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Don't Cheat Me (Nora Jacobs Book Two) by Jackie May (20)

I drop onto a barstool with a groan. It’s been hours, and I haven’t had a second to myself all night. I’m exhausted, my head hurts, and my feet are about to stage a revolt. Wulf appears on the other side of the bar. He’s in a tux as well, but I think he’s spent the majority of the night serving drinks despite the fact that there are other employees who’ve been hired to do his job for the evening. Truth be told, even though he’s one of the most social guys I’ve ever met, I think he’s more comfortable back there. “Need something to drink?” he asks me.

Gratitude and relief wash over me at the mere thought. “Yes, please. Something with caffeine.”

“Make that two,” Oliver says. He squeezes my hand and adds, “I’m going to hit the restroom. Think you can manage a few minutes without me?”

His smile is teasing, but my answer is serious. “It’ll be difficult. Hurry back?”

Oliver’s answering smile is a sympathetic one. “Two minutes.”

I watch him as he hurries off, warmth spreading through my chest. Oliver’s been such a lifesaver tonight. Just like he promised, he hasn’t left my side all evening. He’s stood quietly beside me through every introduction, content to be my arm candy. Having him with me has been my saving grace.

“How’s your night been so far?” Wulf asks, sliding two Cokes across the bar. I take a huge swig of mine before answering.

“Chaotic. It’s been nonstop introductions, and I still haven’t met half the people here. I haven’t met any of the people I was hoping to meet yet.”

Wulf frowns. He knows who I’m talking about. Rook and Alpha Toth let him in on the plan so that he could be added security for me should Axel or Marie try something. So far, all has been quiet. “Hmm. Well, don’t go too far, and I’ll see if I can find a few friends of mine.”

He’s not gone two seconds before a new voice startles me. “Looking good, little spitfire.”

I open my eyes to see Nick and Parker standing in front of me. When had I closed my eyes? “Just good?” I tease. “Don’t you mean gorgeous?

Nick smirks. “I’ll start calling you gorgeous when you start returning the favor.”

I laugh. He winks. I shake my head at his silliness. It’s pretty much par for the course with us. Then he goes and surprises me by saying, “Seriously, though. You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you.”

When he turns to order a drink from one of the bartenders, Parker uses the opportunity to snag my attention. “Good evening, Nora.”

“Hey, Parker.”

I take a moment to look him over. Like Oliver, Parker seems as though he was born to wear a tux. He’s so James Bond. He looks good. As always, he gives me a tiny, knowing smile, as if he can tell how much I’m attracted to him.

He takes my hand in his and leans forward. I think he’s going to kiss my hand, but he surprises me by going for my cheek instead. “You look positively enchanting tonight,” he whispers.

Goose bumps blanket my skin, and I have to suppress a shiver.

He starts to pull away, but then he freezes and his body goes rigid. He takes a deep breath, inhaling my scent. When he finally leans back, he’s frowning slightly. His eyes seem to have a million questions in them. It takes me a moment to realize what upset him. I don’t get it until Oliver reappears and Parker’s frown deepens. Parker can smell Oliver on me. He must know that Oliver kissed me. The two men eyeball each other warily and force strained smiles at each other. All I can do is wonder how in the world I got myself into this position, and more importantly, how am I going to fix it?

“Well, this is an interesting development,” Nick teases, smirking at Oliver and Parker.

I shoot him a nasty glare, which he returns with a wide grin. “My money’s on the wolf.”

Startled, I glance behind the bar. Wulf has returned, and though he’s grinning as if this conversation is the most entertainment he’s had all night, he holds up his hands in surrender.

“Not that wolf,” Nick says.

He casts his gaze to my left. Oliver, Parker, and I all follow it to the group of people walking toward us. Rook is leading the charge. Oliver sighs, and Parker’s jaw clenches. Wulf and Nick both chuckle. I flip them both off with a sweet smile, which makes them burst into laughter.

“Sounds like good times over here,” Rook says. “Nora, you look stunning tonight.”


“I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to spend any time with you yet this evening. You’ve been a popular lady.”

“Blame Cecile.”

He laughs. “Well, I’ve got your attention now, and that’s what counts, right?”

He pulls me from my stool and into an embrace that is a little more intimate than I expected. His thoughts are jumbled as if he’s fighting his wolf. …have such a strong reaction to her. Get it under control, Rook. She’s not yours. But it’s getting harder to ignore her.

