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Double Or Nothing: A Dark Romance (Deadly Passion Series Book 2) by Roxy Sinclaire (7)

Chapter Seven


Sneaking out a second night in a row was a lot easier than I thought, in spite of how nervous I’d been about the whole thing. I considered putting on a dressier outfit, but I didn’t know what we’d do, and if it was a walk again, I didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere by shivering in the cold. Besides, jeans and boots were so much easier to run quietly in. I could dazzle him in a pretty dress and heels some other time.

After thinking about him for so long, I just really needed to see him.

I was being careless, not taking time to plan things out, but I had Marc on my side, and my dad was too busy prepping for his party, anyway. I didn’t which jewels he was going to pick for me to showcase, but I knew they would likely be big, gaudy and expensive, exactly how he liked to show them off at charities.

I put him out of my mind as I went to meet Alan, after texting him to let him know I was on the way. I kept bouncing my leg in the taxi, and I was pretty sure the driver noticed. I didn’t care if I annoyed him, though. When he got close enough to where I wanted, I had him stop the car and threw him more bills than I really needed to.

Then I was out in the chilly air, running to where Alan and I were supposed to meet. He was there when I arrived, and I grinned wildly as I neared him. I wanted to jump him, wrap my arms and legs around him and start off the night with another, amazing kiss. So it surprised me a little when he just smiled, took my hand and dragged me behind him, all without a word.

I blinked at his broad back, confused, before moving a little faster so he wasn’t actually dragging me.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

I wasn’t actually worried, though I did remember this man was technically a stranger. He probably wouldn’t do anything to me, but

He relieved me of my suspicions when he grinned down at me, obviously excited.

“I wanted to take you out on my yacht today. Unless you’d rather not?” His eyebrows shot up.

I sucked in a sharp breath, holding in my own sudden excitement.

“Are you kidding? That would be awesome!”

A yacht meant we might have a little more privacy, didn’t it? He was in a hurry, eager to get me alone, perhaps?

Maybe we’d get to do what comes after kissing?

My eyes widened, then I giggled, already looking forward to it. I pulled ahead of him, tugging so we could go faster, until we were almost running. Alan didn’t seem to mind, just laughed at me and kept up, taking the lead, since I didn’t know where we were going anyway.

We made it to the docks in around half an hour, and he led me to his boat. He didn’t give me time to admire it before he was tugging me aboard. It was nothing like my dad’s, not quite as big, but I kinda preferred that. It wouldn’t feel so deserted with only the two of us.

If there are only two of us.

I glanced around discreetly, but I didn’t hear the telltale sounds of other people on the deck or below.

The boat rocked gently in the water, and it took me a moment to adjust to the motion. Had it been my first time on a boat, it would have bothered me.

“Have you ever been out on the water before?” Alan said. “I don’t want you to get seasick or something.”

I smiled at Alan for being considerate. “Don’t worry, my stomach will be fine.” I looked around the empty deck. “I’m going to assume you know how to pilot this thing.”

“Hell yeah,” he said. “It’s just the two of us tonight.”

He turned away then, so he didn’t see the wide smile that spread across my lips. Just the two of us

Alan wasn’t lying about being able to pilot the boat. He had me stand beside him as we toured the coastline. Every now and then, I’d look away from the lights, where there was only open water, and I thought about the two of us just… going off in that direction, leaving home... maybe ending up on some other port in some other country.

I’d be free of my dad, and I wouldn’t be alone. And I could think of a few things the two of us could do, left to our own devices.

“How come I didn’t know this about you?” I yelled over the sound of the motor.

He shot me a glance. “We haven’t had much time to talk about me, remember?” he teased.

I blushed. “But you said there wasn’t anything interesting about you! It was a lie, wasn’t it? What more could you be hiding from me…”

For a moment, a dark look crossed his face, but it was gone so quickly I thought he might have just turned his face away from the light.

“There’s plenty I could tell you, but it really isn’t all that interesting. I have a thing for freedom, so I bought a boat, and I take it out every now and then.”

There was probably more to the story, but he was pointing something out to me on the brightly lit shore, and I was distracted.

I’d never had so much fun before. Usually, when I went with my dad on his boat, it was for a party function, and I never got to relax at those. With Alan, though, we alternated between watching the scenery and chatting and laughing. My heart was beating fast in my chest, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this contented.

