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Club Thrive: Agenda (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) by Alison Mello (2)













I’m working on answering some emails before I have to step away for my meeting when Lila pops her head around the corner. “Good morning,” she cheers happily.

“Good morning, Lila.” I smile up at our new assistant. We hired her after Evelyn was arrested for informing Blade of everything she could about Katie and her sister, Kara. “How was your weekend?” I ask.

Her expression changes. “I didn’t really do much, but it was good.” She gives me a tight smile, her voice is almost mournful. I heard her telling one of the girls the other day that she and her bestie got into a fight because the girl keeps trying to mooch off of her and she can’t take it anymore. I make a mental note to talk to Katie about inviting her out with us next time we hit the club. She’s only about a year or two younger than us, so she’ll fit in fine with our clique. Plus, she seems like a great person, so I really don’t want to see her hanging with a bad crew. “Sometimes it’s good to just sit home and chill.”

“True story. I really thought about where my life is and where I want to be.” She nods slightly as if lost in thought. “It hit me that what I needed to do is get rid of the negative people that are in my life. Shayla is one of them.” She sighs. “So…I sent her a text telling her I was done and blocked her from my phone.”

“Good for you. I’m sorry you had to do it, but I’m also glad you recognized the need.” I give her a sympathetic look. “Bad people will only drag you down, Lila.” I think everyone has their fair share of bad people in their lives at one point or another. I know I’ve had a few.

“I know. Anyway, is there anything you need from me before the meeting?” she asks changing the subject.

“No, I’m okay right now. Did you check with Katie?”

“On my way to her next.” She smiles and walks out the door, calling over her shoulder, “See you in the meeting.”

I smile as I turn back to my emails. I really like Lila. Looking back, we all realize now just how fake Evelyn was being. I just wish we had seen it before my best friend almost got abducted. I sigh and force myself to focus on work. The alarm on my phone buzzes reminding me it’s time to get a move on. I grab my things and head to the kitchen to refill my coffee. As usual, I bump into Katie making her coffee as well.

“Hey, lady.” I grab a k-cup from the box.

“Hey, what’s up?” she asks me.

“I think we need to invite Lila out with us next time we hit the club,” I suggest, facing the kitchen door, hoping she doesn’t bust us talking about her.

“Oh yeah, why is that?”

“She just divorced her bestie and I think she’s good people. She could use some true friends in her life.”

She pouts at me. “Why did she do that?” I fill her in on what happened while we finish making our coffee. She agrees with me and we decide to talk with the girls tonight about getting together and planning a girls’ night so we can introduce Lila to everyone.

When we get to the conference room, we find Kyle, Tanya, and Lila waiting. “Sorry, are we late?” I ask, looking down at my watch.

“No, we all just got settled,” Tanya says with a smile. Katie and I take a seat next to each other and pull out our current client files. Tanya says, “Okay, so I know we typically go over current business clients and discuss where we stand with them, but first I have some news for you ladies.” Katie and I look at each other, and then to Tanya. She’s glowing with excitement. “Apparently, Katie did such a great job with the Club Thrive promo that another club has reached out to us for a contract. Since Katie is the only one with experience in the club scene, I contemplated giving it to her, but the owner specifically requested Miranda.”

“Really?” I’m shocked, but incredibly pumped for this opportunity.

“Yes. I’m glad you’re happy, but I’m going to be honest. I tried to convince him to go with Katie because of her work with Logan, but he said that could be a conflict of interest since Logan owns a strip club and his club is one as well.” She smiles at me. “That makes it yours, Miranda. This club was hopping at one point and now they’re struggling. They want to get the club packed with a higher class clientele. I’ll email you all of the client’s info and you’re to make an appointment to get out there as soon as possible. They want to work on this immediately. They’ll consider a complete re-branding depending on what we discuss after your visit. That means some good money for us.” She closes the folder in front of her.

“Thanks for the chance. I’ll contact them immediately and get back to you with what I find.”

She nods and we go on with the rest of our meeting. It’s packed with discussion about where we are with current clients, any issues we have with them, and of course, Kyle puts his two cents in on the financial status of our accounts. Lucky for me, none of my clients are past due, although there are a few that are getting close.

It’s about lunchtime before Tanya adjourns our meeting and we can finally get to work on our client projects. I’m excited to be heading this new club. When I get back to my desk, I see the picture of Stone, and I can’t help but wonder if he’ll freak out the way I did. Technically, it’s different because I won’t be hanging in the club every night it’s open, but I do need to check the place out. I shrug away my concerns and get to work, because realistically I can’t say no to this. Then again, it makes me realize my reaction to him was unfair. How could he say no to a promotion?

