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Dark Passion by Botefuhr, Bec (11)





Please Mommy, don’t hurt me.” I cry, struggling to keep my head above water.

“You’re not safe anymore. If Mommy goes away, you won’t be safe. We have to do this.”

“Mommy please,” I cry.

“We will go together, just me and you Willow. Forever.”

Water swarms my mouth as she pushes my head under the water. My tiny feet kick and I squirm desperately. I can’t breathe; I’m not strong enough to escape her. I cry out for my daddy but he doesn’t hear me and it only makes me swallow more water. I’m trapped and soon, darkness takes over.

I bolt upright screaming and gasping for air. I grip my throat, wheezing and choking. I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe. I roll off the couch and fall to my knees on the floor. I pound my fist into my chest but I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. Jagger is beside me in minutes. I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep on the couch with him.

“Hey, whoa, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t breathe, so much water, I can’t breathe.”

“Willow, hey, it’s ok. There’s no water.”

“I can’t breathe!” I scream.

Jagger grips my shoulders and spins me around.

“Look at me!” he orders.

I open my eyes, heaving and panting.

“Follow me; just follow what I’m doing. Breathe in deeply.”

“I can’t!”

“You can!”

I struggle to take deep breath and it only fills my lungs half way.

“Another, come on.”

I try again, this time it gets a little further.

“Keep going.”

After five minutes I’m breathing properly again and my shaking has subsided. I close my eyes and wipe my hand over my face. Jagger grips my chin and tilts my head up.

“What just happened?”

“Nightmare, it’s nothing.”

“Bullshit, that wasn’t any old nightmare.”

“It’s none of your business,” I cry, leaping up.

“I was only trying to help.” He says, throwing his hands up.

“My life is none of your business Jagger, I never asked for any of this so stop pretending like you care. We all know you don’t care!”

“I care!”

“Bullshit!” I scream, “You’re a monster, nothing but a monster!”

I spin on my heel and rush towards my room, slamming the door loudly when I get in. I drop to my knees and I cry. I feel awful right away, I shouldn’t have said those things to Jagger. He isn’t a monster; he’s never been a monster to me. I sit on the floor until I’m out of thoughts. In the lounge I hear some music start playing loudly, and I curl up listening to it until my breathing is deep and steady again.

Won’t you let me, see beneath your beautiful,

Won’t you let me, see beneath your perfect,

Take it off now boy, take it off now boy,

I wanna see inside, won’t you let me,

See beneath your beautiful, tonight.

I get off the floor and slowly walk out towards the sound.  Jagger’s in the lounge, standing by the window, his arms above his head and his forehead resting against the glass. His knuckles are bruised and battered and he’s heaving. He’s been hitting things again. Did my words hurt him that badly? My chest clenches.

I stare at him for the longest moment, unsure if I should go over and touch him or not. I want to, everything inside me screams to comfort him, but I still doubt myself. What if this isn’t what I think? What if this is just a mental attraction? I don’t want to think about it, I just want to go with what I know.

What I know right now, is that Jagger makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. What I know is I have to trust myself enough to know these feelings are real. I know it’s a bad situation, heck, I know I should hate him but I don’t. Maybe I do have an illness, but right now, in this moment, I want him and that’s enough for me. I step forward and when I reach him, I place my hands on his naked back. He shudders but doesn’t turn.

I run my fingertips up and down his skin, feeling him shiver lightly beneath my touch. I trace little circles, and then move my hands lower and over his perfect, firm backside. He sucks in a breath, but still doesn’t turn. I press myself closer to him, crushing my breasts against his back and reaching around to cup his abdomen. My fingers play and stroke his firm muscles, and I enjoy feeling them move with every stroke.

I press my lips to the skin on his shoulder blades and he groans lightly. I slide my hands up and over his pecks, and then I tweak his nipples lightly. He stiffens and closes his hands over mine, stopping me. Doesn’t he want this? I kiss his back, refusing to stop. His breathing becomes deeper and finally he turns. I keep my head against his skin, and when I feel his chest beneath my lips, I suckle and lick until he’s panting.


“I didn’t mean it Jagger, you’re not a monster.”

“This is wrong,”

“I don’t care anymore, I want you.”

The song booms loudly behind us, and then comes to a stop. I stare into those beautiful blue eyes and I’m lost. My feelings for this man are real, they may be crazy, insane and idiotic but they’re real. He strokes my cheek, and when the next song comes on, he pushes me out into the middle of the lounge room and wraps his arms around me. Before I know it, we’re dancing.