I sighed. If only he could be there for all the parties.

After a while of riding around, he set us out a little farther in, and we stopped.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he told me as he abandoned his post and took my hand. “I got us dinner.”

“Really?” I aid, surprised.

I was hungry. I’d only eaten light before coming out to meet him.

He led me to the cabin of his boat, but it was only to pick up a basket and a thick blanket, before we moved back onto the deck. I laughed as I watched him spread the blanket out.

“No way! A midnight picnic on the ocean?”

He grinned up at me, sitting down and patting the spot beside him. I practically dived for the spot.

“I wanted to be original,” he said with a shrug. “Can you at least tell me if I managed that much?”

“More than,” I said softly, watching as he took out some plates and dishes of food, serving us both. We ate together and drank red wine that complemented the food.

It was nothing like dinner with my dad. Most meals were tense, or we just outright ignored each other until we were done.

With Alan, it was so much more than that. He’d feed me some of what was on his plate, and hold his glass of wine for me to sip from. At one point, he even took a sip in his mouth, then caught my chin in his hand and kissed me. My mouth parted under his, and he let the wine drip from his mouth into mine. Then he pulled back, only to laugh at me when I went in for another kiss.

“This is delicious,” I praised when most of the food was gone. “Did you make this yourself, or did you have help?”

He shrugged. “I know how to cook. I’ve been on my own for a while, and I don’t want to live on junk food. I’m glad you like it.”

“More than. I love it.”

I could almost compare the food to what I got at home, made my renowned chefs my dad headhunted for his kitchen when he was looking for a new taste. Not that he let older chefs go; we had five at home at the moment.

After the meal was finished, Alan stacked the utensils to put them back in the basket. He poured another glass of wine, and my body heated up with the look he sent my way. I didn’t know how long we just sat there, taking sips of wine. He didn’t give it to me from him mouth, sadly, but I made sure to place my mouth on the same spot he did when he let me have the glass for a sip.

I thought it was over once the glass was empty, but then he reached for the basket again, and pulled out a bowl of strawberries covered in foil. I watched as he pulled the foil off and dropped it back into the basket. My eyebrows arched as he pulled out chocolate syrup and whipped cream.

“What’s this?”

“It’s dessert. I didn’t want to go too extravagant, and this has always been my favorite.”

I watched, fascinated, as he poured chocolate syrup all over the strawberries, making sure it dripped all the way to the bottom, and added some whipped cream on top. He picked one strawberry for himself and put it in his mouth whole. I blinked at the sensual view, wondering if he knew what he was doing as he licked his fingers and around his lips at the bit of cream smeared there.

The smirk he threw my way when he noticed me watching so intensely told me that, yes, this was the plan. And I was very much for this interesting plan.

“Looks delicious,” I murmured, swaying closer.

“You don’t say,” he murmured back.

His fingers went back into the bowl, and he picked another strawberry and held it out to me. I kept my eyes on him as I leaned closer. I moaned a little as my lips wrapped around the tiny fruit, licking a bit of cream off his fingers as I pulled away. Then I bit down and chewed, and I moaned again at the taste of the dessert. It was better than anything I’d ever had at home, and I wasn’t sure if it was just the taste of the fruit, or the dirty implications it held.

“This is really good,” I said, giving more praise, because he deserved it for the amazing idea.

“It took me a while to get the perfect strawberries for this, so I’m glad you like it.” He looked pleased.

We took turns feeding each other, getting our fingers and faces sticky with the chocolate and whip cream, and the juice from the strawberries. Every now and then, Alan would stop to take my hand and lick it clean, and I would do the same for him. The way his eyes darkened had my body feeling hot.

The next time he fed me, I got a lot of cream around my mouth. I knew it was deliberate even before he leaned in to lick all around my mouth, and I chewed quickly on the fruit, and swallowed, my hands moving to his shoulders. I was pretty sure what we’d been doing could be considered foreplay, and I was already gasping and ready for more.

“Arielle,” he whispered.

At his low voice curling around my name, I moaned some more and leaned into him. My mouth was already parted, and when I felt his tongue flick on my lower lip, I couldn’t hold myself back. I let my own tongue out to meet his. Alan froze for a second, then it was his time to moan. His took my face in his hands as he molded his lips to mine, his tongue pushing between my teeth to explore my mouth.

