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Dare To Love Series: Don't Dare Me (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Jen Talty (7)

Chapter 7


For the last twenty-five minutes, Jessica’s mother had gone from lecturing her on how a lady is supposed to act in public to wondering when the wedding would be.

“Mom. I’ve got to go.”

“If you don’t want to come home for a visit and bring your new man, perhaps dad and I should come down.”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “You’re welcome anytime, but just know how much traveling I do when the season starts and the first pre-game is next week.” Her parents had visited her once at the end of the last season and all they did was beg her to move back home.

The buzzer rang.

“I’ve got company. Talk soon. Love you.”

Before her mother started on another ramble, she hung up. She did that often, and it always caused a pang of guilt. Her mom, even with all her quirks, has always been there for Jessica. Her parents were good people with big hearts and always meant well, a sentiment that she constantly had to remind herself of when she got frustrated with her mother.

“Hello?” She pressed the buzzer, wondering who on earth was stopping by.

“It’s Nolan.”

Her heart skipped a beat before her pulse raced out of control. She couldn’t tell if the sudden adrenalin was because she was still pissed about how he treated her before the press conference, or what he said during it.

“You didn’t have to bring my car here, but thank you.” She dropped her forehead to the wall, hoping he’d go away.

“You’re welcome. Now can I please come up? I need to talk to you.”

She could say she was busy, but that would be a lie and since she was pissed over his lying through omission, it wouldn’t be right.

And now he’d hand delivered her car.

“Sure. Fifth floor, apartment 503. I’ll leave door open, so just come in.” She’d loved his impromptu speech about his daughter, but cringed the moment her name was tossed into the mix. She took a bottle of red wine she’d opened yesterday, pouring herself a hearty glass, making sure she got a good gulp in before she heard the elevator doors ding.

The doors swished closed and she heard his footsteps walking the ten feet down the hallway. A quiet tap on the door.

“Jessica?” he called.

“Come in.” What didn’t he understand when she’d said the door would be open. She rolled her neck, trying to relax.

He held up her keys as he did his sexy swagger across her small family room. “I meant to give these to you before the press conference.”

“You didn’t have to bring my car all the way here.” When she took the keys, her fingers touched his and they both froze for a moment, staring at each other. “Do you need a ride somewhere?”

He released his hand and pointed to her glass of wine.

“Oh. This is my first drink, so I can drive.”

“I’ll Uber, but I was hoping I could get one of those?”

She laughed, pulling down a wine glass. “Yeah, sure.” What the hell was she doing? Get the keys, then kick him out the door.

They clanked glasses, toasting to nothing. An awkward silence came over the room as he sat at the breakfast bar, staring at her with a stupid grin.

“What?” she asked, not hiding her annoyance.

“I’m sorry about how I treated you when the story broke. It threw me and I needed someone to blame. I know you had nothing to do with it.”

“You owe that same apology to Brad.”

He nodded, still grinning, which more than annoyed her. Not to mention he started with his insane tirade in the privacy of her office and not his public declaration.

“He didn’t deserve that any more than you deserved to be judged and called nasty, untrue names in public and have your character challenged,” she said, doing her best to pretend the man in front of her did nothing to mind, body, and soul.

His grin faded. “Did you really think I was ashamed of my daughter the night you met her? After seeing the way I am with her, and by the way, bitchy move to call an Uber and leave when we were getting an x-ray and subsequent cast. It wasn’t easy to explain to Heather why my new girlfriend left without saying good-bye.”

“Pay back is a bitch.” Her heart pounded heavily in her chest. The word girlfriend hung over her like a puffy cloud with the sun trying to peer through. It would either downpour in a second, or the sun would brighten the sky. She wanted the latter, but figured it was the former.

“I had a family emergency that first night.” He cocked his head, holding his wine glass near his mouth. “Answer my original question.”