I don’t dare speak, afraid to ruin this beautiful moment between us. Our bodies are moving together and our eyes are locked. It’s the moment where everything comes together and begins to make sense. I know as crazy as it is, my life will never be the same again after knowing this man. The thought both scares and excites me at the same time. I swallow when Jagger moves his head down, capturing my lips in a gentle caress.

I whimper, as pleasure begins shooting through my body. My lips mould with his and he’s moving them over mine gently, softly - bringing me to heights I never thought I could find. He pulls me closer, and I tangle my fingers into the curl of hair at the base of his neck.

“I need you, take me to bed Jagger, please…”

He releases my lips and looks into my eyes again. Then, I’m being scooped into his arms and he walks me to his room. When he flicks the light on, I look around. I’ve never been into or seen Jagger’s room, but it’s very nice. He has a big four post king sized bed in the middle of the room, with dark maroon coverings. He has a big, black Persian rug on the floor and some very exquisite paintings on the walls.

He walks over to the bed and lays me down gently, careful not to hurt me in anyway. I don’t break contact with his eyes as he removes my shirt and bra. His gaze, hungry and desperate, slides over my naked breasts. He kneels and takes my panties, and begins sliding them down my legs. When he tosses them aside, he begins kissing up my calves and thighs. I fall back, so desperate for more.

When he reaches my throbbing sex, he takes my knees and pushes them gently so he can expose me to his hungry gaze. He strokes gently, sliding his finger over my clit and down over my damp sex. Then he brings his finger to his lips and sucks it, I groan and arch, that sight is so erotic. He leans down and slides his tongue from my entrance right up to my aching clit. I cry out and tangle my fingers through the bed sheets.

“Jagger, God, please…”

He sucks my clit into his mouth, drawing an intense shudder from my body. I writhe, so needy. He slides one finger inside me, and sucks my clit furiously until I’m bucking and screaming with a powerful release. He lets me go and kisses my thighs again, before moving up my body until he finds my scar. He kisses little circles all over it and then continues moving up until he reaches my nipples. He sucks each little bud until they form hard peaks, then he moves to my mouth. I can taste myself on him when he slides his tongue into my mouth to gently tease mine.

“Jagger, I need you.”

“Greedy, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I whimper.

He grips his jeans and yanks them down, shuffling until he can kick them off. Then he positions himself over me, propping himself up on his elbows. His body is hot and hard against mine, and I can feel his aching cock against my entrance. He won’t push it in, and I thrust my hips up, begging for him to just fuck me. He smiles down at me, and the sight is truly breathtaking.

“You look beautiful when you smile,” I whisper.

He stops smiling and his gaze becomes intense again. He grips my thighs and forces my legs around him. Then he thrusts inside me so quickly and painfully I cry out and bite down onto his shoulder.

“Ouch, fuck,” he growls.

“You’re hurting me!” I cry.

He stops, and puts his head into the crook of my neck and sighs.

“If you don’t want this,” I whisper, hurt. “Then just stop.”

“I want it.”

“Then why did you hurt me?”

He doesn’t answer; he just thrusts his hips and sends a shiver through me. I cling to him as he pulls back and does it again. His hard length slides in and out, caressing that spot until I’m building higher and higher, desperate for release. He doesn’t move his head from my shoulder, he just thrusts and thrusts with such desperation it hurts my heart.

“Jagger, please, if you don’t…”

He thrust harder, slamming into me with such force it hurts. I cry out and shove at his chest, but he doesn’t stop.

“STOP!” I cry, feeling tears tumble down my cheeks.

He comes to an abrupt halt and slumps down on top of me, not moving his face from my shoulder. I begin sobbing wildly, and I can feel him trembling. He finally lifts his head, and his eyes are wild and confused. He strokes my cheek, and begins whispering sorry and shhh. I cling to him, my body shaking slightly.

“Baby, shhh, I’m sorry.”

Why did he call me baby? I’m not his baby. I’m nothing to him.

“Shhh, come on.”

I hiccup and whimper, burying my face into his neck. He moves to pull out of me, but the friction turns my sob into a moan. He stills, no doubt confused. He pushes back in and I groan again, so he slides back out. Soon, his pace is soft and gentle; bringing me to the edge and my crying is turned into a mass of hiccups and moans. He gently rocks his hips, letting off little moans of pleasure while he drives me to the edge.