He inhales deeply, and then, just as Parker had done, he stiffens when he smells Oliver on me. Actually, he probably smells both Ollie and Parker on me now. His grip on me tightens just a fraction, and his thoughts simplify. Smell other men on her. Must claim what’s ours…

“Rook,” Alpha Toth says sternly, causing Rook to flinch. He finally lets me go, but he does the same thing he did last week and pulls me close to his side as he introduces me to the people with him. I flash a pleading look to Alpha Toth, but he subtly shakes his head, telling me to just let Rook do what he needs.

Rook’s jaw is still tight, and his eyes still have a faint glow in them. I look to Wulf next, but all I get from him is a smug grin. Oliver and Parker both seem stunned. I suppress a groan and curse my stupid curse. I have got to find a way to control my allure like Cecile does, or I’ll never be able to keep my friends. They’ll kill one another over me.

“Nora, this is Lucian Williams, and his mate, Isabella,” Rook says. “They’re the alpha and luna of the Waterloo pack.”

I shake each of their hands, and then Rook points to two other men. Both of them are familiar, one surprisingly so. The man is one of the underworlders I rescued back in September. He’d been sickly then, dying slowly from silver poisoning. He looks so much healthier now. Young and robust, even. I smile brightly for him and say, “I know you. You look a lot better than the last time we met.”

The man grins. “Thanks to you.” He holds out a hand for me to shake. “The name’s Evan Fuller. It’s good to finally meet you. Properly.”

“You too.”

A throat clears, and Evan immediately steps back, letting the man from my vision in Marie’s apartment step forward. “Nora,” Evan says, “this is my alpha, Axel Day.”

“Many thanks for saving my beta,” he says as he shakes my hand. His thoughts are running a different direction. No wonder Marie is so crazy over this woman. She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, and her dominance is so much stronger than Marie’s.

“I’m just glad I could help,” I say, breaking Axel’s grip. To Evan, I add, “I’m glad I got to see you again. I didn’t think I was going to, and I was worried. You were in such bad shape that night.” I check out his physique and give him a crooked smile. “I see you’ve recovered well enough.”

Evan laughs while a rumble starts in Rook’s chest. The growl is so low I feel it rather than hear it. While I’m busy glaring at Rook, Evan steps forward again. “I’m glad I got to see you again, too. I’ve wanted to thank you. Perhaps you’ll allow me a dance?”

This is perfect. I haven’t danced much tonight, and I was wondering how I’d hear anyone’s thoughts. Having a few minutes alone with Axel’s beta will really help. And maybe it will prompt Axel to ask me to dance next. It wouldn’t surprise me. Wolves are so competitive. “I’d love to.”

I step forward to join him, but a hand clamps around my waist and Rook growls louder. “Rook!” I snap.

Stupid territorial wolves. I shoot Alpha Toth a meaningful glare. I need this. Rook has to let me talk to—and possibly flirt with—Evan and Axel both. I need to find out what’s going on.

Alpha Toth understands my plight and steps beside Rook. He clamps a white-knuckled hand on Rook’s shoulder. “Rook. Let the lady have a dance. Evan only means to show his gratitude. He’ll behave himself.”

Evan’s surprise is obvious, but he recovers quickly and holds up his hands in surrender. “I would never dream of moving in on your female. Forgive me. I didn’t realize you had a claim on her. I meant nothing by the invite. I simply wanted the chance to thank Nora for saving my life.”

No! No, no, no! He’s backing off! Damn it, Rook!

“Of course you can have a dance with her,” Alpha Toth says, squeezing Rook’s shoulder so hard Rook grimaces. “Rook’s just feeling a little overwhelmed with so many people expressing interest in Nora tonight. But he doesn’t mind. Do you, Rook?

“Sure,” Rook grinds out. “Just keep it friendly.”

I elbow Rook in the ribs, and he finally lets me go. Then I force a smile at Evan and push him toward the dance floor. He follows reluctantly. “I’m sorry for causing trouble. I had no idea you and Rook were more than friends.”

Me either, buddy. “It’s…complicated, but don’t worry. I’ve danced with over a dozen men tonight. I think it’s just different with you because you’re the first wolf who’s asked me. But don’t worry about Rook. He knows the point of this party is for me to get to know other underworlders.”

We reach a clear spot on the dance floor, and Evan glances once more at Rook. He’s standing off to the side, scowling at us, with Alpha Toth and Terrance standing on either side of him, as if ready to hold him back. I shoot him another look, then step into Evan’s space, forcing him into action. He gently places one hand on my waist and takes my hand with his other.