“I didn’t want to believe it, but think about this from my perspective.” Pressing her hip against the counter top, one arm folded across her middle, the other holding a nearly empty glass of wine, which was already going to her head. “The guy I thought I loved had been lying to me for way too long about being married and that has done a number on my ability to trust not just men, but myself. So, the shock of finding out that you had a daughter, especially after being so open with me, and…well…those kisses that’s been spread all over social media, it was a little much for me to handle in one night. And I did say good-bye, you just chose to believe I would stay. Sorry, I felt a little betrayed. I wondered why you’d share something so personal as your mother and not tell me about Heather. Would you have ever told me?”

“Yes.” He set his glass down, leaned back and folder his arms. His was serious as the first time she’d met him, with the grim glare and tight lips. “That first night, when you jumped me at the bar, I had come because I knew you were going to be there.”

She coughed, then sucked in air, coughing more. “What? Don’t mess with me.”

“It’s the truth, but I never thought anything would happen, but then you kissed me and I thought maybe I would ask her out.”

“Wow. Up until that night, you’d been an ass to me.”

“I’m an ass to everyone.” He laughed. “I’m the youngest coach on this team and I’m trying to gain the respect of the players. Being a tough read helps, I think.”

“Still doesn’t explain why you didn’t tell me about your daughter.” Mentally, she flicked her cheek like her mother used to do when she continued to be inquisitive, not letting people avoid answering questions that made them uncomfortable.

“I thought about telling you when I talked about my mom, but then we jumped right into the interview and you were taping it.”

“And you didn’t trust me.” She bit her lip. What did it matter? They barely knew each other and his reasons certainly made sense.

“Trust has nothing to do with it. We went from personal to being professional and that’s how I handle all interviews” He shook his head. “I don’t regret protecting my family, but I do feel bad about how I treated you.”

She nodded, letting her anger and frustration float out with each exhale. She had no right to be upset with him about anything, but his harsh words, and he’d apologized.

“Also, I didn’t mean to blurt out you’re my girlfriend. That reporter really ticked me off when it appeared he was going to say something nasty about you.”

She swallowed, clearing her mind of any hope she and Nolan could be anything other than friends. It was too complicated between his family life and the way the press was reacting and she couldn’t, no wouldn’t, push him like that. “I didn’t expect them to ask the question. Honestly, all the information we had and looking at the press’s response to the story, our relationship or lack thereof seemed like yesterday’s news. It does bother me that the reporter who asked the question is a gossip columnist and has a reputation for stirring up trouble.”

“That’s all you’ve got to say about that?” He set his glass down. Red wine sloshed to the top. “I just announced to the world that you’re my girlfriend.”

“I just spent the last twenty minutes on the phone with my mother trying to explain to her that we were not dating, but gave up. She wants me to bring you home to meet her, or maybe she and my dad will fly down here.”

“I’d love to meet our parents.” He grinned like a little kid.

“I was petrified you’d tell the truth and I think that would have sucked less than my mother asking if we’d get married here or at home.”

His eyes went wide as he started coughing.

“I do think the relationship thing will die a quick and painless death,” she said, needing to stop beating around the bush and get to the heart of the matter. “If we’re not seen together, the talk and gossip will stop.”

He sipped his wine, staring out the window. “I like you,” he said so quietly she wondered if she’d heard him correctly. “I find myself thinking of you at the oddest times. I enjoy talking with you.” He turned, his green eyes mesmerized her, making her stand perfectly still. “I like kissing you, but—”

She blinked, understanding what the ‘but’ meant and where he was headed with the conversation. She didn’t really need a rundown of why he was rejecting her. “Forget about it. We got caught up in a couple of moments.”

He shook his head. “Do you always interrupt people when they are speaking?”

“I don’t need a laundry list of why it’s not the right time for you when I have my own list.”

He set his glass down and did that sexy, saunter around the breakfast bar into the kitchen. He pressed his hand on the counter next to her hip. His eyes keeping their gazes locked. “What I was going to say is that I have very little time between trying to prove to this team I’m man enough for the job and helping to take care of my mom, so my dad gets a break. There is also my daughter, who is the most important thing in my life.”

