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Dirty Deeds by Lauren Landish (32)


“A blob!” Roxy guesses excitedly as Layla spreads her arms out, wiggling them around before making big circles with her hands. I have no idea how Roxy’s getting blob out of it, but then again, I have no damn clue what Layla’s trying to say either.

We’re sitting in the living room playing Charades after dinner. It was nice, too. There was no gaming between us, just a good time. Mindy seemed to enjoy herself. She smiled, and as we talked, I felt myself being drawn to her more and more.

Not that I’m going soft. I can't stop thinking about the feel of her tight, slick pussy on my fingers or the way her teeth bit into my skin when she came. Now, playing Charades and having her next to me, I’m . . . torn. Good guy, bad guy, or just be the guy for Mindy? I can’t decide anymore, except that I fucking want her.

“Fat ass!” Roxy yells, pulling me back to the game. “Mindy has a fat ass!”

Layla drops her act, throwing her hands in the air. “I meant to say Mindy has a big brain. That she’s smart!”

“You’re horrible!” Mindy says with a huge laugh. “You couldn’t wait to do that. I’ve seen you trying to get it in for three rounds now.”

Roxy laughs. “You know I was just playing. If anything, you could gain some back there.”

“I don’t mind Mindy’s curves myself,” I say, rubbing her thigh. “They’re in all the right places.”

Mindy blushes, but before the next round can start, my phone rings. I pull it out to see that it’s from Gavin. Showing Mindy the caller ID, I excuse myself and go outside to the patio, where it’s another picture perfect night. “Gavin, what’s up?”

“Hey, Oliver, I was just calling to see how things are going,” Gavin says with a chuckle. “Brianna and I haven’t heard from you two. We got worried.”

“It’s going pretty good, actually,” I say, leaning against a wrought iron fence and chuckling. “We’re playing Charades, believe it or not.”

“Really? Doesn’t sound like your style,” Gavin says. “Any sparks between you and Mindy? At each other’s throats?”

I chuckle. Oh, there’s been sparks all right. “Nah, we’re good. I’m not going to lie, there were a few hiccups at the start, but everything’s going well now.”

“I'm glad to hear that.” There's relief in Gavin's voice, and I know he cares about Mindy beyond her being his wife’s best friend. “I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure if you could pull it off. Have you checked in on your brother yet?”

“I need to call him after this, actually. I’ve been meaning to. Do you know if my house is still in one piece?”

“From what I can tell. At least nobody’s called the cops yet.”

I shake my head. Hopefully, Gavin’s joking. “Well, I’d better take care of that then. Mindy’s mom is all about family time, so I won’t have a lot of time. Take care, man.”

“You too. And be good to her, okay?”

“You know it,” I say, hanging up the call. I tap my phone against my chin for a moment, then dial Anthony’s cell. It’s a good sign when he picks up on the second ring. “Hey, Tony?”

“Oli, I’m dyin’ here,” Anthony says. “She’s kicking my ass.”

I chuckle. “If she could kick your ass, I wouldn’t be worried. You doing okay?”

“Let’s see,” Anthony says under his breath. “I’m doing laundry, cleaned the whole house top to bottom, and so far, the closest thing I’ve had to getting laid was some late night downloaded porn. How do you think I’m doing?”

“Sounds just fine to me,” I crack, and Anthony laughs. “Seriously, though, Mom’s doing okay?”

“Yeah, we’re doing fine,” Anthony says. Suddenly, music comes on in the background, and Anthony scrambles. “Sorry, I had my game on pause. The network just put me back in.”

“What else have you been up to in your free time?” I ask, not really caring about his game.

“Nothing, just chilling and doing my best to take care of Mom, that’s all. She’s saying I should go out Friday night, so maybe I’ll bounce then. Hey, speaking of that, you bang that chick yet?”

I ignore his question, and Anthony gets the message. He changes subjects. “Hey, Martha wants me to go with her to look at some property that you said you want to look at.”

“I think she can do that fine by herself,” I reply. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Well, she's insisting. Don't you trust me? I looked at a lot of property for Dad.”

I sigh, nodding as I reply. “Okay. Go on, but no shenanigans.”

Anthony laughs. “Dude, I can be serious when I need to be. You gotta have faith in me.”

He’s right, and Anthony needs something to do besides porn, video games, and helping Mom around the house. “That's what scares me. All right, man, you take a look and tell me about it when I get back. Take care of Mom.”

I hang up from him and go back inside, where I find that the game’s wrapped up and everyone’s gone to bed except Mindy, Layla, and Roxy. Layla’s got a drink, while Roxy is leaning back, her legs kicked over the arm of her chair, laughing at something. “What’d I miss?”

“Roxy sent everyone to bed with her silliness. She answered John’s attempt at ‘John Wayne’ with ‘my sister likes anal’.” Mindy rolls her eyes. “You’re worse than me, you know that? You have no filter,” she says, looking at Roxy.

Roxy throws her hands up. “Yeah, well, we all suck at that game. Someone had to bring the fun.”

Mindy shakes her head, yawning. “Well, I’m a little tired too. I think I’m going to bed with my future husband.”

The way she says those words makes my heart pound in my chest. Her future husband. Does that mean she’s going to perform her wifely duties? My cock twitches in my pants and excitement courses through my veins. Her future husband. Damn.

I get up off the sofa and help Mindy to her feet. Her hand stays in mine, and I swear her fingers squeeze mine even after we get up. I barely pay attention until my calf bumps the coffee table, and I turn to see Roxy grinning. “Good night, ladies,” I tell them.

Roxy’s grin widens. “Goodnight, lovebirds.”

We walk upstairs to our room, and I’m feeling blood rush through me every step of the way. This isn’t teasing like before, and it certainly isn’t the aggressiveness that I gave her earlier. Mindy’s fingers are entwined in mine the whole way, and her demeanor seems different.

She’s ready.

“What’s up?” I ask softly to make sure nobody overhears us. “Charades bore you to death?”

“No,” Mindy says, giving me a deep, longing look. “But after earlier, we both know things are different. And I’d rather do it this way than someone walking in on us.”

I lean in close, and Mindy pauses for only a second before putting her hand on my neck and pulling me in for a kiss. Our first kiss was nearly forced, and the second was in front of her family. Earlier, I kissed her neck and she was passionate, but it was just sex.

This is smoldering. Her tongue slides over mine, and I taste her mouth. I feel her press her body against mine as her hand pulls me in deeper, and we’re both promising the other things with our lips that words can’t even begin to explain. She moans softly into my mouth and I groan back, my cock throbbing in my pants as she cups me, and we pull back. She turns and starts up the stairs, her voice shaky. “How’s that?”

“Not bad,” I grin, letting her know it was amazing. I take her hand again. “So what did you think of today?”

“It was an interesting day,” she says as we reach the door to our bedroom. “I loved how you handled Bertha. That was sweet.”

We go inside, and I close the door, pushing Mindy against it, not pinning her but just keeping her there by the force of my eyes alone. “What else did you love?”

Her lower lip trembles as she looks at me. We both know what we want, and while it feels dangerous, I don’t care. I need her, and the rush I get from having her this close is bigger than anything else I’ve felt in my entire life.

I place my hands on her waist, tugging her away from the door and close to me, pressing her body against me and looking into her beautiful eyes. “You haven’t answered me yet.”

Mindy doesn’t answer. Instead, she puts her arms around my neck and I know I have her. She’s mine. The girl who has excited me since the first time I saw her picture is totally mine.

I lean in for the kill, intent on working her body from this side of the moon to Sunday, when there's a knock at the door.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.


I pull away from Oliver with a gasp, my skin prickling with desire. I want him so fucking badly I can practically taste it.

I shiver. Ever since dinner started, I felt like I was just going along, doing what came naturally, waiting for this moment. From the moment I stood up and took his hand, it was like my mind was on cruise control.

But can I control what comes after?

“Don’t answer that,” I say breathlessly, leaning back in to kiss him again.

Oliver begins to shake his head when I hear Roxy's muffled voice. “Mindy, open up. I know you're not asleep yet. You guys literally just left the living room.”

I roll my eyes, cursing my sister. I turn around and take the two steps to open the door. Roxy is standing there with a smile on her face while holding Bertha in her arms. “What?”

“Ooh, I hope I didn't interrupt anything,” she says, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

I want to choke her. “Oh, yeah, I was just about to pull out my strap-on. Oli’s got a fetish, you know.”

She slaps me playfully on the arm. “You liar!” She looks over my shoulder at Oliver. “She’s lying, right?”

“You’ll never know,” Oliver says.

I nod at Bertha. “What's this?”

Roxy grins again. “After Mr. Dog Whisperer here showed his skills today, I thought this would be the best place for her for tonight. So . . . here.”

She thrusts Bertha forward, and I step back, totally disbelieving. “What are you doing?”

Roxy nods. “Grandma was going to kill her, and Mom wouldn't let her stay in her room tonight because she had an accident or something. She kept running and pawing on Maw Maw's door. That used to be mom’s room. I tried to take her with me, but she kept whining and I want to be able to sleep.”

“And you think she’s gonna be fine here with a couple of strangers?”

Before Roxy can reply, Oliver walks over and takes Bertha from her hands. “It’s fine, we’ve got this. Goodnight, Roxy.”

I turn to glower at him, but when I see the small dog in his arms, my heart melts. “Yeah . . . goodnight, Roxy.”

Roxy beams at Oliver. “Thank you. You have a heart of gold, unlike Miss Evanora over here.”

“Goodnight, Roxy,” I repeat forcefully. “Love you.”

I gently shut the door in her face. I hear her mutter some insult on the other side of the door, but I can't make out what it is. Instead, I turn to Oliver. “You must really like dogs.”

He nods, petting her. “I always had golden retrievers. Loyal to a fault and greatly behaved. Bertha’s no retriever, but she’ll do in a pinch.”

Bertha snuggles into his arms, and I swear she's claiming him as her own. I just can't get over how cute she looks in his arms.

I reach out and stroke Bertha’s soft fur. She’s not as bad or as annoying as she was earlier, or maybe it’s just who’s holding her. “I love seeing you hold her.”

A slight smile turns up Oliver’s lips as he stares down at the dog. “Do you, now?”

“Yes. I can see the soft, vulnerable side of you. And it makes me . . .”

He looks up at me, and there is fire in his eyes. Fire that heats my body again in an instant. Soft and vulnerable? No, those aren’t the right words. Protective, nurturing . . . those words might be better, because I don’t think anyone in their right mind could call Oliver Steele soft.

“Makes you what?” he asks, his voice low and magnetic.

Sweat beads my brow as my heart pounds in my chest. “Want you even more,” I finish.

I can't believe I admitted that! To hell with it. It’s true.

Oliver gently sets Bertha on the floor and takes my hand, leading me over to the bed.

“Then why not enjoy the benefits of having a fiancé?” he says, running his fingers along the curve of my left earlobe. “You know, I have a special talent.”

“What’s that?” I moan as his fingers find the little spots along my skin that send sparks shooting through my body.

“Let me show you,” Oliver says, urging me back. I resist for a moment, but my body can’t fight anymore, and I sit down with Oliver kneeling on the carpet. “See? You always wanted me kneeling at your feet.”

I giggle as he pulls me down into a kiss and I’m swept away. His tongue is liquid fire in my mouth as he nibbles and sucks on my lips, his hands stroking my thighs and urging my knees apart. He pulls me close, leaving open-mouthed kisses down my neck, my heart pounding in my chest as he comes closer and closer to the edge of my sundress. “Oliver . . .”

“Not yet,” he teases, pulling back and laying a kiss on my knee. “Trust me.”

The bed’s just the right height for Oliver as he kisses the inside of my left thigh, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he kisses higher and higher toward the aching, quivering heat of my pussy. Just when I think he’s about to dive in, he pulls back, switching to my other leg, leaving another trail of kisses and licks that has my hips jerking before he’s even touched my pussy.

“Lie back,” Oliver says softly, putting his hand on my chest. I don’t want to. I feel the overwhelming desire to watch him, but I find a couple of the pillows and grab them, tucking them under my head as I obey him, lifting my hips as he rolls my panties down my thighs.

The first touch of his tongue on my pussy lips is electric, and my hips jerk all on their own as he strokes his tongue up my lips before kissing and sucking his way back down. Oh, my God, if this is what he means by a special talent . . .

Oliver’s tongue has the devil inside as he licks and kisses my pussy, stroking me first with feather-light strokes before dipping deep inside me and growling hungrily as he sucks. I can’t control myself, my hands clawing at the bedspread and my thighs squeezing on his head. He grabs my knees and pries them apart, pushing them up and rolling me until he’s got me nearly bent in half, staring into his eyes and the glistening shine of his mouth.

“That was just a preview,” he purrs, smirking. “Now the fun starts.”

Grabbing my dress, Oliver pulls it up over my head and tosses it aside as he starts licking and sucking harder. My body is practically on fire, and I throw my head back, staring sightlessly above me as my body is swept out of control.

Oliver’s lips find my clit, and I know I can’t help myself. Grabbing the pillow behind me, I quickly pull it over my mouth to muffle my cries as Oliver nibbles and sucks on my clit. I’ve never felt anything this good before. His tongue is as fast as a hummingbird's wing on the tip of my clit.

This isn’t a build up to coming. I’ve been strapped to a rocket that just lifted off. Oliver’s hungry muffled growls are the final straw as he bites my clit just hard enough, and I’m sent into spasms as I come hard. The pillow muffles my screams as I buck and my feet kick helplessly against his broad, powerful back. Black roses bloom in front of my eyes as I run out of air, and I’m on the verge of passing out when my orgasm finally passes. Oliver pulls the pillow from in front of my face, coming up and kissing me.

“Told you I had a surprise,” he teases lightly in between gentle kisses.

We squirm higher up onto the bed, Oliver peeling out of his shirt and pants, giving me time to breathe as he climbs into the bed with me, kissing my lips again before kissing down my neck to my breasts. His talented mouth is put to good use as he licks and teases my nipples, not too hard, not too soft while I stroke his hair and feel his skin under my fingertips. He strokes me with his hands, his fingertips running over my hip and down my thigh to my knee before he kisses back up, nibbling on my neck.

“Mmm,” I sigh warmly as I pull his head back to kiss him on the lips. Our lips meet again and caress each other until I urge him onto his back. He lies back, sliding an arm behind his head as he looks at me with an amused grin.

“I see you’re recovered.”

“Now it’s my turn to show you my special skills,” I tease, reaching for his underpants before stopping. “Wait . . . condom?”

“In the nightstand,” he says, chuckling. “I kinda prepared.”

I reach over, laughing quietly as I find a pack of condoms and lube, setting them next to him on the pillow before scratching my nails down his chest and lightly kissing his lips as I reach for his boxers again. “Now, let’s see . . .”

My words die on my lips as I reach into his boxers and pull out his cock. His cock is perfect. Long, thick, and with a head that is flared just right. My mouth goes dry as I think of how good he’s going to feel inside me. “Give it a kiss. It won’t bite,” Oliver teases. “Unless you’re afraid?”

Oh, you won’t get that out of me, I think with a light growl as I kiss down his body, biting his nipples just a bit harder than needed as I slide down his body to his cock, looking him in the eye. I kiss the head before licking, dragging my tongue over the silky soft flesh as I work my way down to his perfect, egg-shaped balls, sucking them into my mouth before blowing on them lightly and kissing my way back up, sucking just the tip of his cock into my mouth before holding my hand out.

“Tease,” Oliver complains lightly, but he hands me the condom. Using just my mouth, I roll it down his cock, swallowing most of him as I get the condom down as far as it will go before pulling out and grinning.

“I’m planning on your taking it out on me,” I retort as I lie on my back again, lifting a leg. “That is, if you can.”

“Oh, Princess, you have no idea,” Oliver growls. Straddling my left leg, he holds my right leg up as he positions himself, the tip of his cock just starting to stretch me open. “You ready?”

There’s something in his words that reassures me, and I nod, smiling more gently than I thought I would. Oliver reaches up and takes my hand, pushing forward. His thick cock spreads me open, and it’s so good that I moan from deep in my chest. “Fuck . . .”

Oliver slides all the way in, my pussy clenching and squeezing as I adjust to him. He’s amazing, swirling his hips as he stretches me open and setting my body on fire. He reaches up with his left hand, squeezing and massaging my breasts as he starts to pump in and out of me slowly, taking his time relishing my body. “Mmm, you are good.”

“So are you,” I gasp as he pinches my right nipple. “Hard, Oliver. Please?”

“You only have to ask,” he says with a light laugh, his hips speeding up. His cock reaches deep into me with every powerful thrust, and I can hear the headboard start to bang against the wall. I’m too lost in this overload of pleasure to care, though. I just hope Roxy and the rest the family can’t hear it as Oliver starts fucking me harder and harder.

His hips smack into mine as he holds my thigh against his chest, pounding me hard, sweat springing out on my forehead. It feels so intense, my body is lit on fire. I’m groaning again uncontrollably, turning my head to bury my face in the pillow to try and stifle the moans when Oliver pinches my nipples again.

“Uh-uh, Princess.” He grunts as his cock slams in and out of my pussy. “Look at me.”

I turn my head to look into his eyes as he speeds up, the sweat glistening on his skin like diamonds as he hammers me, wiggling his hips back and forth with every thrust and lighting every nerve inside me on fire. I’m being swept away again, but I want to feel one more thing. “Oliver . . .”

“Now!” he moans, and the single word triggers my second orgasm, my body shaking as my pussy squeezes him tightly. I feel his cock swell and the throbbing pulse of his coming, Oliver’s eyes rolling up as he grinds into me, the condom catching it all. A whisper in my mind says I don’t want the condom, but it’s soon overwhelmed by the intense feeling of my orgasm, and I collapse into the bed senselessly.

I feel Oliver pull out, and then the sound of him getting out of bed to take the condom off. I lie there with my eyes closed until he comes back with a warm, slightly damp washcloth, cleaning up my body. “You awake still?”

“I’m surprised you didn't fuck me to unconsciousness,” I whisper in reply as I lie on my back, watching as Oliver carefully wipes down my body before running the cloth between my legs. “Where’s the condom?”

“Chucked it in the trash,” he says, jerking his head. “Didn’t want to risk clogging the drain.”

I nod, still gathering my wits as he goes back to the bathroom before coming back and sliding into bed, wrestling the sheets until I’m spooned with him, sighing happily. “You’re pretty damn amazing.”

“You too,” Oliver says, kissing the back of my neck before yawning. “Listen, about this . . .”

“Friends. With benefits,” I say, taking his hand and placing it on my chest. “No more fighting, okay? Let’s just have fun and enjoy the week?”

“I can do that,” Oliver says, but I hear something in his voice, or maybe it’s just that annoying whisper in my own head again that says after what just happened, maybe being just friends isn’t the best idea.

Either way, I yawn again and chuckle when Oliver echoes me, kissing the back of my neck once more. “Goodnight, Oliver.”

“Goodnight, Princess Mindy.”

* * *

I wake up to what seems like a dream. My body is spent, but in a way that feels amazing. Turning over, I see Oliver, his left arm tucked behind his head and his glorious body stretched out, his eyes fluttering behind his eyelids. “Wake up.”

Oliver smiles lightly but doesn’t open his eyes.

“Rise and shine, sweetie,” I whisper playfully, running my fingers over his chiseled abs to slide underneath the sheet. I find the thick tube of his cock and stroke it with my fingers, wrapping my hand around it and stroking him.

He grows hard quickly, and I hear him chuckle. “Rise and shine for sure.”

I look up to see his beautiful eyes taking me in, and I snuggle closer, kissing him. A single soft kiss quickly turns into a deeper one, and Oliver pulls me close, finding my ass and squeezing it in his powerful hands.

“One more before we shower?” Oliver urges, and I pull back, letting go of his cock. “Why?”

“We have breakfast,” I say regretfully. “We don’t have time for this. You know how Mom is.”

“Bullshit,” Oliver teases. “You know you want it.”

I moan as he pulls me back in for another kiss, and I have to force myself to pull away again. “Don’t tempt me. I want to feel that cock of yours inside me again. But we don’t have time.”

“You sure?”

“No,” I say, laughing slightly. “Trust me, if we had another half hour . . . but it’ll give me something to look forward to later.”

He gives me a warm smile, then nods. “Later.”

I stretch, knowing my body’s on display for him but enjoying the way he takes me in. I'm about to go to the bathroom to take my shower when I notice Bertha lying over in the corner.

“Bertha, dear, are you okay?” I ask, worried.

Instead of popping up and being her normal hyperactive self, she just lies there, looking dejected. “Hey, I think something's wrong with Bertha.”

Oliver gets up and comes over. He runs his hands over her sides and even opens her mouth, looking at her teeth and down her throat. “Nothing seems to be wrong,” he says after inspecting her.

“Mom’s gonna be worried sick.”

“Hold on,” Oliver says, but I'm too worried to listen. I don’t want anything to happen where Mom’s wedding could be ruined. I have no idea what could be wrong. I pet the dog, who wiggles in my lap a little but doesn’t do much else.

“Uh . . .”

The catch in Oliver’s voice causes me to spin around, and I see him squatting in the corner, inspecting something.

“What?” I ask. “Tell me you stubbed your toe.”

“I think I found our problem” he says, displaying the empty trash can that has several bite marks around the rim. I think back and try to remember what could have been thrown in there, and then it hits me.

