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Coming Home by Leeanna Morgan (3)


Mia walked into the main entrance of Bozeman Deaconess Hospital and took a deep breath. Stan was beside her.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t slept very well last night. Her mind kept spinning in circles, worrying about her teaching job, the exhibition in San Francisco, and the gala for the neonatal unit. By five-thirty that morning she’d had enough of tossing and turning. She’d thrown on a tracksuit and headed outside. Even though her early morning run had turned into a slow crawl, it had helped to settle her thoughts. It also made her regret not running more often.

On their way here, Stan had told her about the hospital, their patients, and the plans they had for improving services. He was proud of what his staff had achieved and what would happen once the new neonatal unit was finished.

She just hoped he understood why she couldn’t help him.

How long have you worked in Bozeman?” she asked.

About nine years. I moved here from Chicago.”

That must have been a big decision.”

Stan pushed the elevator button. “It was. My wife died the year before we came here. My daughter, Annabelle, was only a toddler. It didn’t take long to realize that I’d made the right decision.”

I’m sorry about your wife.”

It was a long time ago,” he said softly.

She wanted to say something else, find the words that would let him know she understood how he felt. But everyone processed their grief differently, so she left her words for another time. “Some of my friends don’t understand why I left New York. It’s not until you live in Montana that you really appreciate what’s here. I couldn’t imagine living in a big city anymore.”

The elevator doors opened and Stan stepped into a brightly decorated corridor. “I couldn’t agree more. Welcome to the Family Center. This part of the renovation was completed six months ago.”

Mia stared at the painted animals on the walls. There were elephants, bears, giraffes, and moose, all lined up following each other to the other end of the corridor.

Stan must have noticed her interest. “We wanted to make this area as colorful as possible. It’s bad enough coming to the hospital if you’re an adult. For a child, it’s a hundred times worse.” He pointed to another corridor. “The Birth Center is that way. The new neonatal unit is being built beside it. This area is the pediatrics ward. When the hospital was first designed, the architect grouped all children’s services together. A larger neonatal unit was included, but at the time it wasn’t necessary. We need to act now if we want to meet the future demands on our services.”

Working out what services you need must be like looking into a crystal ball.”

Sometimes it feels that way, but instead of glass balls, we use population projection charts and demographic research. Unfortunately, our funding can only stretch so far. That’s why we need to raise funds for multiple projects each year.” He led her toward the Birth Center. “At the moment, we have six modern birth suites and deliver more than 1200 babies each year. With the new neonatal unit, we’ll be able to look after more children who need specialist care.”

Stan swiped his security card across a black box and held open the door.

Mia had never been anywhere near the Birth Center. The walls of each room were painted in either pale peach, mint green, or lemon. Pot plants and comfy sofas softened the architecture and gave each room a relaxed atmosphere.

Stan stopped in front of a double set of doors. “Through here is the new neonatal unit. We’ll need to sign in so that the site foreman knows we’re here.”

That sounds very official.”

It’s part of our health and safety requirements. Just don’t trip or fall—we’ll be here all afternoon filling in forms.” He swiped his card again and opened the doors. “On your right is the room that will eventually be used for meetings, but for now it’s the foreman’s office.”

Mia signed her name on the register and took the hard hat Stan gave her.

I’ll show you the architect’s plans before we go much farther. They’ll give you an idea of what the new neonatal unit will look like.” Stan ran his hand along a bookshelf and pulled out a large folder. He placed it on a table and opened the first page. “This is why I’m so determined to raise the money we need.”

The first image showed a busy ward with many rooms branching out from a circular desk.

Stan pointed to the center of the room. “This is the hub of the neonatal unit. All admissions, patient plans, and medical records can be accessed from these computers.”

He turned the page and Mia’s eyes widened. The caption at the bottom of the page told her that this was the neonatal intensive care area. “It’s huge.”

We’ll have immediate capacity for sixteen babies. Over the next three years, we’ll increase that to thirty. The staff will use state-of-the-art technology alongside holistic medical practices to treat their patients.”

I thought doctors were opposed to anything that didn’t involve drugs.”

