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Devil in a Suit (Cocky Suits Book 1) by Alex Wolf (17)


Brooke completely ghosted me, and I can’t figure out why. Maybe her phone died and she couldn’t text me or she was working late. She is a workaholic. Or maybe there was an emergency.

I didn’t know if anything happened to her. She could’ve been in a car wreck. So many terrible possibilities run through my mind. What if she’s in the hospital? I have no way of knowing. The realization that I care about her more than I’ve ever cared about anyone slams into me like a wall of bricks.

I’ve never wanted a relationship, but I’m enjoying what we have going on. I thought I could maybe try for her.

I finally got tired of waiting on her and asked my driver to scope out her building. He said he saw her and a friend sitting on her balcony. I can’t stop picturing her in her sexy lingerie giving me a massage, taking me in her mouth, bending her over the counter and fucking her senseless till her body was putty in my hands.

I haven’t decided what to do. It won’t end like this. It might serve me right for all the broken hearts I’ve left scattered along the way. Maybe this is payback for all the women I’ve kicked out as soon as I was done with them. The one woman I want doesn’t want me. How fitting is that?

Maybe her friend was just having a bad day and she had to comfort her. Chicks do that kind of stuff, right? It’s like meeting a buddy at happy hour to bitch about nagging girlfriends or wives or something? How am I supposed to know? But, why wouldn’t she call and cancel? That’s what adults do.

My assistant buzzes me over the intercom. “Mr. Hunter, umm, sir? There’s a Brooke Murphy to see you. She doesn’t have an appointment.”

Maybe she’s here to explain. My heart comes alive. I’ll definitely be using this to my advantage later. “Send her in.” I straighten up my suit using my reflection in the window.

I stand by my desk, watching her walk down the hall through the glass walls. She looks fucking sexy dressed up in her attorney outfit.

Her hair is pulled back from her face and she struts through my door in a form-fitting charcoal skirt and white top that hugs her tits just right.

I lean against the edge of my desk and fold my arms over my chest to stop myself from kissing her. Is she here on business? Maybe we should role play this some time, because I like what I see. I flash her a fake glare. “Well, this is a surprise. Can I get you a coffee or something?”

She matches my glare right back, and her teeth grind together. “I’m fine.”

Interesting. She looks legitimately pissed off. What the hell did I do? “Seems like you’re upset. Are you here on actual business?” I quirk an eyebrow up at her.

One hand moves to her hip and she taps one of her feet. “Yep.”

“Not sure what I’ve done. You’re going to have to enlighten me.”

She tosses the manila folder full of the Pike proposal that I drafted right at my feet.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

“Wanna explain that shit?” Her eyes dart to the folder and back up at me.

My jaw ticks as the worst thought possible hits me. “Please don’t tell me your name is actually Misty. I might need to take a shower—in battery acid.” A shudder rips up my spine at the thought of Brooke banging Pike.

Her face tightens, and then grows hot like an ember in a fire. “You.” She points a finger like she’s still searching for words. “You just keep digging your hole even deeper, you dumb fuck. Do I look pregnant to you?” She balls her hands into fists.

For whatever reason, my eyes immediately dart down to her waist before I can stop them.

“Don’t you dare fucking answer that question.”

She looks like she wants to put my nuts in a vise and crush them.

I take a step back, and for some reason, my cock gets hard seeing her like this. “I need some fucking information because I don’t know what’s going on here. Can you please help me understand?”

“Misty’s my best friend.”

Oh fuck.

“She was at my apartment bawling her eyes out all weekend. Understand now?”

My jaw tensed. “Did you read the proposal?”

She shoves a finger in my face. “Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid.”

“No, I mean read the proposal. Like read between the fucking lines.” My eyes widen.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Hunter.

God, my cock aches when she says my name all pissed off like that. For the first time in my life, I want him to go away and leave me alone.

“I’ll be representing her.” She crosses her arms and it pushes her tits up high and tight against her blouse.

I turn away and try to think about anything but spanking her for talking to me this way. “Fuck, fuck.” I mumble the words where I think she can’t hear.