“Oh, my God,” I moan, picking up Bertha and looking her in her little doggy face. “You ate the fucking condom?”


“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Mindy demands of Bertha with a disbelieving laugh.

I laugh. “That has to be it. Unless someone came in here and stole it.”

Mindy laughs so hard. “So fucking gross!” She shakes her head. “Poor Bertha. But . . . is she supposed to be feeling this way, though? Like, can’t dogs eat anything?”

I shrug. “She should be okay. It’s not gonna kill her. My dog ate a beer-soaked pair of socks one time and was sick a little, but he was fine after he hacked up the fuzz ball. It was funnier watching him stagger around drunk.”

Mindy laughs lightly. “Your sperm must be doggy kryptonite then.”

I laugh. “Aren’t you glad I didn’t make you swallow?”

Mindy chuckles, blushing hard. “Seriously, though, what do we do about this? We have to be down there for breakfast in like twenty minutes,” she says.

“Let’s just go down there, have breakfast like normal, and then we’ll take her for a walk. She’ll be fine. She just needs to poop it out.”

Mindy giggles. “I hate that it happened, but I can’t help but laugh.”

I have to laugh too. “It makes for a great story to tell our grandkids.” I pause after the words leave my mouth. Grandkids. It was almost as if I was talking like we’d have grandkids. Am I really that deep into character after a couple of days?

The mirth flees Mindy’s face as well, making an uncomfortable silence, as if the same thought came to her. “I’m gonna go get ready.”

“All right,” I agree, squatting down next to Bertha and rubbing her belly.

Mindy hurries into the bathroom. We both take our showers and are down in the dining area within the next twenty minutes, just making it. I’m dressed casually in jeans and a breezy shirt because I’m in the mood to relax today, and Bertha’s already caused enough stress.

Mindy has on a sundress, a cute little light blue thing that hugs her body. She looks beautiful in it, flirty and sexy with just the right amount of skin showing. I have a fleeting memory of the way those arms clung to me last night, and I have to take a few deep breaths before I can continue.

“Remember,” I tell her before we step in the dining room. “Act normal. Anyone asks, we let Bertha out to do her business in the middle of the night.”

“I’m not sure that’ll be believable,” she says before I open the door. With the magic of a natural actress, her face lifts and she puts on a big smile and her voice lifts cheerfully. “Good morning, Mother!”

Everyone is in the dining room for once, with Uncle Charles slouched over a big bowl of what looks like Lucky Charms and looking like death warmed over, while the rest of the family at least looks like they’re enjoying the good food the kitchen has to offer. Mindy goes in, giving her grandmother a kiss on the cheek, then her mom.

“Y’all look good this morning,” Mary Jo says, her eyes sparkling as she takes us in. “You certainly got up on the right side of the bed this morning.”

She most certainly did. On my side.

“Thank you!” Mindy chirps, and I feel a tremor inside. “You look good too, Mom. Everyone’s looking happy this morning. Except Uncle Charles, but at least you got some early morning swag going on with that getup.”

Rita gives her niece a look. “Swag? You are blind, girl. More like sag.”

I nudge Mindy a little. I told her to act normal, not try to distract by overcompensating.

Thankfully, Mindy takes my nudge and shuts up, still smiling. “You sure are happy this morning,” Roxy remarks. “You guys must have really rocked the boat last night. Nice job, Captain Oliver. I’m so jealous. I’m about to go down to the beach and find me a nice cabana boy.”

I love how this family just rolls with all of Roxy’s antics, paying her no mind. I guess after both Mindy and Roxy, they’re used to it. John’s certainly adapted quickly.

“Hey, Oliver, let’s make sure Mary Jo’s got us cleared for free time,” John says from the front of the table. “I’d love to give you more rides in my pride and joy. My Honey’s to-do list is longer than what I get some days at the office.”

“I’m not that bad,” Mary Jo says. “I’m just . . .”

Suddenly, Mary Jo stops mid-sentence and glances around. “Where’s Bertha?”

“Hopefully, stuck on a beach raft and floating away in the ocean,” Ivy Jo mutters.

“I gave her to Mindy and Oliver last night so she could sleep with them,” Roxy says, looking over at us.

Mindy glances at me, but I’m already on it.

“We let her out in the middle of the night. She was clawing at the door and whining,” I say smoothly.

“Well then, where is she?” Mary Jo asks, worried. “She never misses breakfast.”

“Calm down, Mary Jo,” John says. “She’s probably just playing in the garden like she did when she got out over St. Paddy’s Day, remember?”

She ignores him. “Bertha!” she calls, “Where are you, honey?”

“Act normal,” I whisper in Mindy’s ear. I can see the nervousness on her face. “Mary Jo, Mindy and I will find her after breakfast. Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s around here somewhere.”

It settles her enough, and we finish our breakfast in peace. After we’re done, Mindy and I go to our room, trying not to practically run. Bertha’s still there, her tail flapping around. That’s a good sign at least.

Mindy picks her up and tries to cover her with a blanket, but Bertha hates it and squirms so much that I’m worried she’ll raise a fuss if we insist. Finally, I grab a towel and throw it over my shoulder, taking Bertha and holding her in my arms so that the towel lies over her and mostly obscures her.

“Let’s go,” I say. “You take the lead.”

I feel fucking ridiculous trying to sneak out of the house with a little dog. But still, this shit is funny, and I can’t help it, I start humming the Mission: Impossible theme under my breath as we make our way down the stairs. We’re clear all the way to the back lawn when Roxy’s suddenly on our ass.

“Hey guys! You guys . . .”

I try to hide Bertha, but the dog lets out a little bark, alerting Roxy, and she stops, smiling for a moment before giving us a suspicious look. “Bertha! Mom has been looking all over for her.”

“We found her. Taking her for a walk,” Mindy says, hoping to end the conversation.

“Can I come?” Roxy asks excitedly, seeming to ignore the fact that I’m carrying Bertha.

“Uh . . . no,” Mindy says, giving me a desperate glance.

Roxy scowls. “Why not?”

“Because we’d like a little couple time to ourselves,” I say with a fake embarrassed chuckle. “A nice walk with our little friend here.”

Roxy can't come up with a reason to argue. “Well, give me her if you’re so intent on being with each other. I’ll take her to Mom and you two can go get your outdoor freak on.”

Mindy glances at me, at a loss for words. I think quickly and shake my head. “Actually, Rox, I told your mom I’d find her. I could use the rub on my rep.”

Roxy gives me a grin and a nod. “Okay, okay. Buttering up to Mom some, huh? I don’t think you need it, but whatever. Have at it.”

Roxy goes inside, and Mindy shakes her head when she’s gone. “Why couldn’t she have just listened to me from the get go?”

“Little sisters never listen to big sisters. And what can I say? I have that charm the ladies love.”

I expect some sort of rebuttal but she lowers her lashes. Her reply is almost too soft to be heard. “Yes, you do.”

We walk down to the beach, and as soon as we’re out of sight of the house, I squat down, setting Bertha down. She walks around, sniffing everything, but definitely not interested in pooping yet.

“Fuck me,” Mindy groans, then laughs at her words. “No matter what Roxy said, that’s not an invitation. Not yet.”

“Later,” I remind her, and we start walking. “So, Mindy Price, tell me about yourself. I mean, beyond what I know.”

“If you tell me about you,” she says, looking so sexy in her sundress that I forget for a moment the reason we’re down here. “What do you want to know?”

“Fair,” I reply, grinning. “So . . . first kiss. How old were you?”

“Eighteen,” Mindy says, and I stop, gawking.

“What, did they send you to an all-girls’ school or something?” I ask, trying to imagine how a girl as beautiful as Mindy Price got all the way to eighteen without even kissing a guy. “Was every guy in your school blind?”

Mindy laughs, shaking her head. “Nope. You can thank the orthodontist. I had some pretty badass hardware in my mouth for a few years. Hard to kiss a girl when she looks like an extra in a Mad Max movie. You?”

“Twelve,” I admit, shrugging. “Junior high dance. It was a dare. Trust me, I wish I had a better story. It was terrible.”

Bertha starts doing the dance, and I stop. “Wait . . . I think we’ve hit the jackpot. Come

on, Bertha, baby, show me the money.”

Mindy turns her head, shading her hand over her eyes. “Oh, my God, this is so fucking gross. I’m a coffee vendor, not a plumber,” Mindy says. Bertha finally squats and does her business. “Damn, did it come out?“

I squat down, grabbing a stick and poking in the mess. “There it is.”

“I should’ve brought a barf bag,” Mindy says, gagging. Bertha is herself again at least, running around and doing the little shake. “Well, I guess we got lucky. She looks fine like you said. Come on, let’s go back.”

“Hold on,” I say, reaching out and taking her wrist. “Q and A isn’t done yet, is it?”

Mindy looks down at my hand, then smirks. “Guess not. So, tell me, how many girlfriends did you have in school anyway, Mr. I Got My First Kiss At Twelve?”

I feel heat creep up my neck, then chuckle. I asked for it. “Zero.”

“You liar!” Mindy says with a laugh. “There’s no way you didn’t have a girlfriend. Or ten!”

I shake my head, sobering up. “God’s truth, not even in college. My father . . . well, he pushed me hard. Since my folks were divorced, he turned all of his focus on me. Nothing was ever good enough. All Conference in football? Should’ve been All State. Three point eight GPA? Should’ve been four. I was so stressed by him that keeping a real girlfriend was pretty much impossible.”

“I noticed you emphasized real.” Mindy comments, and I shrug. I won’t lie. “Thank you for not lying.”

“What about you?” I ask, trying to change the focus. “I mean, even with the mouth hardware, your personality had to have gotten you plenty of attention.”

Mindy laughs and hugs her body. “I’ve always been wild, but in that department, it wasn’t always so. In High School, I was the out girl. I was ‘that’ girl.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, feeling drawn to her. I step closer, putting my arms around her waist from behind, and she snuggles against me.

That girl, you know? The girl who’s fun to hang out with but nothing more. I was the walking, talking personification of the Friend Zone. That changed later, but yep, that was me then.”

I smile, kissing her neck. She moans and reaches back to grab my jeans, pushing her hips into my rapidly hardening cock and making us both gasp.

“Wait,” Mindy says, pulling away and turning to look at me, her lip trembling and her dark eyes wide with arousal and desire. “What about Bertha?”

“She can watch.” I chuckle, reaching for Mindy and pulling her closer. “She won’t run off.”

“And if someone sees us?”

I growl lightly, pulling her against me and kissing her neck. She moans, arching her neck, and I lift her up, whispering in her ear. “Then let them watch and be jealous.”

I reach down, massaging and squeezing the taut swells of her ass, hungry for her body. Bertha yips and yaps but gets distracted by a gull, leaving me with nothing to focus on but Mindy’s body. I stroke and caress her, tugging on the straps of her dress as she pushes away. “What?”

My fears of her backing away are relieved as she drops to her knees, reaching for my belt. “I know you wanted this last night,” she says with a chuckle. “And this morning too.”

My eyes widen as she frees my cock out of my pants and kisses the head, licking around it for a moment as she pumps my shaft before sliding it between her sensual lips. I moan as she swallows more and more of my cock before pulling back. A naughty glint shows in her eyes as she starts pumping my cock in and out of her mouth, bobbing her head while she reaches under and fondles my balls.

She’s amazing, her tongue light as a butterfly’s wing but with every touch sending massive tingles up my cock all the way to my head. I want to grab her hair and throat fuck her, but something holds me back. I’m rewarded when Mindy works more and more of my cock into her mouth until she has me all the way in, the head of my cock lodged in her throat while she makes little gagging sounds of pleasure.

Mindy pulls back, looking up at me with hungry eyes. “I want you to come in my mouth.”

“Why?” I ask, and she laughs lightly.

“Because after this, I want you to fuck me . . . and I don’t think you’ve got a condom on you. So you can finish on my ass.”

Her words send another tingle up my spine as she starts sucking my cock again, faster and faster while her right hand pumps my shaft. I’m groaning, my knees shaking as I try to stay on my feet. Time stretches out, and I cry out, scaring the gulls and almost overwhelming the sound of the waves crashing twenty yards away as my orgasm crashes over me and I fill Mindy’s hungry mouth with my come. She sucks greedily, my eyes rolling back as she milks me, massaging my balls until the last drop is gone. Pulling back, she gives me a naughty grin before smacking her lips. “Yummy.”

I spread out the towel we used to cover Bertha, but it’s not big, and Mindy looks at it for a moment before shaking her head and pulling her panties down her long legs before kneeling on it and looking over her shoulder at me. I read her eyes and drop behind her, kissing her ass as I reach between her legs and massage her dripping wet pussy, sliding a finger inside her as my body recovers.

I kiss closer and closer to the deep valley between her ass cheeks as my finger pumps in and out of her while Mindy moans, lowering her elbows to the sand. I hear Bertha come back, yipping before stopping and wandering off again.

My tongue reaches out to tickle her ass crack, and Mindy gasps but pushes back into my hungry mouth as I wonder . . . have I found the perfect woman? Some women are so shy about this, but Mindy loves it as my tongue circles closer and closer to the puckered knot of her asshole, and when my tongue touches her, she groans from deep inside. “Oh, another time . . .”

I mumble my reply into her ass as I finger fuck her pussy, licking and sucking on her until my cock is hard and throbbing again. I quickly line up behind Mindy, pulling my finger out and reaching up, grabbing her hair for a hold as I thrust deep into her in one long stroke.

Last night, I marveled at how perfect Mindy’s pussy felt wrapped and clenching around my cock, but that was with a condom on. Now, my mind is blown away as I feel her fully, and my body cries out in joy as sensations I’ve never even imagined fill my body. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

My hips take over on their own, pumping my cock in and out of her pussy as she moans in front of me, looking back over her shoulder and grinning at me with lust-crazed eyes. “Give it to me, Oli. Fuck me raw. Make my pussy scream.”

Her constant stream of filthy words drives me on like whips on a thoroughbred, and I hammer her deep and hard, grunting with every thrust of my cock as I watch her eyes, seeing just where to stop and riding that line, my hips smacking against her ass. I pull her up, biting the curve of her neck as she moans, lost in a haze. “You’re mine, Princess.”

“Yours . . .” she moans, and I slow down, pulling back a bit as I push her down again, thrusting my cock in time to the waves, drawing out the ecstasy for both of us. Mindy squirms, pushing back into me after a few minutes, and I speed up again.

It’s hard not to come inside her. Mindy’s body is heaven as she squeezes me, her pussy gripping around my cock as I push her higher and higher. I listen, grinding my hips against her as I speed up, until she cries out, her pussy clamping around me. She’s so tight and thrilling as she comes that I barely pull out in time, another hard jet of seed splattering on her ass before I can turn and leave the rest of it on the sand. I tremble. My cock aches from coming so hard twice so quickly. I can’t believe how much Mindy pushes me.

I think about what we just did. I wasn’t trying to seduce her. I’d totally intended to bring Bertha down here, get the condom out of her, and go back.

I didn’t mean for this to happen. It wasn’t just fucking on the beach.

But that’s what this week was supposed to be. Take the girl out, show her a good time, and clean her pipes if we wanted to.

But not this. Not like this. I never even thought it was possible.

“Oliver?” Mindy asks, and I look up at her, seeing her tentative, concerned smile. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I lie before getting to my feet. Okay? I’m far from okay. I’m starting to wish this were real. “Come on, let’s keep walking.”


It’s a little late for lunch, just after two in the afternoon by the time we return from the beach. Walking up the pathway, I feel natural reaching over and holding hands with Oliver. Bertha’s running at our heels and circling us, and I have to stop as we climb the stairs from the dunes up to the main property.

The estate looks so beautiful. The sun is still high in the sky behind the house, making it blaze in front of the sapphire blue sky, and I feel my breath taken away. It’s just gorgeous. I wonder what it would be like to have all of this, raising a family here. It would be paradise. If only . . .

I suck in a deep breath, trying not to think about it. I know I’m getting carried away with the fantasy. This isn’t real. But damn, did his being inside me feel real. The way his hands felt on my body. My neck still burns from his kisses.

It was everything I’ve dreamed it could be. More than I imagined. I've been with men. I’m no virgin, but none of them were anything more than a fuck or a passing thought. None of them were more than a physical exercise, a release of primal need.

I’ve always kept a shell around me to protect me from the very thing I’m feeling right now. But I have to wonder if I’d be feeling this way if we weren’t pretending to be engaged.

As if sensing my thoughts, Oliver smiles at me, squeezing my hand. My heart skips a beat, warmth flowing in my chest. “Don’t worry,” he says reassuringly. “Nobody’s gonna blame us for being out for so long. I just hope Roxy told your mom we had Bertha.”

I nod, knowing I need to get ahold of my emotions. It’s scary to be feeling anything when this charade is over in a few days.

We don’t even reach the steps before Roxy’s out the front door to confront us.

“Where the hell have you been?” Roxy demands. “Mom has been going nuts. I told her you went on a walk, but when it stretched for hours, I started wondering if we were gonna have to send out the Baywatch crew.” She pauses, then looks back and forth between the two of us before grinning, reading our expressions. “What did you do, ride a surfboard?”

“No, I got eaten by a shark,” I joke. “What’s it to you?”

Roxy waves it off, chuckling. “I just wondered. You said you were going on a walk.”

Oliver chuckles. “We just walked down to the dunes and watched the waves a little. It was gorgeous.”

Roxy rolls her eyes. She knows we had enough time to walk halfway to the next town if we’d wanted. “Well, I’m glad you two lovebirds had fun. But Mom wants to see you.”

“Why?” I ask.

“She wants help with stuff. I don’t know. Decorations, I think, and they have to go up this afternoon and evening. You know how she is—everything needs to be her way, and she refuses to hire it out. I know she wants Oliver to help move that big ass sound system.”

“Easy enough,” Oliver says. “I’ll handle it so John and Charles don’t have to.”

Roxy shakes her head. “Good. Because let me tell you, they probably won’t be much help. I love them both, but those two geezers can’t do much heavy lifting.”

I have to laugh. She’s rude but she’s right. “Roxy!”

“What?” she asks innocently. “I’m just sayin’.”

Inside, Mom is happy to see us and gives Bertha a gigantic cuddle. “There you two are! We’re preparing to go to the reception hall. We’ve got staff moving stuff there but still need some help.” Bertha squirms in Mom’s arms, turning to lick her face, and I have to snicker as Bertha gets a noseful of foundation. Mom doesn’t seem to mind. “I was so worried about you, snookums!”

“Lord have mercy, I was hoping that rat catcher was gonna stay gone,” Grandma mutters, sitting in a chair and fanning herself. “Most peaceful couple of hours my whole visit.”

“Quiet, Momma,” Mom says, setting Bertha down, where she immediately begins hopping around like her normal self. “All right, let's get going. Oliver, John and Charles are waiting for you in the garage.”

Everyone starts filing out of the room. When it’s just the two of us, Oliver turns to me. “I really enjoyed this morning,” he says softly.

“Besides the dog poop investigation, I did too,” I say before I give him a smirk. “You really ought to be careful where you plant your seed.”

He laughs. “I know the best place to plant it next time.”

A flush burns my cheeks, remembering the unbridled passion on the beach and the way we seem to crash like the waves themselves. He grabs me and pulls me in, giving me a kiss that leaves me wanting more. “See you at the reception hall,” Oliver says.

Outside, I get in the SUV with Sam, the driver, behind the wheel. All the women are in it, and Roxy’s already called shotgun. “Let’s roll, Sam!”

“So what’s this place like again, Mom? I know you told me about it over the phone, but I forget the details,” I say, turning to her. She’s behind me with Grandma.

“You’ll love it. It’s not that far, only about five miles away. It’s on the beach in a little cove,” Mom says. “You’re really going to love it.”

When we arrive at the hall twenty minutes later, it doesn’t disappoint. The outside is amazing, a beautiful giant adobe, almost Caribbean-style structure sitting just on the edge of the sand. The inside of the hall is gorgeous with huge windows along the eastern wall that give a breathtaking view of the ocean. This place looks like something out of a fairytale wedding . . . but that’s what Mom’s getting.

“I’m speechless,” I breathe as I look around the inside. “Forget the reception. I’d love to have my wedding in some place like this.”

“All right, ladies, let’s get to work!” Mom says. “Lots to do, and not a lot of time to do it in!”

Roxy and I are given the task of hanging up some electric lights shrouded in lace, and we get to work with the ladder. As we get the strands tacked, Roxy chuckles. “You know, you and Oli should use this place. You guys are just so beautiful together.”

“You think?” I ask, my heart aching. Before, I could easily lie, say he was just a bastard who has a hot body, but now, the truth hurts. He’s a sham of a fiancé, but he’s got everything I’ve ever dreamed of a man having. Face it—he’s a catch.

My cell buzzes in my purse, saving the day. I pull it out. It’s Brianna. “Hey, Rox, can you handle this for a few yourself? It’s my bestie.”

Roxy glares at me, a thumbtack in her mouth. “Hurry!”

“How you doing, girl?” Brianna asks as soon as I pick up the line, and I feel a grin start before my worries start up again. Brianna knows what this all is. Maybe she can help.

“Good. I guess.”