You’d be surprised at what a lot of hospitals are doing now. We want to look after the total well-being of our patients and their families.”

Mia turned to the next page, impressed beyond words at what she saw. “I don’t know anything about neonatal units, but this looks amazing. How much will it cost?”

The neonatal unit itself is fifteen million. With the changes we need to make to the surrounding wards, the total project will cost twenty-two million dollars. It could have been a lot worse. If the original building hadn’t been designed to support the addition, we wouldn’t have been able to do any of this.”

A lump formed in Mia’s throat. “How much money do you need to complete the project?”

Stan closed the plans and slid them onto the bookshelf. “Two million dollars.”

And you thought the gala would raise that much money?”

No, but it would be a catalyst for more donations. This unit will be the best in the state. Babies will be sent to us from across Montana for treatment.”

Mia frowned. “What about the babies’ families? Where do the parents stay while their child is here?”

Come with me. There’s more to the renovation than the intensive care unit.”

Stan led her along the corridor and through different rooms. The floor plan was simple—the babies who needed the most care were closest to the multiple staff areas scattered throughout the neonatal area.

The next set of doors opened into an area that was completely finished. “This is our home away from home for up to twenty families.”

It’s lovely.” Mia ran her hand along a granite counter in a large open-plan kitchen, dining, and living room. Light streamed through the windows, giving the whole area a sense of warmth. From its third-floor position, families staying here would have a panoramic view of the Rocky Mountains.

Stan walked across the room, heading toward a wide corridor. “Each guest suite has its own kitchenette, television, and bathroom.”

Mia followed him into one of the rooms. It was just as inviting as the living area. “Staying here must make it a lot easier and less stressful than paying for accommodation in town.”

It is. If you’re not from Bozeman or if you need to be close to your baby, it can be one of the hardest times in a person’s life. This area will make a big difference to the babies’ families. Do you want to see another suite?”

Mia shook her head. “No, but if they’re anything like this one, they’ll be in hot demand. I wasn’t expecting your renovation to be so big or expensive.”

This unit is important. It will make a difference in many people’s lives. If you’ve seen enough of the renovation, would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?”

Mia glanced at her watch. “Okay, but I need to leave in half an hour.”

No problem. I’m grateful you were able to come into the hospital on a Sunday.”

I’m more surprised that you’re here. You must work long hours at the best of times.”

I try not to work on the weekends, but this is important.”

As they made their way to the café, she was surprised that Stan didn’t ask whether she would organize the gala. In all honesty, her heart had already jumped into the project. She knew she didn’t have the time, that she’d never done anything like this before. But Claire and Hannah said they’d help as much as they could. If Stan was serious about asking his secretary to do some of the tasks, they might be able to organize the gala he wanted.

And when he found a new fundraising coordinator, they could take over from her. It wasn’t the best way to organize a major funding event, but it might just work.



Stan carried two cups of coffee to an empty table at the back of the café. Mia hadn’t said much and it was unsettling. He didn’t know if he was nervous because of how important the project was, or because Mia’s easy smile and sparkling eyes pulled at something deep inside him.

He slid one of the coffee cups toward her. “I’m almost afraid to ask if this visit has made a difference to your decision.”

It has, but I’ll need your help.”

Stan let go of the breath he was holding. “That’s great. Do you want to divide the tasks between us now, or meet early next week to go through everything?”

Mia pulled a notebook and pen out of her bag. “I’ve got a little time, so we could make a start. Did Deirdre leave you any notes about what she’d already done?”

She sent me an electronic file. Would you like a copy?”

That would be great. I’ve already booked most of the things we’ll need to stage the event. Is there anything you’re worried about?” She held her pen above her notebook, poised to write down the long list of things that had been on his mind.

We need to make sure the event attracts people who could donate large amounts of money. Gina has the names of people we’ve approached in the past. I’m happy to go through the list and send personal invitations to anyone I think could help.”

Sounds good. Do you still want to organize the publicity and ticket sales for the gala?”

He nodded. “I’ll send you a document with the media outlets we’ll use to promote the event. If you know of other organizations, add their names to the list.”

