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Cold Heart: Absolutely gripping serial-killer fiction by Stephen Edger (22)


Kate called Patel over as she returned to the incident room and took a seat. ‘Ben says we’re looking for a woman in her early to mid-twenties. And our tattoo artist tells us she had fair hair and possibly worked as a prostitute out of St Mary’s at one point or another. Why did he target her?’

‘Maybe he was one of her punters?’

‘Maybe. Did he target her because she was vulnerable or because she was a prostitute? Or did he happen to see her walking and pounced opportunistically?’

‘And what did he do with the rest of her body?’

Kate sighed, pulling out her phone as it beeped in her pocket. Opening the message, she quickly stood and moved away from Patel. She hurried to the safety of the bathroom, before daring to read the message. It was from Tara, thanking Kate for putting her up for the night, and advising that she was heading home to face the music. Kate was tempted to remind Tara not to mention her own involvement, but settled for a ‘Good luck’.

Kate’s mind was racing, as she retook the seat next to Patel.

‘I keep asking myself what would drive Daisy to run away, assuming that’s what happened. We’ve exhausted the possibility that she was unhappy with her life. Every friend and teacher we spoke to said she’s an intelligent and well-liked girl. Even her brother couldn’t give any insight into what would have made her want to run away.’

‘I’m the last person who can offer an insight into the mind of a teenage girl.’

Kate thought about the message she’d just received, and how terrified Tara had been last night. She’d said the words before she could stop herself. ‘What if Daisy was pregnant?’ she whispered to him.

He mouthed the word ‘pregnant’ back to check he hadn’t misheard, and she nodded quickly. ‘If she was too scared to tell her parents what had happened, or even her best friend, what does she do? Under pressure to pass her exams, but not wanting an abortion.’

Patel frowned. ‘I think you’re reaching, ma’am. We have Caplan on record saying he wasn’t sleeping with her, and none of her friends, teachers or family have even hinted at the possibility. I know you’re desperate to figure out where she’s gone, but I think that’s too big a leap, even for your instincts.’

She knew he was right, and had virtually dismissed the idea the moment she’d said it, but even so, it had triggered something in her mind. ‘Think about it: she’s fifteen, so if it was revealed that she was pregnant, her boyfriend Alfie would be in trouble with us, she’d be terrified of messing up her academic potential, and the possible shame it would bring on her family. I’m not saying Barry or Val wouldn’t have supported her, but at that age, you assume the worst, right? I don’t know, maybe I am just seeing links where there aren’t any.’

‘I suppose that could explain what the argument with Caplan was about earlier in the afternoon. And the reason why he didn’t want to tell us what they’d been arguing about.’

‘Of course. He’s eighteen, and she’s only fifteen, but he expects us to believe that they weren’t sleeping together.’

‘But something that big? You really think she wouldn’t have told anybody?’

Kate narrowed her eyes. ‘Georgie Barclay is her best friend; there’s no way she could have kept it a secret from her.’

‘You want me to come with you?’ Patel asked, already knowing where Kate’s next stop would be.

‘No, you keep reviewing our Missing Persons and see if you can find any links between them. It’ll be easier if I speak to Georgie alone.’

Kate couldn’t ignore the fact that her recent experiences with Tara were what was driving this new line of enquiry. But there was some relief in the possibility it might have been the reason Daisy had run away from home.

Kate had yet to meet Georgie Barclay, or her parents, and she wasn’t sure calling round unexpectedly on a Sunday afternoon was the best way to endear herself, but she couldn’t waste any more time. Kate was certain Georgie wouldn’t open up with her parents around, so would need to find a way to get her alone for an off-the-record chat. If anything came of it, she would arrange for Patel or Laura to take a formal statement.

Kate was just pulling up at the kerb when the front door to the Barclay house flew open and Georgie emerged, pulling a dark hoodie around her shoulders.

‘I’m going out,’ Georgie shouted as she stomped down the path to the small wooden gate.

A harassed looking woman wearing an apron appeared at the door a moment later. ‘What time will you be home? For dinner?’

Georgie paused long enough to scowl back at her. ‘I’ll be back when I’m back. Stop fussing.’

The woman, whom Kate guessed was Mrs Barclay – Georgie’s mother – looked like she wanted to say something else, but gave up and went inside as Georgie disappeared out of earshot.

Edging the car forward, Kate couldn’t believe her luck as she wound the window down as she arrived at Georgie’s side. ‘You want a lift somewhere?’ she asked, holding her identification out so Georgie knew she wasn’t a threat.

‘I’m supposed to be meeting someone,’ Georgie countered, without dropping her pace.

‘You wouldn’t be meeting up with Daisy, would you?’

Georgie stopped still. ‘Do you really think if I knew where she was, I wouldn’t have told her mum and dad?’

‘Where are you off to in such a hurry, then? Come on, Georgie, we both know there’s something you’ve been keeping from my team. Get in now and tell me and then I’ll drop you wherever you’re going. What do you say?’

