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Cruz’s Salvation by Stacey Kennedy (2)

Chapter Two

Kiara righted her dress, and tried to settle from the lingering effects of her orgasm. She forced herself to no longer be aroused. She drew in a couple deep breaths, pleased to find she calmed. Without wasting a single moment, she ran over to beside the pond, where she’d placed perfume when she first arrived. Reaching down, she grabbed the bottle and quickly sprayed between her thighs. At least it would mask the evidence of her climax—werewolves’ scent made secrets impossible.

She tried to ignore the memory of Cruz’s dark eyes staring at her when he did those naughty things to her, attempted not to think of his stylish dark hair that sat atop a handsome face. Even tried not to be aware of his tall, lean physique with toned muscles. Yes, she forced all these thoughts from her mind.

The sound of a paw cracking a twig drew her attention toward the edge of the forest. She quickly deposited the fragrance behind her, dropping it to the ground. Her father, proud Alpha, stepped out of the tree line and approached her with a pair of jeans in his teeth. His shift came instantaneous and he stood nude. Kiara kept her gaze on his face while he dressed in the jeans he carried.

“What are you doing here, Kiara?” Adric’s strong presence, dark hair dangling over his left eyebrow, all meant safety to Kiara. He took a long, deep breath. His charcoal eyes burned with a clear threat. “And why do I smell one of them?”

Them meant vampire, exactly why Kiara couldn’t tell her father her secret. “Not sure. I scented him, too, but haven’t been bothered at all.” She did her best to give an innocent smile. “I needed some fresh air—all the male testosterone can be a bit much.” Living as the Alpha’s daughter meant no free time to herself, always surrounded by an entire pack of wolves. Since women weren’t involved in day-to-day business of an Alpha, men remained her constant companions.

Her father chuckled. “It can be overwhelming, can’t it?” His smile faded and his eyes saddened. “If your mother was around—”

“Don’t start,” Kiara interrupted him. Childbirth had killed her mother, and her father had been her only family. Sure, he wasn’t emotional like a mom, but he did his best and she loved him. “I’m never without anything. You’ve given me all I ever needed.” A strange expression crossed her father’s face. One she couldn’t identify. “What’s the matter?”

Adric glanced down to the ground, shifted on his feet as if uncomfortable. “I appreciate your kind words, but I suspect you are lying to me.” His gaze returned to hers. “Are you truly not without?”

Kiara tried to make sense out of her father’s words, but failed. Instead of mulling it over, trying to piece together what she didn’t understand, she voiced her confusion. “Of course I’m not.” She snorted, incredulous. “Why would you think such a thing?”

Adric took her hand, lead her back over to the tree trunk, where mere minutes ago, Cruz had her spread wide with his mouth on her intimate places. The memory sent a rush of heat to pool between her thighs and as she sat, her father examined her.

“Are you feeling all right?”

Kiara suspected her blush burned bright. “Yes, sorry, I’m fine.” Clamping down on the images raging in her mind since her father’s wolf scents obviously picked up on her heightened thoughts, she refocused herself. “Please go on. What’s wrong?”

Her father drew in a long, deep breath, and knelt down next to her. Kiara crossed her legs, uncomfortable with him being there considering the earlier events. He reached out and took her hand so soft and gentle, unlike his typical Alpha nature. “Are you lonely?”

Off all the things she thought he wanted to talk with her about, his question hadn’t even crossed her mind. She laughed, maybe in a bit of nerves. “Lonely?”

“Yes.” Her father found nothing amusing, his expression stern and serious. “Months ago, I saw how happy you’d become. For once, I witnessed you had found something in your life you were missing.”

Kiara’s heart raced. Had he known? Did he suspect she had met someone? She tried to remain nonchalant and chuckled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I haven’t been any different.”

“No.” Her father raised an eyebrow, not fooled. “A change in you occurred. I still haven’t quite figured out what transformed, but I saw a glimmer in your eyes I’d never seen before.”

Kiara squeezed her father’s hand, hoping to find a way to rest his mind of these questions and thoughts. She wished she could tell her father about Cruz, yet he’d never understand. “Maybe I’m just growing into my own.”

Adric shrugged, and looked away from her to their held hands. “At first, I thought it was something like that, but then you changed. You’ve grown so unhappy. So longing.” His gaze came to hers, determined. “Do not try and deny it.”

He had backed her into a corner. Her father knew her, loved her. Not only as her Alpha would he sense the torment she’d suffered about how she longed for Cruz, but he would know just by being her father. Kiara sighed, a long, heavy breath expelling all the feelings she’d been fighting against. “I won’t deny it.”

“Then tell me.” Adric’s expression was so open, willing honesty from her. “What has gone astray? What troubles you, Kiara?”