“Oh…God…” I scream as I shudder around him with my first orgasm.

He grunts, and then I feel him pulsing inside me. His release is silent, aside from that one, pained grunt. When he stops moving, we both lay there, neither speaking. I know what he’s thinking, this situation is fucked up. It’s wrong in so many ways, hell, that sex was wrong. So why does it still feel so perfect to me? He rolls off finally, and lies beside me, not saying anything for long moments.

“I should go,” I finally say.


It comes out hard and gritty, which tells me he means it. So I don’t answer, I just continue laying and staring at the roof.

“Jagger…what’s going on here?”

He doesn’t answer.


Nothing, nothing’s going on here.”

I sit up quickly. “We’re doing that again are we? Fine, have it your way.”

I roll to get off the bed, but he grips me and flattens me with his body. He crushes my chest down onto the bed and his body lies over mine. I can feel he’s hard against my bottom, again?

“You know the moment in life, when everything you thought you were is suddenly wrong? The moment that changes everything? It changes who you are, who you believe you are and who you’re going to be. You’re that moment, Willow.”

He whispers these words into my ear and my whole body gives way. I melt into the mattress, and into him. He doesn’t move his body off mine; instead, he pushes into me once more; his cock sliding into my wet heat and causing a whimper to escape. He moves slowly over me, sliding his hips backwards and forwards until I am shuddering and crying out once more.

“I hate that I want you, but I can’t stop,” he whispers into my ear, “I can’t stop this.”

“I know, oh God, I know.”

“Move your ass up Willow, let me fuck you deeper.”

His words cause a shiver to run through me. I raise my ass and he grips my hips, driving harder into me. I groan and tangle my fingers in the sheets until I’m coming around him again. He brings me to orgasm with his fingers on my clit and his length sliding in and out of me at least two more times before he finally finds another release of his own.

When he rolls off me for the second time, I remain with my face down and my body weak. I don’t roll; I just lay on my stomach until he crawls up beside me. He wraps and arm around me and pulls me to his side. I don’t say anything; I just lay there wondering what the hell we are doing. The feeling is real, and it isn’t just one sided. He feels it too, his words prove that.

“Are you ok?” He asks.

I nod, weakly.

“Don’t look ok...”

“I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

I roll to my back and stare up at the roof. His fingers trace over the scars on my belly once more.

“What happened?”

I sigh. “It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got all night.”

“It’s a dark side of me Jagger, a side you don’t want to know about.”

“If anyone can deal with dark, it’s me Willow.”

I close my eyes and sigh. “I did it to myself.”

I hear him make a pained sound, but he doesn’t speak, he just lets me keep talking.

“I blamed myself for my Mother’s depression. I blamed myself for my family falling apart. I was an unhappy teen, my life was in turmoil. My Father was away all the time, I was left to look after my baby Sister who didn’t know who her Father was and I had no support. I just had guilt. When I was sixteen, I tried to slit my wrists…it didn’t work.”

Jagger traces the faint scars on my wrists and brings it to his lips and kisses softly.

“I got help, but it didn’t last long. When I was eighteen, I couldn’t take the agony anymore. It was all just too much. My Father didn’t care about me; my Sister had her own life. I wasn’t needed. The nightmares had begun taking over my life. It was all too much. One afternoon…I smashed the window in the bathroom and I sliced my stomach up so badly I nearly died. It was only that my Sister came over and found me, by fluke, otherwise I would be dead.”


“I’m easily depressed Jagger, though before this my life was starting to pick up and I was beginning to feel ok.”

“Then I came along and ruined that…”

“You’re a dark soul too Jagger, you’re the only person who I’ve told this to, that hasn’t suggested I seek help…”

“I know what it’s like to be dark inside Willow; I’ve lived my entire life with darkness.”

“Is that why you’re in a gang?”

My boys are my life, I have no one else. They’re my family, my life line, my blood.”

“I understand that.”

“Tell me about your nightmares.”

I shudder. “When I was four, my…my Mother tried to kill me.”

He sucks in a breath and his body stills. “What?”

“She thought it was for the best. She was sick and she thought people would hurt me when she wasn’t around. We were out swimming one day and…she just held me under the water. I couldn’t get away; it was only because a man happened to be passing by that I survived. I guess that’s twice I’ve been lucky enough to get help. I see it all the time in my sleep; I feel that water surrounding me.”