“That’s a laundry—”

He pressed his long, thick finger over her lips. “I’m trying to tell you my time is limited, but I want to make time to be around you. Dates might have to be lunch at work. An occasional night out on the weekends after I put my daughter to bed, and it’s possible I could have to cancel because of family obligations, but I do like you and you’re fun to be around.”

She curled her fingers around his wrist, pulling his hand away from her lips with the intention of telling him he was sweet, but she didn’t think it a prudent idea for them to date. Only, he didn’t give her the chance as he cupped the back of her head, fingers massaging her scalp, his lips brushed against hers like the wing of a feather in flight.

A wave of dizziness rolled through her body when he pushed against the counter, his other hand caressed her back, fingers kneading her burning muscles. He deepened the kiss, swirling his tongue around hers.

The voice in the back of her head told her to push him away. That it would be too complicated and she’d end up getting hurt.


But the way he kissed, it was like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cool evening watching the stars dance over the ocean. His tongue touched every part of her mouth like an electrical current. She shivered as she rested her hands on his shoulders, letting him guide the rhythm of their bodies.

He jerked his head back, his palm on her cheek. “Why don’t we have our first date right now? I talked to my daughter and since I wouldn’t make it home before she went to bed, she and I have our own little date planned in the morning, so I have some time now.”

“I don’t know,” she whispered, staring to his Caribbean Sea like eyes. Her breath raspy as she sucked air into her lugs, letting it out in a swoosh. He had a strong effect on her mind and body and it took her a moment to bring herself out of the realms of desire. “You keep catching me off guard and these kisses…It’s too complicated.”

“Come on.” He took the wine battle and the glasses. “Have you eaten dinner?”

“No,” she said staring at him moving about her kitchen, pouring their drinks into solo cups. “I never said I’d go out with you.”

He laughed. “I think that kiss did.”

“You didn’t give me a chance to answer.” She touched her lips, still feeling the warm caress of his tongue. Her brain trying to process his proposition and why he’d been able to render her speechless with a single kiss.

“You kissed me back.” His smile grew wide as he held the bottle up in the air. “Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“To the terrace. It’s private. Other than any neighbors from the building, all that is around is the beautiful view of the water and some palm trees.”

“How do you know about that?” The private terrace was for tenants only

“Same way I know the restaurant down the street will deliver.”

He waved his hand in front and she led the way to the elevator and down to the back of the building. The humidity smacked her face like a hot washcloth the moment she opened the door. The sun had lowered in the sky, but there was still a good hour left of sunshine. She inhaled sharply through her nose, enjoying the fresh scent of blooming flowers.

“What do you want to eat?”

“Bacon cheeseburger, loaded cooked, medium, and fries.”

“Girl after my own heart.”

During the summer months, the terrace didn’t get used very often because of the heat, and tonight not a single person sat at a table or the chairs in front of the river leading to the intercoastal.

Nolan chose the love seat closest to the water.

Sitting so close to him, smelling his manly sent of pine and spice, sent her body craving for another kiss.

She shivered. Her body wanted so much more, and if she were being completely honest with herself, dating him sounded like a splendid idea. Every man she’d ever dated had been relatively serious from the beginning.

“Dinner is all ordered.” He shifted, stuffing his phone in his pocket and raised his glass. “Cheers to new adventures.”

She smiled, clinking plastic cups, before taking a sip, letting the full-body wine slowly drizzle down her throat. “This isn’t a date. This is co-workers getting together after work.”

“Have it your way.”

She planned on it. “So, what’s the big date with Heather?” Jessica didn’t mind long silences. She enjoyed people who knew there was a time to sit and enjoy the world around you. However, she wanted to know about his relationship with his daughter. It was a side of him she had never expected.

“Breakfast in bed,” he said, smiling. “On the nights I don’t get to tuck her in, I wake her up early so we can spend some extra time together. I know it doesn’t make up for time lost, but I think it helps.”