“What’s wrong? You sound down,” Brianna says, and I hesitate. I don’t know if I should tell her the truth. “Come on, Min, I know you well enough even over the phone. Aren’t you having fun?”

“Oh, I’m having fun,” I admit. “All I can handle.”

“How’s Oliver been?” Brianna asks. “Behaving?”

“No,” I say with a little chuckle. “But good. Very good.”

“I know that tone, Mindy. Something you need to tell me?”

“Well . . .” I say, wondering how much I should tell Brianna. “At what point did you start thinking you had feelings for Gavin?”

“Oh, it’s that sort of problems,” Brianna says. “Well, to let you know, I think it was about three seconds after I saw him the first time.”

“Come on, I’m serious!” I protest. “When?”

Brianna’s voice grows somber, and I can imagine that intense look on her face that she has when she’s worried about me. “Mindy, it doesn’t really matter. It happened. So what’s the problem?”

“You know this isn’t . . .” I start before lowering my voice. “You know this isn’t supposed to be real!”

“And I was supposed to be a one-night stand or a sport fuck,” Brianna reminds me. “Look how Gavin and I turned out. If you’re feeling something for him . . .”

“Hey! Get off the phone and help me, you lazy skank!” Roxy yells. “I’m not doing all of this my damn self!”

“Roxy?” Brianna asks, and I chuckle.

“How’d you know?”

“She reminds me of some foul-mouthed, cute as hell coffee shop manager I know,” Brianna says. “Seriously, though, if you like him . . . don’t wait and give yourself the drama I did. Tell him.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I reply. “Thanks. Love you, Bri, but I gotta go before Roxy starts throwing tacks at me. Bye.”

I head back over toward Roxy, but before I can get halfway across the hall, the doors open. I see Oliver carrying a huge set of speakers, one in each hand, the DJ behind him.

“Over there,” she says, and Oliver gives me a sexy little grin and blows me a kiss as he heads off across the hall.

I get back over to help Roxy, who climbs down from the ladder, handing me what looks like paper lanterns. “Here, you hang. I’ll hand you the next ones,” she says, grumbling. “You know how hard I’ve been working?”

“Sorry,” I say, climbing the ladder. I start putting up the lanterns but get distracted in my thoughts. I think about what a good man Oliver is. With the dog and all that, I could totally see settling down and . . .

I try to push the thoughts away. I have to remember this is fake. In a few days, it will all be over. I just need to enjoy it for what it is—a fun vacation fling.

But it’s not that easy. The passion. The connection. All of that feels real.

Maybe Brianna is right.

Roxy waves her hand in front of my face.

“Mindy?” Roxy says. “The lanterns?”

“Huh?” I ask, looking away and blinking. “What’s that, Rox?”

“I know you love your fiancé’s ass and stuff, but we need to get this done.”

I chuckle as we go back to work, doing my best to deal with the questions running rampant in my head.

But there’s one thing I know for sure. I don’t know what’s real anymore.


The bedroom lights are low, and I marvel as I run my fingers down Mindy’s arm, enjoying watching the goosebumps rise on her skin. “How do you keep doing that?” she asks, smiling. “Two days of us having sex, and you keep surprising me. I know it’s coming and you still make it happen.”

“A secret.” I chuckle, looking into her eyes. “And you’ve got great skin.”

The past few days have been paradise. With most of the big stuff done, we’ve had some more time to just spend together. Most of it has been spent talking.

The more and more time we spend together, the more I grow confused. At first, this was all fun and games. But it’s turned into something more. Being here with her, getting to know her and her family, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

Sure, some of them are wild. Her sister has sex on the brain way too much, her mother’s a bit too worried about money, and her grandmother gives exactly zero fucks what anyone thinks about what she has to say.

But they’re real, and they love each other. All of them. And Mindy herself . . . she’s more than a Princess. She’s an angel.

She reaches up, cupping my face to look into my eyes. Her breathing is still ragged from our early morning quickie, and watching her naked body on top of the sheets, I can’t believe that I’ve had the chance to be with her as often as I have. “That was great,” she says, shuddering. “You take my breath away.”

“Good,” I say, delivering a kiss to her lips. “Because I plan on doing that a lot more.”

She smiles for a moment, then it slowly fades. “A lot more? We only have a few days left. Reality’s coming, and it’s coming too damn fast.”

I feel a little jolt. It’s now Friday. It’s the day before her mother’s wedding. Honestly, it feels like our last day together. Our return flight is Monday morning, but I’m sure Sunday will be spent preparing to go home and spending a lot of time with the family. It’ll be the hug and kiss goodbye time and a chance to wish Mary Jo and John off on their honeymoon. They’re flying out Monday too.

We don’t even have all day today. Today is already packed with rehearsals and trying on stuff. This will be our last leisurely morning. And it’s hard to admit, but I don’t want it to end.

“Yeah,” I murmur, my chest feeling like I’ve got a lead weight pressing down on it. It’s taking away my breath and making it hard to even say what I want to say. I want to tell her that the dream doesn’t have to end. I want to promise her more than just a fantasy week on the ocean.

But I can't form the words. How can I tell her that I don’t think this is fake anymore? Our engagement might be fake, but what I’m feeling damn sure isn’t.

“What are you going to do when you get back?” she asks softly.

“Probably check on Mom first, then make sure my business isn’t in total shambles before it ever gets off the ground,” I say, slightly troubled. Last week, making Steele Security a name in the corporate world dominated my thoughts and my efforts. Now, it just doesn’t seem as important as spending time with Mindy. “Then I’ll make sure my little shithead brother hasn’t burned down my house. I asked him to watch my place.”

She smiles. “I’m sure everything will be okay. If he’s anything like Roxy, he’s a pain in the ass but comes through when your back’s to the wall.” She sighs and turns on her side, running her hand down my slightly stubbled cheek and making my morning shadow crinkle. “But I’m not gonna lie. I'm not looking forward to going back to that damn coffee shop. I’ve been having so much fun, and the days have flown by.”

“I’ve been having a blast,” I agree. “I’ve really enjoyed my time here.”

A flush comes to her cheeks and goes down her neck to her chest, and she bites her lip, smiling slightly. “Thank you. It means a lot, and you make me feel good. And to think, the first time I met you I wanted to choke you.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, well, that was hot. I loved how you walked in there with your little list, thinking you could tame me. It was . . . cute.”

Mindy smiles and traces my jaw with her fingers like she’s trying to memorize me with her touch as much as with her eyes. “Who’s to say I'm not just doing this to wrap you around my finger? An insidious plan to make you my love slave?”

“Who’s to say I’m not doing the same? When I first saw you, I told myself you thought you were a queen and I was going to have to be your king. How am I doing?”

Mindy laughs. She runs her hands down my body, making my skin prick. “I can’t complain, that’s for sure. I don’t think I’ve ever been this satisfied.”

I don’t need compliments, but her words still warm me on the inside. Her opinion matters to me. It makes me feel important.

Her eyes flicker for a moment before they dim, and I see her gaze grow distant. She’s thinking about something. I’ve grown close enough to her over the past few days to know that look.

“What is it?” I ask her. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

Her lips part, and she struggles for the words that I can sense even before she tries to form them. They’re foolish, but I want her to say them. I want her to tell me that she truly wants me, that perhaps there’s a chance for something back home. I don’t know how I’d react, but to hear her say those words . . . I need it. I need her.

She looks away, turning over and wrapping her arms around her body. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s something,” I say, spooning behind her and feeling her amazingly soft skin press against me. I bring my lips to the back of her neck and nuzzle, knowing just where she likes to be touched already, just how much she likes that little spot right where her hair makes a little V-shape at the nape of her neck. I kiss and nibble, wrapping my arms around her and stroking her arms. “You know you like it. Tell me what's on your mind.”

She lets out a soft little moan, arching her back to slide her right breast into my hand and pressing her ass back against my cock. “Jesus, you know what you’re doing. But really . . . it’s nothing.”

“Oh, really?” I say playfully, trailing my free hand down her thigh, enjoying the feel of her soft flesh. “I think you’re lying to me.”

“What gives you that idea?” she asks breathlessly, gasping as I pinch her nipple and tug on it lightly. “Fuck . . . I didn’t know I could get this hot so quickly again.”

“I can feel your pulse racing,” I murmur, kissing her neck again. “Under my lips.”

“That’s just because of what you’re doing to me.” She gasps. “And we both know where your hand’s going.”

I grin, recognizing the deflection. “Well, if you’re not gonna tell me, I can stop. Or I can continue.”

She squirms, still not answering me. I pull her tighter against me and press into her. I roll her onto her back and get on top, kissing her lips with more passion. She melts, and I pull back, grinning. “Got anything to say?”


“Okay, if that’s how you want to play it,” I warn her. I bring my lips to her neck, trailing kisses down her body. She arches her back, her head pointed to the ceiling as I stroke her skin with my hands while I kiss down to the hard buttons of her nipples, sucking on them and biting them lightly before I make my way down her belly. Then I stop. “Still nothing?”

“Okay!” Mindy gasps. “Please, don’t stop!”

She needs this, we both need this. But I don’t want to rush things. We’re not going to have many more intimate moments. Fuck everything else. If we have to bring it all to a close in a few days, and this is the last chance for me to show her what she is, what she’s starting to mean to me . . . then that’s what I’m going to do.

“Oliver, let’s make this quick. They’re waiting.”

As I go down between her legs, my mouth watering at the heavenly scent already wafting from her wet pussy and ready to devour her, I growl, looking up into her eyes. “Let them wait.”


“Oh, Mom,” I crow, tears coming to my eyes as she steps out of the dressing room in her wedding gown, her arms held out wide. She looks glorious. The beautiful white gown hugs her figure, all lace and classy design that makes her look elegant. The full train scrapes the floor, and she looks like she’s walking on a cloud as she crosses the polished hardwood. Tears cloud my eyes as I search for the words to tell her how she looks, but I can’t. “You’re beautiful. Absolutely radiant.”

It’s hard to believe that it’s already Friday afternoon. After missing breakfast and sleeping in with Oliver, it’s been pedal to the floor the whole time. Doing rehearsals, getting last-minute adjustments to our dresses, and checking that Sam and the other staff are on the spot with bringing in dozens of people from both sides of the family.

Now, we’re all dressed in our gowns for the wedding, doing the last dress rehearsal and fit, making sure things look good. Aunt Rita, Layla, Roxy, and Grandma are all together with us, sitting around the room, and all of us are amazed at Mom as she comes out.

“Beautiful is right,” Rita says, putting a hand on her chest. “I can't wait to walk you down the aisle tomorrow.”

Grandma cackles lightly. “Yeah, my baby is beautiful, but my word, Mary Jo, your butt looks like it grew three sizes.”

Leave it to Grandma to work in a wisecrack. Mom waves it off, knowing it’s the design of the dress itself, and of course, Roxy puts her own two cents in.

“Yeah, Mom. You got so much booty in that dress you’re gonna be making John holler tonight,” Roxy adds, thinking she’s funny. It’s definitely not something I want to think about, and I doubt I’m alone. Roxy looks cute though in her white knee-length Valentino dress, flirty but still sexy at the same time. It hugs her upper body before flaring itself at her waist but doesn’t go full party dress mode and keeps the poof under control. It’s perfect for her.

“Oh he’ll be hollering all right,” I say with a grin, “hollering for her to shut up about where they’re going for the honeymoon. You thought about where you’re going yet?”

“Probably Hedonism, where they can get their freak on right there on the beach,” Roxy says before Mom can answer. It’s been one of the only secrets left . . . where they’re actually going on their honeymoon.

“Oh, stop it,” Mom says, laughing. “You two are such a riot. I love you both.”

Roxy and I go over to Mom, the three of us doing a group hug, and I can’t help but tear up a little at it. “We love you too, Mom.”

We walk out of the dressing room for rehearsals after Mom lectures all of us about what she wants. I can tell Grandma wants to tell her to shut up a few times, but we all just listen, knowing it’s her show. It’s crowded in the chapel near the reception hall, with staff going around everywhere. There are family members I haven’t seen in ages, and I know that tomorrow’s going to be all playing catch-up with them. Some of them, like my cousin Jamie, I’m looking forward to. Others, not so much.

“Hey, check it out,” Roxy says, jostling my elbow. “Stud alert.”

My breath catches in my throat as I follow Roxy’s guiding hand. I see Oliver standing with the group of men, talking like he’s part of the family. He’s just come out of the dressing rooms, and the rest of the room fades away as I look at him.

He’s gorgeous dressed in his tux. It fits him in a way that makes him look debonair, relaxed, and powerfully seductive. More than ever, he looks like the devil in a tuxedo. My heart is doing back flips. He is so damn handsome. He sees me and blinks for a moment before giving me a smile and a nod.

“You’d better be careful,” Roxy jokes, nudging me again. “I think John’s niece is eyeing Oli.”

I look around, and Roxy’s right. She’s practically ogling him.

Bitch better stay away from my man, I say to myself.

Is he my man?

“Wow, you look so handsome,” I tell him as I come up. He grins and takes my hand, another thrill running through me at his touch.

“And you look beautiful yourself,” he says, delivering a soft kiss to my cheek. My chest gets fuzzy as emotions start running through my body, a mix of panic and arousal and confusion that makes me both smile and want to scream at the same time. He places a hand on my hip, and now desire’s added to the mix. When we first came here, it felt weird being on his arm. But now I wear that badge proudly, excited and happy to be here with him.

“I wish there weren’t so many people . . .” he says quietly, his voice dripping with need. I know he’s not trying to seduce me. He’s just being honest. But he’s making my blood boil, and I bite my lip. I want to melt into him, to find the nearest empty room and ignore the rest of the world. I want to turn the entire universe into a bedroom, a space where Oliver and I can indulge in each other’s bodies and maybe our hearts too. But not here right now. It’s too much, and we both know it.

“Later,” I promise him, hoping there is a later. I hope there’s more than a later, but that’s a foolish hope. “By the way, Mom wants us to sit in the front row during the ceremony.”

“She didn’t want you to walk her down?” Oliver asks, slightly surprised. “Why?”

I shake my head. “I told her to let Rita do it. Grandma was gonna do it but she was scared about falling in front of everyone. I didn’t want her to have to pick between me and Roxy. Besides, Rita and her . . . they’ve always been pretty close.”

“I see,” Oliver says, looking around as we reach the front of the chapel area. “This is pretty nice.”

I nod. “I’m loving it. It’s gonna be clear weather tomorrow too. So it’s going to be a gorgeous day.”

“Well, I know it’s only been a few days, but I’m glad. Mary Jo deserves as perfect a wedding as she can get.”

We sit down, taking in the whole chapel. “I bet this place looks a lot different in daylight.”

Oliver shifts around, pulling his arm around my shoulders as he gets a better view. “I think so. Those windows are going to look out on the ocean, and we’ll get a lot more open light. Not that it isn’t nice now, but tomorrow, it should look fantastic. The sort of place . . .”

Oliver goes quiet, turning back around, and I lean in. “What?”

“Nothing,” he says, giving me a nervous smile. “Just fantasy running away from me.”

Before I can push the issue, Roxy walks up, sliding over to find her seat next to me. “Hey, you two lovebirds, I wanted to know if y’all will come to Trixie's with me tonight? I’m gonna be singing and it will be fun to have a few drinks. Just a little non-wedding fun, ya know?”

“It’s up to Mindy,” Oliver says diplomatically, giving me a look. He wants to, I can tell, although I’m not sure why.

I don’t know. I’d love to hear Roxy sing, but what would being out with Oliver outside the fantasy be like? Going with him to Trixie’s isn’t part of the wedding charade.

“Come on, Mindy, it will be our last night of fun together. What can it hurt?” Roxy asks. “Be a big sis.”

“All right,” I agree, worried.

* * *

The bass of the music is bumping as we walk up to the club doors. The line’s long, but as soon as the bouncer sees us with Roxy, he waves us through no problem at all. “Hey, Roxy Rox.”

“Thanks, Enrique,” Roxy says, giving me and Oliver a wink. We go inside, and I have to say, Trixie’s is a nice place. The lights are dim, so I can’t tell too much about the decorations, but there’s lots of mellow blue under-lighting that gives the tiles on the floor a shiny tint. There are flashing lights and lasers, but they’re restricted to the stage area in the back of the room and dance floor. It’s about three-quarters filled right now, a couple of gay couples but mostly pairs of men and women dancing, grinding on each other as the house DJ spins some sexy club tunes. “So what do you all think?”

I nod, looking at Roxy, who’s dressed in a sparkling red halter dress that makes her look cute and sexy. She’s totally ready to perform. Oliver is easily the hottest man in here in his fitted black jeans, gray t-shirt, and blazer. I feel sexy myself, dressed in a tight black dress that Roxy said made me look hot.

A guy with blonde hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen approaches us. He’s a handsome guy, about six feet tall. He’s dressed in some dark pants and a dark vest over top of his skintight white shirt, but he’s clearly not interested in women. Not with the way his eyes crawl over Oliver before he turns his attention to Roxy.

“Hey, Roxy-girl!” he says with a totally put-on lisp, pulling her in for a hug and air-kissing noisily around her face. “You singing tonight?”

“You bet your ass I am. Hey, Brad,” she says, gesturing at us both, “this is my sister, Mindy, and her fiancé, Oliver.”

“Oh, my gawd!” he says, bringing his hands to his lips, his eyes passing over me and going wide as he takes in Oliver again. “Have I met you before?”

Oliver chuckles, shaking his head no. “Not that I know of.”

“Honey, you look like Brad Pitt, with a mix of Chris Pratt and a little bit of Henry Cavill with a side of whip cream and a cherry on top.”

We all three laugh, even Oliver, who looks surprisingly relaxed after just being hit on by a man. He just takes it in stride. “Well, Mindy seems to like me.”

Brad looks at me, nodding in approval. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you . . . I think,” I say with a laugh. “So, how long have you known Roxy?”

Right then, the music changes and Freekaleek comes on, Petey Pablo’s classic earning a cheer throughout the club.

“Oh, hell-o, bitch, this is my song!” Brad yells, bobbing his head and raising his hand while moving his body like an eel. “Sorry. Gotta go!”

He grabs the nearest guy and moves into the crowd and starts twerking. He’s dropping it low to the floor and jumping back up again with surprising quickness for a man his size.

“Yaaas, bitch! You better work it!” Roxy yells. “Shake dat ass, bitch!”

Looking at him, I can't help but laugh. “This place is fun.”

Roxy smiles, turning her attention back to Oliver and me. “See? I told you. You guys needed to get out. You’ve been cooped up with us crazy people for five days. It’s just not healthy. You needed some relaxing fun.”

“Thanks, Roxy,” Oliver says, grinning. “Been a long time since I’ve been in a place like this.”

“Come on, I have a table reserved,” Roxy says. We go over and sit down, and the music cranks up another notch, making it hard to be heard.

“So when do you go on?” Oliver yells, and Roxy checks her watch.

“About thirty minutes!” she yells back. “You gonna dance?” she asks me.

“Dance?” I ask, shocked. “You’ve seen me dance!”

“Yeah, but Oli here hasn’t!” Roxy teases. “He hasn’t seen your Spaz Special yet!”

“I bet she’s a great dancer!” Oliver retorts. “I know she can move!”

“Yeah, well, let me see you two tear up the floor,” Roxy says. She checks her watch again, shaking her head. “Okay, I’ve got to prepare. Y’all have fun.”

She slides out of her chair, gives me a kiss on the cheek, and leaves. My eyes are immediately drawn to Oliver, who’s looking back at me with intensity in his eyes. “Well, let’s get some drinks.”

The music quiets down for a moment, and he calls a waitress over. “Grey Goose martini for me, and Mindy . . .?”

“Stoli and soda,” I order. “Twist of lemon?”

The drinks come quickly, and Freekaleek is still playing when I take my first sip. Off in the crowd, I still see Brad getting his groove on. Filled with excitement, the bass of the music is pumping my blood, and I throw back the rest of my drink quickly, deciding to run with it.

“Can you dance?” I ask Oliver suddenly. “I might be bad, but I’m not as bad as Roxy makes it sound.”

I think he’s gonna tell me no, but then a grin comes on his face. “I might have a few moves.”

“Wanna go?” I ask.

He climbs to his feet and my heart soars. “Sure, why not? It’ll be a warmup before Roxy gets on stage.”

We make our way to the now crowded dance floor, moving into the hot undulating bodies, the bass of the music bumping us as much as the people we’re weaving around. Freekaleek is still thumping, the extended club mix obviously a Trixie’s favorite.

I’m glad. With all this tension in me, I need to let it all out. I’ve been holding on too tightly, and Oliver notices it as we start dancing. “Relax,” he says, grinding against me. “Just have fun.”

He places his hands on the small of my back, gyrating against me like he’s Channing Tatum and we’re in Magic Mike. The heat inside my body only rises as he uses it like it’s his personal playground, his hands moving down to grip my ass, his intense gaze burning into me.

Watching him, feeling him, I’m fucking shocked. He can move. What can this man not do? He can turn me on with a wink of an eye, fucks like a bull, can tame wild dogs, and now I find out he can move that incredibly hot body of his like nobody's business. And work mine like it is his business.

I’m hot and wet between my legs, and it has nothing to do with the temperature in the club.

If I could get him to fetch me Funyuns and make a macchiato, he’d be perfect.

