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Dahlia: A Novel of Dark Desire by Viola Calvary (15)

Chapter Sixteen

She made it back from the trees without incident. All the men had been hurt badly but the soldier she’d trapped had actually sobbed. She thought out of the two of captains the captives might be more afraid of her now. Perhaps they should be, she’d seen that darkness in her soul before. She thought she’d compromised with it. Suppressing and running away from a part of yourself never led to balance and self-acceptance so she thought she’d learned to welcome, accept, and control that part of her. She accepted that she had immense ambition and loved having power over others. She’d become a captain but was fair and cared for her barrack as they respected and cared for her. She exercised her abilities to defend herself and her position as she had with Horan. She’d never even seen the joy she took in destroying someone like that. The part of her that had reveled in it scared her.

The men she and Kenny had attacked had invaded her home, taken a captive, and attacked her but that hadn’t been what mattered when she caught them. She hadn’t been acting from righteous anger. She’d been filled with the thrill of hunting down dangerous prey and decimating them and it had consumed her. She wasn’t sure how she was going to reconcile with that part of herself now.

She took them straight to the holding cells, the same ones Macada had been placed in before. She dismissed the puppets, left the unconscious and disabled prisoners behind, and took control of the other two with her weapons before approaching the guards. The dim light hid enough of her disheveled clothing that what was visible could be chalked up to a run through the woods and a fight. The guards’ confusion over how she’d managed to transport six prisoners by herself helped ensure that the state of her clothes were the last thing anyone paid attention to. She imagined the back of her tunic had holes and blood from the tree’s bark so she kept her front towards the guards as she handed the men over, reported the circumstances of their capture, and instructed that they be restained. She then retreated before they could notice much about her clothes.

She ran through the shadows back to her room, circling the main area of her barrack to avoid anyone who had returned. She made it inside without incident and breathed a sigh of relief. She took only long enough to strip off her shorts and torn tunic and replace them with duplicates. With any luck no one would notice the switch or the delay.

Well...she knew one person who would notice but she had to trust he’d keep his mouth shut. She focused her mind now, scanning for a specific presence. Sabir and Arreal weren’t in the barrack but she located Genji and headed in his direction.

She found him waiting with most of her barrack in the main area. Sabir and Arreal were the only ones missing. Her team looked relatively undamaged, a few makeshift bandages and wraps but nothing permanent. She counted her luck that she’d thought to have them drill that exact scenario in the training grounds.

As she entered they stood to attention and Genji bowed low.

“Captain, I take it your hunt was successful? I’m ready to report.”

“Thank you, Genji. Yes, Captain Ravin and I were able to take six alive. Make your report.”

“Yes, ma’am. Your prediction was correct and the group turned and headed directly for the perimeter. I was able to catch them in a cover and they were slowed enough for our combined forces to overtake them easily. As our barrack is more accustomed to working under that specific cover we went directly in as Barrack Nine circled around to cut them off. Five enemy soldiers were killed, five more captured though a number are in critical condition. The member of our force who was abducted was recovered.”

“Captain Ravin rejoined us as we were securing those captured and enlisted the lieutenants to transport the prisoners,” he continued. “Two of his men were dispatched with a report to Captain Mazaran. The rest of us were given instructions to perform a sweep back in the direction of our respective barracks which we did, finding no further sign of enemy forces. A tracker from Barrack Nine was given instructions to return to where they had encountered the enemy soldiers and confirm that no others had split off.”

“Excellent, Genji, a very successful night. See that anyone injured makes it to the infirmary for treatment. I don’t want any lingering injuries slowing us down. Make sure there’s a double post of guards for the night.”

Genji bowed again as she went out. She cast her senses out for Kenny, an easy enough maneuver given their recent intimacy. Her mind filled with the almost tangible mix of blood, sex, and fear as she brushed against him. She shivered then forcibly dismissed the sensation. She focused on his location and headed in that direction. He would be either with Mazaran or heading that way to report.

She caught him on the threshold of the building’s entrance accompanied by his own lieutenant and Sabir. He was still splattered with blood and he eyed her impossibly clean tunic but didn’t remark on it. Both lieutenants stopped and inclined their heads.

“Genji filled me in. Their sweep back to the barrack turned up nothing new.”

He nodded, “Handing over the additional captives was similarly uneventful. The recovered member of research is under guard and observation in the infirmary. I left Lieutenant Arreal and my second lieutenant, Sayer, with him until the guard is arranged.”

Dahlia nodded and they continued in. Mazaran had received the soldiers Kenny had sent with the initial report and was ready to hear the full report from his captains. The four soldiers entered, Dahlia and Kenny in front with their lieutenants behind.

Mazaran arose and address Kenny, “Captain Ravin, I was told that your men first encountered the enemy as you swept towards Barrack Eight. Report in full.”

Kenny addressed the commander, “You are correct. We encountered them following a deer path that cuts towards the perimeter close to the edge of my barrack. We came in from above them so they left a token force of two fighters, one with illusion abilities, to buy enough time for them to cut across. My men eliminated the two in order to break the illusion. We then pursued and forced the main group to run parallel in order to prevent them from reaching the perimeter and accessing any relief that may have been there to receive them.”

“We encountered Captain DeMorra’s force who were able to cut them off and force them into a cover her barrack was familiar operating in. My barrack then had the opportunity to circle completely around and surround the enemy force with Barrack Ten. Five were captured alive with no casualties on our side. They are in holding cells now with healers keeping the ones in critical condition alive. The troops recovered the abducted research member and he is under guard in the infirmary.”

“The lieutenants led this operation. A second group, including four members that seemed to be the strongest and fastest and thus likely to be in charge of the operation, separated from the first group. Possibly they were acting as a distraction or trying to increase their chances of one set reaching the perimeter and carrying a report to their base. Captain DeMorra and I were able to catch up to these men and cut them off. They stood to fight and six were taken alive. I left them with Captain DeMorra and returned to direct the combined barracks.”

He stopped, signaling the report was complete. Mazaran then addressed Dahlia.

“Captain DeMorra, please fill in as needed.”

Dahlia addressed the commander, “Captain Mazaran, we began our sweep as directed. When I sensed two sets of soldiers heading towards us I instructed a barrack member skilled in creating cover to anticipate the direction the enemy force would run when the rest of my force cut them off. He created the cover Captain Ravin described.”

“When Captain Ravin left after the group of enemy soldiers we pursued were subdued I escorted the prisoners to holding cells, leaving instructions that they were to be restrained. Five are wounded but not critically, one has had his mind locked away. I can release it at your order.”

“I returned to my barrack where my third officer gave a full report. Under Captain Ravin’s instruction they had performed a sweep back towards the barrack but uncovered nothing additional.”

She fell silent.

“Thank you for your report. Captain DeMorra, were any of these men identified by your trap?”

“No, sir, the trigger was set to someone displaying disloyalty. It was intended to identify any traitors by a slip of their shield.”

“I understand. I have sent word to Captain Borreal that he is to speak to the prisoners immediately to assess if any additional forces are outside our perimeter. If so we will act quickly to take out that target. I have also instructed him to call on you should he need your support but until that time you are both dismissed along with your lieutenants. I commend you on your performance tonight.”

They rose and Dahlia bowed before exiting. Outside Kenny inclined his head to her.

“Captain, thank you for your aid.”

Dahlia returned the nod, “My pleasure Captain Ravin.”

She managed not to smack herself, realizing what she’d just said. To his credit, Ravin kept a straight face in front of the lieutenants.

Deciding she’d just dig a deeper hole the longer she stayed around him she turned with Sabir and left to catch what sleep she could for what was left of the night.