“It’s got to be hard being a single father. How do you manage?”

“Are you always in interview mode?” He looped his arm over the back of the seat, fingers resting on her shoulder. “I have a lot of help from my family. My sister doesn’t work, so she watches Heather when I’m at work and will also take her when I have to travel.”

“Do you ever think of taking her on the road?” She cringed. “I’ sorry. Inquiring minds and all.”

“It’s okay. I reserve the right not to answer.” He laughed. “Not this year and I’ll probably miss a game or two because of her surgery.” His eyes light up when he talked of his little girl, except when he mentioned the surgery.

“But in the future, you’d take her? I bet she’d like that.”

He lowered his chin. “Are we playing twenty questions? Because if we are, I’ve got one for you.”

“Have at it.” She smiled. Even as a little girl, she’d asked a million questions to everyone and it drove her parents nuts.

“Did Lillianna really dare you to kiss the next man who walked through the door?”

No point in lying. “That would be a true statement.” Butterflies floated across her belly, rising to her throat. “When I was little, I did almost anything my friends dared me to and now it’s a running joke.”

“Does that mean you still often take a dare?” He waggled a brow.

“Depends, but sometimes, yes.”

“Hmmmmm, so if I dared you to kiss me right now, you’d do it?”

“Is that a dare?” Her lips tugged into a big smile and her insides turned to mush. Her brain, however, reminded her that taking a dare, generally speaking, could get her into to trouble.

He nodded, grinning like a school-boy.

She took a sip of wine, but didn’t swallow before leaning in and pressing her mouth hard against his, forcing his lips to part.

He gave a deep, throaty grown as she passed the wine from her to him. He swallowed, tangling his hand in her hair as he thrust his tongue deep in her mouth, swirling wildly. He tugged, forcing her head back as he kissed from her lips, to her cheek, the side of her neck, and finally landing on her earlobe.

Her body shivered as goosebumps covered her skin.

“That, sweetheart was a dangerous move, but a tasty one.”

She tilted her head, enjoying his hot breath in her ear. The man made her want to toss caution to the wind and jump in with both feet. “Don’t dare me to do things then.”

“I didn’t dare you to share your wine.” He chuckled. “But I do dare you to flash me.”

She set her wine glass on the ground and sat up tall, looking around. Not a single soul in view. What the hell. You only live once. Besides, her bathing suit top covered less than the current bra keeping her breasts in their proper place. Snagging the hem of the shirt between her fingers, she raised her shirt over her face, then pulled it down less than a second later.

He blinked, mouth open.

“Do that again, only when your raise your shirt, and count to ten.”

She patted his leg before getting her wine. “Not going to happen.”

“Not even if I dare you?”

She shook her head, heat rising to her checks. If they had been in the privacy of her apartment, she might have considered it.

He groaned, pulling his phone out. “Our food is here.”

She handed him her keys to the main lobby. “You go get it, I’ll grab a table.”

“Because it’s so crowded.” He kissed her cheek.

She watched him head toward the building in that sexy groove where his hips swayed back and forth and you could see his back muscles flex against his shirt. His body could only be described as a solid mass of muscle.

But that wasn’t the only thing she appreciated about Nolan.

Did I really just flash him? She folded her arms, looking around. No boats on the water and the thick trees lining the other side of the intercoastal, blocking the view into the townhouses protected her from being seen in that direction. No way anyone saw her…but Nolan. Oy.

An older couple followed him out of the building. He helped them carry their own little picnic basket and set it on a table for them, smiling and chatting for a few minutes before sitting down across from her at the table, opening two large containers of food.

The smell of grilled beef and crisp bacon filled her nostrils. Her stomach growled. “Thanks. I’m starving.” She didn’t wait another second, digging into the thick French fries which were soft on the inside, but crunchy on the outside. Food was also a nice distraction from they hot man sitting across the table. Her toes itched to fondle his calf muscles.