“Wow!” I say, wiping sweat off my brow once the song is over. The way he worked me was fucking hot, and I’m glad the song wasn’t longer or else I might not have my skirt on anymore. Seriously, I’m so fucking hot I almost feel like having him take me down the hallway and fuck me. “You can really move!”

He grins. “I’m glad you liked it.”

Another song comes on and we dance. Not as hot, but that’s mostly because of the song, and then we have to go sit down. The music ratchets down a notch too, and I can see the stage crew getting a mic in place for Roxy.

“Shoot, you wore me out,” I say. We sit down, and Oliver orders another round. “Next round is no alcohol for me, okay?”

Oliver nods and sips at his martini. “Just wait until after Roxy’s done and we get back to John’s.”

His words warm my cheeks, and I down about half of my Stoli and soda, needing to cool off.

Brad comes over to the table with his friend just as Roxy climbs up on stage, grabbing the mic out of the stand and waving to the applauding crowd. “What’s up, Trixie’s?”

“Go, Roxy!” I yell, supporting her. “Work it!”

Roxy laughs, and she begins singing several songs, all pop. Taylor Swift, some Selena Gomez, and a few other pop standards. I cheer through each one. Even Oliver gives her a shout out.

“She can really sing,” he says, impressed. “There’s no way she can give up on this.”

“Yeah, that’s my baby sister,” I say proudly. I haven’t heard her sing in a long time and it’s really great. I love hearing her. She was right. I needed this.”

After her third song, she takes a moment to pause to address the crowd.

“Hey, everybody. I’m glad y’all are enjoying my set, but I’d like to share something with you. Tonight, I have two very special guests . . . my sister, Mindy, and her fiancé, Oliver. Can y’all give them a round of applause?”

A spotlight opens on us, and everyone is suddenly looking at us and applauding us, and my cheeks burn. Roxy, I’m gonna fucking kill you! I say In my head while I bow my head stupidly. Meanwhile, Oliver looks less disturbed, and he just smiles and nods his head at people, giving a little wave.

Up on stage, Roxy laughs. “Ain’t her man the best? The past week, we’ve spent time together, and I’ve been so inspired by their love. I want something like that one day. So I’m gonna mix it up a bit and dedicate my next song, I Wanna Love You Forever by Jessica Simpson, to them both. Because they make me want to have my own forever love.”

She clears her throat and a serious expression goes over her face. No, Roxy. Not this. I can’t handle this. I glance over at Oliver, who also looks uncomfortable, but then he looks at me, and I can see pain in his eyes. A pain that mirrors mine.

You set my soul . . .

Each word is like a stab in my heart as I force myself to listen. The emotion in Roxy’s voice rings out. It’s so strong. So real. So raw. She really cares about me and my relationship. How in the hell am I supposed to tell her that it’s a lie?

I’m gonna love . . .

She hits the high note, and tears come to my eyes as Brad jumps out of his seat while the crowd goes wild. “YASSS, honey!” he yells, leading the cheers. “SING, BITCH, SAAAAAANG!”

I climb to my feet, clapping as Oliver rises as well, and we both exchange awkward glances.

Tears are streaming down my face and I’m unable to speak over the lump in my throat. I’m crying, but not for the reason I should be. Even Oliver’s looking choked up, and I wish I could feel worthy of what Roxy just gave me.

“How’d I do?” Roxy says to me after she gets off stage, dabbing at the tears in her eyes with a napkin. “I hope I didn’t fuck it up too much.”

The tender, vulnerable look in her eyes just adds to the tears streaming down my face. But it isn’t because of happiness or gratitude. It’s because I feel like an absolute fucking fraud.

As I take her in for a hug, I can only tell her the truth.

“Baby, you were absolutely amazing.”


“Woo, that was so much fun!” Roxy says as we walk through the doors of the mansion at one in the morning. After her set, we stayed another couple of hours, and she’s feeling pretty tipsy. “I’m so glad you guys came.”

“We’re glad we did too,” Mindy says quietly, exchanging a glance with me. I know what she’s feeling and thinking. The raw emotion Roxy displayed for us set us both on edge. I feel worse for Mindy. She wanted to please her family too much and didn’t think of the consequences. Now we’re mired in a web of lies. Even if she did want this to last past this week, the amount of lies and bullshit is so deep that it could poison any chance of our having peace.

We can keep it up for a week, but for longer? Hell, I can barely keep the stories straight now, and I’ve been the ones telling them. No matter what, for Mindy, it has to end after we go home.

Nothing can be done about it now, I say to myself. Only two nights left.

I don’t know if I could go back to my life though. Knowing that Mindy’s literally around the corner? I’ll never be able to have a minute’s peace.

“You guys looked really good together,” Roxy continues. “I saw you dancing on the floor. Y’all were tearing it up.”

“Yeah,” Mindy says quietly without much enthusiasm. “Listen, Rox, I’m kinda tired, and with the ceremony tomorrow . . . well, I’m gonna head up to bed.”

“Sure,” Roxy says, giving me a big wink. “You too, Oli?”

“Yeah,” I agree. “Roxy . . . you’ve got real talent. Don’t stop singing, okay?”

My words pierce some of the fog of alcohol around her, and she nods. “Sure, Oli.” She gives me a big hug, squeezing my neck hard. “I’m gonna love having you as a brother-in-law. Thank you.”

We all three head upstairs, Roxy in front since she’s down the hall from us and her balance isn’t quite what it needs to be. As Mindy and I make sure she doesn’t fall and break her neck, she rambles on. “I can't wait for your wedding. It will be something truly special. Mindy, you gonna let me walk you down the aisle? “

Mindy hesitates, glancing at me. I place a hand on her arm, giving her a nod. Even if we’re a lie, Roxy can walk her down when Mindy does get married. “Of course,” she says weakly. “That would be great, Roxy.”

“What’s wrong?” Roxy asks, turning on the riser. I guess she could hear it in her sister’s voice. She weaves a bit, and I steady her shoulders as she peers at her closely. “This ain’t the time to be gettin’ sappy!”

“Just tired. The dancing, ya know,” Mindy says quietly. “Takes it out of you.”

“Girl, you act as if you’re as old as Grandma.” Roxy giggles. “Y’all go on. I’m good to get to my room. Good night, sis, I love you both.”

“Night, love you,” Mindy says. “Thank you for the song.”

“Goodnight, Roxy,” I echo, feeling like I just got punched in the chest. Roxy loves me too? Fuck me, what am I supposed to do now? No matter what, we’re going to break her damn heart.

We go into the room. Neither of us says anything, although I can tell she’s having the same thoughts I am.

Mindy walks over and sits down on the bed, sliding off her shoes before she leans forward, putting her elbows on her knees. “I had fun tonight. Until . . .” Her voice trails off. She shakes her head, her eyes clouded as I come over and sit down next to her. “It never really hit me how far we’ve gone with this thing until I heard the emotion in Roxy’s voice. How much she feels for us.”

I’m silent. I’m not sure what to say. I want to tell her that maybe Roxy’s convinced our love is genuine because it is real. Maybe the silly girl sees something we’re too stupid to see. But I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. As much as I love being with Mindy, we’ve only been with each other for five days. Everything I’ve ever been told tells me it’s impossible to know if you love a person that fast.

But at the same time, no one has ever made me feel the way she makes me feel. I never believed in storybook love before, the sort of all-consuming, all-encompassing love that hits like a bolt of lightning and changes your life forever.

“I just wish I’d never done this,” she says.

“Don’t say that,” I say, more emotionally than I intended.

“But I can't help it,” Mindy softly wails, tears coming down her face. “I lied to everyone. My family. I’m just a fraud. A big, fat, terrible fraud. I’m a horrible person!”

I put my arm around her, comforting her as best I can. “You’re not. You just want them not to judge you and to please your mom. It’s totally understandable.”

“Yeah? Then why can't I just tell them the truth then? Even now, I know if I had to tell her, I’d still lie to save face. And I don’t know why I fucking care. I’m always brushing things off and don’t take things seriously . . . but this . . . I just can't.”

I pull her closer, sliding around so that I’m holding her from behind, just giving her comfort. “Mindy, we all lie to please others. When my parents divorced, I went with my father while Tony went with Mom.”

“You don’t talk much about your father, really. I mean, beyond him making your life like boot camp.”

I nod my head and bury my nose in her hair. Even after a night at the club and tinged with sweat, she smells good. “After college, majoring in business, of course, my father brought me into the family business as his right-hand man. Oh, I was being groomed for success, given a nice chunk of stock, a Vice President’s position right off the bat . . .”

“But you gave it up. Why?”

I nod, holding her more tightly. “Because I never wanted to be in pharmaceuticals. Steele Pharma started off generations ago doing good stuff. We developed treatments for yellow fever, for bacterial infections, all of that. When my father took over, though, that started to change.”

“Why?” Mindy asks.

“Because you make more money selling skin tighteners, tooth whiteners, or wrinkle removers than you do curing diseases anymore. My father shifted all the R&D into cosmetic areas, and now the only real medicines Steele makes are generics on stuff that’s a generation old or more. That’s not the sort of life I wanted to lead.”

“So you quit?” Mindy asks.

I shake my head. “No. Not for years. I was like you are now, living a lie and hating every minute of it. My father and I started fighting, and it got worse and worse until I had to walk away. I had to, or else I’d never be able to speak to him again. So I know what it’s like, and I’m here for you.”

Her body trembles, and I hold her closer. She starts to cry, and I turn her to me, holding her in my lap and letting her bury her head in my shoulder. I murmur in her ear, stroking her hair and back, letting her know I’m there for her. “Mindy, if it counts for anything, I wouldn’t want to lose this week.”

“Why?” she asks, sniffing and looking up into my eyes. I stroke her cheek with my thumb and give her a little smile.

“Because if it hadn’t been for this week, I might never have met you.”

Mindy cuts me off by pulling me close and kissing me, her mouth hot on mine. She’s desperate for reassurance and lost in the fantasy that’s not really a fantasy anymore. I have to have this moment too, a chance to reassure her and to show her, even if it’s just once, what she really means to me.

We tumble to the bed, and I’m careful not to crush her underneath me, her hands tugging at my shirt to stroke my back, not with the rough urgency of our earlier passions but tenderly, searching for something we can’t put into words yet. She mewls, moaning like a kitten as I lift her top up to her armpits and explore the silky soft skin of her body. “Oliver . . .”

I stop and look into her eyes, swallowing back the feelings that are threatening to overwhelm me. “I’ll be very careful, Princess.”

I sit back, unbuttoning the rest of my shirt and shrugging it off, before I scoot back off the bed and unbutton my pants, her eyes drinking me in the whole time. “Mindy, I know tonight’s maybe our last chance. I want this time to be special.”

She nods and sits up, pulling off the rest of her clothes and dropping them over the side of the bed. Mindy's smile fades as she looks at me in amazement, blinking silently until my eyes meet hers, and I swallow, pulling her to her feet. “You truly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.”

“You make me feel beautiful,” she tells me, stepping closer.

Mindy smiles and puts her arms around my neck, mashing my cock between us as she kisses me again. She’s just short enough without her shoes on that I have to bend my head more than what's comfortable, but it’s okay, and she leads me back to the bed, stretching out beside me as we keep kissing.

I've never felt my heart filled with such pleasure and pain as we just kiss and let our hands stroke over each other’s skin. I never touch her breasts or between her legs. Not yet. I want to explore everything else, goosebumps of pleasure breaking out on her skin as I pour myself into her. Mindy’s touch is just as electric, my brain frizzing out again and again as she finds another spot on my skin that leaves me gasping and moaning. I’ve never let myself be this vulnerable, this open before, and I know that no matter what, tonight’s going to change me forever.

“Oliver,” she whispers in my ear, even the tickle of the warm air causing me to tremble in anticipation, “I want to taste you.”

Mindy kisses down my body, her eyes beseeching as she looks up at me, smiling. I nod, and she reaches out with her tongue.

I don't know how to describe what happens to me the instant her tongue touches the tip of my cock. It's like a rifle shot goes through me, my nerves all lit up at once, pleasure beyond anything I've ever thought possible. She licks softly, my body shaken by the sensations each time, and I’m awakened to new heights of ecstasy. After teasing my head with long, loving sucks, she buries my cock in her throat, bobbing up and down until I’m on the edge, and she pulls back, looking me in the eyes with deep emotion.

Love, my mind insists on saying. Is that what this is? This feeling inside me, or is it just that I’m caught up in a fantasy that I hadn’t even planned? Am I going insane, or is Mindy looking at me with a feeling that we never expected? We were supposed to be buddies, friends with benefits as I help her out of a jam. This was never supposed to grow beyond that.

Maybe I faze out a little, because the next thing I'm aware of is the sound of a foil packet being opened, and Mindy’s kneeling between my legs, rolling a condom down my cock. She rolls over, spreading her legs and giving me a beseeching look.

I nod, climbing on top of her and lifting her hips, her eyes still fixed on my face as I line myself up. I push in, the feeling of her pussy again mind-blowing, and I feel something inside me as Mindy opens up doors to my heart and soul.

It’s not her body, as perfect as it is. It's in the way she looks at me, her eyes full of meaning. I bring my hands up to caress her breasts in gentle strokes. We move slowly, wanting this instant to last forever. The world outside doesn’t exist as I bend down and kiss her and begin to thrust in and out slowly.

Before, I’ve been aggressive, powerful, blurring the line between having sex and being greedy with her body. Part of it was the game—Mindy’s got a freaky side to her too, and we both enjoy it that way. But this isn’t the time for that. Instead, I’m gentle, trying to show her through my body the feelings that I’m too afraid to say. I see it reflected in Mindy as my fears are replaced with a warmth that builds in my chest as we kiss and look into each other's eyes. I kiss her deeply as our bodies move together, my cock rubbing over the places deep inside her with every thrust.

“Oliver . . .” Mindy whispers before words fail her and she moans incoherently. My hips speed up to give her what she needs. She wraps her legs around my waist, giving herself fully to me as we build, faster and harder. Our hips start to slap together, and I feel myself building toward a huge orgasm, my back flexing as her fingers claw at my skin. I want to give her everything I have, everything I am, but I can’t make words either, and all I can do is make sure she’s given everything I can give her.

My body is trembling, her pussy sending vibrations through me as we build higher and higher. Mindy’s shaking, and I squeeze her ass, on the edge myself. Suddenly, her eyes open wide, and she's there, crying out softly in a choked wail. With a final hard thrust, I come, filling the condom as I try to soothe the pain deep in my heart. She’s an angel, a fantasy, and I give all I can to her.

My body trembles as I hold Mindy afterward, sweat drying on my forehead as we lie looking into each other’s eyes. She’s still in so much pain, and I wish I could take it all away from her. “What is it?”

“Oliver . . . I love you,” she whispers, cupping my cheek.

I’m shocked, and my heart leaps in my chest. Is she for real? I want her to be, but how can we really feel this way? Finally, stuck, I tell her the truth. “Mindy, I love you too.”

She nods and gives me a little smile. I can see the question in her eyes, the same one I have. Is she caught up in an emotional moment, or are her words the truth? I know what I feel.

“Thank you,” she whispers and snuggles against me. Her breathing calms, and in minutes, I can feel her nod off. After she’s asleep, I give her a kiss on the forehead, still troubled.

I was telling her the truth. Crazy as it sounds, I was.

Was she?


I can’t help but feel my pulse quicken as I hear the violins and flutes start up, the pre-ceremony music just as beautiful as I thought it would be. In fact, everything is as beautiful as I could have ever dreamed of. Everyone is dressed to perfection, all the women looking gorgeous in nice dresses and all the men in their suits or tuxedos. The flowers are perfect, the weather is perfect, everything is amazing. Even the sun and clouds are cooperating, with just enough puffy cotton balls in the sky to break up all the eye-watering blue without taking away from the impact of the sky and the ocean.

The procession music starts, and the priest comes down the aisle, his plump, cherubic face smiling over the top of his vestments and his Bible held to his chest reverently. After him comes John, who looks dashing and proud in his tuxedo, his face beaming as he looks forward to the next thirty minutes that will change the rest of his life.

Behind him are the flower girls, each of them looking innocent and joyful as they sprinkle white rose petals down the aisle. Their dresses fit just right, and their gold-trimmed baskets twinkle merrily as the musicians swing into the pause, building toward Mom’s big entrance.

“This is so beautiful,” Roxy whispers next to me on my left. She’s the prettiest I’ve ever seen her, and I almost can’t believe the angel sitting next to me is my little sister. “I can hardly wait!”

I nod, unable to form words, and I turn my head the other way to get a better view of the back of the church. As I do, I see Oliver, sitting on my right. He looks so handsome in his own tux, his bright eyes taking it all in, his jaw set, and he’s whispering something to himself as he takes it all in.

It’s the only flaw in this perfect day. Every time I look at him today, I feel sick. I know it’s drawing to a close. After tonight, what we have will be no longer. We don’t even have much time today. It’s Mom’s day. We’ll have the reception and party that’ll last to at least one in the morning, and we’ll spend all day with the family tomorrow. Both days, we’re going to go to sleep exhausted, and then Monday morning, we board the plane to go back to the real world again.

Who knows what’s going to happen then? I guess we could continue dating, and a part of me is hopeful we will. But there is no guarantee.

All day, I’ve had another image running in my head though. We go back to town, and I go back to work at the Beangal’s Den. He calls a few times, and maybe stops by the shop, but as we look at each other, we just know that the fantasy was just that, and our time is over. I found myself crying in the bathroom as I took a shower this morning because the image was so strong in my head.

Why couldn’t he see that I was serious last night when I said I love him? Was he just giving me a last little bit of fantasy? I gave him time to say more, but he didn’t. All I wanted was for him to say that he wants to see me at home, that we can make it work somehow. But he didn’t, and now . . .

“You okay?” Roxy asks, seeing the tears forming in my eyes. “It’s a lot, I know.”

“Yeah,” I agree quietly. “What’s taking Mom so long?”

“I dunno. I wonder if . . .”

“Hush, you two!” Grandma whispers. “I am not going to have this tarnished because my granddaughters can’t stop jabberjawing!”

Roxy gives me a smirk and I can’t help but smile a little. Grandma looks like she’s about to burst because she’s so happy. The musicians swing into The Wedding March, and we all stand as the doors in the back of the church open and Mom steps in with Aunt Rita.

“My goodness,” Roxy whispers, truly stunned, and I have to agree. Sure, we saw Mom in the dress just last night, but today, with her hair and makeup done, the lighting just right, and all the buildup . . . she’s more beautiful than I’ve ever seen her in my life.

Aunt Rita looks proud enough to burst herself in her dress, a pale apricot color that makes her look young and beautiful. They reach the altar, where Rita passes Mom over to John and steps back to her position on the side.

The preacher starts his speech, but to be honest, I stop paying attention. Instead, I think about Mom. She’s beaming, looking at John with her eyes lit up, the perfect bride. Despite whatever turmoil I’m feeling inside over my own life, I couldn’t be happier for her. She truly looks happy.

After Daddy’s death, she never crumbled. Even as Roxy and I mourned, even as the insurance money ran out and the costs mounted, she was our rock. She was the one who made sure enough of Daddy’s life insurance was set aside to pay for college for Roxy and me. She was the one who worked hard raising two daughters who were, in reality, not that easy to deal with. She sacrificed a lot for us, and though we may have never actually said it, we appreciate what she did for us and never want to disappoint her.

I was a bit worried when she met John as I saw her become what I thought was too comfortable with her new lifestyle. But over the past week, she’s reassured me. And now, I’m nothing but happy for her.

“And now,” the minister says, turning to John, “John, do you take Mary Jo to be your wife, to love and honor, to cherish and protect, in good times and bad, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” John says, sliding Mom’s ring on her finger, and my heart catches in my throat. We’re at the ultimate moment, and I can barely breathe.

The minister turns to Mom. “And do you, Mary Jo, take John to be your husband, to have and to hold, to love and cherish through sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Mom replies, sliding the ring onto John’s finger.

“The veil, please,” the minister says, and John lifts Mom’s veil. The world doubles, then trebles for a moment before I realize that I’m crying, and I hurriedly wipe at my eyes. I have to see this clearly. “You may kiss the bride.”

John and Mom kiss, and as they step back, I glance at Oliver. He’s beaming, and a thought runs through my head.

If only . . . if only.

* * *

“Let the party begin!”

Leave it to Roxy to kick the reception off right. She bursts through the doors of the reception hall already thrusting her hands up in the air, ready to turn the reception into her own personal rave if she has to.

I can’t help it, I’m caught up in her enthusiasm—everyone is—and pretty soon, I’m laughing and joking along with everyone else.

“Well, hello, there!” Brad yells as he crosses the floor. Of all the guests at the wedding or the reception, he’s easily the loudest, both in the way he talks and in the way he’s dressed. Then again, anyone wearing a bright lilac suit and pink bowtie to a wedding is going to stand out. “I was hoping to see you!”

“I think he’s talking to you,” Roxy laughs, poking Oliver, who’s just returned with some wine from the open bar. I take a sip and it’s good wine, that’s for sure. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m hot as hell right now. But I know he doesn’t have eyes for me.”

Oliver hands me my drink, chuckling. “Hello, Brad. Enjoy the wedding?”

Brad grabs the wine from Oliver’s hand before tossing it back, grinning. “Honey, I’m just looking forward to the day I get to be up there. I’m gonna be one sexy bitch!”