For a moment, I simply read him as he leads us into a waltz. He’s shocked—more than shocked—that Rook has finally taken a mate. What I like about him is that he’s not disappointed I’m spoken for, he’s excited about it. They’ll be a good match. Rook deserves someone like Nora. If they’re going to be mated, I wonder if he’ll try to reclaim the Huron River pack. I wish he’d challenge Axel instead. We could use a good alpha pair. I’d be honored to be Rook’s second.

Interesting. Evan really doesn’t think much of his alpha. That counts as points in his favor. He seems like a good man who just wants what’s best for his pack. “So,” I say, searching for something that might bring up the topic of Axel without sounding obvious. “You didn’t bring a date this evening? No mate?”

Evan gives me a roguish grin. “I’m still in the market for the right one.”

I snort. Wolves. “How about your alpha? I didn’t see a woman with him, either. I thought wolves couldn’t be alphas without having mates.”

Evan sighs. “It’s uncommon. Axel is…” an abusive jerk who the women in our pack fear and loathe. “…very dominant. He won’t take anyone but the strongest female as his mate, and there aren’t any in our pack that satisfy him in that department.”

“Sounds very…shifter-ish.”

Surprised, Evan laughs. “I suppose that’s true, though not all wolves are created equal.” Not all of us are monsters like Axel. I’m glad Nora got to know Toth’s pack first. Toth is a good man, and Rook is one of the best.

“I’m sure they aren’t. Just like with any group of people. I’ve seen the worst of the human race all my life, but I know there are good ones out there. As for wolves, well, I admit I quite like you guys. Aside from the rogues that attacked me, I’ve had a great experience dealing with your race.”

Evan smiles proudly. “I’m glad to hear it. And, might I add, if you do decide to make the change, you’ll be a wonderful addition.”

I don’t know how to answer that. How can I explain Rook’s possessiveness without explaining my curse? It’s not something I want to get into tonight with a man I just met. “Thank you. That’s sweet of you to say.”

The song comes to an end, and Evan lets go of me with a playful sigh. “I suppose I should return you now. But seriously, Nora…” His smile vanishes, and his face grows somber. “Thank you.” I start to protest, but he shakes his head. “No. You saved my life. I am in your debt. If there is ever anything I can do for you, all you have to do is ask.”

Arguing is futile, so I force a smile and nod. “I’ll do that.”

Evan walks me back toward Rook, but Axel steps in front of him, his hand outstretched to me. “Think you have one more in you?” he asks.

His smile is more of a leer and makes me feel dirty, but I force myself to stay pleasant. “Of course.”

“So…” Axel says on the way to the dance floor, “you’re the woman who saved my beta. Evan talked about nothing but you for weeks.”

We reach the spot where Evan and I had just been dancing, and Axel pulls me into his arms. Unlike his gentlemanly beta, Axel lifts my arms around his neck and slides both of his hands low around my hips, pulling me closer to him than I care to be. I grit my teeth and force my smile to stay on my face.

“He said you’re special, not the average human.”

“I have my gifts,” I say vaguely. It appears Axel and I have the same purpose for this dance—to feel each other out and glean as much information as we can.

I wonder what her powers are. She’s so dominant, and if she’s as powerful as rumors claim, she would be a great luna for my pack. Much better than Marie. She’s so much more beautiful, too.

“You definitely have your gifts,” he agrees. It’s completely suggestive, and he squeezes my hips a little to emphasize his point. I want to gag.

I’ll have to get Marie out of the way. Easy enough to tip off Peter to her location. He’ll take care of her himself. Rook’s going to be a problem, though. “So what’s the deal with you and Rook?” he asks.

Again, I’m not sure how to answer him. I can’t decide if it’s better to let him think Rook and I are together or fake an interest in him. I decide to go with the first option, because wolves can smell lies and it would be very hard for me to fake any interest in Axel. “It’s complicated. We’re very good friends, but it seems Rook’s wolf is demanding more. I think he’s claimed me.”

Axel’s brows reach for the ceiling. “Then you two aren’t dating?”

Again, I decide truth and vagueness are the way to go. I shrug. “He cooked me dinner and escorted me to his Pack’s social.”

Hmm. It’s more serious than I thought. I’ll have to get Rook out of the picture before I turn her. That means I’ll have to take care of his brother also. I’ll have to order hits on them both before we attack Peter’s pack. I can’t have the Winters brothers fighting with Peter. They’re too powerful.