“Something in your throat?”

Jesus, she’s ruthless. I might be falling for her. “Can we discuss this like adults if you’re going to represent her?”

“Are you suggesting that I’m behaving like a child, Mr. Hunter?”

Goddamn it!

I’ve had about enough of this. I whip around to face her and try to look through her like I do every other attorney that steps up to me like this. “If you’re going to come into my office.” I take a step forward and she backs up a step. “You’ll treat me with respect, or you’ll get the fuck out.”

I watch her heartbeat speed up on her neck. She’s aroused. I can practically smell her wet pussy under that skirt.

“You have to earn my respect.”

“It goes both ways. So if you want to talk shop, sit down and we can discuss this without you jumping to conclusions and acting like an asshole in here.”

She doesn’t admit to doing any of that, but slowly takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. She waves me forward with a flippant hand and crosses her legs. “Proceed, counselor.”

I tell her about Pike’s plan. I shouldn’t, but I’m at the point where I don’t even give a fuck if I do something to get me disbarred. I have enough money to last ten lifetimes and I’m sick of all this shit.

“You remember Maxwell? He’s got a PI investigating Carol. If we somehow prove she cheated first, then the clause about kids won’t matter. Right now, the best thing for Misty to do is lay low. Pike will make sure she is cared for.” I lock eyes with her. “Is this why you ghosted on me?”

She looks away as I lower the blinds to my office. “Yes.”

“You know what I think?”

“What’s that?”

“I think you’re too close to this and you need to take a deep breath. Misty and Pike are adults. They can figure their own shit out. They made their bed and now they need to lie in it. And I have to do what my client wants. So do you. Remember?”

“He’s a piece of shit. How do you work for a man like that?”

“It’s business. My job. I feel bad for the kid. I really do. But you can grow up worse ways than having a billionaire for a parent.”

“Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night? Rationalize this huge office building and a penthouse? It’s my job too, but I don’t represent assholes like that. We’re allowed to turn down cases. You learned that at—” She stares off at my wall, and then down at the ground and mumbles, “umm, Princeton. Right?”

“Yeah, you don’t own a firm. I have other people to consider besides myself. And it doesn’t change the fact that you’re emotional. Misty is your friend. You’re mad at the situation. Not at me. Be mad at Pike. He could throw everything away and run off with your friend if he wanted. They’re grownups.”

“He made his choice.”

“Yeah, I had no say in it. You think I want your friend to hurt?”

She shakes her head, staring off at the wall.

“Still not a believer of fate?” I crouch in front of her and run my fingers up her thigh.

She tenses under my tender touch.

“I believe in choices and consequences. You know that.”

“Then why does the world keep shoving us together every chance it gets?” I kiss her hand. “I think we could have something if you’d give us a chance.”

“I should go.” She tries to push me away, but I don’t budge.

She’s too worked up. I need to help her out with that. Show her what a true humanitarian I really am. I need to remind her how good we can be together.

Pressing my lips to hers, I lick the seam of her mouth, begging for entrance.

“We both know what you want right now.” I press my cock up against her.

Finally, she kisses me back. Her tongue sweeps across mine. She tastes like—home. I could kiss her forever and never want to let her go.

I back her up to the window, not giving her a chance to break away from me, and I lower the blinds. One by one, I walk her around the room, until it’s just us and the door is locked.

My hands move to her blouse. It’s in the way and it shouldn’t be. I grab her firm tits, growling when her bra is in the way. I yank it down to her stomach, and take both nipples between my fingers and squeeze, hard.

“Holy shit.” She pants like she just ran a marathon. “Weston.” She breathes out my name. “We’re in your office.”

“No one can see us.” I flip her around and bend her over my desk. “You know better than to come into my work.” I pull my tie off with a swipe of my hand and tie her hands up behind her back with it. “Disrespect me.” I yank her skirt up over her ass.

My cock grows harder, thinking about how sweet my handprints will look on it.

“Turning me on. Teasing me. Being a naughty little bitch, backtalking me.”

“Oh my God.” Her cheek rests flat on my desk, and I walk around to her side.