“I’m sorry; I know how it feels to have parents like yours.”

“I bet you do.”

He nods and we lay silently for a long, long moment.

“Are you hungry?”

My stomach growls in answer and he snorts. He gets up and pulls on his jeans. I stare with pure female appreciation at the ass that fills out those jeans and the body that ripples when he moves. Jagger is so fucking gorgeous; it hurts to look at him. When he walks out, I lay for a moment more before getting up and dressing myself. When I walk into the kitchen, he’s digging through the cupboards.

“What do you want?” He asks.

“You can cook?”

He snorts and turns to give me a look. “No.”

“How did you survive before me?”

“Frozen meals,”

‘That’s bad for you.”

“Then get over here and cook me something.”


He grins and walks over to me, putting his hands on my hips and pressing me back into the bench. His lips come down close to mine and I shiver.

“Are you defying me, little girl?”

“I might be.”


His lips graze my neck and I shudder. I grip his sides, pressing my palms flat against his skin. It’s hot beneath my hands and it only increases my want. I slide my hands up and around until I find his pecks. I knead them and he groans, nipping my earlobe.

“I can’t go again, you’re gonna kill me.”

“Old man,”

He huffs and pulls back, and I smile up at him innocently.

“Don’t smile at me like that.”

“Come on, find me some food.”

He turns with a snort and pulls out some bread, ham and cheese. He whips together some sandwiches and hands me one. I roll my eyes, but take a big bite.

“Hmmmm, the simple ham sandwich,” I grin.

“It’s the best I’ve got.”

We eat in silence and talk for a few more hours about our lives, and then I head to bed. When I’m curled under the covers, I think about how our relationship has turned. I’m no longer afraid of Jagger, nor do I like the idea that I may never see him again. He’s grown on me, and that both frightens and excites me.

I fall into the first deep sleep I’ve had since I’ve been here. When I wake late in the morning, it’s because of the intense cramps in my pelvis region. Oh no. Oh no. I leap out of bed and stare down. Blood everywhere. Oh God! How did I not feel that my period was coming? How could I be so careless? I’m one of those unlucky girls that it springs itself on, and it’s always bad. I put my head in my hands and cry, how can I walk out there and tell Jagger I’ve messed up his sheets?

I stand and rush into the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and get into the shower quickly, washing away the blood. Then I realize not only do I have to tell him about the sheets, I have to ask him for protection. I put my hands over my face and exhale loudly. How horrible can this possibly get for me?

When I finally get out of the shower, I pull on some clothes and stare at the bed sheets. Maybe I can wash them myself. I pull them off the bed and bundle them up, and walk tentatively out into the kitchen. Jagger is standing in a pair of boxers, leaning over the counter looking at his phone. His eyes move up to stare at me when I make a sound.

“What’re you doin’ with all your sheets?” he asks.


“Go on and spit it out Willow,”

“Well, last night, I um…”

He walks over and I step back, my cheeks are flushed and I feel my lip beginning to tremble. Damn hormones!

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I’m so ashamed.”

“What happened?”

I look away and he grips my chin, moving my eyes to his. “Willow?”

“I…I…ruined your sheets!”


God he’s going to be so disgusted, so horrified.

“I got my period.”

I dare to peek up at him, and his eyes are wide. He curses and turns, storming into the kitchen.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

He turns to look at me. “Don’t be sorry, God, I should have thought about…that.”

“I know you’re probably disgusted, I’ll go and wash them and…”


I turn and rush towards the stairs, but he comes over and grips my arm, spinning me around.

“I’m not disgusted. Not by a long shot.”

“I’m horrified!”

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, all women get it. Do you need…ummm…?”

Oh God, could this get any worse?

“Yes.” I mumble, staring at the floor.

“Oh…um…where do I? I mean…where do I get that? Should I call Maggie?”

“I’m not dying Jagger!”

“Right, right, well…I’ll go and…get some.”

“Oh God!” I say, covering my face.

“I can’t leave you with…nothing,”

“Take me with you.”

“I can’t do that; you know I can’t do that. People are watching and looking for you Willow, and not only good people but bad people too.”

“But…you have to buy…”

He looks a little pale. “Um, what do I buy?”

“Oh my God, this is horrible!”