“I bet you are,” I retort, laughing. “You got the lucky guy all picked out yet?”

“Hmmm . . .” Brad says melodramatically as he looks around the room before rolling his eyes back to Oliver. “The best is already taken.”

I blush, but Oliver handles it with a smirk and a laugh. I think he realizes Brad’s just messing with him. Or at least I hope he is.

“Mind if I show your woman what she’s missing?” Brad asks, grabbing my wrist. “Come on, Mindy, let me show you what you’re going to be missing.”

I hand Oliver my wine, and he gives me a smile and a toast as Brad and I head out to the floor. Mom and John aren’t here yet, so the floor is still mostly empty. I’m shocked when Look Back At Me comes on, but Grandma doesn’t look upset as Trina and Killer Mike drop some of the raunchiest twerk anthems of all time.

“Come on, now, work it!” Brad says as he starts, and there’s no way in hell I can pass it up. I start dancing right next to him, dropping it as low as I can in my party dress.

I pop my hips from side to side as Brad tries to keep up. By the time the four and half minutes are up, my legs are burning but I’m laughing my ass off, Brad’s antics and dancing leaving me breathless. When the song ends and the DJ takes back over, we make our way off the floor, and just in time. The DJ starts some jazzy music, and the doors open for John and Mom to make their grand entrance.

“Well, that was good timing.” Roxy giggles as she hands me a glass. “By the way, Oliver’s eyes never left your ass the entire time you were out there.”

I don’t really have a reply, and when Oliver sits down, I try my best to keep up with everything. But I can’t—my attention keeps getting pulled back to Oliver, and I see him giving me looks too. Is that longing I see in his eyes? But if it is, why can’t he just say this isn’t over when we leave?

Up front, it’s time for the toasts, and after a hilarious one from Grandma, it’s my turn. I make my way to the front of the room where the mic is set up, trying to remember what I worked up this morning when I had a few minutes. I clear my throat, and look out at the crowd, at the cousins and second cousins and John’s family with all their kids, and my mind goes blank. “Ahh . . .”

There’s a nervous titter in the crowd and then silence, and I’m about to break down when Oliver stands up. “I know I’ve only known Mary Jo and John a week,” he says, making his way to the front of the room and putting his arm around my shoulder. His blue eyes find mine, and I feel both strength and longing flood my heart. Oliver smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek before continuing. “I know that’s not a long time to get to know someone, but I don’t need a week. I don’t even need another minute to know that John is one of the luckiest men in the whole damn world.

“Some of you are probably thinking I’m saying this because I want a better wedding gift when Mindy and I tie the knot,” he says, earning a few laughs. “And I’ll admit, the thought did cross my mind. John, I happen to think that Monaco is a great place to take a honeymoon, don’t you?”

His joke earns more laughs, and even I have to smile, putting an arm around Oliver’s waist and holding him tight. He hugs me, then continues. “But seriously, I know that you’re a lucky man, because so am I. Because any woman who was able to raise two daughters as wonderful, as beautiful, and as special as Mindy and Roxy . . . that’s a woman you want to have by your side for the rest of your life. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, they say. Well, the reverse is true. To the luckiest man in the room and to his lovely bride. May your lives be filled with happiness and joy.”

There are tears in Mom’s eyes as Oliver raises his glass, and as we make our way back to our seat, I give his hand a squeeze. “Thank you.”

“I meant it,” he says quietly, giving me that same heart aching look. The toasts continue, with Roxy going last, dedicating her singing instead of a normal toast. As Mom and John dance on the floor to Roxy’s version of Wonderful Tonight, I can’t help but feel my throat grow tight for what feels like the thousandth time today. Oliver sounds moved, too. “They’re going to have a good life.”

“I hope so,” I whisper, choked up. I look at Oliver and reach over, taking his hand. “Will you dance with me, next song?”

He nods, taking my hand in his, and as Roxy finishes up, we stand and go to the floor. I’m hoping for something faster, something that won’t tear my heart out anymore, but Roxy sees us, and we’re trapped as she starts up. A Thousand Years.

“Just dance,” Oliver says quietly, sensing what I’m thinking. He pulls me into his arms, and I let myself move, losing myself in his eyes as we dance. I’m scared, I’m hurting, but I let myself go, putting my arms around his neck and dancing with him. Christina Perri’s lyrics might be a total lie. I haven’t even known Oliver for a thousand hours, let alone a thousand years . . . but the heart’s the same.

And I’ll give him a thousand more, if he’ll have me. I’m just too scared to tell him, to tell him that as I look at him here on the dance floor, I want the lie to be real. That he’s better than the fictional Harold I created as a lie. That I want him, that I need him. That I love him.

“Oliver . . .” I say, trying to form the words, but before I do, there’s a tap on my shoulder, and I see Mom giving me a smile.

“May I have this dance with my daughter?” Mom asks, and Oliver nods, moving off to dance with Grandma. For the rest of the reception, we have fun, but Oliver and I never get a chance to talk until dinner arrives and we sit down. The tables have been rearranged, and Oliver and I have joined Mom, John, Roxy, and Grandma at the head table.

“You know, Oliver, you’re full of it,” Grandma says as the filet mignon is brought out. “I heard you tell Mindy that you can’t dance. You move like a cat.”

“Well, what I said was I can’t twerk as well as Brad,” Oliver says with a grin. “That’s not a lie. I didn’t say I couldn’t dance.”

“Yeah, well, you keep it up, and I’m going to have to drag you out there to see if you’re lying about that,” Roxy jokes, sipping her wine. “What a great reception.”

“This wedding has been wonderful,” Mom says. “Best night of my life . . . or second best . . . or hell, I’m just going to say it’s tied, and this one doesn’t involve me giving birth!”

“Yeah, well, after this, I can’t wait until Mindy’s and Oliver’s,” Roxy says. “I so wanna see that ceremony.”

There’s a clatter of silverware, and I look up from my plate to see Mom staring at Oliver and me, her eyes wide. She suddenly snaps her fingers, grinning ear to ear. “That’s it!”

“What?” Roxy asks, and I feel a wave of despair sweep over me.

“Mindy and Oliver! What if you got married tomorrow? This place is so wonderful!”

“What?” I ask, hoping to nip this in the bud. I can’t do this, I just can’t. “Mom, that’s not what we planned. Besides, you need to get packing after this. You’ve got a honeymoon to get ready for.”

“Nonsense!” Mom says, and I feel nauseous. I glance at Oliver, but I can see the same desperation in his eyes. We’re trapped, and I don’t know how we’re supposed to get out of this without hurting someone. “The whole family is here. It’ll be Sunday. Instead of us gathering for some stuffy lunch, we can have the wedding here. John, you can get that handled, right?”

Grandma doesn’t say a word, but the way she’s looking at me, I can see the hope in her eyes. She’s not as forward as Mom is, but she’s hoping we say yes, I can see it.

“But Oliver’s family—,” I began to protest, but Mom cuts me off, holding up her hand.

“Can have their own ceremony for you two. You’ve already told me you both wanted to have a wedding some place like here. John is more than willing to take care of it. I mean, you’ve already been engaged for a year. Wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

I open my mouth to say no, but I freeze when I see the weight of everyone’s eyes on me. I hate that Mom put me in this position, but I know she’s just being Mom and she means well. I look uneasily at Oliver. He’s quiet and tight-lipped. This isn’t a game now. I can tell he’s as flustered as I am. All I can do is look in his eyes, and as I do, I keep thinking about the way he said he loved me last night and the way he looked at me while we danced today.

What am I supposed to do? In a perfect world, I’d have met Oliver a year ago, he’d have walked into the Beangal’s Den, and he’d be my actual fiancé. I wouldn’t be lying. I wouldn’t be trying to decide which is worse, a sham marriage or breaking my family’s heart.

I lick my lips, looking around the table at everyone as they all stare at me. Even though there’s conversation at the other tables, at ours, it’s quiet. I can hear my heart pounding in my chest.

Now would be the time to tell them the fucking truth. I can’t keep mounting lies on top of lies.

But looking at everyone, I feel my heart squeeze. I can just imagine the look on their faces when I fess up. God, I might actually kill Grandma by breaking her heart. Congratulations on the wedding, Mom. Your daughter’s been lying and killed Grandma because of it the same night. Sorry.

Oliver starts to try to say something. “John, Mary Jo, this place is amazing, but this is your time. You guys should have the spotlight.”

John waves it off, wiping his lips with his napkin. “If that’s what you’re worried about, forget it. Mary Jo wants to see her daughter happy. Mary Jo and I are far too old to be worried about this day being special just for us. If you want to make it special, let us give you this gift. Let me do this for you.”

I look around at the hope in their eyes. The pressure is enormous, more than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. Any thought of telling them the truth dies in that moment as I look in Mom’s hopeful eyes.

“Okay,” I say, ignoring the shock that flashes in Oliver’s eyes. “We’re getting married here.”


“How could you do something like that?” I ask, pacing back and forth in the middle of the room. “I mean, I know this, all of this, is because you’ve dug yourself a big ass hole, but . . . fuck!”

It’s hours after the reception, and we’re back in our room. I think almost everyone else is asleep, but I’m still dressed in my wedding outfit. I’ve at least taken the time to strip off my bow tie and jacket, half unbuttoning my shirt to try and be able to breathe because I’m so pissed.

Mindy’s found the time to get out of her dress, pulling on a sexy little pair of sleep shorts and a large V-neck t-shirt that does nothing to hide the fact that she’s gorgeous. In fact, if I weren’t so mad, I’d be obsessed with showing her just how gorgeous I think she is.

She looks sad and conflicted. “They were all looking at me and depending on me. I knew I should have said no, but I couldn’t do it.”

“It’s pretty easy. No. Nyet. Nein. Non,” I bite back, forcing myself to take a deep breath when I see her lip tremble. I hate how angry I sound. But this came completely out of left field. I know I’ve been lying the whole time by saying I'm Mindy’s fiancé, but this was something that didn’t have to be. But on another hand, I don’t know why I’m so worked up. “You could have at least said you’d think about it, that you don’t want to answer without having a private conversation with me. Played it off or something. Not get us deeper into some shit . . .”

“I’m usually strong and independent, but when it comes to family—” she says softly, her voice cracking. She stops and starts again. “You don’t really want to marry me, I know. You hate me now.”

“I—” I try to reply, but I choke up. I can’t speak over the lump in my throat. Is that what she wants? A real wedding? Is that why she’s looking so miserable right this moment? Does she really think I hate her? “I don’t hate you. And I don’t know what I want, not while I’m this angry. Not while . . .”

Mindy nods, and I see the hurt in her eyes. But after a week of lies, of half-hidden comments and games back and forth, I can’t lie anymore. I’m too pissed off to really respond to that.

Still, I feel like shit because I can't assuage her pain. I know she’s trying to please her family. It’s noble from a certain point of view. And she isn’t the only one who’s guilty of lying. I know we’re both in too deep. But this seems like she stepped over the line. Save your mom’s feelings? Sure, I get it. Sham marriage? No, there’s got to be a line somewhere.

When she speaks again, her voice is small and filled with shame. “I’m sorry. I know I’m a terrible person, Oliver. I swear I’m normally not such a coward. It’s okay if you hate me. If you don’t want to talk to me ever again after this is over, I’ll understand.”

Not talk to her ever again? It hurts to even hear the words. And I don’t know why I can't just tell her it's okay, we’ll do it and just get through it. I guess I’m just still raw over everyone’s emotions, seeing them hope for Mindy, wanting us to consummate our love. Love that they don’t know is supposed to be fake.

“Don't say that,” I say more harshly than I should.

“Don’t say what?” she asks, her voice raw and choked with half held-back tears. “That you hate me? Go ahead and say it. At least someone this week knows the truth about me!”

“That’s not true—” I start, stopping when my thoughts start to tumble over each other. I hate the lies, but I can’t hate Mindy. And the truth about how I feel about her is so enormous, so insane, it scares me to even think about it, let alone say something about it.

“You’re so mad right now you can't even talk. You think I’m weak!” Mindy continues before I can get my head right, emotions sweeping her away and taking me with her like a lake that’s broken through a dam. We’re helpless in the rush, and all I can try to do is hold on for dear life.

She’s definitely not weak. She’s one of the strongest women I’ve ever known, and that’s what I love about her. She just puts others before herself a lot of times. I’ve seen it in everything Mindy’s done this week. From this whole charade to the stories she’s told me about her life back home, even the ways we’ve had sex, everything this woman does is to please others. Her deepest desire is the desire to see other people happy. She drinks it, survives on it like it’s her daily bread.

I’m unable to offer anything, not trusting myself to speak. I don’t really know what I can say. I’m angry, so angry that my fingers are trembling as I hold them behind my back just to give them something to do. I’m hurt. And worst of all, I think I’m madly in—

“I’ll just go fucking tell them,” she says, jumping to her feet. “Get this over with like I should have in the beginning. I don’t know why I did this.”

I step In her way. “Don’t,” I growl. As much as I wanted her to say no at the time, I don’t want to see her hurt more by telling her family and upsetting everyone. “We just need to carry this thing through at this point.”

She tries to step past me but I grab her by the arm. “Don’t,” I repeat, staring into her beautiful eyes that are now blazing in anger. “You’re not going out that door.”

She tries to twist out of my grasp, but my hand is like iron, and while I’m not squeezing her, I’m not releasing her either. “Let go of me!”

“No.” I step closer until we’re almost touching foreheads, my own anger growing. “You’re not going anywhere, Princess. You committed us to it, and we’re going to fucking do it.”

“But you don’t want to,” she hisses. “And you have that right. I shouldn’t have said yes. I'll just tell another lie,” she says, lowering her head in shame. “I’ll tell them we changed our minds, that your mom said she didn’t want you to have it without her.”

“No!” I repeat, pulling her back from the door. “We’re doing it, and that’s final. We’ll get an annulment as soon as we get back.”

She goes lax in my arms. The anger evaporates, leaving just a wounded hurt in her eyes. It’s like she’s upset that I’m going to annul our fake marriage. It’s what she wanted, wasn’t it? And how could I get married and stay married to someone I’ve only known for five days?

“What do you really owe Gavin?” she asks quietly out of nowhere after a long pause. “Why would you do this for him? And don’t try to tell me it’s nothing. I’ve been trying to figure out this whole time why a man like you would go through all of this, even for a friend, when I know you can’t be that close to him. Brianna and I are besties, and she knew nothing about you until that first day. So what is it? I haven’t been able to come up with a damn thing.”

My first reaction is to play it off, be evasive. She goes over to the bed and sits down, pulling her legs up to her chest and looking at me with a wide, trembling gaze.

I want to lie, but the way she’s looking at me is like a mute, desperate plea for some sort of truth, some way to understand in this world of lies. She’s drowning. I’m telling her that I demand to go through with a sham marriage after a sham week. As much as we’ve gotten to know each other, as much time as we’ve spent over the past week, I know she’ll know if I’m lying.

I can’t do it. I won’t lie. “I lost to him in a game of poker.”

“A game of poker?” She furrows her brow. “You’re doing this over a game of poker? Are you fucking nuts?”

I lick my lips. I hate to say this. “I wish it were that simple, that I’m insane. But it’s more than that. He beat me out of a little more than half a million dollars.”

The breath escapes her in surprise. “No wonder you agreed to do this,” she says when she regains her voice. She shakes her head angrily, then looks at me with venom in her smile. “Gavin fucking owns your soul, doesn’t he? So this whole week, you’ve been just trying to do what he asked, and I know what he asked of you. He said to show me a good time, be everything I could dream of. Be the perfect fiancé, and by God, you did it!”

“I agreed to be your fiancé,” I agree. “But since then—”

“So you telling me you loved me the other night, that was just part of you trying to get your half mil back, wasn’t it? I was such a fool. I even started to get lost in the whole damn thing. I was beginning to believe it. But now I know. This whole thing has been fucking fake. How much was that I love you worth, huh? A hundred thousand? Two?”

Anger tightens my chest. It’s like she’s accusing me being some sort of gigolo, a whore doing this for money, when she was the one who wanted and needed someone. “Isn’t that what this is supposed to be? Fake. Why are you acting like it was supposed to be anything else?”

I know my words are angry and hurtful, but I speak before I think. I’m out of control, the pain too damn much. “I did my job, Princess.”

She hangs her head, tears streaming down her cheeks to drip onto her thighs like diamonds on caramel. “You heartless son of a bitch.”

“You’re going to call me names now? I’ll let you fucking know that I have more than enough money. Losing that much is never fun, but I didn’t need that money, Mindy. And I told Gavin to kiss my ass with his request and was just going to pay up until I saw . . .” my voice trails off, my voice blocked again.

“Saw what?” she asks, getting off the bed to look in my face. She’s hopeful, I can see it, but I’m too afraid of what I’m trying to say.

Instead, I swallow it all back, forcing it into the depths of my stomach where it sits like a sour pill, roiling and churning at my gut. “Nothing. You have no right to be mad. Yeah, at first I was doing this because of money, but all of that changed when I got to know you. I’ve had a good time, regardless of the fact that it wasn’t supposed to be real at first.”

She crosses her arms, scowling at me.

“It’s the truth. I don’t make up lies to save my ass.” Fuck. I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. I wish like hell I could take them back. “I didn’t mean—”

Mindy’s hand lashes out, unthinking and fueled by the hurt and shame that’s boiling inside her. She hits me with every ounce of fury in her tiny body, probably even before she knows she’s doing it, whipping my face to the side.

“I hate you!” she hisses, spit flying from her curled lips to splatter on my cheeks. Her manicured nails, shaped and done just for the wedding today, slide down my face as she pulls away, and I feel red hot fire as they almost break my skin. “Fuck you!”

It doesn’t really hurt . . . stings a little, but not truly painful. What hurts more are the words, and anger boils up within my stomach. She hates me? She thinks I don’t fucking care about her? When I’m willing to go through this whole charade for her and even do this sham wedding?

“Fuck me, Princess?” I hiss, grabbing her by the arms. “Whatever you might think, that wasn’t part of the deal. I could have slept on the fucking floor this past week. So if anyone wants to talk about fucking, it should be you, because you’ve loved every damn minute of it!”

“You fucking . . .” Mindy rasps furiously, but I cut her off by pulling her into me and smashing my lips into hers in an angry kiss. For a moment, she resists, but then she seems to melt into me.

“Fucking?” I growl when we pull back, my hand wrapped in her hair. Her green eyes are blazing in want and fury as I push her onto the bed, grabbing her t-shirt and pulling. It tears like tissue paper, and her lithe, sexy body tenses as she pants. “I’m going to show you fucking.”

“Asshole.” Mindy hisses like a cat as I pounce on her. I pin her arms above her head in one powerful hand, giving her another bruising, battling kiss before I use my free hand to maul her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples until she’s moaning and whining at the same time as her tongue duels with mine. I kiss down her neck to her left breast, sucking hard as I let go of her wrists. My tongue runs over and around her stiff nipple as I reach down, yanking her panties to the side and slamming two fingers deep inside her in one vicious thrust, wiggling them up and down inside her wet pussy.

Mindy claws and yanks at my hair while I relentlessly finger fuck her, pumping my fingers in and out of her pussy while I rub her clit with my thumb, but I barely feel it. The sting of her fingernails on my skin just makes me thrust harder and harder, adding a third finger. Soon, most of my hand is pounding her soaking wet pussy as I bite and chew on her nipples, and she’s not fighting anymore. Instead, I feel her hips thrust into my hand even as I push harder, and she’s clawing at me, wanting more.

I bite down hard on Mindy’s right nipple, pulling back as she howls, her back arching as she coats my fingers in her wetness, coming hard on my hand and her feet beating into the bed over and over.

I’m merciless, rubbing my thumb roughly over her clit even as she comes, pulling away from her breast to stare in her eyes. “I’ve given a lot to you,” I growl into her face, yanking my fingers out and shoving them in her mouth. “But it’s my time to take.”

Mindy sucks on my fingers, tears in her eyes as my words sink in, but I’m too angry, too driven as I pull them out and lift her leg, getting between her legs and staring in her eyes as she sneers at me in anticipation of what’s going to happen. “Take? Is that all you’ve got?”

I growl, tearing my shirt off before pushing my pants down, freeing my cock and grinding myself against her. “You’ve been cock drunk on me since before you ever saw this fucking thing,” I taunt back. “I’m the best you've ever had, and I’m the best you ever will have.”

“Then prove it,” Mindy says, clawing at my back again. I grab her hair and pin her to the pillow as I wet the head of my cock with her juices before thrusting in hard. She howls in pain and pleasure as I go all the way in with one deep stroke, slamming into her pussy and driving the breath out of her.

“Like that?” I hiss as I pull back and thrust deep into her again, grinding my cock into her. I thrust in again, her pussy squeezing me even as she sneers at me. “Tell me you love it.”

“No . . .” Mindy whispers, her eyes brimming with tears. They pierce my fog of rage enough that I let go of her hair enough to plant my hands on each side of her head, staring into her eyes. I kiss her hard, our tongues fighting as she claws at my neck and back, my cock hammering her pussy hard. The only sounds in the room are our moans and the harsh smack of our hips as I fuck her hard and deep.

Mindy gasps in pain but at the same time pushes up into me, challenging me. “You’ve gotta earn it, you son of a bitch.”