“So, where do you live?” she asked.

“Here we go with all the questions again.” He winked.

She cocked her head. “You know where I live...” she squinted her eyes. “How did you know that?”

“I looked at your registration card in the glovebox.”

“That’s creepy.” She winked, enjoying the banter a little too much.

“You didn’t leave me much choice when you disappeared.”

“I’ll give you that, but I feel like you’re avoiding the question.”

He laughed. “Right now, Heather and I are staying at my folks in South Beach, but I have a townhouse about two miles from here, a little closer to the ocean. I actually looked into buying in this building but decided I wanted a private backyard for Heather to play in. Do you rent here or own?”

“Can’t afford to buy anything just yet. The rent isn’t too bad, but I won’t stay in this building when this lease is up.”

He arched a brow. “Going to move north? Home?”

“No.” She smiled. “I love my job and have no desire to do anything else right now. Besides, I like living in Miami.”

“I hated growing up here, but moving back has been a good thing for me.” He wiped his hands with a napkin, tossing it back in the container and closing it. “Even better for Heather. A fresh start for the both of us.”

A few more residents came outside to enjoy the sunset. She hadn’t gotten to know many of the neighbors, but a few she recognized and waved. She picked at her food before closing the lid. The evening would come to an end soon. He needed to get home to his little girl. Being overcome by lust wouldn’t serve either one of them very well. She didn’t know if she wanted him so badly because it had been a while and he showed interest? Or the fact she just unequivocally wanted him in the most primal way.

“That was delicious,” she said. The sky turned a dark blue, with orange and red swirls at the horizon. Soon the stars and the moon would glow like fireflies. She reached for the bottle of wine, but sadly it was empty. “Don’t know about you, but I’d like one more glass.”

“If I get to take it from your mouth again, sure.” He reached across the table, taking her hand. His thumb rubbing the top of her hand in a circular motion.

“Maybe we should try it the other way around.” Ugh. She really needed to think before she spoke.

“I’m game.” He stood, collecting all the trash. “Let’s go.”

“I was kidding.”

“I wasn’t.”

His enthusiasm gave her a tingle up her spine. His hand on the small of her back sent signals to the rest of her body.

Signals she needed to shut down, but her brain didn’t work as fast as her body.

He opened the door to the building, the cool air covered her skin, like an ice cube melting over her body. The elevator opened and they made their way to her apartment where he found a bottle of wine that met his fancy.

She handed him the corkscrew and watched his magnificent arm muscles twitch as he removed the cork, pouring a tiny bit into one glass.

He smiled, leaning against the counter, swirling the red liquid and smelling it. He waggled his finger in the come-hither motion.

Her breath hitched. He was actually going to feed her wine and in her mind, that could only lead to one thing.

More kissing.

Kissing never hurt anyone.

He lifted the glass to his lips, emptying it, his other hand reaching for hers.

The soft touch of his fingers against her skin felt like the finest lotion money could buy. She tilted her head, pressing her body against his hard chest, staring into his intense, green eyes. She told herself she’d be able to control her desire. Considering his situation, he wasn’t the kind of man who jumped into bed with a woman without getting to know her better.

Interviewing him didn’t constitute getting to know him.

He pried open her mouth with his tongue, shooting the warm liquid between her lips. She swallowed quickly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and thrusting her tongue into his mouth.

She heard him set the wine glass down as he wrapped his arms around her waist, spreading his legs and cupping her ass, drawing her even closer.

He kissed her so hard, she wondered if he’d bruised her lips. She almost hoped he did. The raw passion sizzling between their bodies controlled her mind, and she visualized taking him by the hand, leading him to her bedroom, ditching their clothes in a frenzy of desire, and have the kind of mad passionate sex one fantasized about. The kind where there were no inhibitions in the search to understand what pleased the other.

His hands glided up under her shirt, fingers dancing across her bare skin. A tiny voice in the back of her whispered to stop, but her body screamed go for it. Wetness filled her panties then she felt her bra loosen as he magically unhooked the clasp, moving his hands under her arms, touching the sides of her breast.