“Look, just tell me what I have to do and I’ll do it.”

I put my face down and close my eyes, “Tampons…just tampons.”

“Right…ummm…what size?”

I begin laughing hysterically, I’ve lost it. “There’s not a size, Jagger!”

“Well I didn’t know that. Some women are…you know…”

“Bigger down there?”

“Right, well, I’ll go now before this gets anymore embarrassing for either of us.”

“I’m sorry,” I say.

“Don’t be.”

He grips his keys and takes a pair of jeans from the couch and pulls them on. Then he yanks on a black shirt and disappears out the door before I can say another word.


When Jagger gets back, I’ve washed the sheets and my clothes. He walks up the stairs with three bags. Jesus, how many tampons did he buy? He tosses them on the kitchen counter and gives me an exhausted look.

“I just got hit on, a lot.”


“Apparently it’s horribly sweet, kind and generous of a ‘boyfriend’,” he makes air quotes, “to get his ‘girlfriend’ tampons.”

I giggle and he rolls his eyes.

“So you got hit on?”

“Yes, I got hit on by two women who saw me staring stupidly at the tampon rack. They helped me out…”

“I’m sorry Jagger,” I giggle hysterically.

“No you’re not, you like this revenge.”

He opens the bag while I’m still giggling. He tosses me three packets of tampons. Then he pulls out chocolate, ice cream, frozen pizza and movies. I stare at him in shock.

“What’s all that?”

“The girls said you’d be crazy hormonal and would need lots of bad, bad food. They also said movies…so…I got you some. I got you pain killers too, and some fancy ass heat shit that makes it all better.”

I’ve stopped giggling and I’m staring at him now, swallowing down my tears. This has to be the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. He looks over at me and his eyes soften.

“From laughing to crying, the women were right about the hormones.”

I launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his, kissing him with such ferocity it takes him a moment to respond. He does though, giving me a soft little kiss in return.

“Whoa there tiger, you’re out of bounds now.”

“Thank you Jagger, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

He raises his browns, “That’s just sad.”

“Sad but true.”

He looks hurt for a moment, and then he nods. “Well, I stole you, the least I can do is make sure you’re ok.”

“Thank you.”

“Yeah well…I’m not all bad. Now go and sort yourself out.”

I take the bag of goodies and smile at him, he returns it weakly. He’s not himself this morning and I wonder what’s going on? I walk into the bedroom and clean myself up, relieved that is over. He dealt with it really well considering. When I’m cleaned up, I come out and he’s on the phone. He talks quickly and harshly.

“Yeah, bring him over.”

He hangs up the phone and turns to me, his face looks a little…hurt.

“Is everything ok?”

He nods, and begins rummaging through the kitchen to find food for breakfast, or lunch, whichever we’re at. He’s slamming things and cursing. Something’s definitely NOT ok.


He doesn’t answer; he just slams a tin down on the bench and swears once more.


He spins around to glare at me. “What?”

“What’s the problem?”

“They’ve got your Father, he’s coming here.”

My heart comes to an abrupt halt and I stare at him. My Father, I’ve thought a lot about him but now he’s captured and it’s all becoming real. Did he come out for me, or did they find him? Does he care that I’m missing? Does he care about me?


“He’s fine. We won’t hurt him if he gives us what we want. Angel found his location and they got hold of him last night. They’ll be here in half an hour.”

My heart sinks. He didn’t come out on his own? I look down and Jagger grips my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“Don’t look like that, he doesn’t deserve you.”

“He didn’t come out for me, I knew he wouldn’t but…I thought…”

“He made calls, he was concerned. It was enough to track him.”

I nod, turning away.

“I’m need to be alone…”

“I’m sorry Willow…”

“I’m tired, I’ll see you later.”

“Don’t you want to see him?”

I pause, thinking about that. “I don’t know.”

I walk into my room without another word. My emotions are shot and I don’t know how I feel about the idea of seeing my Father again. I’m so angry at him, so hurt and confused. I thought he was dead, there were times I knew I’d never see him again and I felt the pain for that. All of it. I guess this means now I can go…

I don’t even know how I feel about home anymore. I dread the idea that I might look over my shoulder for the rest of my life. I ache at the thought of never seeing Jagger again. It’s all confusing and it’s probably about time I found my freedom. If I don’t go, I’ll never free myself from this depression.