Mindy mewls, pulling her knees up as I push her up harder, staring her in the eyes still. “Say it! Tell me you love it!”

I pull back, thrusting in hard again, and as I speed up a little, I growl, my anger pouring out through my cock and my voice as I fuck her. My cock drives deep into her body again and again, pounding her with everything I have as I grab her around the throat lightly. She moans, staring right into my eyes.

“I never hated you,” I pause and whisper before I start thrusting into her again. My hips slap against hers hard as she scratches down my back, the pain making me speed up. “I wanted the impossible, to have you after this too. Even if you are ungrateful.”

“I’m sorry,” Mindy manages, her fingers not letting up on my back, and I wonder if she’s drawing blood.

I growl, squeezing tighter as I speed up, hammering her into the bed until my cock is throbbing deep inside her. Mindy’s squirming, and I speed up until she screams, her pussy clamping tightly around my cock as she comes again. I keep going, ignoring her moans until my cock is ready, and I pull out, groaning as I come and spray her chest with my seed, crying out as the last of my anger is gone and all that’s left is . . . I don’t know.

I sag, sitting on the bed and shaking my head, saying nothing. I lie down and stare at the ceiling, both guilty and totally shaken to my core. I’ve never been that rough before, and I certainly have never come that hard before. My heart aches in my chest, my thighs tremble, and I don’t know what to say.

Tell her you love her, you damn idiot! Tell her that somewhere along the line, maybe Tuesday or so, you fell in love with her for real! Tell her that she’s worth more than all that money, she’s worth the entire fucking world!

I roll to the side, but before I can say anything, Mindy gets up. Reaching down, she finds the shredded remains of her shirt and wipes herself off before balling it up and tossing it uncaringly in the chair. “Mindy . . .”

She looks at me, and in her eyes, I see something that chills me all the way to the depths of my soul. She looks dead. Her doll’s eyes have no emotion left in them. “I’m sorry for lashing out at you,” she says almost robotically. “I know this was all supposed to be fake. But somewhere along the line, I started to feel like it was real. It was a mistake, and though we just had sex, I know it was just sex. But . . . I just don’t want to fight anymore. So please, no more words tonight, Oliver. No more pain.”

I open my mouth to tell her that I do truly love her and that if she loves me too, maybe we can make something out of this fucking mess. But before I can, she turns away. “After the wedding, you’re free to never speak to me again. Actually . . . after we get back home, I don’t want to see you again. It’ll hurt too goddamn much.”

She walks into the bathroom and closes the door, leaving me feeling like I just got punched in the chest, and I roll onto my back, covering my eyes. I lie there for a moment before getting up, pulling on my boxers, and going out to the balcony to stare up at the moon, which doesn’t have any answers either.


“I never thought I’d live to see the day,” Mom says, tears shining in her eyes as she looks at me in the mirror. We’re in the dressing room at the reception hall, putting the final touches on what I’m wearing. The wedding begins in fewer than thirty minutes, and Mom’s been fluttering around me all morning. I know she means well, but all she’s doing is making it worse. I’ve been so nervous all morning and so guilt-ridden that I refused breakfast and haven’t been able to talk in anything more than grunts and one-word answers.

My chest is tight as I gaze at myself in the full-length mirror. I look beautiful—even I have to admit it. My hair is pulled to the side and hangs over my right shoulder, letting my back remain bare in my body-hugging lacy white gown. My shoulders are bare, and it’s just a little risqué, with a deep curving V-cut that drops deep between my breasts.

When I was a lonely teenager who didn’t have a boyfriend, I’d stay up and look at bridal magazines. I’d dream about my wedding, how I’d look, and what sort of gown I’d wear. I had it all planned out, the perfect fairytale wedding. And suddenly, so fast I’m still reeling, it’s here. Well, sort of. My eyes filled with tears when I first saw the gown in the bridal shop. I wanted it right away, and I couldn’t stop myself despite my guilt. The perfect gown for the perfect fraud.

“Ha,” Grandma says to Mom, “you never thought you’d see the day? Well how about my old crusty ass?”

“Momma, please,” Mom says, smiling into the mirror. “Don’t make Mindy laugh in the dress. She’s barely got room to breathe as it is. I can see why you skipped breakfast.”

Anxiety is twisting my stomach tighter. I want to say something, but instead, I just turn away from the mirror and put on my high heels. Mom need not worry about me laughing. I haven’t been able to so much as crack a smile since I woke up this morning from a fitful hour of sleep. Since last night, my emotions have been running rampant. The hot, angry sex with Oliver last night was amazing. I came deeper and harder than I could have ever imagined. If just a few things would have been different, I’d be smiling and joking just as much as my family is.

But now I know that for Oliver, it meant nothing. He was repaying a debt, and the sex was just his little way to put his own twist on the whole thing. The kind words, the cuddles, the laughter. All of it was just him getting into his role. He never loved me. Hell, last night, he probably fucked me so hard because he wanted it to hurt, to show me just how angry he was.

This whole thing is one big fucking fraud. And Oliver’s right—I’m just a liar.

“Are you okay?” Mom asks me, seeing the tears that are threatening to fall from my eyes.

I flash her a weak smile, forcing at least my lips to turn upward some. “Yeah. Just nervous, Mom.”

“Oh, baby,” she says, giving me a hug. “I understand. I was so nervous yesterday. And the day that your father and I got married, I was so worked up I got sick. But there’s nothing to be nervous about. This is your special day. Be happy. Rejoice in it. All of your family is here to see you except for Grandpa Johnny.”

“But he’s watching from heaven,” Grandma says. “You can be sure of it.”

Their words are supposed to make me feel better. I know that, but they only succeed in making me feel worse. Grandpa was old school, one of those men who always talked straight. He never told a lie that I knew of, even when it might have saved him a lot of pain. He never would have done what I’ve done, and if he’s looking down on me, he’s not proud of me.

“Thank you both,” I reply, forcing the words out. “I’m so glad you’re both here to see my special day.”

I try to make conviction ring true in my words, but they sound false even to me. Still, they chalk it up to my pre-wedding jitters and come over, giving me a kiss.

“We’re both so proud of you!” Mom says, patting me on the cheek.

I do my best not to break down into tears as they leave the room to find their seats in the chapel hall, and I take a minute to try and compose myself before I leave. Outside in the hallway, I see Roxy waiting for me. She’s my maid of honor, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a maid of honor so giddy that she’s hopping from side to side like a boxer getting ready for a fight.

“Girl, you look so beautiful,” Roxy says with a smile. She’s wearing the same gown from yesterday because it compliments my gown just right. She’s added a few flowers in her hair, weaving them into the curls the hairdresser did. She’s a vision.

“Thank you. You look gorgeous too,” I reply, trying to just keep myself from breaking down. My sister is more beautiful than she’s ever looked in her entire life . . . and it’s for a lie. How is she supposed to ever believe in love after this?

“What’s wrong, bae? You don’t look happy like you should be,” Roxy says, stopping her bouncing and stepping close, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Are you feeling all right?”

I flash another weak smile. By the time the day is over, my cheeks are gonna be sore from flashing fake smiles all the time. Each one feels like I’m lifting a half ton with hooks driven through my cheeks. I’m exhausted already, and I’ve got hours of this to still look forward to.

“Just nervous,” I tell her. “You know how it is.”

“Yeah, right. Honey, if I had a man like Oliver, I’d be like let's get this shit over with and bring on the consummation!” She giggles.

I fidget with my gown. Even Roxy’s normal humor isn’t enough to get a laugh out of me, and Roxy notices. She takes my other shoulder, squaring up and looking me in the eyes. “I know. Every wedding is a performance. And if I know anything, I know how it is to be nervous before performing. And I know you’re doing this as much for Mom, Grandma, and me as for you. So thank you. It will be okay though. I don’t say it enough, but you kick ass.”

“Thanks,” I say, though I feel dead inside. Kick ass? I can’t even man up about a fake wedding. I don’t kick ass. I suck it. “It really means a lot to me that you’re here.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for all the world,” Roxy says before stopping. “Oh, wait!”

“What?” I ask, and Roxy smiles, rooting around in the cups of her gown for something before pulling out a small packet. “What’s that?”

“An old button, a blue Tic-tac, and a penny I borrowed from Aunt Rita. All wrapped in a new handkerchief,” Roxy says, tucking it inside the left cup of my gown. “There, all the bases covered. Time to do your damn thing.”

We walk to the back of the chapel, waiting for my moment. We’re doing it a little different than Mom’s yesterday, and Oliver’s going to meet me by the altar. I’m the only one getting the big entrance, the total star of the show. It makes me want to puke, and as I hear the warmup music and then the minister’s opening remarks, I’m nearly shitting bricks.

“It’s time,” Roxy says softly as The Wedding March starts. “Ready?”

Ready? No chance in hell. My anxiety is through the roof, my heart is hammering in my chest like a Dubstep concert, and I feel like I’m sweating this damn gown through. I’m far from ready. But I have no choice. “Let’s go.”

The doors open, and for a moment, I feel stalled. Dread is a force field, keeping me from taking the first step through the doorway. I feel myself start to lean back, ready to run, but Roxy gives me a gentle push and we walk into the room.

As the sound system plays, we begin our slow walk down the aisle. The room is filled with almost as much family as yesterday. Familiar faces are all around, cousins and family friends. All those damn eyes staring at me above wide smiles. Fraud! they seem to scream. I tear my eyes away from them, staring straight ahead. My legs feel weak, and I’m glad Roxy’s walking me down. I think I’d stumble otherwise.

Even in my frazzled state, I see how beautiful the place is. They even put more decorations up than Mom had and changed the theme. Instead of being a sort of airy elegance, it’s almost totally over the top. There’s finery everywhere, gilt-edged curtains and bunting all around the hall. There are flowers all over. I don’t even want to know just how many flower shops John emptied out on this. They even redid the altar, making it sparkle and shine even more than before.

It’s a wedding chapel worthy of a Disney movie. It’s a room that a real Princess would walk down the aisle in. Except it’s not fucking real.

I blink to clear my vision, and my breath catches in my throat when I see Oliver. He’s waiting up ahead at the altar. Standing by himself except for the priest, he’s the perfect groom. He’s wearing a tailed waistcoat, his hair slicked and styled just right, his hands in front of him respectfully. Every inch of him screams poise and strength, and he’s fucking gorgeous. But my heart does a weird twist, and with each step, the blackness that’s threatened to overwhelm me all day grows.

I should’ve known someone like him was too good to be true. I should’ve known that getting involved too deeply would end in heartbreak.

I should have . . . and now it’s too late.

By the time we reach the altar, I’m a mess. My breathing is ragged and I’m trying to do my best to control my arms from shaking. Roxy even has to help me up the first step before she lets go and peels off to take her seat.

Oliver’s eyes are on mine, but they are carefully neutral, his emotions hidden behind a mask. I can't read what he’s thinking.

The priest clears his throat and begins. “Dearly beloved . . .”

Just like yesterday, I lose track of what he’s saying. I hear noise, music once, but mostly just noise. Instead, I think about my misery.

It’s not going to end today. What, is Oliver going to go on a fake honeymoon with me, pose so we can Photoshop ourselves on the beach in Cabo? When is enough, enough?

“If you’d face each other,” the minister says quietly, and I’m jerked back to reality as Oliver takes my hand and turns toward me. Through my veil, I look at him again, his face a mask, the joy on his face not reaching his eyes. “Oliver Steele, do you take this woman to be your . . .”

I don’t hear anything, I stare at Oliver as he listens, and I see a glimmer of something in his eyes when the minister finishes. It’s pain. Still, he nods before clearing his throat. “I do.”

“And Mindy Isabella Price, do you take this man to be your . . .”

I open my mouth to say I do, but the words die on my lips. There’s so much pain in Oliver’s eyes. I’m ruining this, not just for myself and not just for my family, even if they don’t know it, but for him too.

I tear my eyes away from Oliver to look around the chapel. Beside me, I can see Roxy in tears, hungrily awaiting my answer. I see Mom staring at me, her face shining with so much emotion and pride. Beside her are Aunt Rita, Grandma, and cousin Layla. Behind them are John, Uncle Charles, and everyone else, all of them waiting for these two simple words. The heavy weight of guilt becomes almost unbearable.

I'm a liar. A big fucking liar.

The priest clears his throat again as the silence stretches on. I look back at Oliver, and something inside me breaks. No more of this, no more lies. “Oliver . . . I’m sorry.”

I throw off my veil as I hike my dress and jump off the altar, stumbling on the thick carpet for a moment. There’s an audible gasp in the audience as I book it for the back doors, and I hear a sharp wail of dismay from someone—I think it’s Roxy.

Suddenly, Mom grabs my arm, trying to pull me to her. She pulls me around, and I see confusion and pain in her eyes now, too. Everywhere I look, there’s pain. “Mindy, stop! What are you doing?”

I jerk my arms free, stumbling backward. I can feel the tears start to flow, but I don’t care. Let them all see. Let everyone see the fraud that I am, not the fairytale princess that they came here to see. “Leave me alone! Why can’t you just leave me alone!”

“Honey, please,” she says, still not understanding. “You’re just scared and overreacting—”

“It’s all fake!” I yell at the top of my lungs. Mom stops, and everything freezes. I’m not even sure if they’re breathing or if they know what I mean. “Don’t you understand? Everything! Oliver, my engagement, all of it! Everything is fucking fake!”

Sobbing uncontrollably, I hike up my dress and run from the chapel, leaving everyone too shocked to even try and stop me.


I pause in the hallway, my hand on the knob. It’s early afternoon now, hours after the service was supposed to happen, and I can’t think of another time in my life that’s been more difficult. The image of her stricken face still dominates my mind, the way she looked at me as she apologized and then ran from the chapel.

Yeah, it was fake. Yeah, we were going to get the damn thing annulled by Friday next week. But it still stings because of how I really feel about her.

I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but standing at that altar today, I let myself start to wonder. I wondered if we could lie our way to reality. If there were a way to keep digging deeper and deeper and end up on the other side free and clean.

Her running away felt like she abandoned me. Just when I was beginning to work past the doubt and pain of her words last night, she just abandoned me at the altar. She left me out there, all alone, to face all those people by myself.

It was hard dealing with that. For a few minutes there, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get out of the chapel alive, surrounded by accusatory glares and shouted questions from her family. But I didn’t say anything. I didn’t betray her.

But I can’t let this stand without doing something. I have to tell her I’ll help make it right . . . I have to tell her that I want . . . something. Something I didn’t even have a chance to fully figure out before the whole day exploded into chaos like a party favor from hell.

I open the door to see her lying across the bed, her shoulders shaking from giant sobs. She jerks upright almost immediately when she hears me step in the room, and I see that she’s stripped out of her gown at least, wearing just a long nightshirt that makes my chest ache with conflicting emotions. I want to hug her, I want to kiss her, and I want to choke her. In the end, I stand right where I am.

“What are you doing here?” she says, her voice a soft croak. “Come to yell at me?”

“I came to see how you were doing,” I say softly, taking a step into the bedroom. “You left before anyone could even react.”

She sniffs, wiping at her nose with her forearm. Not sexy, but totally understandable. “I’m obviously not fine. But I’ll live.”

“I’m sorry,” I say quietly, sticking my hands in the pockets of my tux. “I should have done more.”

“Why? All of this is my fault. I deserve all of it. You only did what you were asked to do.”

“You don’t have to face it alone.” I step closer, but she scoots back, and I freeze, knowing that if I get closer, I’m going to spook her even more. “Your family is waiting to hear an explanation. Listen, I was thinking as I walked back here that I’ll tell them I made you do it. That I’m the one who had a marker on you, and that I’m the bad guy.”

I walk closer and sit on the far edge of the bed, reaching out slowly until I take her hand, that soft, warm hand that I didn’t get a chance to put a ring on today. The hand I regret leaving empty. “Come on. Get up, get changed, and let’s go out there and—”

Mindy pulls her hand back and snorts, shaking her head. “I’m done with everything but the truth. I deluded myself thinking this would just be some casual little white lie.”

“But I can still help . . .” I start, but Mindy holds up her hand, getting off the bed and stopping me cold.

“And we’re done too.”

I shake my head, trying to negate what she’s saying. No, it can’t be over. “Mindy, think about it. You’re just upset right now. Please, think about what you’re saying.”

She cocks her head, giving me a sad little half-smile. “No. For the first time all week, Oliver, I am thinking about what I’m saying. Your debt is paid.”

I try to speak, but she spins on a heel, going to the big doors to the balcony and hugging herself, her voice hardening.

“It’s fine with me. I totally understand. And I’m not mad. I can't imagine any man not doing the same in your position. The problem I have is more with myself. I’m angry for putting myself in this position. I don’t blame you for any of it. Hell, you wanna know what really pushed me over the tipping point to telling the truth? I suppose I should thank you, because you did. Seeing that pain in your eyes, I realized that I was going to ruin it for you too. It was just one too many people I’ve hurt. And while you never loved me . . . I did fall in love with you. And I can’t keep going on hurting the people I love. So, I just want to free you. Let me face my problem on my own.”

I stand up and walk over to the window on shaky legs. She really loves me? She said it before, but I wasn’t sure if she really meant it. “Mindy, don’t be so hard on yourself. I know you didn’t mean to do this with malicious intent. I see the good in you. You’re so special, so funny, and you’ve made me think. You’ve made me laugh. If you’re guilty of anything, it’s caring too damn much. You are a good person. I’ve seen your heart. You only wanted to please your mother.”

She’s quiet for a long time, and I’m beginning to think that she’s listening, that I’ll be able to bring her to me, that we can handle this together. But when she speaks next, her words hurt even more. “Please leave, Oliver. I don’t need you to try to save my feelings. I’m so very sorry, but I want to be alone right now. I’ll tell the truth, that it was my idea and I didn’t intend for it to go this far. And I’ll tell Gavin you did your part.”

Gavin and the money? I can’t believe that she still thinks this is about money. “Listen to me—”

“Just go!” she shouts, turning to me, furious and in pain. “Just forget this all happened.”

Her words tear at my heart. She’s being unreasonable, but I can see that she’s so emotional right now that I can’t get through to her. “Mindy, come on. Our plane leaves in the morning, I have one more night to stay in this town, you know.”

“I think you should go now.”

“Excuse me?” I ask, surprised. “Mindy, what are you saying?”

She shakes her head, pointing at the door. “I think it would be best if you don’t stay here tonight. I just can’t see you right now, and it’s going to make things even harder.”

I stiffen. As much as I hate it, I have to leave her alone or this could get worse. “If that’s what you want.”

“It is. Please leave, Oliver.”

I don’t want to. I want to defy her. But I know it’s pointless. She’s too overwhelmed with emotion.

“Very well,” I say quietly. I walk to the door and stop, turning to look back at her standing at the balcony door, staring out into the backyard again. “I know you don’t believe me. Maybe I deserve that, but I don’t think so. I enjoyed the time we spent together. Despite what you may think, it wasn’t about the money. I hope you work things out with your family.”

She doesn’t say anything as I walk out. I close the door and realize that I’ve got two suitcases worth of things in there. “Fuck it,” I mutter. Besides my tablet, there’s nothing that was all that personal. Instead, I start down the hallway. Maybe Sam can give me a ride to the airport or I’ll just call a cab.

I’m at the head of the stairs when I see Roxy coming up, heartbreak etched into her young and previously innocent face. “Oliver? What’re you doing?”

“Leaving,” I say softly. I can’t be angry at Roxy, no matter if she was part of the pressure that Mindy was feeling. I like the girl too much, and I know she would have made a great sister-in-law. “Mindy’s asked me to go.”

Her face goes white with shock. “What? Why? Oliver, if you think the rest of the family . . .”

I look at her face, seeing the tears in her eyes. My heart twists for Mindy at what she has to do and how her family is going to react. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you over this past week, Roxy. And don’t ever give up on your singing. You’ve got a gift.”

“Oliver, please stop,” Roxy says as I start down the stairs. I don’t, and when I’m about halfway down, she calls out to me, wailing. “Dammit, please tell me what’s going on!”

I stop and look up at Roxy, promising myself that when I think about this week, it’s not going to be this Roxy I remember, but the Roxy who was a vision behind the microphone, the Roxy who made me laugh. “That’s not my place to say, Roxy. Give my regards to everyone . . . and take care of Mindy for me, okay?”

I turn and walk out, leaving the mansion for good. I can call for a cab while walking down the road.


“It was all fake.”

The words hang in the air. They’re the first thing I say to my immediate family after what has to be several long minutes of silence. It’s just Grandma, Mom, Roxy, and me. John wanted to join us, but Mom asked that he stay at the wedding hall to take care of things there.

After throwing Oliver out of my room, I ignored Roxy’s pleas for me to come out for hours, sobbing into my pillow. I couldn’t imagine facing anyone, and I felt like doing nothing more than hiding under my bed. Eventually, though, I calmed down, and I found myself putting on a t-shirt and pants. I felt like it was my duty to talk to them, to face them. So I dragged myself out here.

“All of it?” Roxy asks, and I can see the tears in her eyes. She genuinely liked Oliver and me together. I’ve always known that Roxy was a lot deeper than the image she puts out. There’s no way someone who wasn’t could sing the way she does.

“The whole thing.”