My cock juts out in my pants, and she licks her lips at the sight of it inches from her face.

“You want to suck that dick right now, don’t you?”

She shakes her head in defiance.

“I know what you want, Brooke. I know you. And you’re going to sit there, while I turn this ass pink.”

“Jesus.” Her breaths are still labored while she stares right at my dick.

“If you behave. Maybe I’ll put it in your mouth.”

“You’re such an arrogant prick. You think everyone wants you.”

Fuck, I want to give her a gold medal for turning me on. So fucking sassy.

I lean down to her ear and snake my hand up the back of her thigh, all the way to her ass. “Now, tell me the truth. You want me to fuck you right now, don’t you?”

She shakes her head, but with a hint of a smile on her face. “No.”

I shift over behind her and go to my knees, then exhale all the way up the back of her legs. When I reach her pussy, I grip her thighs in my palms and spread her out with my thumbs. Then I sniff the air right next to her hot little cunt. “The court determines that’s a lie.”

“Holy shit.”

I shift her panties to the side and stand up straight. Fuck getting my cock sucked, this needy cunt is like a magnet, pulling me toward it. I unzip and don’t even bother pulling my pants down.

I smack one of my palms down on her bare ass and the sound echoes through my office.

Brooke jolts for a second, her whole body stiff, then relaxes into it and lets out a sigh of approval.

“That’s for calling me a heartless asshole.”

“I didn’t


“That’s for backtalking me just now.” I smile at my handprint on her ass, and then groan at how bad it makes my cock ache.

“Is that all you’ve got, Mr. Hunter?”

I shake my head and trace the outline of her pussy with the head of my dick.

She squirms a little, then tries to push her ass back onto it.


“What was that one for, sir?”

“Because I wanted to.” I slam into her from behind, and I have to imagine it’s what shooting up heroin or morphine feels like.

Instantaneous euphoria rushing through my veins.

When she squeezes around me I forget where I’m at and what I’m doing for a moment. All I can do is stand there and grunt.

“Fuck me hard.”

I ball her hair into my fist, and her back arches, giving me deeper access. “You want it rough? Want me to take my day out on you?”


I start a steady pace, pumping into her from behind while light moans roll off her tongue.

“That can be arranged.”

“Arrange it then, pussy.”

I smack her ass again, and ignore her little attempt at insulting me. “Fuck, I missed this sweet cunt.”

“Is that all you missed?”

My hand slides from her hair to her shoulder, and I grip her around her collar bone. “No.”

She bucks her hips back into me, taking it just as hard as I give it.

I need to come inside her. I need to mark her. Own her. Show her she’s mine, and nothing will ever change that.

I’ve met my match.

She’s my one.

Before long, I’m hammering into her so fast and hard I’m sure the entire office has heard what’s going on. I don’t give one fuck. I’m in love with her, and I don’t give a shit. She clamps down on me with her second orgasm in as much as ten minutes, and I blow my hot load all inside her pussy, like I always do. I have every time I’ve been with her, and I don’t plan to stop.

I want it all. I don’t want anything between us.

She’s real. The most real thing in my world, and I’m not giving that up for anyone or anything.

After I collapse into her back and push some sweaty strands of hair from her face, she turns to me.

“We’re out of control.”

I smile. “Yeah, we definitely are. But that’s how I like us.”

She glances away and blushes. “What are we going to do about Misty and Pike? I can’t have her on my couch forever.”

“Let her have your bed. You can sleep in mine.” I smirk.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit fast?”

“We practically live together at the hotel anyway. Now, we’ll be in my bed where we belong. I don’t know what we’re doing. I’m not making any promises. I just know this thing with us—it feels right.”

“I don’t want any promises. But okay. If you’re willing to try, so am I.”

“That’s all I want.”

I kiss her forehead and untie her, then pull her into a hug.

When we walk out of my office the whole damn floor erupts in applause. My brother is the damn ring leader.

I grin and shake my head at him.


Brooke blushes but I tilt her chin up and kiss her again in front of everyone. They all need to get used to it, because she’s not going anywhere.