If only she could tell him. Admit she loved a vampire and that her heart felt empty every minute they were apart. However, none of these things she could disclose. He’d rage if he heard the reality. “Maybe I am a little lonesome.” What else was there to say? He needed an answer and this had been as close to the truth as she could go.

Adric’s eyes lowered in sadness. “I suspected so much.” He reached up and cupped her cheek. “You’ve grown into a beautiful woman, Kiara. Sometimes I wonder how you’ve turned out so well being surrounded by all these men.” He laughed, a soft sound that escaped through his nose. “How you’re so sweet and kind when you’ve only been raised by me.”

Kiara leaned into her father’s hand. How she loved him. “Because you are sweet and wonderful. I never needed anything more.”

Adric smiled, a grin only produced from her father; filled with trust, adoration, and conviction. “A generous offering from you, but it’s time I really prove it to you. I’ve decided to ease the pain you suffer.” He dropped his hand and stood.

Kiara watched her father in confusion. Her mind swirled trying to piece together what he meant. When nothing but mumbled thoughts ran through her mind, she shook her head to gain clarity. “How do you intend to ease my suffering?”

He offered his hand to her. “Come with me and I’ll show you.”

“Okay,” Kiara responded, unsure.

Adric led her through the forest, a long walk back to the house that took well over forty minutes. Silence crept around them as Kiara ran scenarios through her mind of how he could ease her pain. How could he fix the fact she loved a man forbidden to her, least of all, without knowing of it? She couldn’t imagine anything would fix the emptiness in her heart.

Reaching the edge of the forest, her father’s country mansion shone through the night. Lit up in a grand-scale, the country estate looked beautiful with its natural wood trim and wraparound porch. Kiara inhaled, scenting many werewolves skulking about the grounds. Not a surprise, the home always had at least twenty of her father’s guard for protection.

At the front door, Adric ushered Kiara in and closed the door behind him. He strode down the hall, into the sitting room, and as Kiara followed, another scent she didn’t recognized filled her nose. Male werewolf. One, though, she’d never met before.

She entered the quaint room and found the source. A stealthy werewolf sat on the leather sofa, ankle resting on his knee with an arrogant smile on his face. He smelled of Alpha, powerful and strong, and the confident note in his eyes declared he led a wolf pack. Handsome, no doubt about it, with his dark styled hair, thick muscular body and a face women would swoon over. Not Kiara, though. Her heart belonged to Cruz.

“Take a seat, Kiara,” her father told her. With hesitation, Kiara sat in the sofa across from the werewolf. She looked back to her father as he said, “I’d like you to meet Milo.”

Remembering her manners, Kiara smiled, glancing Milo’s way again. “Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Milo inclined his head. His gaze stayed trained on hers, in a way to make her feel uncomfortable. Why did he look at her with such a territorial hint in his eyes? “The pleasure is all mine, Kiara.” And why did his voice roll with lust and his nostrils flare, talking in her scent?

What was going on? Kiara looked to her father for answers. He merely sighed and sat in the chair between Milo and her. She glanced back to Milo, who continued to stare right through her. Finally, after a long moment, she laughed the awkwardness away, looking to her father. “Sorry, I’m not quite sure if I’m supposed to say something here.”

Her father paused. Not a good sign. “You’re twenty-four now, and I hoped a mate would show himself to you. Prayed I wouldn’t need to intervene to ensure your happiness, but I believe waiting for him is no longer an option.”

“What?” Kiara gasped in total understanding now.

“I won’t have you pining any longer,” Adric commanded. “I’ve seen the signs, watched you mope around, barely a spark of life in your eyes. As your Alpha and your father, it’s my duty to see you’re given what you need.”

Kiara’s heart sank. No, he read her all wrong. He thought she pined for her werewolf mate, which did happen every now and again. The need to mate grew so intense the werewolf mourned until they found them, but she didn’t suffer this want. “Father,” she barked. “You have it all wrong.”

“Do I?” Adric countered. “Explain to me then why you’ve been behaving so dissolute?”

Kiara opened her mouth to tell him, but couldn’t let the words fall from her lips. He’d never forgive her if he knew. “I-I…”

“As I thought,” Adric replied with a confirmed nod of his head. “You’re a quiet wolf, Kiara. I know you’d never ask this of me, and I’m not even sure you understand what you’re going through. But I’ve seen this type of behavior before. I recognize you are pining, and I won’t allow it to destroy you.”

“But I don’t want a mate,” was all Kiara’s panic would allow her to say.

“You may not believe this,” her father continued, “but, Kiara, werewolves don’t know they are pining, and you are so young, I think you aren’t recognizing the signs.”

Now, faced with the situation, she could see how her father came to this conclusion. Without knowing she was lonely because she missed Cruz, she could see why he assumed she craved her mate. Kiara glanced to Milo, understanding his role here now. “So, Milo…” She couldn’t even finish her words.