I lower my eyes, tears threatening to spill over my lashes and down my face. I don't want to see their faces. I don’t want to see the many questions in their eyes.

It hurts down deep inside, where you’re supposed to carry your guts and instead, I just carried my fear. I can't believe I thought I could joke my way through something like this. That I thought being silly could solve something so serious. How wrong I was, and now what started as a silly little white lie over a year ago has come to this.

“Why?” Roxy says softly. “I sang for you guys, Mindy.”

I swallow the lump in my throat and let the burning pain in my chest try and fuel me. I can’t lie to them any longer, so I might as well be totally honest. “I just wanted to avoid any relationship questions. You can be a little hard to deal with sometimes, Mom. But that’s no excuse. It was stupid. And after a point, I didn’t want everyone to think I was a liar, and I just dug myself deeper. So . . . enter Oliver. I didn’t even know him before this.”

“Oh, honey,” Mom says, and I look up for a second to see tears in her eyes. “I know it must feel like I put pressure on you with my expectations, but I wouldn’t have loved you any less had you shown up without a fiancé.”

“You do put pressure on us, Mom,” Roxy says quietly. “All of us. With me, you don’t like my singing.”

Mom stops, wiping at her cheeks. “I just . . . I want what’s best for my girls.”

“How is being miserable and jumped on best for us?” I ask her. “Mom, you bugged me even in college about whether I was going to find a guy. You made it seem like I was going to school for a wedding ring and not a degree!”

“I just . . . being young, it’s the time for love,” Mom says, defending herself. “I wasn’t trying to say you had to marry some guy right out of school.”

“You made it feel that way sometimes.” I look over at Roxy, who looks miserable as she twists her hair around her finger. “I can’t even imagine what you’ve been through!”

“Me?” Roxy asks, getting up. “Really, Mindy? You ask about me? I really liked Oliver and was invested in you both! I thought your love was real. It sure did seem like it. But anyway, I'm your sister. We used to share everything!”

“Yeah, well, I’m sorry!” I yell before taking a deep breath. I look at them. “I’m really ashamed about all of it. You know me—carefree. I didn’t think it was a big deal when I started. I just didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I wanted to make you proud.”

Roxy comes over and puts her hands on my shoulders. “Please, you know you’re the favorite. Everyone’s proud of how you did things on your own. I love you, and you know I’m going to be on your side no matter what.”

I swallow back tears and look around to everyone. “I’m sorry to all three of you. I took it too far.”

“I knew I should have said something earlier,” Grandma says, and everyone turns to look at her. Reading the question in my eyes, she waves it off. “Oh, I don’t mean about Oliver. That’s one fine hunk of a man. He had me pretty well fooled. I mean about you, Mary Jo.”

“Me?” Mom asks, and Grandma nods.

“Honey, after Jacob’s death, you got a little off kilter. The girls are right, you kept nosing in where you don’t belong. But I hoped that with John, and this past week . . . well, I kept seeing y’all grow closer again, that you were fixin’ what needed to be fixed. So I figured it would all work itself out. Guess I was wrong.”

“I’m sorry,” Mom says, looking at Roxy and me. “I don’t mean to put pressure on you girls. I really don’t. Neither of you ever has to worry about disappointing me. I could never feel that way about either of you. You’re two beautiful, strong women, and I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

Her heartfelt words help, and I come over, kneeling in front of Mom and hugging her. I’m shocked a moment later when Roxy grabs the two of us and hugs Mom too, the tears flowing hard and fast. “I love you both,” Roxy cries before sitting back and wiping at her eyes. “But Mindy . . . if you ever, and I mean ever, pull some shit like that again . . .”

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” I promise her before suddenly laughing and squeezing her tight. “You too, okay?”

“I won’t,” Roxy promises me. “Still . . . I had my hopes pinned on you guys. You looked so good together.”

“You weren’t the only one, Roxy,” Grandma says. “I swear, Mindy, either there was real feeling between you two or you need to look into acting.”

Grandma’s and Roxy’s words shake me, and I’m on the verge of tears again. The hard part is, I think they’re right, and my chest aches. Roxy puts an arm around me, stroking my hair as I start crying. “Roxy . . . I feel lost.”

“I know, honey,” Roxy says as Mom hugs me too. “I know.”

“I was a fool,” I blubber. “I should have never done it.”

Grandma laughs. “If I had a nickel for every damn fool thing I’d done when I was younger, I’d be rich,” Grandma says. “The big thing is, Mindy, what are you going to do about it now that you’ve made your mistake?”

I cry more until I feel the tears start to dry up. “I’m going to make it up to you guys. I’m so sorry.”

“You do what you can when you feel your heart broken,” Grandma says, standing up painfully and coming over, stroking my hair. “You move on as best you can.”

“Move on?” I whisper, fresh tears coursing down my cheeks. Move on means moving on from Oliver. “What if I don’t want to move on? What if . . . what if I really love him? And what if I told him I hate him?”

“Then have faith that he loves you too, and trust in fate,” Grandma says. “Love finds a way.”

I nod miserably. Love finds a way.

What do you do when you can’t see the way?


I feel like hell, and Anthony gives me a double-take as he gets out of my Audi. At least he listened when I sent him the text last night telling him to skip getting the driver.

“Damn, was it really that fucking bad?” he asks, looking at the cheap discount jeans and t-shirt that I bought after walking to the hotel last night. “I mean, what the hell are you wearing?”

I don’t say a damn thing, and Anthony presses the issue. “Oli, come on, man. Your face looks like you’re sniffing shit.”

Fresh off my flight, I’m not in the mood to hear anything right now. I’m still smarting over Mindy pushing me away. I feel like so much is unresolved. I’ve been kicking myself for hours, cursing myself for being a coward for not dealing with Mindy’s pain and instead walking out on her.

“Hey. You gonna talk? What happened while you were there?”

“Just shut up and drive.”

I look over and see the look on his face. I didn’t mean to snap at him, but I haven’t slept since walking out of the mansion, and I’m going on fifty-five hours awake with only an hour and a half of sleep a day and a half ago.

I just haven’t been able to get her out of my head ever since I left. I kept hoping that she would show up on the flight, that she’d sit down next to me in the first-class seat and we’d have a chance to talk. That maybe I’d get her to listen to what I told her, make her believe me when I said that I do care about her. That I love her.

I look over, shaking my head. “Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just don’t want to talk about it right now, Tony.”

“All right,” he says, surprising me. Usually, when he knows I don’t want to talk about something, he pushes the issue even more. The thought makes my throat tighten again, and I turn away, looking out the passenger window as Tony pulls out. He gets to the airport exit and hangs a left, heading toward the highway back home.

“Mom has been a lot better,” he says, changing the subject. “Her ankle’s all healed up, and she’s already told her boss she’s going to go back to work tomorrow.”

“Well, that’s good,” I reply, glad to have at least some good news.

Anthony laughs. “Yeah, well, my social life is going to enjoy it too. I’m ready to handle my business. Oh, speaking about business, Martha and I found the perfect property for you.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask, being pulled into the conversation. “What property is that?”

“Remember the ones she was supposed to look at? She’s been holding down the fort really well, I think. She spent all week going around, then she put down a retainer deposit on two of them. She took me to both of them, and I’ve gotta say, you’ve got to see the one down by the university. It’s awesome. We have an appointment to see it in two days.”

“What was it?” I ask, leaning back. “University’s a crowded area. It can’t be cheap.”

“Yeah, but it’s a steal, man. I ran the numbers, and it’s good. Used to be a Chinese restaurant.”

“Chinese, huh?” I reply. “Too many of those around.”

“Yeah, well, the place might smell a lot like moo goo gai pan, but hey, I’ve got a lot of good memories of moo goo gai pan,” he says with a lift of his eyebrow, trying unsuccessfully to lighten my mood.

Good memories. I’d like to have good memories again.

* * *

“Everything’s good,” Gavin says, leaning back in the deck chair. I really should have checked in with him a few days ago, but I had to spend the last two days just getting some rest.

“That’s good,” I reply, leaning back in my own chair and sipping at an iced coffee. “You look like a man who’s having a good streak.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not gonna risk the money again,” Gavin says with a chuckle. “You know, it’s a shame things didn’t work out between you and Mindy. I had hopes.”

“She’s a remarkable woman,” I say, “but sometimes, stuff happens. You know how it is. I had fun, at least.”

“That’s a shame,” Gavin replies with a sigh. “She’s back in town at the coffee shop, by the way.”

“Oh, yeah?” I ask, surprised. “I feel like six feet of warmed over leftovers. How in the hell did she do that?”

“Good question. Bri and I tried to insist that she take a few more days off, but she walked into the shop Wednesday and went right to work. She’s not having much fun, I hear. She and Brianna have been talking every day. She’s even been taking Rafe with her, hoping that Rafe would cheer Mindy up. Trust me, that could totally boomerang on us. Mindy sometimes doesn’t have much of a filter, and Rafe is . . .”

“A tape recorder?” I ask, and Gavin nods. Even though I’m still depressed, I have to laugh at that. “Yeah, I bet. And I know what you mean. Most of her family’s that way. It was surprising, but I liked it. They’re real.”

Gavin laughs. “Yeah, I can imagine. So the rest of her family’s the same?”

I nod, laughing for a moment. “You should meet her little sister. Roxy’s a total trip. The time she took us to the club and . . .”

Memories flood me, not only of the fun times but the way Roxy sang for us, and I clam up, draining the rest of my coffee and looking out at Gavin’s backyard. “Anyway, it was what it was.”

“I can imagine,” Gavin says quietly. “You know, Oliver, sometimes things get weird. If you asked me three years ago, I’d have told you that I’d be riding out the biggest contract of my career. I wouldn’t have guessed I’d be retired and a family man.”

“Why’d you do it?” I ask him, turning and looking him in the eye. “Not giving up football and all that. I get that. Why’d you put that money on the line for Mindy? Hell, until the last card, I had your ass.”

Gavin looks back at me, and I know he’s measuring something in me. Finally, he answers. “If it hadn’t been for Mindy, I’d have never had a chance with Brianna. She’s a wiseass, but she’s also totally amazing, and I was hoping . . . well, I was kinda hoping that she’d find the same happiness that she gave me and Bri.”

I nod, getting up and grabbing my empty cup. “I hope so too, Gavin. I really do. Thanks for the coffee.”

“No problem,” Gavin says, getting up. We shake hands, and he walks me around the house to my car. Just as I’m about to get in, he stops me. “Oli, one more thing.”


“Don’t walk away.”

* * *

“Looks like the property is yours,” the agent says, shaking hands with me. “I mean, I still need to run this by City Hall to get the title transfer registered, but I’ll have that to you by Monday afternoon.”

“No rush,” I say, looking around the huge space. Two floors and a basement, with the upper floor being the former owner’s apartment and storage area. And Anthony was right, it was a steal. “I’ll get the contractors in here starting tomorrow though.”

“Of course, Mr. Steele,” the agent says. “If you want, I can give you the number of a guy I know who does good work.”

“I’d appreciate it. Martha, what do you think?”

Martha looks around. “It’s a great property, Oliver. If anything, it’s overkill for what you need.”

“About that,” I say, then look at the agent. “If you don’t mind?”

“Of course not,” the real estate agent says, taking my contracts and putting them in his briefcase. He takes out two sets of keys and hands them to me. “I had the locksmith make a backup set, just in case. Enjoy your new place, Mr. Steele.”

He leaves, and Martha gives me an inquisitive look. “What’s up?”

“I’ve got a change of plans,” I tell her. “I’m not using the first floor or the basement.”

Martha lifts an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Follow me,” I say, walking down the stairs to the basement where the kitchen is. “Look at all that. What do you see?”

“About ten thousand dollars in renovations. Unless you want to make fried rice,” Martha says. “Why, what do you see?”

“I see a working kitchen, and I see people working here,” I reply, walking around. “Look at this, a working walk-in fridge, plenty of storage space, and lots of room to expand. And upstairs, that can be converted into your office.”

“My office? What about yours?” she asks. “You’re confusing the hell out of me.”

“Change of plans,” I repeat. “I’ll fill you in on the details, but I’m going to need you busting your ass for me over the next week. Then, Steele Security Solutions isn’t going to happen. Instead, I’ve got a new job for you.”

“What? And what are you going to be doing?” Martha asks. “You’ve got the world in your palm, Oliver. Steele Security Solutions has at least a half-dozen clients lined up. What’re you doing?”

The world in my palm. She’s right, I could have everything in the world. But the one thing I want isn’t here.


“I’m not walking away,” I tell her, smiling. “Come on, I’ll tell you the details on the way to dinner. I’m buying.”


“I had to leave paradise to come back to this shit,” I mutter under my breath, looking around at the chaos of the Beangal’s Den. Two weeks back, and I’m missing the mansion already.

It’s not any busier or more chaotic than normal, the logical side of my mind insists. In fact, for a Saturday mid-morning, it’s slightly less insane than normal. The line’s not out the door, and if someone wanted a table, they could get one.

Still, the customers are driving me up a wall. Cassie’s doing better, but Sarah’s off today. I’ve got a new part-timer, a college girl named Nancy. She’s learning, but I’m too frustrated to be a very good mentor, manager, or leader to her right now. Hell, I can barely believe I’m keeping myself together.

“Hey! Where the hell is my coffee?” someone yells, and I look up to see the same lady from before. Great. Why’s she even coming back if she always seems to have a problem?

“Cassie, can you please?” I order, pointing in the customer’s direction. If I have to deal with her, I’m going to have to make sure the sharp knives are as far from me as humanly possible.

“On it, boss,” Cassie says, and I’m somewhat glad. She’s improving. Unfortunately for her, though, the bitch seems to be in a particularly foul mood.

“I just want my fucking coffee, not more excuses.”

That’s enough. I look up from the latte that I’m mixing and step over to the customer, patting Cassie on the shoulder. “Go finish that. Let me handle this, Cass.”

“Sure, boss.”

Cassie leaves, and I stare at the customer, who’s wearing the same faux fur trimming from last time. “Look, I told you last time that we don’t tolerate that sort of behavior here. Please stop with the swearing or you can leave.”

Sticking her nose in the air, she sniffs at me, not backing down. “This is three weeks in a row I’ve had a problem here. Last week, they couldn't even get my order right after writing it on the damn cup. Besides, I know who runs this place, and I’m tired of your bullshit. They serve better coffee on the other side of town.”

“You said that last time too,” I half growl, just holding onto my temper. “If you’re so dissatisfied with the service here, please give the owner a call.”

She shakes her head. “Yeah, you can’t say shit because you know you’re horrible.”

“Listen. Please leave now. If you don’t, I’m going to have to call security,” I say as calmly as I can, barely keeping my thoughts about her fake fur and bitchy attitude to myself.

“Whatever, you guys fucking suck!” she yells loudly, grabbing her Louis Vuitton knockoff purse and storming out the door. “Bitch!”

I let out a sigh. I never in my life thought I’d say this, but I’m sick of working here. I know it’s not just because of the customers. It’s because . . .

I hate to admit it, but I hurt. Every morning, I wake up and my body aches, my arms are empty, and my eyes burn from crying in my sleep. I haven’t been exercising, although I’ve still lost weight because I’m barely eating.

I keep telling myself to not think about him. Whenever Brianna tries to tell me anything about him, I tell her to shut up. She’s pretty much given up on the whole thing, which just makes it hurt more.

I feel a buzz at my side, and I step into the back, checking my phone. I’ve got a text message . . . Roxy.

Mindy-girl, I just had a feeling that you needed a hug from home. I hope you’re feeling better today. I know you left feeling like shit, and I know I got on your case again. I’m sorry. You’re my sister. I love you. Gimme a call?

A sad smile touches my lips. Last Wednesday, after I left the mansion and came home, she called me. There were a few tense words in there, but the bond we have is maybe the strongest thing in the world, and soon, we were telling each other how sorry we were as we cried over the phone. Roxy admitted that she’d been pressuring me too and apologized, saying that she’d get over it and that she was coming out to visit me as soon as she got free time away from her singing gigs. She said she wanted to see if there are more Olivers out here. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that Oliver’s one of a kind and that I doubt even I’m going to find him again.

“What’s happening?”

I look toward the employee entrance, sticking my phone back in my apron pocket as I see Brianna with a tired but still awake Rafe on her hip. Seeing him brightens me a little, but he can't push it all away.

“Nothing much, just slaving away as usual. Hey, thanks for covering a few shifts when I was gone. How’s my little Rafey doing?”

“Firsty,” Rafe says, perking up a little as I tickle his ribs. I walk with them back out into the cafe area and start mixing Rafe an iced chocolate milk while Bri checks out the menu.

Brianna looks over the menu. “So why don’t I see you serving the unicorn frappe yet?”

I laugh. I know she’s just joking. “Do I look like a freakin’ leprechaun? Besides, that’s the guys across town.”

Brianna bursts into laughter, and I’m grateful I caught my tongue just in time as Rafe starts chanting. “Lep-a-chan! Lep-a-chan!”

“Aye, top o’ the mornin’ to you,” I reply in the fakest accent ever, handing Rafe his chocolate milk while Bri chuckles. “What? I’m not Irish enough?”

Bri shakes her head. “You’re a lot of things, but no. Thank you, though. That was good. First joke I’ve heard you crack in a week.”

I shrug, rinsing the milk blender while Rafe finds a stool and Bri hangs out where we can talk. She knows everything, and I need someone to help me process all that happened. Being my best friend, she’s been positive. She’s even gone so far as to suggest there’s still a chance for us.

Of course, she’s out of her mind. I haven’t seen the man in two weeks. If he wanted to get in contact with me, he could’ve. Despite telling him to go away, I started missing him even as he walked out the door, and that hasn’t let up at all. But I get it. If I were in his shoes, the way I treated him at the end there, I’d swear off coffee forever and switch to smoothies.

But I’ve waited, hoping to hear something, anything, Even if it was from Brianna that he’d given Gavin a call and said something about me. For the past two weeks, I’ve spent almost every hour by my phone, hoping to hear something. I never have.

Bri gives me a soft smile. “You sleeping yet?”

“What do you mean?” I ask. “I got a whole three hours last night!”

Brianna rolls her eyes and looks over her shoulder at Rafe. “If you don’t get seven hours of sleep tonight, I’m sending Gavin in to cover your shift tomorrow and getting your ass falling down, sleep the morning away on my sofa drunk. Got it?”

“I’ll slam espressos all night just to see Gavin in one of the shirts and aprons,” I joke, and Brianna grins. I go back to work, Bri stepping behind the counter to help out a little with the wash-ups as the crowd rolls in and Rafe finishes his tiny little drink. We small talk the whole time, nothing important, and when Rafe’s done, I take his glass and give him a hug. “You take care of your Mommy, okay?”

He smiles, waving his hands around.

“Love you, kiddo,” I say, standing up to give Bri a hug. “I promise you, ten espressos tonight.”

“Girl, bye,” Bri says with a chuckle. “I’ll have Gavin ready. See you tomorrow.”

Bri leaves, and I watch her go for a moment before I get caught up in work again. It’s so busy, and I jump in to help Cassie with clearing tables as the lunch crowd settles in. I’m tired and not watching where I’m going when I turn with a blender cup and bump into Nancy, who’s got a tray full of empties. “Oh!”

Thankfully, she doesn’t drop her tray. I jerk back enough that I bounce my hip off the counter and drop my blender cup. The polycarbonate cup hits the floor, making a hell of a racket but not breaking into a million pieces, and I give a deep sigh of thanks. “You okay, Nancy?”

“Yes, Miss Price,” she says, probably afraid I’ll bite her damn head off. Instead, I take a deep breath, calming myself. I squat down, checking the blender cup. It’s okay.

“So . . . got the new unicorn frappe yet?” says a deep recognizable voice, and I rocket to my feet, staring in shock. My heart jumps in my chest when I see him leaning against the counter in a light blue dress shirt, his eyes twinkling and his smile warming my chest. Where the hell did he come from?

“Hey,” I say awkwardly. “Oliver.”

His familiar grin nearly melts my heart, and he leans a little bit more over the counter, dropping his voice to that sexy purring growl that I’ve dreamed about for two weeks. “Miss me, Princess?”

Did I ever. Not that I’m going to tell him about the number of times I’ve typed him texts and emails and then deleted them over the past two weeks. “A little.”

“A little?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Listen, about sending you—” I start, but Oliver reaches across the counter and puts a single finger on my lips, stopping me as my body thrills at just the single touch of his skin on mine again.

“Shh, you don’t have to explain. I know it all. I only left to give you time to reflect. I always intended to come back to show you that I truly cared.”

His words fill my heart with something that I haven't felt since coming home, flowing from him like cooling waters on the agonizing burn within me. It’s unbelievable after how I pushed him away, but he’s here, and his eyes are calm, amused . . . and loving. They also tell me the truth. Everything isn’t going to be sunshine and lollipops right away. There’s a lot to work on, but I take joy from a very simple fact—he didn’t give up on me.

“Why’d you wait so long?” I ask him directly, back in my element.

Oliver chuckles, and I swear he looks a little bashful. “Would you believe I intended to come by last week, but then . . . well, I got caught up in something?”

“Better be something good.” I say, putting my hands on my hips.

“Just some business stuff. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details. I know how much you hate when I go on and on about myself and my business.”

I smile, biting my lip. “Mmmhmm. But that’s not good enough. Spill it.”