“I dare you to flash me now,” he whispered breaking off the kiss, his breath raspy.

“Don’t dare me unless you’re willing to suffer the consequences and the way things are going right now, how I’m feeling, I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”

“I might be able to stop, but I won’t promise.”

She groaned as he ran his tongue over her earlobe. Her nipples tightening into hard little nubs. Taking a step back, she reached inside her shirt and pulled her bra through the sleeve. Her heart pounded against her chest. Doing this would either backfire, and he’d have second thoughts and she’d feel rejected. Or, they’d end up tangled in her sheets. If the latter happened, a different set of complications would arise.

His gaze went from her eyes to her chest as he carefully poured himself some more wine, taking a large gulp.

Her fingers trembled as she toyed with the bottom of her shirt. She’d done a few crazy dares, like dropping her bathing suit in the pool and running to the house naked. Of course, that was with all her girlfriends and not a single male to be found. Sucking in a breath, she closed her eyes and lifted her shirt, focusing on counting and not the idea that a sexy man stared at her tits.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.”

Letting out her breath in a slow exhale, she lowered her shirt, blinking open her eyes.

Nolan stood in front of her with a wine glass in his hand, his lips parted, and his green eyes wide, still staring at her chest. “You’re…that was…oh fuck it.” He yanked her hard against him, between his legs. His erection pressing against her lower abdomen. He kissed her in one of those wet, sloppy kisses that could only lead to one place and she wasn’t about to say no.

But she should.

His hands glided down her ass to the back of her thighs. He hoisted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Down the hall, last door on the left. Condoms in the night stand.”

He jerked his head back, scrunching his face.

“That is why you were taking me to the bedroom, right?” She didn’t blush often, but heat filled her cheeks.

He nodded. “Interesting that you didn’t think I’d have any.”

“Do you?” She smiled.

“No, but why do you have them?” He arched a brow.

“Leftovers. Sorry if that killed the mood.”

“With the vision of your beautiful breasts engrained on my brain for life, not much could destroy this mood.” He lowered her body a little, his hard cock pressing against the very thing that made her a woman.

“Then why are we still standing here?”

He groaned, stumbling down the hallway, kicking back her door before tossing her on the bed.


“What, babe.” His breath ticked her eardrum.

“Before we go any further, this doesn’t mean we’re dating.” Talk about killing the mood, but she needed to lay the ground rules.

“It doesn’t mean we’re not.” He stood at the end of the bed, hands on his hips. “What do you want?”

“I want you, but I want you with no strings attached. You have a lot going on and I don’t want to—”

“Fine. No strings.” He lifted his shirt and tossed it to the floor. “We good? Can I continue?”

She scooted back, propping herself up on a pillow. Not a single hair lined his tight chest. His pecs perfectly formed and all she could think about was kneeling in front of him so she could toy with his nipples. “Yeah. We’re good.”

He undid his pants and rolling them over his hips, down his long lean muscles, showing off a pair of athletic underpants with the tip of his cock popping out of the top.

She bit down on her lower lip as he eased himself closer.

“Which nightstand?”

Leaning across the bed, she opened the draw, fumbling inside until her fingers found what she’d been looking for, pulling out one and placing it on the top of the table.

“Sit up,” he said with a throaty growl. He pulled off her shirt, letting his fingers rub against the swell of her breasts. He stared for a moment, licking his lips before averting his gaze to her eyes.

Her breath hitched as he traced a path from her lips, over her chin, stopping at her non-existent cleavage. Lowering his head, he brought her tight nipple into his mouth, sucking deeply.

“Oh…my…God…” She stared down at him, devouring her breast with his mouth, his hands fumbling with her slacks. She thought about helping him, but currently she enjoyed cupping his head and watching him while he sucked, nibbled, and licked at her nipple.

His fingers made their way inside her pants and panties, rolling over her wet clit, stroking it tenderly. He slipped a finger inside her.