My email pings and it’s the info from Tanya. The place is called Vixen. I instantly do a Google search on the club to start some research on the place. They’ve been around for about six years now and they’re not in the best of locations, but still, with some updated signage, the outside would already look much better. I go back to the email to find the owner’s contact information. Randall Higgins is the owner and manager of Vixen. I see my boss listed both his phone number and email. I decide to start with a phone call to introduce myself and I’ll follow it up with an email to confirm our conversation.

My phone conversation is brief. He says he’s a busy man, but is looking forward to meeting with me on Wednesday at noon for a lunch meeting at the club. I tell him that’ll be fine and I’ll see him then. This guy has a deep, raspy smoker’s voice. He sounds like one of those scary mafia dudes, but I guess I’ll see on Wednesday.




My day is finally done and I’m ready to head home. I say a quick goodnight to Katie, and tell her I’ll see her at dinner. I run out the door and hurry home. Traffic is crazy tonight, so it takes me a bit longer than normal to get there. When I pull up I decide to shoot Stone a quick text, letting him know I’m running late thanks to traffic. He instantly responds, telling me to drive careful and he’ll see me soon. I smile as I run in to grab some stuff. I decide to take some extra work outfits to leave at his place in case I decide to stay again on a work night. I have all of my work clothes dry cleaned, so all I have to do is pull a few hangers from my closet and then pack some of my other essentials before running back out the door.

Tossing my bag into the backseat of my Audi, I hang my clothes from the hook and hurry off to Stone’s house. Lucky for me we don’t live too far from each other and there’s not a lot of traffic. I make it there with barely enough time to run my stuff in before we have to leave again.

As I approach the door, Sam is there to greet me as usual. “Good evening, Ms. Stevens.” He holds the door open for me.

“Good evening, Sam,” I shout as I pass him in a hurry.

I push the button for the elevator and thankfully it arrives quickly. I hurry in, and press the eight button to get up to Stone’s place. When I arrive, I walk through the door and shout, “Stone, I’m home.”

“In the bedroom, baby,” he shouts back.

He has a change of clothes all laid out for me and it makes me smile. “Thank you so much.” I pull him in for a kiss.

“You’re very welcome,” he says. “Hurry and change, we have to get going.” He takes my clothes from me and hangs them in his closet while I get undressed.

I reach behind me to unzip my pencil skirt, letting it drop to the floor, revealing my black thong. Next I slowly unbutton my shirt, peeling it off my shoulders, revealing my matching bra. I know I’m being a tease, but it’s what I do. I love teasing my man and getting him all worked up, but I’m so lost in my own thoughts of stripping for him I hadn’t noticed him come up behind me.

He slaps me on the ass. “Stop being a fucking tease. If I bend you over my bed we’ll be late, and I don’t want to be late to our first dinner at Logan’s.”

I turn and smile at him. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I feel so good in this bra and panty set.”

“And you look mighty fine in it, baby.” He grinds his hardening cock against my belly. “But we have to go. I promise to take care of you later.” I pull him down for a kiss and then push him away to get dressed, slipping on the leggings and tunic top he pulled out for me.




Stone parks his truck in one of the many visitor parking spots at Logan’s place. He looks at me and says, “Let me help you down.” His truck is huge and I’m wearing calf high boots with a huge heel on them. He opens my door and when I swing my legs out of the truck. He picks me up and places me down on the ground. He takes my hand and leads me toward the main door to Logan’s apartment building. There’s a doorman there that greets us. He asks for our name and when Stone provides it he tells us we can head on up.

We ride the elevator up to Logan’s and Stone knocks on the door. Sky answers, holding a fussy Stephan in her arms. “Hey guys.” Her face lights up full of excitement. “Come on in.” She steps to the side so we can enter their huge apartment. The place is enormous, but then again I wouldn’t expect anything different from a guy who owns two of the hottest clubs in LA.

I hug Sky. “Sorry we’re running late.” I look at Stephan. “What’s wrong, big boy?”

Sky laughs. “Big boy is teething, and you guys are fine.” She shuts the door behind us.

Logan comes to greet us. He shakes Stone’s hand and gives me a hug. “Miranda, it’s nice to see you again. Thanks for coming.”

“Thanks for having us, and thanks for hooking my man up with a promotion.” I smile as I look up at Stone with pride. I know I was jealous, but I’m proud of my man.

“He earned it. There’s no need to thank me. He’s worked hard and has shown commitment to me and my club. Not to mention he kept his promise to help keep your girl safe.” Logan nods toward Katie, who comes running over to give me a hug.

“Long time no see,” I tell Katie with laughter, since I saw her only an hour ago.