Georgie didn’t move.

‘Alternatively, I can go back and drag your parents down to the police station with us, which I’m sure is the last thing they want to do on a Sunday afternoon.’ Kate softened her tone. ‘Please, Georgie, I just want to talk off the record.’

Georgie rolled her eyes before opening the door and climbing in. ‘Fine. I don’t know what else you think I can tell you.’

Kate pulled away from the kerb, keen to put some distance between them and the house. ‘You going somewhere nice?’ Kate tried, keen to establish an open conversation.

Georgie shrugged, focusing on the raindrops starting to catch on the window.

‘It looked like your mum was baking something.’

Another shrug.

‘Do you bake?’


‘Me neither. I tried a couple of times when I was younger, but just couldn’t get the hang of it. I think people either can or they can’t.’

Georgie remained silent.

Kate needed a way to get through to her, but engaging with teenagers was not one of her strengths. ‘I bet you’re missing Daisy.’

Still no response, but Georgie’s hand shot up to her face as she discreetly tried to wipe away a tear.

‘Have you two been friends for long?’

‘Forever,’ she said, her voice cracking under the strain.

‘I’m sorry, Georgie, you must be just as terrified for her. How are you coping?’

Georgie shrugged again.

Kate sighed loudly. ‘I wish I knew what had triggered her to run away like that. It just seems so out of character. If only we knew why she went, it might help us find her.’ Keeping her eyes on the road, Kate glanced occasionally in the rear-view mirror to see Georgie’s expression. ‘I’m sure you feel the same.’

‘I just want her home,’ Georgie admitted, wiping a second tear from her face.

‘I know you’ve already given us a statement about that night, but is there anything else that you’ve remembered? Did Daisy give any clue that she was planning to run away? Anything at all?’


‘And you don’t know where she would go if something was troubling her?’

‘Her brother’s, maybe.’

‘No, we’ve spoken to him and he’s as worried as you are.’ Kate sighed audibly again. ‘I just worry that she’s out there all alone in danger. Was there anything playing on her mind? Were things between Daisy and Alfie okay?’

Georgie fired Kate a look. ‘Ask him, how would I know?’

‘You were her best friend, right? Did the two of you not talk about things like that?’

Georgie hesitated. ‘Of course, b-but there isn’t anything wrong between them. She loves him.’

‘I still remember the first boy I fell for. Do you have a boyfriend, Georgie?’

‘No. Not at the moment.’

Was that a hint of jealousy? Kate couldn’t be sure. ‘My first boyfriend turned out to be a bit of a snake, actually. All the time I thought he was the one, it turned out he was carrying on with a friend behind my back. I was probably about your age. All I’m saying is, you have plenty of time before you start worrying about those things.’

Georgie’s gaze was on the window again. ‘I’m not worried.’

‘Good. Quite right. And Daisy wasn’t worried about Alfie? We’ve been told they argued earlier that day. Did Daisy mention the argument to you?’


‘Do you think whatever they argued about caused her to run away?’

‘Look, I don’t know why she ran away, okay?’ Georgie suddenly blurted, startling Kate.

‘I’m sorry to keep asking the same question, but if I’m to stand any chance of bringing her home, I need to understand why she left. At the moment, the only thing that seems to have been out of place in her life was that argument with Alfie. Do you know him well?’

Georgie was glaring at Kate. ‘No… what I mean is, I knew him through Daisy, that was all.’

‘Do you know if they were sleeping together?’

‘What? No.’

‘Are you sure? I know she is only fifteen, but he’s older and

‘They weren’t sleeping together!’

‘How can you be so certain?’

‘I just am, okay?’

‘She would have told you?’


‘So, it’s unlikely she was pregnant then?’

Georgie snorted. ‘You’re kidding, right?’

‘I promise, what you tell me now won’t go any further, but I need you to help me.’

‘I’m not lying! Daisy didn’t want to have sex with Alfie; she was saving herself. She liked Alfie, and she liked the attention he gave her, but she didn’t think she loved him. She thought she was too young to understand her feelings, so wanted to keep things relaxed with him.’

‘And he was happy with that? At eighteen, his hormones must be running riot.’

Georgie’s attention returned to the window. ‘You’d have to ask him about that, but trust me when I say she wasn’t sleeping with him, and she wasn’t pregnant.’ Georgie’s attention was diverted by a text message, to which she quickly replied. ‘Listen, I’ve told you everything I know. You can drop me here and I’ll make my own way back.’

‘I thought you were meeting someone.’

She lifted her phone. ‘Not anymore.’

‘Then let me drop you back home. It’s raining and so cold, and

‘Thanks, but I’d rather walk.’

Kate indicated and pulled over when it was safe to do so, and watched Georgie as she left the car and walked off into the distance, her head dipped. She was sure there was still more going on, but couldn’t put her finger on what.




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