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Daddy Plus One: A Single Dad Secret Baby Billionaire Romance by Brooke Valentine (102)

Chapter 4

After trying like hell to find a picture of Shaw Lykan, Robin found there were just none to be found anywhere on the internet. She did find out about his status as a billionaire and as a bachelor, but she couldn’t even find out how old the man was. He was a mystery and excitement coursed through her veins as she got into the Bentley he’d sent to get her that morning.

The driver held the door open for her then closed it after she got in, making her feel a little silly. Robin had never been in such a situation in her entire life. It wasn’t a thing she ever thought she’d be experiencing, but she was up for it.

More than anything, she wanted to become a successful dog trainer. And it seemed her lifelong dream just might come true much sooner than expected.

Her cell rang, and she saw it was her mother, checking on her. Robin had told her mother about the meeting and asked her to wish her good luck. She must’ve wanted to get in one last pep talk before the big meeting. With a swipe of her finger, Robin answered the call, “Morning, Mom.”

“Good morning to you, my sweet baby girl,” a sigh followed her words. “I had a dream about you last night. I know this sounds silly but it kind of scared me.”

Robin frowned. She hated it when her family got worried about her. Things were hard enough, being so far away from them all, without adding in their little worries. And over a dream? Come on. “Mom, a dream isn’t worth worrying over.”

“I know that. I do. I am a rational human being. But this one got to me.” Tapping could be heard, and Robin knew her mother had to be drumming her fingernails on the countertop in the kitchen. She did that a lot when something upset her or made her nervous.

“Stop tapping your nails, you’re going to chip one, and then Dad will have to pay for you to get it repaired at the nail salon. And all over a silly dream.” Robin looked out the window. Shaw hadn’t told her which spa they’d be meeting at. But it looked as if they were going to the one on the far side of town. A place she’d driven by a couple of times and thought about how beautiful it was.

“Well, this dream just isn’t fading. You see, I dreamt you’d met a man. A really hot man. All muscles, and dark wavy hair.”

Robin thought about the guy who’d come up to her at the park a few days before. “Did you happen to get a look at this dream guy’s eyes?” Robin had to ask. If her mother’s dream man had piercing blue eyes the way the dangerous man did, then she must’ve escaped a terrible fate.

“No,” her mother answered. “He wore dark sunglasses. He took you into the woods, Robin.” Another pause made Robin think her mother really was afraid for her. “Just promise me you won’t go into the woods with anyone. No one!”

Robin laughed. She wasn’t a fool. “Mom, you raised me better than that. I’d never venture into woods with some stranger. Male or female. You have nothing to worry about.” The car pulled to a stop under the canopy at the entrance of The Love of Loveland Spa and Resort. “Mom, I’m here. I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later and tell you how this went. I love you. And stop dreaming goofy things about me. I’m fine. I am no fool. Bye now.”

“Bye, baby. I love you too.”

Their call over, Robin put her cell away inside of her purse and watched as the driver came to open her door. He smiled at her as he opened it. “Here we are, Miss Winters. You have a wonderful time. Mr. Lykan will call me when it’s time to pick you back up and take you home.”

“Thank you.” She got out of the car and turned to ask, “And what should I call you?”

Amusement pulled up the corners of his light blue eyes. “I’m not often asked that. You can call me, Trevor.”

“Okay, Trevor. See you later. Thanks for the ride.” Robin turned to head inside. Her stomach was absolutely full of butterflies about meeting the wealthy man who had the power to make her dreams come true, or dash them for a while. She prayed it would be the former rather than the latter.

Robin knew she could overcome any and all rejections, but rejection always hurts a bit and takes a little while to get over. She reminded herself that she hadn’t asked for this meeting, Shaw Lykan did. Surely he wouldn’t be the type of man who got people’s hopes up just to dash them.

Heading to the reception desk, Robin introduced herself, “Hello, I’m Robin Winters. Mr. Lykan called me and set an appointment for this morning.”

The tall, thin woman who stood behind the desk came around it. “Come this way. He’s been expecting you, Miss Winters.”

Trying as hard as she could not to let the nerves she felt show, Robin followed the woman and chanted silently, Be calm, be calm. It did little to help.

The woman stopped and opened an opaque glass door. “He’s in here. Have a lovely meeting, Miss Winters.”

Gulping, Robin could only nod as she was too wracked with nerves. Then she stepped into the room, which was warm, inviting, and she heard soft music playing. But she saw no one yet.

A wall hid the people in the room from view. Both sides were open so she took the right and walked back. She found someone with their face covered by a white towel, wearing a fluffy white bathrobe and lying back in a chair. An empty one was right next to the person.

When Robin’s eyes moved down, she saw hair on the person’s legs. Now she knew it was a man and at the man’s feet, a woman worked on his toes. “Excuse me, I’m looking for Mr. Lykan.”

The woman turned to look at Robin, clearly unaware she’d even come in. But she didn’t speak to Robin, the words she heard came from behind the towel. “Didn’t I tell you to call me, Shaw?”

“Oh, yes sir, you did. So that’s you then?” Robin asked and felt stupid for saying it. Of course, it was him.

“It’s me. Have you changed yet?” his words sounded muffled by the towel.

Robin wondered why he’d meet anyone in a way such as this. “Sir, if you don’t mind me saying, this isn’t a typical way to meet. Perhaps you could take the towel off, and I could properly introduce myself to you.”

“I’m anything but typical, Robin. You’ll soon see that. Now be a good girl and go into the dressing room you see to the left of you. Take off everything and put on the robe. You’re in for a real treat today. Full body massage included.” He laced his fingers together, laying them on his stomach.

Robin found herself walking toward the dressing room without saying another word. A thing that wasn’t like her at all.