She laughs. “Welcome to the Club Thrive family.” Katie grins.

We walk into the kitchen to say hi to Shane, Sadie, and Jonah. Of course, because I was flirting with my man, we’re the last ones here, but no one says anything about it so it’s all good.

Sky nudges me. “Wine?” I’m not a big wine drinker and would rather have a beer.

“Beer?” I question.

“Absolutely.” She pulls a beer from the fridge. “Stone, what will you have?”

“Water please,” he responds, since he’s driving.

Sky opens my beer and hands Stone his water. “Thanks.” I clink my beer bottle gently against her wine glass.

“Here’s to our ever growing family.” Sky holds up her glass.

“Yeah, who said family had to be blood?” Sadie adds.

We all shout hear hear and take a sip of our drinks.

“Speaking of family,” Shane says, “Katie’s sister is starting at the club in two weeks.”

“Awesome. I wanted to talk to you ladies about hanging out this weekend.” I wink at Katie, who knows that I’m trying to plan something so we can hang with Lila. The girls all agree as Sky announces dinner is ready. They have some heavy appetizers out. Katie has told me that’s often what they do because Logan’s place doesn’t have a dining room big enough to hold all of us, so it’s easier.

“Shane, can we get a VIP section for Saturday night?” Katie’s husband has been working for Logan since he took over the club almost two years ago, and now he manages it. He gives us a VIP section anytime we want to hang out. They had a beautiful beach wedding not too long ago. I’m so happy for my friend, you can see how in love they are.

“Of course you can. I’ll be sure you have your normal corner section.” He winks at her.

“Thanks, baby. Now we can go support my sister’s first day and have some fun.”

“Baby, she starts the following weekend.” Shane corrects Katie.

She huffs. “Fine, we’ll have to plan to go out again another night.”

We all laugh, clinking glasses again, and continue to eat. The guys shake their heads at our conversation. “Dude, you need to hire someone good. I know my girl will continue hanging at Thrive even after I’m gone. I’ll kick your ass if someone hurts her,” Stone says to Jonah, joking around.

“Come on, man, you know I only hire the best,” Jonah brags.

“Well, you did hire me, so I guess you’re right. Keep it up and you’ll have nothing to worry about.” Stone laughs and I slap his arm playfully for being so arrogant.

He leans down and whispers in my ear. “I’ll be sure to spank you when we get home.” His warm breath caresses my ear, causing a shiver to run rampant through my body, and my panties are instantly wet. There’s no better way to end the night than to feel Stone’s hand across my ass before he fucks me silly.

“Miranda has a huge new project, Logan. You better watch out,” Katie says.

“Oh, yeah?” His brows shooting up, waiting for more info.

“She’s been hired to beef up a strip club in the area.”

“Congrats,” Sky says, happy for me.

“Thanks! I thought it was pretty cool. They requested me by name.” I take a sip of my beer.

Logan grins at her and then looks at Stone, “Dude, your girl is working for my competition.”

“What competition? You know your clubs are the hottest in LA,” Stone brags.

My jaw drops at Stone’s insult. I can’t believe he just said that. “First, I never thought of it like I was working for your competition,” I say to Logan. “Second, they hired my firm and I do as my boss asks, and third,” I turn to Stone with my eyes narrowed. “I’m good at what I do, so yes, he will have competition.” I’m pissed he would insinuate that I couldn’t improve the club to give Logan a little competition. I have been doing this for quite a few years now, and have worked hard to grow in this company.

“I didn’t mean it like that, baby.” He tries to save his ass. I can see it in his eyes that he feels bad, but it stung. “I know you’re good at what you do and I look forward to hearing how you’re going to turn this club around.” He gives me a smile and presses his lips to mine.

I soften a little, but decide to bust his chops. “Who says I’m telling you what I’ll do with the club for promo? I wouldn’t want you running to your boss and telling him all my ideas.” I grin at him, letting him know I’m joking. He just shakes his head.

While we finish eating, Sadie tells us girls about some of the paintings she’s been working on. She has another showing coming up soon, and she’s been really busy trying to get ready for it. Once we’ve finished eating, Sadie, Katie, and I help Sky clean up and put the leftovers away while the guys hang in the living room discussing theme ideas for Club Heat. When we’re done, Sadie comes into the room. “Jonah, are you ready? Our babysitter has to get home.”

While they’re saying their goodbyes, Stone whispers, “Are you ready?” I look into his big brown eyes and nod, watching his eyes brighten with excitement. “Good, because I’m going to make you scream my name when we get home.” He turns away before I can respond. “Hey man, we’re going to get going too.” I hug everyone goodbye and head out the door with my panties wet from thoughts of my man pleasuring me.





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