“Oh…” she tossed her head back, grinding her hips. Her clit throbbing out of desperation. Normally, she’d prefer a whole lot of foreplay, but right now all she wanted was release. She lay back, helping him to wiggle her out of the rest of her clothing, her body now completely exposed. The light from the fan above shined down on them like a bright flashlight in the night.

He held her foot in his hand as he kissed her ankle, moving his way up her calf, the inside of her thigh before gently flicking his tongue against her throbbing clit.

“Ohhhh…ummm…” She moaned, clutching his head and letting her knees drop to the side. His deft fingers entering her while his mouth made her body pulse with heat. Raising up on elbow, she looked down at him, his tongue swirling around. She’d watched a man pleasure her before, but Nolan did more than make her body feel good, he lit it on fire.

She tried to wiggle sideways, reaching for him. Needing to feel his hardness in her hands. Her hips grinding against his mouth and fingers. He looked up at her, pausing, and smiled.

“Wait your turn,” he whispered.

Gasping for air, her stomach quivered. She clutched the sheets as he continued to torture her body. “Yes.” She tossed her head back, rocking her hips faster, no longer wanting to savor the sensation. “Oh, God…” Wetness poured out of her body like hot lava flowing down the sides of a volcano.

His groan vibrated against her hard nub. She clenched her insides around his fingers as electric pulses jabbed at her womanhood. She convulsed so hard, it forced her to sit up. Clutching his head with both hands, her body jerked over and over again.

Her orgasm continued as he kissed the inside of her thigh.

With tiny tremors erupting inside her, she shifted her body. “I need to touch you.”

He let out a small chuckle as he rolled to his back, slipping off his underwear. “I dare you.”

“Normally, I’d say don’t dare me, but in this case?” She stared at him for a moment in awe of his size, both length and girth. She ran her fingers across his lower stomach, her thumb brushing the tip of his cock. She swallowed, taking it in her hands, tracing the veins. She’d always enjoyed oral sex, but never wanted to study a man before, then again, she’d never seen anyone as big as Nolan.

He ran his fingers through her hair, but didn’t push her and that made the entire encounter even hotter.

Lowering her head, she licked the tip, circling it with her tongue.

He hissed.

Knowing she’d never be able to take more than half of him in her mouth, she stroked him with her hand and licked and sucked the tip. His skin was soft as silk. A nice contrast to the hardness. She’d never felt so sexy before. When she glanced up, he looked at her intently. His green eyes glossed over with desire.

For her.

She squeezed him harder, taking as much as she could in her mouth.

“Oh, Christ.” His body tightened as she moved up and down his lenght. “Come here.”

She kissed a path from his taut stomach to his lips.

“Do I need to dare you?” He reached for the condom, tearing it open with his teeth.

“I think you just did and I’m up for the challenge.”

He smiled. “Crazy question, but what position will make you come the quickest and hardest? You’re all-time favorite position.”

“No one has ever asked me that.” Her body, already flush from desire, turned burning building hot. She straddled him, her swollen nub over his hardness, slowly grinding.

“Or.” She bit down on her lower lip.

“This right here isn’t your favorite position, is it?”

She shook her head.

Sitting up, he kissed her neck just under her earlobe. His fingers massaging her ass. “Tell me, please.”

“Tell me yours.”

He smiled. “Not to be crass, but I’m a guy. They all do it for me.”

Swallowing her breath, she moved her hips slowly over him. “Why don’t I show you?”

“I like the sound of that.”

She knew it was silly to be nervous about having sex a certain way. She’d hadn’t been overly shy in the bedroom before, but since this was going to be a one and done, she wanted it to be memorable, not only for her…but for him.

Easing herself off him, she stood at the side of the bed, holding his hands, coaxing him to join her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing her belly against his hardness.

He kissed her, his tongue teasing every crevis of her mouth, igniting a fire that burned through her body.