What about the food?”

The menu is in Deirdre’s notes. We’d decided to serve finger food and dessert.”

Are you having a DJ or live music?”

Stan held back a smile. Mia may have been worried about how much time she had to help him, but her mind had already switched into organizational mode.

Why are you looking at me like that?”

Like what?”

Mia dropped her pen to the table. “Are you laughing at me, Stan Lewis?”

A wide grin spread across his face. “I wouldn’t dream of laughing at you. I’m simply showing my appreciation for the way your mind works.”

Hmm.” Mia’s eyes narrowed. “It’s just as well you have an honest face.”

Stan didn’t know what an honest face looked like, but it couldn’t be a bad thing, could it?

Music?” Mia repeated.

On Deirdre’s list.”

Is there anything that’s not on Deirdre’s list?”

Probably. I’ll call you tomorrow after you’ve looked at the files.”

I’ve booked a meeting with a florist tomorrow afternoon. If you’d prefer to see me in person, I could meet you in your office at about two-fifteen. I’m working at MSU until two o’clock.”

He pulled out his cell phone and checked his appointments. “Two-fifteen is okay. I didn’t realize you were a college professor.”

I’m an assistant professor. I work in the School of Art with nineteen other staff. You seem surprised.”

Stan was more than surprised. He had underestimated her. “You don’t look like any of the assistant professors I met at college.”

Mia’s eyebrows rose.

I didn’t mean that in an insulting way,” he said quickly. “You’re just so…petite and young.” He needed to stop talking before he dug an even deeper hole for himself.

Mia slid her notebook into her bag. “I’m five-foot-three. In my family, that’s tall. And just so you know, I’m thirty-two years old. I guess age is relative.”

Are you calling me old?”

It was Mia’s turn to grin. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” She tilted her head to the side, staring at his face like a bug under a microscope. “You can’t be more than forty-five. That’s still considered quite young in some cultures.”

He choked on his coffee. “I’m forty-one.”

Mia handed him a paper napkin. “I thought all directors of hospitals had gray hair and wrinkles.”

Only when they’re working with associate professors.”

Mia laughed. “It’s just as well we’re only working together on this project. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for making you look older than you are.”

He could think of much worse things than working with Mia. She had a quick mind, a great sense of humor, and was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met. All of those things should have made him even more determined to keep their relationship professional. But they didn’t.

Wait here,” she said. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

He had no idea what Mia was doing. She maneuvered around the tables and stood at the front counter. Within minutes she was walking toward him, holding two brown paper bags.

I don’t know what you and your daughter like, so I bought one chocolate peppermint bar and a slice of vanilla cake.”

Stan frowned. “You didn’t have to do that.”

It’s a thank you for meeting me today. I know how precious weekends can be.”

I should be the one thanking you.”

You already did. I’m glad you showed me the neonatal unit. It helps me understand what you want to do.”

Stan pushed his chair away from the table. “Fundraising for the unit was always going to be a big project. I’m glad you’re able to help. Are you ready to go home?”

I am.”

Stan walked silently beside Mia, lost in thoughts that had no place inside his head. The next few weeks would be interesting.



Stan added another steak to the barbecue. After leaving Mia at her house, he’d gone home and spent the rest of the afternoon with Annabelle.

Daniel Sullivan, a good friend, had joined them for dinner. With the sun setting behind the Bridger Range and a temperature that was warmer than usual, it was the perfect evening for eating outdoors.

Who are you bringing to the barn dance?” Daniel asked.

Who do you think?”

One of these days, Annabelle will want to go out with a boyfriend, not her dad.”

That’s years away.”

Daniel pulled out a deck chair and sat down. “You’re living in denial.”

It’s better than thinking about Annabelle dating. Just the thought of her spending time alone with a boy makes me nervous.”

It’s going to happen whether you want it to or not.” Daniel’s eyes narrowed. “What about you? You haven’t been on a date in months.”

Stan leaned against the porch railing, turning away from the spectacular view. “I’m too busy.”