“Milo,” her father filled in what she couldn’t bear to say, “is Alpha of Maine, and has also been in search of his mate for years.” He glanced to Milo. “How many years now?”

“Too many.” Milo replied, with the same arrogant smile.

Kiara wouldn’t fault him for the confidence. All Alphas held a strong air about them. They weren’t Alpha for nothing; the trait had been born into them and was the exact reason that made them leaders. Nevertheless, she didn’t want him; she wanted Cruz. “I-I…” Again, she couldn’t find words to express herself. How could she say no? She couldn’t. Her father attempted to take care of her, give her what he thought she needed, but he didn’t know the whole truth.

Adric cleared his throat, stood from his chair, and approached her, kneeling at her feet. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize the signs sooner. You shouldn’t have suffered such agony for as long as you have. I’m to blame for misreading you, wanting to keep you my little girl and not share you with the world.” He gestured toward Milo. “He’s a kind, fair Alpha. The allegiance of your bond will only strengthen our packs.”

“But Father?” Kiara snapped, needing a way out, searching for a reason to stop this insanity.

Adric shook his head, ignoring her apprehension. “You’ll find happiness with him, Kiara. He’ll provide protection for you.”

“I don’t love him,” Kiara growled, feeling out of control. The room spun a little, throwing her off her axis, and heat flushed her skin.

“It’s not always about love,” Adric replied in a soft tone. “Your mother and I weren’t destined mates.”

She’d never heard this before. “You weren’t?”

“No. Our arrangement had been made to bring two packs together who long fought.” Adric tapped her nose with his finger and smiled. “And, look, you were born from the arrangement. I grew to love your mother, appreciate her, and we were happy before her death. You’ll find the same happiness with Milo.”

“But…” Kiara had to stop this from happening. She just didn’t know how. “But…”

Adric stood, peering down upon her. “I know you’re confused right now, and we’re not going to rush anything. Get to know Milo. We’ll arrange for the moon ceremony to bond you in a week’s time.” He gave a firm, unyielding nod. “That will allow enough time for you to grow comfortable with him before you must…”

Kiara’s cheeks burned at the mention of sex in front of her father. To ensure the mate bond, the exchange needed to happen. Before she had a chance to become more horrified, Milo stepped in behind Adric. “I have given my word to be gentle with her and allow her a week to grow accustomed to me. You have nothing to worry of.”

Now, Adric flushed. “Y-y-es,” he stumbled, looking away from Kiara. “Well…I…all right. I’ll leave you two now to get to know one another.” He glanced back to Kiara, leaned down, and kissed her cheek. “I only want what is best for you, Kiara. You know that, don’t you?”

Tears glittered in her eyes at the travesty, yet she couldn’t fault her father. He loved her enough to find her happiness, even if he had been mistaken what her reasons were behind her sorrow.

Kiara’s gaze stayed glued on her father, not wanting to acknowledge Milo. A finger on her chin forced her to do otherwise and as she looked back. Milo now knelt where her father had been. “Are you afraid of me?”

“No,” Kiara responded.

Milo smiled, a damned self-righteous grin. “I’m glad to hear it, because you have nothing to fear. I want to make you happy, do you understand?” He ran his knuckles across her cheek, and Kiara’s blood ran cold.

Yes, she did understand, but she didn’t want Milo. She wanted Cruz to touch her. Sweat formed on her body as she stared into Milo’s eyes, her hands got clammy, and panic coursed through her. No, she couldn’t agree to belong to him. Jumping up, pushing him away, she shouted, “No, I cannot accept you. I’m sorry.”

Milo gave her a measured look, his eyes wide with shock. “Why?”

“What is wrong, Kiara? Milo is a fine werewolf.” Adric looked Milo over, examining him. “The women in the pack told me they found him handsome.” Glancing back to Kiara, he gave her a hard look. “Why do you not approve of him?”

Kiara wanted to tell him, blurt the truth all out so he understood why she couldn’t agree, but words failed her now. Tears made her vision blurry. “I cannot say why; I just don’t want him,” she shouted. “I need to get out of here.” She ran for the door, but her father’s grip on her wrist stopped her.

“Kiara?” Her father’s Alpha-deep tone commanded her to stop, but also held a note of confusion.

“No, I can’t do this. I have to go. I have to leave.” She pulled with all her might to get her hand out of her father’s tight hold. “Let me go.”

Adric studied her for a moment, and sighed before he let go. As she ran from the house, all she heard behind her was her father’s quiet words. “Do not worry; she’s young and frightened. We’ll give her some time and she’ll accept you.”

No, she almost screamed back to them. I’ll never accept him. Running fast, she slammed into the front door, threw it open, and shifted, shredding her clothes around her as her paws hit the ground. She didn’t want Milo. What would happen to Cruz? Her heart belonged to him. He had to have an answer to keep this from happening, and she prayed to the moon above that he did.




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