I’m in the middle of pondering how the next two hours of my life will go, when I hear the voices outside. He’s here, my dad, the man I thought was dead, is here. I take a deep breath and step out the door and there he is, cuffed and sitting on the couch surrounded by the five men.

His eyes fall on me and widen. I feel a sob rise in my throat and I make a strangled sound. My Father looks exactly the same, with his dark brown hair and light blue eyes. We share similar features; the same full lips and skin tone. His eyes meet mine and I’m not sure if I see the right emotion pass through them. He looks…dead – emotionless even.


The men all turn to stare at me, and my eyes fall on Jagger’s for just a moment. He looks sorry; I guess that’s something right?

“Willow, you’re ok.” My father says simply.

That’s it? You’re ok? After all these years, that’s all I get.

“That’s it?” I whisper. “You have nothing else to say for yourself?”

“I’m sorry you thought I was dead, I couldn’t tell you.”

“And what about dealing with gangs and bad people? You didn’t think that might affect me?”

“Willow, can we do this later?”

My eyes widen and hot tears tumble down my cheeks.

“You know what; I hope you get everything you deserve. You pig.”


I spin around and rush out. When I get into my room, I begin throwing my clothes into my bag. Jagger rushes in behind me and his eyes fall on my bags.

“What’re you doing?”

“You have him; a promise is a promise Jagger.”

He stares at me, his blue eyes intense. “I guess it is.”

“Well then, I’m free to go…right?”

He looks away, his face hardening, “Right.”

“And the other gang; am I safe?”

“I have what they want, they have no reason to go anywhere near you now. They will come after me. I don’t think you’re in danger. Angel said they know we have your Father.”

And that’s it?”

He shrugs his face stony hard. “That’s it; it’s all over for you.”


I’m not going to keep you here when you have wanted nothing but to leave for the past month. It’s clear what you want and I made you a promise. I intend to stick by it. If that isn’t what you want…”

It is what I want,” I say, I have to do this. I have to leave. “I’ll go.”

“If you have somethin’ to say Willow, say it now because I don’t play fuckin’ mind games. You just said you wanted to leave, so fuckin’ leave!”

Oh now he’s mad? How can he be mad?

“What do you want Jagger?” I snap, hurt by his outburst.

“Nothin’, I want fuckin’ nothin’!”

“If that’s how you feel, fine, this will be easy.”


“I want to go now, Jagger.”

“Fine, I won’t argue with you.”

He turns and storms out, and I stand staring at him go. I know I should speak up, but what can I possibly say? I want to stay? No, I don’t want to stay but I don’t want to walk away from him either. For my own sanity, I have to leave and take the time to clear my head. I pick up my few things, and then I walk out and down the stairs, I don’t see my Father again, they’ve taken him into the basement and I push the images from my mind. I get into the front seat of Jagger’s car and a moment later he slides in beside me.

“Can we do this later? I want to talk and I’ve got shit to do…”

There’s nothing to say, if you can’t take me home, let me call someone.”


“Please, you’re right, I do want to go home so just take me home. Now.”

He hisses a curse and starts the car, and begins driving. We drive for a solid two hours before I finally see the city. Where the hell did he have me? My stomach twists at the idea of going home. I’ve wanted it for so long, so why does it hurt so much? When we pull up at my apartment complex, it doesn’t surprise me that he knows where I live. He hands me my handbag and I gasp.

“You had this the whole time?”

“Of course I fuckin’ did.”

He pulls out my phone and thrusts it at me. “My number is in there, if anyone bothers you or anything happens, call me. You’re not completely safe until I get rid of Manchez.”


“If you hear anything, anything at all, call me. Don’t hide things from me Willow, I’ll find them out eventually.”

“Are you done?” I snap.

I pull the phone from his hand, and his fingers graze mine. I look up and meet his pained gaze. I wait - part of me hoping he will say something and break this awful silence, but he simply turns and stares out the front.

“Good luck.” He mutters.

That’s it? I stole you for over a month, and my acquaintances made your life a living hell, but good luck?

“That’s it?” I whisper.

“What more do you fuckin’ want from me? You refused to talk with me. I’m holding up my end of the deal, now get outta my car.”

I nod, swallowing and step out of the car. He plants his foot down as soon as I’ve shut the door, and angry tears course down my face. It’s over. It’s all over. What will I do now? How can I possibly ever be normal again? How can I possibly ever forget him?




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