Really? I heard you had coffee with a cute brunette this morning. You wouldn’t be holding out on me would you?”

It was a business meeting.”

Daniel grinned. “Is that what you call it?”

It wasn’t a date. She’s helping me organize the gala for the neonatal unit. How did you know that we had coffee together?”

I have my sources.”

Owning an IT company gave Daniel access to more sources than the average human. But even so, a meeting at Angel Wings Café wouldn’t have been a high priority on anyone’s radar. “Your fiancée is in Scotland, so Holly wouldn’t have seen us. Was it your sister?”


Stan shook his head. “This town is getting smaller by the minute.”

Remember that when you have another ‘meeting’ with your mystery woman. Elizabeth said the two of you were enjoying yourselves.”

I took her to the hospital and showed her the plans for the new neonatal unit.” Stan hadn’t stopped thinking about Mia all afternoon. He kept telling himself he was curious about why an associate professor would work part-time at an event staging company. The two careers were so different that it didn’t make sense.

You’d better turn the steak before it burns.”

He grabbed the spatula and flicked over the meat. “What do you know about Mia Costas?”

Daniel dropped his feet off the rail. “Is that who you had coffee with?”

You know her?”

Mia is in the Bozeman Art Collective. She’s been friends with Holly for years.”

You’re joking.”

Nope. Mia visits us all the time. I’m surprised the two of you haven’t bumped into each other.”

Stan’s eyes widened. “That’s where I’ve seen her. She was with Holly in the elevator at the hospital.”

The hospital?”

When your friend Sam had a heart attack.”

That was eighteen months ago. I’m surprised you remember her.”

So was Stan. But even then, there was something about Mia that made him want to know more about her. “Do you know why she works at Perfect Staging and MSU?”

Daniel handed him a plate. “I’ve got no idea. You’ll have to ask Mia.”

It seems an odd combination of jobs.”

It’s not much different from being the director of a hospital and co-organizing a gala.”

That’s different. I’m only doing this until we find a new fundraising coordinator.”

And I’m guessing there aren’t a lot of people banging down your door to get that position.”

Stan turned off the barbecue. “We were lucky to have Deirdre for as long as we did. I don’t know if we’ll ever find someone to replace her.”

That doesn’t sound good for the projects you’ve planned.”

The board of directors are meeting next week. They’ll go through our work program and prioritize what still needs to happen. I’ve been juggling budgets for the last two weeks, trying to make everything work.”

Annabelle stepped onto the deck. “Hi, Mr. Sullivan.”

Hi. You’re getting taller every time I see you.”

A grin lit Annabelle’s face. “I’m taller than all the girls at middle school.” She placed a bowl of salad on the table. “Dad, do you want me to bring out the ketchup?”

That would be great. Dinner is almost ready.”

Annabelle disappeared inside and Stan sighed. “How did I get so lucky?”

She’s a great kid.” Daniel took the plastic wrap off the salad. “Has she met Mia yet?”

There’s no point. Mia and I are working together, not dating.”

But you’d like to date her?”

Stan didn’t know what he wanted. “I don’t even know if she likes me.”

What’s not to like? You’re single, you have a good job, and when you make an effort, you don’t look too bad.”

Thanks. That makes me feel so much better.”

Daniel frowned. “You’ve been working long hours over the last few months. It’s okay to have a life outside of work.”

Annabelle told me the same thing.”

Maybe it’s time you listened to her.”

She’s eleven years old. Annabelle’s idea of fun is to spend every weekend at ten-pin bowling, the movies, or eating ice cream from the Chocolate Moose Shoppe.” Stan picked up his drink. He was responsible for more than 200 doctors and 35 different specialties. Finding the right balance between his personal life and his job wasn’t easy.

Daniel patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll get the plates. But before I do, here’s some free advice. Annabelle might have a point. You know how quickly your life can change. Don’t miss out on the important things.”

A heavy weight settled in the pit of Stan’s stomach. When his wife died, the world as he’d known it had died with her. Over time, he’d created different routines, familiar signposts that gave his life stability and meaning.

He was doing the best he could, but he had a feeling it would never be enough.




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