He winks, giving me that patented Oliver smirk. “Trust me, Princess. Got time for a ride?”

* * *

“When can I open my eyes?” I ask, my shoulders getting stiff. “I’m getting carsick.”

“Just a moment,” Oliver says, chuckling. He stops his car, and I hear him come around the car to open my door and help me out. Taking me by the hand, he has me walk a few steps, then stop. “Okay, open them.”

I open my eyes, and I’m totally confused. “Why’d you bring me to The Flaming Dragon? This place closed down two years ago.”

“It’s not The Flaming Dragon,” Oliver says with a laugh. “Come a little closer and you’ll see.”

Oliver takes my hand and leads me to the door, producing a key from his pocket and opening it. “Oliver, what’s going on?”

He opens the door, and I look in shock at the big letters that have been penned on the grease board next to the door. FUTURE LOCATION OF MINDY’S PLACE (Steele & Assoc. 2nd Floor).

“Welcome to the location of your new business,” Oliver says. “Ours, to be exact. If you want.”

“Huh?” I comment, reading the sign again and again. It still doesn’t make any sense. “Oliver, what—”

Shock rolls through me as my brain finally kicks into gear, and I put my hand over my mouth, speechless. Oliver leads me over to one of the stools that still line the big counter, sitting down next to me. “I’d asked my assistant to look for a few places where I could base my security business. She had this place on the list, mainly because of the location, and, well . . .”

Oliver takes a deep breath and puts the key to the place on the counter. “It’s yours. You own the place outright, Mindy. I told Martha I’m splitting my money in half. One half is to be used by her for real estate deals, other investments, whatever. She’s going to run it out of the office upstairs, close enough that I can help her out if she needs it.”

“What are you going to do?” I ask, feeling the teeth of the key. “And what about the Den? Gavin and Brianna are my friends. I can’t just abandon them.”

“Who do you think told me about the unicorn frappe?” Oliver asks quietly. “As for me, well, I don’t know a lot about running a restaurant, but I do know business, and if you don’t need a business manager . . . I can be Johnny on the spot wherever you need me, boss.”

I hold up my hand, concerned. “Oliver, before we go any further, why are you doing this?”

“Mindy, I’ve spent every minute since I walked out of the Wentworth mansion regretting one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Not being honest about how I feel about you. Sure, I started this as a way to get out of a debt, but from the moment I first saw your picture, I was drawn to you. When you challenged me—”

“I challenged you?” I ask, amused. “I seem to remember you sitting there like a living sex god, telling me that you weren’t going to do a damn thing I said. And you proceeded to do just that.”

“I think we sort of liked toying with each other,” Oliver says with a chuckle before growing serious again. “But I’m not joking now. I need you. I need you in my life, and when I told you I loved you that first time, I meant it. So I regret not staying, not doing my best to take care of you.”

I swallow, emotion choking my words for a moment before I can answer. “And if I still say I don’t want you in my life?”

“Then the building is still yours,” he says softly, “but you’d be lying. I can see it in your eyes, and well . . . let’s just say I’ve gotten a little bit of inside help.”

Gavin and Brianna. I look at the open raw emotion in his face, and I know that he’s telling the truth. There’s only one answer I can give him.

“So I get to be the boss, huh?” I ask, smiling as I look at him. “And if I tell my new bus boy to kiss me, will he do as he’s told?”

Oliver pretends to think for a minute, then he stands up, pulling me into his arms and lowering his lips to mine. “I’ll have to demand at least minimum wage,” he teases, and then he’s kissing me, his strong hands pulling me against him, our bodies hungry for each other. I moan into his mouth as his tongue finds mine, his hands stroking my hair before running down to cup my ass. Our lips part, and he looks into my eyes again, touching his forehead to mine. “I love you, Mindy.”

“I love you too,” I moan in reply. “Oliver, can we start over?”

He shakes his head, giving me a smile. “No, but we can move forward.”

“Then let’s move forward.”

Oliver smiles and picks me up, setting me on one of the empty tables, dust puffing up as he does. “Hmm, we’re going to have to clean that,” he jokes as he pulls my shirt out of the waistband of my pants. He kisses my neck until I’m trembling before kissing back to my earlobe, licking it before whispering in my ear. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I moan in happiness as I reach for the buttons on his shirt, undoing them quickly and peeling his shirt off, swinging it around my head like a lasso for a moment before flinging it across the room. I laugh, joy in my heart. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

“You’ll get to do anything you want from now on,” Oliver reassures me, his voice catching as I pull him close and bite his neck. Our night of rough passion has taught me a few things, and one of them is that I like it a little rougher with Oli than I did with other partners. “Mmmhmm.”

“Anything, huh?,” I growl playfully as he reaches for my pants and yanks them down along with my panties. “Well then, first things first—no more condoms.”

“That I can do,” Oliver says as he undoes his pants. His cock emerges and my mouth goes dry as I see it again in the dim, dusty light filtering through the soaped-over windows. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I say as I wrap my legs around him and pull him closer. “I’ve just missed you. And that mind-blowing cock of yours. Speaking of blowing . . .”

“Later,” Oliver says as he crushes my lips in another soul-searing kiss. I moan in agreement as I feel him line up naturally with me and slide in, stretching me open. My heart thrills as he fills me, body and soul, and I clutch at his powerful shoulders as we start moving as one, his cock sliding into me over and over. I squeeze my pussy around him as we look into each other’s eyes, opening up fully.

How did I miss this? How, when from the first time he looked in my eyes as we had sex, I saw this same gleam, the same tenderness, the love in his eyes?

It doesn’t matter now as we move, our souls joining even as his cock speeds up. Our lips meet in another kiss, and we share breath, my heart hammering in my chest as we push together. His cock lights up my body as he drives into me harder and faster. Claiming me? No, he claimed me weeks ago. Now, we’re completing each other.

“Oliver . . .” I moan as he speeds up again, his cock hammering me and his balls slapping against my ass. I claw at his neck, passion overwhelming tenderness as we kiss hard, biting his lip as he growls, his cock swelling. I feel him tremble, and with a deep groan, he comes, filling me with his warm seed.

My body reacts, and I’m coming too, squeezing and milking his cock of every last precious drop of his essence as I hold him, sobbing in joy as he stays deep inside me, holding me close as we ride out our orgasms. When I finally come down, he’s holding me tenderly, and I hear the vulnerability in his voice. “Mindy, I’m so . . .”

“I know,” I whisper in his ear, wrapping my arms around him and holding him close. “Like we said, let’s move forward.”

Now the hard work starts, but I’m not afraid of hard work.


I look up at the sign, pride swelling in my heart as the workers make the final adjustments to the sign. Mindy’s Corner.

“Wow, they work fast,” Brianna says, coming out of the cafe. She looks up, nodding in approval. “I’m glad you named the place after yourself.”

“Well, Oli gets to name the second floor, so I get to name the first,” I say with a smile. “And besides, I get to have the bigger sign.”

“It’s not the size of the sign that counts,” Brianna jokes. “Although it certainly doesn’t hurt.”

“We talking about signage or sausage?” I tease, and in a move that reassures me I haven’t totally lost my damn mind this past month, Brianna blushes. “Oh, come on, I’m woman enough to admit that Gavin’s probably got Oliver beat.”

“And you’re not jealous?” Brianna asks. I shake my head, and she grins. “Why’s that?”

“Simple,” I say, slinging an arm around her shoulder. “My man has a tongue that can tie and untie my apron blindfolded, and he’s definitely not lacking downstairs. Also, the fact that he can make my toes curl without making me walk like a cowboy after he takes me from behind is a plus.”

“Hey!” Brianna says, blushing. “I don’t walk like a cowboy!”

“Well, let’s just mosey on inside again then . . . cowgirl. See how the boys are doing.”

We go inside, where I see Oliver and Gavin working together on the back wall of the restaurant, and I have to laugh watching the two undeniably manly men getting salmon pink paint splattered on themselves.

“Keep that up, and I’m going to make you take off that T-shirt!” I tease Oliver, who turns and gives me a cocky grin before peeling his shirt over his head. Not to be outdone, Gavin pulls his shirt off too, and while I make Brianna a Pina colada iced frappe, we get to watch our men work. By the time the frappe’s done, I need a drink myself.

I whip myself up an iced mocha with all the shiny new equipment. Best of all is the grill downstairs. We’re going to be able to expand to a full restaurant setup when we want. In the meantime, downstairs is going to be our bakery. I’ve already taught Oliver how to make cinnamon rolls. “Hey, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” Brianna says, not even pausing her eye-fuck of Gavin. “If you really wanna know, yes, we did, and yes, I loved it.”

“Please,” I laugh, shaking my head before growing serious again. “Not that. Although we’re coming back to that story in a minute. Actually, I wanted to know . . . are you and Gavin really okay with my leaving the Beangal’s Den? I mean, he bought that place for me to manage.”

“Oh, don’t worry there,” Bri says, smiling. “It was really complicated, but basically, we sold the Den back to The Grand Waterways, and as payment, Gavin took an equal amount of stock value in the hotel corporation. We know you wanted your own place without worrying about complying with hotel rules.”

“Really?” I ask, and Brianna nods. “Thank you, Bri.”

“Oh, it gets better,” Oliver says, turning around. “Gavin has decided to work with me on investing. Now, he’s nowhere as rich and powerful as I am . . .”

“Unless you keep playing poker with me,” Gavin mock-growls, and I have to laugh.

Oliver laughs before turning back to me. “Anyway, Gavin’s pooling some investment money with Steele and Associates, seeing as how I know how to turn rich into super-rich. Trust me, Princess, these two are going to be sitting pretty while I’m elbow deep in flour.”

“Sounds good to me—I’ll just have to wash you up more often.”

“I knew there was a reason you decided to keep the shower in the apartment upstairs.”

Turning back to Bri with a smirk, I tell her, “Now, about that ‘yes, we did, and yes, I loved it.’ Tell me all about it.” Just as I expected, she blushes and ducks her head. Yep, still got it.

* * *

The line outside the cafe is buzzing, and I’m moved. Sure, it took a little bit of shameless self-promotion. And yes, Gavin has agreed to lend his bit of star power to the whole affair, but to see fifty people lined up when this isn’t even the official grand opening?

“Whoa,” Oliver says, looking as handsome as ever in his white dress shirt, sexy black jeans, and his apron with Mindy’s Corner stenciled over his heart. “Hope we’ve got enough cinnamon rolls.”

“I’m sure if you don’t, I’ve got something that’ll keep them entertained,” a voice from behind me says, and I turn, nearly squealing in delight as I see Roxy come up from the basement. “Hey, Sis.”

“Roxy? What the hell are you doing here?” I ask, running over and giving her a big hug. “How’d you get there?”

“Ask Mr. Sexy Pants over there,” she says, grinning. “He invited me. Said he had something I just had to see.”

I turn to Oliver, who’s grinning. “Just in time too. Where’s Brianna and Gavin?”

“Just a moment!” a muffled Bri yells from downstairs. “Dammit, you know I can’t resist these rolls, especially since I’m pregnant again!”

I chuckle, a little jealous but knowing that Bri’s earned it. Since finding out she’s pregnant again just two weeks ago, we’ve both been giddy planning for her new baby. I’m hoping for a little girl. Bri and Gavin appear a moment later up the back stairs, Gavin wearing one of his old jerseys which I’ll admit he still fills out well, while Bri’s wearing a Mindy’s Corner apron. For one day only, they’re working together again under the same roof. “Yeah, well, don’t eat all the damn profits!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that,” Roxy says guiltily. “I ate one, too. Damn, if I knew you were this good, I’d never have let you leave home.”

“That was Oliver, actually,” I concede, and Roxy looks at him in amazement.

“No shit?”

“No shit,” Oliver replies. “Ruins the texture of the dough.”

“Is there anything you can’t do?”

“Well, there’s one thing,” Oliver says, “but I can fix that right now.”

I turn and my heart stops as I see Oliver get down on his knee, reaching for my hand. “Mindy, I know it’s a little fast, and it’s a hell of a lot shorter than the year you were engaged to that loser Harold, but . . . I can’t imagine a better couple of months than I’ve had right by your side, and I want to keep it going. I’ve called you Princess ever since we first met, and it was a joke at first because you acted like you were a queen. It’s not a joke anymore. Princess . . . will you let me be your prince? Will you marry me?”

He reaches into his apron pocket and pulls out the same ring that he’d given me for our fake engagement, and I gawk. “Where did you get that?”

“I had a talk with your stepfather,” Gavin says with a chuckle. “He mailed it to me. Now answer the man!”

“Yes! Of course I’m saying yes!” I gush, tears coming to my eyes as Oliver slides it back on my finger. “Oh, Oliver . . .”

Oliver stands, and I jump into his arms just as the line of people outside, attracted by what they saw through the windows, erupts into cheers. Oliver holds me tight, kissing me hard after he sets me down with a grin. “So, Princess . . .”

Roxy wipes away the tears from her eyes. “Oh, I’m so jealous of you. I mean . . . not trying to move in on yours, but I need a man!”

“It’ll happen. Probably when you least expect it,” I tell Roxy, hugging her before exchanging hugs with Bri and Gavin. “You’re going to find a man just as awesome as these two men,” I say, gesturing at Oliver and Gavin.

“Nah, luck never runs in threes. I’m gonna be lucky if I don’t end up with a loser who stalks me and tries to count my pussy hairs.”

Brianna gawks at Roxy for a second before turning to look at me. “You’re right, she is worse than you. How am I ever supposed to let my Rafe near you two?”

“Ear plugs. Good ear plugs.”

* * *

“Mom, it’s me!” Oliver hollers as we get out of his Audi. After a five-hour “sneak preview opening,” I’m not sure if I’m ready for any more today, but I insisted on this after Oliver’s proposal. There’s no way in hell I’m meeting my soon-to-be mother-in-law at the wedding. I’m assuming I’m already going to have to meet his father that way.

“You know, she’s gonna be pissed about this,” I whisper under my breath.

“You’ll be okay,” he reassures me. “My mom is a sweetheart. Just ignore my brother and you’ll be okay.”

“You know, you didn’t have to do this,” I say as I see the front door open. “I mean, we could have taken her to dinner or something.”

“I got to meet your family right in their home. Now you get to meet mine,” Oliver says with a smirk. “Or is my princess afraid?”

“Oh, hell no,” I growl, punching him lightly in the shoulder as the screen opens and a woman who’s a little older than Mom comes out. She’s got Oliver’s hair, and while she’s not as energetic as Mom, the love in her eyes as she comes out and hugs Oliver is evident.

“Mom, you’re looking good. I’d like you to meet . . .”

The woman’s eyes go wide as she takes me in, smiling. “Is this the girl you left to go see all those weeks back?”

Oliver nods proudly, putting his arms around me. “Yes, Mom. Sorry, I know I’ve been caught up in getting the cafe open, but . . . well, Mom, this is Mindy Price. We’re getting married.”

“Oh, my God,” his mom says. “She’s beautiful. Come in, come in!”

We go inside, where I see a younger version of Oliver coming in from the back yard. “You must be Anthony.”

“Yeah,” Anthony says, looking a little shocked. “Holy shit. Oliver, you brought in a dime piece.”

“And your head is about to be a showpiece if you don’t show some respect,” Oliver growls, but before the boys can continue, their mother steps between them.

“Now, now, boys, none of that,” she says with a chuckle. “Anthony, you know better than that.”

I laugh, waving it off. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve heard far worse.”

We visit for another two hours. After dinner, the brothers volunteer to wash up the dishes while I talk with their mother. She goes outside, where she lights up for a moment before staring at the cigarette in her hand and crushing it underfoot. “Nope, no more of those. I want to see grandbabies someday, and I won’t be doing that with cancer sticks all the time.”

“Thanks,” I concede. “So Oliver told you almost everything, huh?”

“Almost,” she says, chuckling. “Never has told me just why the hell you two took a dog for a walk for all those hours, but I’m sure you had your reasons.”

I blush in the deep purple twilight, nodding. “Yeah, well, your son . . . he’s good for me.”

“You’re good for him too,” she says, smiling. “When he came to town, he was so bitter at his father, and I can understand that. But he was going down the same path his father did, all business and no heart . . . until he met you. So thank you. And Mindy?”


Oliver’s mom comes over and gives me a hug. “I’m going to love having you as a daughter-in-law.”

I hug her back, happy. “I’m going to love having another mother, it seems.”


“How’s it going guys?” I ask, sticking my head in the door. I don’t work the line anymore. Mindy’s Corner has grown fast enough that we hired a real chef and staff within six months, and now, two years after opening, we’re going strong.

“Doing well, Mr. Steele,” Jake, the head chef, says. “Hey, when you’ve got a minute, I want you to try something.”

“What?” I ask, curious. “So I can prep my stomach while I unload the van. I know how you are.”

Jake laughs. He knows I’ve had to work doubly hard the past year to keep my body in good shape. The man’s a good cook. “Yeah, well, I’m going to put it on the menu starting Monday, so if you don’t want to try the Trenton now, I can’t be blamed if your son doesn’t like it. Where is he, anyway?”

“Hanging out with his godparents,” I reply, stepping closer. The pizza looks delicious, and I have to smile as I cut a slice and sample it. “Jesus, this is good. Has Mindy tried any?”

“Of course, the Boss is upstairs being the Boss,” Jake says. “So any tweaks for the recipe?”

“Not a one,” I say, patting him on the shoulder. “You know, when you said you wanted to start a line of pizzas, I thought you were nuts. I thought you were double nuts when you decided to name them all after famous steels and swords. Thank you, I don’t know if this one’s going to bump the Valerian from the popularity list, but it’s damn good. My son will be proud once he has teeth.”

Jake gives me a grin, and I go upstairs, letting the kitchen staff unload the van of tonight’s supplies. I find Mindy, looking more radiant than ever, making up a frozen drink. “Okay, the leprechaun rainbow frappe,” she tells the two new girls who we just hired to work the coffee bar. In the corner is Sarah, who we snatched from the Beangal’s Den and made the front of the house assistant manager, prepping for opening. “Now watch carefully. You don’t want to mint-nuke someone.”

She’s confident and sexy, and I have to admit my cock stirs in my pants watching her at work. She finishes, tucking the shamrock stirrer into the glass and presenting it. “Remember, if you screw it up, just grin, give the customer a little bit of charm, and you’ll be cool most of the time. Now practice for me.”

“I always thought it was the low-cut blouses that got you out of trouble,” I tease her as she comes over and wraps her arms around my neck, giving me a kiss. I reach down to squeeze her ass, growling lightly. “Don’t make me spill chocolate on you as an excuse to get you upstairs to the shower again.”

Mindy chuckles, wiggling her hips against me until my cock is throbbing in my pants, and I’m glad that I’m wearing my cafe apron. “Yeah, well, maybe we can look at that idea of getting Trent a little sister tonight.”

I pat her ass, grinning. “For sure. By the way, Bri says that our Trent and her Alicia are meant for each other.”

Mindy laughs, shaking her head. “Remind me again how lucky we are not to have taken Roxy’s idea on our son’s name?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I say, laughing. “Maybe if our next child’s a boy, we can go with her idea. After all, Richard’s a fine name for a boy.”

“I am not naming my son Dick Steele,” Mindy says, shaking her head.

I have to agree with that one, both of us turning as there’s a crash from the coffee area to see a pile of green slush on the floor. One of the new girls, Rose, looks at us with fear in her eyes. “Mrs. Steele, I’m sorry, I just . . .”

“Did the same damn thing I’ve done a hundred other times,” Mindy says calmly. “Get it cleaned up and try again. Sarah will give you a hand. Remember, you’ve got afternoon shift tomorrow, and with St. Paddy’s Day coming up, those things are flying out the door.”

“On pink unicorns,” I joke, earning a stuck out tongue from Mindy. “Hey, guess what Martha told me? She found us a house. Or, as she called it, Step One of the Steele Estate Project.”

“No way,” Mindy says, grinning. “Where?”

“A couple of miles out on the other side of town,” I tell her, laughing. “It’s not as big as Gavin’s ranch, and it’s nowhere near the size of John’s mansion, but it’s got plenty of space and three acres for Trent and however many more we want to play and grow.”

Mindy bites her lip, nodding. “When can we go see it?”

“Sunday afternoon,” I tell her. “Now, get this . . . you won’t believe who the owner is.”


“Your favorite banned customer.”

Mindy gawks, then grins at me, shaking her head. It’s been a running joke between us, one that’s crept to the whole staff, really. “No freakin’ way.”

Motherhood’s finally found a way to tone down Mindy’s foul mouth. At least a little.

“Way. Martha confirmed it herself. Apparently, Miss Fake Fur and Attitude has been banned from every coffee shop in town for the past six months. The last one, she went on an epic rant where she threw an iced pumpkin swirl and swore that they totally sucked and she was coming to Mindy’s Corner.”

“Too bad we have a very strict no fake fur, no fake bitches allowed policy.”

I laugh, pulling my wife in for another hug. “Yep. But her husband’s being transferred somewhere for work. I’d hate to be that poor schmuck, but it’s not my problem. I’m only worried about two things—my queen and our new castle.”

“Castle, huh?” Mindy purrs. “I like the sound of that, my king.”

It’s good to be the king.

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Read on for the next book in the series, Heartstopper. This is Roxy’s book!




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