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Donati Bloodlines: The Complete Trilogy by Bethany-Kris (72)


Thin Lies – Chapter Twenty


Author’s Note: Thin Lies was certainly a slow burn for the readers, as far as romantic (read: sex) scenes goes. Even the first scene that dealt with something sexual between the main characters was not full on sex; that came shortly after. But the first full scene was cut short, as while the readers waited a long time for it, the scene was simply too long. Even for one of my scenes. This is what had to be cut from that scene; the morning after.


Emma let the steaming hot water of the shower work out the kinks in her sore, tired muscles. She focused on massaging the shampoo into her hair, and not the sinfully sexy man she had left sleeping in her bed.


Even in the safe privacy of her mind, she breathed his name like a prayer.

That was bad.

So. Fucking. Bad.

It was not like Emma to wake up early, especially not before ten. It also wasn’t like her to share a bed with a man, either. It only took the hard warmth of Calisto’s body pushing against Emma’s naked back, and she had suddenly been wide awake.

Wet and sore between her thighs.

Hot all over.

Horny as fuck.


Same difference.

Emma scrubbed her hands through her hair with a bit more force than was necessary, hoping that would get her mind away from those thoughts. The distraction did the trick, as the sting in her scalp helped her to ignore the ache between her thighs.

What did you do?

Emma ignored her inner voice, knowing damn well that it would do her no good to feed into the self-deprecating thoughts. At least, not right now.

She had just finished rinsing the soap from her hair when she heard the shower door slide open. Her vision was blurry from the spray of water, but even still, she saw the unmistakeable shape of Calisto sliding inside the shower.


Of course.

Calisto reached for the soap on the corner shelf behind Emma. “You don’t mind, do you? Sharing, I mean.”

Emma shook her head.

What was she going to say?

Yes, it bothered her?

No, he should wait?

After last night?

And she wouldn’t even mean those things if she did say them.

“Flight lifts off in four hours,” Calisto said.

Emma barely heard him.

Soap. Muscles. Hot water. Gorgeous body.

“What?” she managed to ask.

How could he look that good just taking a fucking shower?

Emma was clearly punishing herself now. The rest of her life was sure to be fun.

“The flight,” Calisto said. “In four hours.”

Emma swallowed the heat in her voice, saying, “Okay, great.”

“You okay?”


Seriously, there wasn’t a mark on Calisto’s body. No tattoos. No blemishes. No scars that stood out. He was incredibly fit, from the definition of his chest, to the hard chiseled V of his groin. Emma was sure she would have noticed all of those details the night before, had it all not happened so fast. She had been so caught up that she hadn’t properly admired Calisto.

What a shame.

And a waste.

Emma’s gaze once again took inventory of the beautiful man, starting from the top, and working her way down. Only this time, she found his cock was jutting out—hard, long, and proud.


“You’re going to give me a complex, donna.”

Emma’s gaze snapped up to meet Calisto’s in an instant, heat filling her cheeks. “I’m sorry?”

“You heard what I said.”

Why was he smirking?

Goddamn him.

“I just—”

“What?” Calisto asked.

“I didn’t stop to admire last night, that’s all. You’re not giving me much of a choice right now.”


“That’s my story, Cal.” She eye-fucked him again, unashamed. “Do you spend a lot of time in the gym, or …?”

“I box, occasionally.”


“And I run when I can.”

“That would help.”

“But it’s mostly good genes,” he added with a hint of bitter sarcasm.

“I bet.”

Emma decided then and there that she needed to get the hell out of that shower, and far away from this man. Just to take a breather, for some space, at the very least. Last night had been enough. As it was, their just once had turned into twice.

She had already fucked up.

She indulged when she knew better.

Emma didn’t even get to make it fully past Calisto before he had grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her back. Her mouth opened with a question—maybe even a rebuttal—only to be quieted by his kiss.

And fuck, could the man kiss.

She was made weak by his mouth alone. Struck silent in his demand and force. The slow strokes of his tongue exploring her mouth was a sinful reminder of what he felt like eating her pussy.

Emma was gone again.

Just like that.

“Fucking hell, your mouth,” Calisto grunted against her lips. “Drives me insane, Emmy.”

The hard length of his erection pressed against her stomach, heavy and hot and fuck.

He didn’t ask for permission as he backed her into the tiled wall, out of the reach of the shower’s spray. But then again, he didn’t really have to ask. Emma’s lust and desire was screaming far louder than the rational side of her brain.

It sounded a lot like it was begging for Calisto, and yes, and more.

That could have also been her saying those things out loud, but Emma wasn’t really sure.

She was too far gone.

And she didn’t even care.

Calisto didn’t even have to ask for her legs to widen, and she barely got in a breath as he lifted her to the wall. His hand slid between their bodies, she felt the nudge of his cock against her folds, and that was it.

All her air left.

All her thoughts disappeared.

One flex of his hips forward, and Emma was fucking full again. Blissfully full and aching. She was damn wet, too, and that only aided in sensation of his cock dragging along her inner walls and nerves with his next thrust.

“Fuck,” she mumbled.

Calisto hummed, deep and satisfied. “Yeah.”


The second one of her curses seemed to come out more like a whine. She couldn’t help it.

A tenderness settled in her pussy, a sweet, yet bitter aftereffect of the night before. Yet, she didn’t mind. It certainly didn’t make her want to stop, or even to ask him to slow.

If anything, it made it better.

She felt more.

She felt him deeper.

He was watching her, too, she found. Dark eyes, parted lips, and sex on his tongue. He watched her.

It was such a shame, she thought.

How good they could have been outside of this.

How good they had been.

How good it could have been.

How good this was.

Life certainly wasn’t fair for them.

Funny, though, how she didn’t care about life when Calisto was fucking her.