“Well, my congrats to the happy couple, then,” Axel says, without missing a beat. “I have to admit, I didn’t think Rook would ever choose another mate.”

I chuckle. “Neither did he. We were both quite surprised when his wolf started acting so possessively of me. Alpha Toth was plain shocked.”

“I can imagine.” He’s probably worried Rook plans to take the pack back. Perhaps letting Rook live a while longer is a good thing. He’s probably an excellent distraction for Peter. I’ll have to ask Jeffrey what he thinks about it. He just can’t mate with Nora. He’ll be so much stronger then, and she’ll be that much harder to force into submission.

I shudder at that last thought and try to focus on what he said about Alpha Toth’s beta. So Jeffrey is in on the plan to attack. At least, in some capacity. He’s spying for Axel, at the very least.

The song comes to an end, and Axel stops spinning me in slow circles. He doesn’t let go of me just yet, though. He pulls my hips so close that our bodies press together, and he leans down to sniff my neck. After a deep inhale that has my skin crawling, he nuzzles me, as if deliberately trying to wipe his scent on my skin. “It was lovely meeting you, Nora,” he whispers.

Across the room, there’s a fierce snarl and we both look over to see that Alpha Toth and Terrance are holding Rook back. He looks like he wants bloodshed. Nick, too, for that matter. Axel chuckles and lets me go, but he takes my hand and brings it to his lips. “Until we meet again.” By Christmas, you’ll be mine.

I don’t think so.

I somehow manage to force one last smile, then quickly escape the creep. He must realize he pushed Rook too far, because he doesn’t escort me back to my friends, but rather, melts into the crowd heading toward the exit.

I hurry back to my safety net of friends, trying to shake off the heebie-jeebies Axel left me with. “Well,” I say when I reach the group. “That was unpleasant.” But informative, I try to add with my eyes and a subtle nod.

Rook scoops me into his arms, eyes lit up like torches and chest heaving. I freeze, knowing this is his wolf I’m dealing with and that he’s extremely unhappy. Alpha Toth, Nick, Terrance, Parker, Wulf, and even Oliver all look ready to jump in and save me even though there’s no way Rook would hurt me like this. Hurt anyone else who gets to close, yes, but me? He’d protect me with his life.

He buries his face in my neck and snarls again when he smells Axel on me. His entire body starts to shake. Terrance doesn’t like that sound and matches his snarl with a protective growl of his own.

Uh-oh. My troll and my wolf are going to lose it on each other if I can’t get this situation under control. “Calm down, you big, possessive brute,” I say to Rook. “He didn’t hurt me.”

When I meet his scowl with an unwavering glare, Alpha Toth gently says, “With finesse, Nora.”

“Finesse?” I scoff. “Look at him. He’s not going to respond to finesse. He needs to be put in his place. He’s not my damn mate!”

Rook’s eyes flare brighter, and when he growls at me, there’s a low rumble that sounds more like a purr.

“That’s why you need finesse. Your dominance right now will only make it worse.”

“I don’t see how. Aren’t you supposed to be firm with shifters?”

“You’re exciting him, Nora,” Gorgeous explains dryly.

“Oh.” I meet Rook’s eyes again and finally notice that the heat is definitely not about being mad or wanting to protect me. I wince. “Oops.”

Nick snorts. I shoot him a glare, then offer Rook a gentle smile. “Hey, buddy. Can I have Rook back now?” Of course he growls at this. I sigh. “I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me.”

“He touched you,” Rook snaps. “He left his scent on you.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll go up to Cecile’s room and wash it off, if you hate it that much. You can even replace it with your own scent, if you need to. You just have to calm down for me, okay? You’re making Terrance nervous, and we don’t want the troll to lose control.”

“Yes,” Rooks says gruffly. “Wash it off.”

He grabs my hand and starts dragging me toward the stairs. Damn bossy wolf.

“Nora,” Parker calls. “He’s not safe like that. You shouldn’t be alone with him. He could be pushed over the edge and decide to turn you.”

The vampire has a point. I can’t entirely trust Rook like this. His wolf is lost to my curse. I don’t want to be alone with him. I meet Alpha Toth’s gaze, and he steps forward to follow without question. That’s perfect, because I need to talk to him anyway. Nick follows, too. Double perfect. We can just all have a little powwow in Cecile’s suite while I wash Axel’s stench off me. That should be fun.




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