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Discovering the Doctor (Masterson County Book 2) by Brookes, Calle J. (8)


R owland was starting to see outwitting Matt Masterson as a real challenge. He’d recognized the big black truck in front of the Tylers’ front porch, even without Masterson Vet Clinic on the side. Still, as long as Masterson didn’t want Rowland’s redhead, then he could tolerate having the man around, right? There were two redheads available, not like they each couldn’t have the one they wanted .

Besides, Rowland had made a point of never sleeping with a woman he wanted to work with—or did work with—that was just irresponsible, after all .

Men like Matt Masterson were enough to make other men feel weak and pitiful. Not Rowland, of course, but other men. Less confident men. Masterson walked at the side of the quieter redhead again as they came from a small barn near the rear of the pasture .

Rowland would bet good money the two of them had a real thing going between them, though people he’d asked in town hadn’t heard such. No, but the town had been full of wild speculation about the mysterious Tyler sisters--who had apparently just appeared out of nowhere three months earlier when their eldest sister had snagged the attention of one of Masterson County’s most eligible bachelors .

Not everyone in town was too pleased with it .

He’d found it intriguing and filed the story away in his mental files for when he someday got the urge to write another romantic film .

Romance wasn’t exactly something he understood a lot about .

The redhead stopped walking—and talking—when she saw Rowland. Masterson put a hand on her back, almost as if he was supporting her. Masterson glowered at Rowland .

What a quiet little timid ragamuffin she was, needing the big strong cowboy at her side to keep her safe. Rowland fought a snort .

“Bowles, why are you here ?”

“Someone mentioned I might want to consider the Tyler Ranch for one of my locations. I figured I’d take a look today.” Bullshit, but now that he was here he could see where the rundown ranch had real potential as Keith’s place. Keith was a secondary character in his latest project. The hero’s closest friend, an honorable, hard-working rancher who didn’t believe in magic or mysticism at all. He’d inherited a struggling ranch—that was actually a portal to a mystical realm that only Gretta could open. Keith would eventually end up as guardian to all the witch fairies who crossed through that portal. Keith was a natural guardian .

Much like Matt Masterson probably was .

The Tyler Ranch was ragged, so he wouldn’t have to spend any money making it look run-down, and then fix it back up when he was finished. He’d done that a fair time or two before. It could get expensive .

No, the Tyler Ranch was run -down .

And there were children running around. Boy children, chickens, ducks, and—heaven help him—goats , running everywhere. He didn’t think any of the Tyler sisters were old enough to have preteens, but...maybe they were older than they looked ?

“My father is the one who makes those kinds of decisions, Mr. Bowles, and he’s in Texas for a few more weeks. I’m afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere,” the girl said. She turned toward the boys. “Pete, get your things together. I’m taking you three over to Phoebe’s for dinner tonight .”

Rowland didn’t miss the pleasure that rushed across Masterson’s face as the vet spoke .

Masterson was pitiful, as he spoke. “I didn’t know that .”

“Perci and I need to speak with Phoebe and Pan tonight. Family things,” she said quietly. “Joel’s going to hang out with the boys .”

“You’re staying for dinner, too?” Masterson practically wheedled the question. Rowland snorted silently. Didn’t the man have any pride ?

Or was there more to this Tyler sister than met the eye ?

What was it about her that drew a man like Masterson’s attention, when her identical sister was just as beautiful, yet ten times more confident as a woman ?

What was it about Pip Tyler that Masterson was so hung up over ?

Yes .”

“Good. Then I’ll drive you and the boys over. I’ll even give you a lift back .”

That’s not ...”

“I know. But I want to , ok ?”

Yeah, Masterson was in pursuit. Did the Tyler woman even know it? He was interested in watching how it played out. For research purposes only, of course .

And how was that going to interfere with what Rowland wanted ?

He was about to ask another question, anything to get her attention onto him and not on Masterson or the small kid yanking on her shirt making demands, when a twenty-something-year-old Chevy pulled in the drive .

The redhead he’d truly come to see parked and stepped out. She approached the front porch where they waited with wariness on her beautiful face .

She looked exhausted—and it was only six in the evening. Long day at the hospital, most likely. She was going to work herself to an early grave, just like half the people he’d met in small places like this that were barely struggling to make it day by day .

Her and her pretty twin both. What a waste .

“Famous Movie Director Rowland Bowles, on Tyler property. What are the odds?” she said, shooting her sister a significant look. The ragamuffin shrugged quietly. Always quiet, that one, wasn’t she? “What can we do for you tonight ?”

“I came to look at your property to use as a potential location. And to see you and your twin. Rumor has it the two of you are breathtakingly beautiful and would look awe inspiring on the big screen .”

Pip would. I’m too mean for breathtaking. I’d make a good villain, though. Just ask Masterson’s brother Nate.” She handed her bag to one of her brothers and the kid didn’t hesitate to carry it inside for her. “So what’s the real reason a famous movie director showed up here today? What do you want ?”

Her twin said something quietly behind her, but Rowland had almost forgotten the twin was even there. Something about the way Perci Tyler stared at a man...It was enough to have him forgetting his true purpose .

“I need a Gretta.” He realized how stupid he sounded and he tried again. “I have a character that I need to fill. I like to use locals whenever possible. You have the look I want. And I saw you ...on your horse a week or so back. You looked exactly how I expected Gretta would. I’m willing to pay you, of course .”

She smiled mysteriously at him. “Saw me on my horse, you say? When was this ?”

“Six nights ago. On the Masterson Ranch. Riding a big red monster .”

“I see...” She shot a look over at her twin, then smiled mysteriously. “You sure about that ?”

Certain .”

Wasn’t he ?

“Hmmm. I’m not interested right now. And even if I was, I have a packed schedule at the hospital. There is no way Dr. Belzebub Masterson would ever let me have time off to make a movie. I’m sorry. You’ll have to find your Gretta elsewhere .”

“I’m talking serious money. Everyone told me today that any money will help your family. Think about it. It can change your life, being in one of my films. It’s happened before .”

“Oh, I’m sure it has. But I’ll tell you again, Bowles. I’m not the woman you want .”

Matt Masterson coughed behind him. Rowland fought turning around to see the man laughing at the nurse’s rejection of his offer. Let Masterson laugh and think it was funny, then. Rowland didn’t care .

Oh, well. Rowland wasn’t the type to give up easily .