I have written you many emails hoping you would get back to me so I could apologize for my heinous actions, but since you won’t allow me the chance to do so, I have decided that I am going to find where you went and come talk to you face to face. You should just respond and tell me where you’re at so I don’t have to pay your mother a visit…again. I’d hate to have to listen to one of your mother’s boring lectures as I am sure you’ve told her of our parting of ways. I might get annoyed, and she might get hurt. Just message me back Lauren.


I closed my laptop and immediately called my mother, warning her that he might be coming. She assured me she was going to go the next morning and get a restraining order and hung up the phone after bidding me goodnight. I laid down on the couch and tried my best to go to sleep. I needed to get as much sleep as I could since Dane would be coming to work in a few hours. I wrestled with the idea of telling him about the email, but I didn’t see what good it would do. He would just get angry, and I didn’t need that. What I needed was my house finished so I could move my things from storage.

    I rolled to my side and clamped my eyes shut, hoping my body would fall asleep quickly. I tossed and turned for an hour before finally falling into a fitful sleep. I had nightmares of Bradley coming after me and dragons protecting me. I woke to the sound of my own laughter, and I laughed at the thought of a dragon protecting me. It must have been because of the dragon statues at Dane’s place and the dream I had the night before. I hobbled to the bathroom before laying back down to go back to sleep. The sun had started to come up, and the sky was a light pink with purple streaks. I knew I needed to get back to sleep so I wouldn’t be so tired when Dane came, but I couldn’t make myself go back to sleep. I had entirely too much on my mind to allow it to shut done enough for more sleep.

    I headed to the kitchen and started the coffee pot, the one thing I had insisted come with us the day we brought the couch. I knew I would need its warmth and energy and I thought Dane might as well. It was going to be a very long day.




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