She turned her body so that her back was to him. His hands roamed her stomach and breasts, occasionally reaching down between her legs, caressing in slow, tortuous strokes.

“Climb on the bed on all fours,” he whispered in her ear. “That’s what you want, isn’t?”

Every nerve ending in her body erupted like the finale fireworks on the 4th of July.

His hand glided down her spine as he gently pushed her toward the bed.

It amazed her how he could go from rough and out of control, to gentle and slow. His hands caressed her back and ass as she positioned herself. The anticipation both exciting and vulnerable.

He bent over her, his tip gliding against her throbbing nub, putting only the slightest pressure on where she needed him most. He kissed her back, shoulders and neck. His hands reaching around her body, pulling at her nipples.

Dizzy with need, she pushed against him, feeling the tip enter her at just the right angle.

Slowly, he pushed a little more, then pulling out, repeating the motion until he was all the way inside her. His hands on her hips, squeezing tightly.

She fisted the sheets in her hands, pressing against him each time he entered her, clutching him as he pulled out. Her lungs burned as she sucked in deep breaths, letting them out in a giant moan. Their bodies rocked against each other like waves crashing into a break-wall. Slow and gentle at first, the erupting on impact.

His hands gripped her hips tighter as his rhythmic motion increased in speed and force, groaning with thrust. Without warning, he tangled his fingers in her hair, tugging. His other hand reached around her, pulling her up so she was just on her knees.

She gasped as he thrust himself inside, harder and faster. He moaned in her ear as he reached around and rubbed her clit vigorously, still pounding. The fan above hummed like a chopper as the blades cut through the bright light. Across the room she saw their tangled bodies in the vanity mirror, and so did he as they locked gazes. Stopping momentarily, he took her arms, looping them over her head and on his shoulders. His fingers danced across her body as if she were wet clay needing to be molded.

He moved inside her, staring at her eyes in the mirror. A dizzy haze filled her mind as the room continued to spin in pure delight. Nothing existed but their two bodies and the mirror.

“Oh, God,” she cried out, feeling him expand inside her and she shivered.

“Hmmmmm,” he whispered in her ear. “That’s it babe.”

For a second, she stopped breathing as an intense burn built from her nipples to where their bodies were joined.

He slammed into her with a loud grunt, holding himself deep inside. She felt his orgasm explode and her body shivered as her climax burst through her entire body, shaking her in violent tremors. His arms so tight around her, intensifying the feeling because her body couldn’t thrash about out of control.

His fingers still rubbed her, though softer and with less purpose. More of a tender stroke of ones’ arm by a lovers’ fingers while cuddling on the sofa, watching television. Then he pinched her, making her body shiver again.

“I think I might have a favorite position now,” he whispered in her as he pinched her again.

Another quiver. “Oh, God.” Her body continued to have aftershocks for the next few minutes as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

He stepped away from her, pulling back the covers of her bed. She climbed under the sheets and watched him saunter across the bottom of the bed toward the bathroom in his naked glory. Impossible not to stare.

Nor did he seem to mind.

He returned with a damp wash cloth. Joining her in bed, he reached between her legs, pressing a cold cloth against her.

Her body gave one last little shudder.

“I’m experiencing the never-ending orgasm.”

He laughed, drawing her in his arms, kissing her temple. “I could toy with your body all day long.”

“I dare you,” she said, smiling.

“Don’t dare me,” he said, running his hand up and down her arm. “Because if I ever do get to spend an entire day with you, it will be in bed, and I will find all sorts of ways to give you pleasure.”

She draped her arm around his middle and rested her knee on his thigh. “You should have turned off the light before you got into bed.”

“I can’t fall asleep. I’m sorry. I really don’t want to leave you, but I need to get to my parents shortly.”

Closing her eyes, she did her best to keep her breathing normal. She understood. But it didn’t change the fact that it made her feel bad. Not cheap. Not used. Just bad, even if she’d been the one who wanted the no strings.

Nolan would always have his family.






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