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Comfort Side Of Heaven by Vera Quinn (18)

Chapter Eighteen


I knew Zane and Haddie would hit it off right away. He is a sweet talker and she is a flirt. The two have been trying to cheer me up all day and nothing works. I finally smiled when my hair was changed back to its natural color with a few highlights added. I also had them layer my hair and give it a trim. I want my long hair back. We have had manicures and pedicures, facials, and I had a little waxing done. It’s time for our massages and we will be in the same room. I know Haddie is not going to let this go and Zane will back her up. I haven’t told either much, but I know this time I will have no choice. I hate reliving this humiliation.

I am the first to get to the massage room. The lady gets me on the table and Haddie walks in and it’s not too long before Zane appears. We are all ready and the two masseuses and one masseur walks in. The hot oil the woman applies feels good and relaxes my back. It seems my back always feels stiff.

“Spill the beans cupcake. I know the condensed version is not all of it. You were too broken up and I need to know if I am going to jail before I leave the town of Comfort.” Zane is short and to the point. I see both Zane’s and Haddie’s head are turned towards me. Haddie is quiet.

“Zane, I told you that Botie and I had a difference of opinion and we decided not to see each other again. It was the last straw. I couldn’t take anymore. I broke.” I try to leave it at that.

“I know you have had a lot on you for a longtime, but you were broken last night, and no little fight breaks my girl that way.” Zane is right. I try to always have control of myself.

“Botie and I were discussing our sexual past. He had asked me to be his girl. It was kind of awkward, but it seemed like something we needed to do but I wanted to know about his first love and I got mad on his behalf. His fiancée ran off with his younger brother when Botie was taking care of the ranch, an ailing dad, and keeping his mom together. I don’t remember what I said about the situation, but it hit a nerve with him and he said things he can’t take back and I did the same. He left mad and I fell apart. End of story.” I give the abbreviated version and I leave all the nasty things we said untold. That is between Botie and me, and it’s no one else’s concern. “Oh, I did rub two fried blackberry pies down the side of his white truck.” Haddie laughs at that, so does Zane.

“I bet that was a sight to see.” Haddie finally joins in. “I don’t want to butt in where my nose is not wanted but I can tell you that Botie cares about you Lyric and maybe if you understood what Talia put him through, then you might at least understand why he responded the way he did . That girl was nothing but trouble from the start. She was jealous of the relationship between Joseph, Dolly and Botie. Botie has always been a good boy and helped his dad all he could. That ranch of theirs is in his blood, and he has helped make it what it is today—with his sweat and hard work.” Haddie is talking fast. “Then she tried breaking up Trask and Botie’s friendship by making Botie jealous. They came to blows and Trask backed away and gave Botie and Talia their space but Botie was broken up about it. The final straw came when Talia drove a wedge between Botie and Hawkins. After Dolly and Joseph took Talia in when both her parents had to go overseas, she stabbed them all in the back and broke that family to pieces.” Now I know why Botie was so defensive about the subject. I guess I could have been more tactful and considerate but only where that is concerned. The nasty things he said were uncalled for. “I didn’t think Botie would ever let down his guard when it came to women again. Talia used him and then left him. He has had a bad attitude towards women since Talia left—until you—and that’s why it shocked everyone so much when he was nice to you. You changed the man.” Does this change things? Botie was downright cruel to me. Why am I doubting myself now?

“I hear what you’re saying Haddie and I will think about the whole thing again, but I’m not sure it will change things.” I need alone time just to think and tomorrow I am going to dig into the work on the farm, ruin my manicure, and think it through. I need to stop making hasty decisions. I could have just sent Botie home last night and the argument wouldn’t have escalated. If I am honest with myself, I was jealous of Talia to have been Botie’s first love. I’ve never been in love before and I wanted to be Botie’s first. I didn’t even consider that Botie was just talking out his pain and I needed to be a friend to him and let him get it out just the way Zane let me cry on his shoulder. I know that made Zane uncomfortable, but he was the best friend I have always had. He let me cry it out because he knew that’s what I needed. I think I made a mistake—not that I am forgiving the things Botie said—but I may understand them better now and that is something. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

“Lyric, just remember we are all here for you and we love you,” Haddie reminds me.

“Same for your other family, but if I find you the way I did last night, again, then Botie and I are going to have a face-to-face talk about how to treat my cupcake.” I am one lucky woman.

“Thank you both. I needed a day like today. Me and my besties.” I hope they can hear my love for them both. “Zane, your turn. What is up with Tanisha and Ryan and don’t think I haven’t remembered you Haddie. You and Nick are more than friends now.” Things are going to be alright.

“I don’t kiss and tell. You two tell me more juicy details. I am going to live through your stories.” Haddie laughs.

“Not me, I kiss and tell and then go back for more. What do you two ladies want to know?” Haddie and I both laugh, and the rest of the day goes a long way to relax me and forget just for a little while.