It felt so good, almost too good. We hadn’t gotten this far in our last kiss, and I was more than okay with jumping right into it. I thought it meant I didn’t have to hold back, so I shifted onto my knees and pressed the front of my body against his.

We pulled away from the kiss when we were both breathless, and I let out a low whine when he immediately set his lips to my chin, kissing along my jaw, down my neck.

“Alan,” I moaned his name. “Please.”

I didn’t think about what I was asking him for, but he seemed to know, anyway. His teeth clamped lightly where my neck met my shoulder and sucked on my pulse, making me gasp and arch my body into his.

“Please!” I pled again, more urgency in my voice.

Alan chuckled, and I let out an impatient noise at the sound. He was teasing me! But then my annoyance was gone as soon as I felt his hands on my shoulders, pushing off my jacket. I let him slip it off my arms, and waited. After a few seconds, his hands were at my hips, and I looked down at him. I wanted to be closer to him, so much closer than we already were. As close as two people could possibly get

“Arielle,” he said, his voice low and throaty. “Tell me you know what we’re going to do here.” His hands tightened on my hips for emphasis. “Tell me that you want this, or I’m going to stop right now.”

Stopping was the last thing I wanted him to do, but there was a part of me that was apprehensive. He would be taking my first time, after all

But looking at him, his face set in a serious expression, I knew I could trust Alan with this, more than I’d ever felt with any boy I’d had a crush on before. Slowly, I nodded.

“Yes,” I whispered, in case he absolutely needed verbal concession. “I want this.”

He groaned as his face tightened, his hands gripping me harder. “You really should watch the things you say around me, Arielle.” He placed a kiss just below my collarbone.

I wanted to ask him to take my top off, but he was way ahead of me, his hands sliding up from my hips, under my shirt so he was touching bare skin. I couldn’t help but gasp and shiver in pleasure at his touch. He mouthed along my collarbone, first one side, then the other, all the while his hands slowly raising my top, sliding up over my waist, up my sides. I lifted my hands, and he pulled the top over my head.

He didn’t do more immediately, pulling away to look at me, and I could feel my face heat up. I still had my bra on, but I had to force myself not to cross my arms over my chest. When was the last time anyone saw me this exposed? I hadn’t even worn bikinis the few times I’d gone to the beach.

A cold breeze hit my skin and made me shiver from the cold, and he noticed. He smiled at me, then placed a hand on my shoulder and slowly pushed me back.

“Sorry about that,” he murmured. “Why don’t I warm you up a bit, hmm?”

I was all for it, letting him maneuver me until I was lying on my back, with my jacket under me as more protection from the cold. He pulled off his own jacket and T-shirt before crawling over to me. He parted my thighs with one of his knees and crawled between them, making me push them farther apart to accommodate his hips. Slowly, he leaned down until his chest rested atop mine, bracing his upper body with his arms on either side of me. I moaned at the feel of him pressed against me. His body surrounded mine, and he was so warm already, I couldn’t think about the cold.

He left a light peck on my lips before kissing down the same path as before. Once he got to where he bit my neck, he kissed along my collarbone and nibbled on the skin there. I whimpered. He licked the skin of my chest as he made his way to my breasts, only to stop because my bra was in the way. He looked up at me, and I understood what he wanted, nodding to show he had my permission.

One of his hands touched my waist, nudging me gently until I arched my back so he could slide his hand under me, and up to where my bra’s clasp was. He undid it with just the one hand, and I gasped in surprise. I couldn’t even do that, and he did it so easily. I pouted, realizing what this meant.

“You’ve been with a lot of women, haven’t you?” I accused softly.

He grinned. “Yeah, but trust me, you’re the only thing in my mind right now, Arielle.”

He held my gaze as he pulled off my bra and tossed it to the side. Then his eyes slid down to my chest and widened as he sucked in a sharp breath. He took a moment to stare, and I was squirming again. The insecurity that I wasn’t good enough made me want to cover up again.

Alan set me straight quickly.

I watched, transfixed, as he kissed the space between my breasts. Then he moved until his mouth hovered above one of my nipples, and he gently blew warm air against it. The nipple hardened at the touch, even though it was just warm air. He did the same thing to my other nipple a moment later.

Before I could complain about him not doing enough, his tongue poked out and flicked the tip of one of my nipples. My breath hitched, so he did it again, then again. And then, he wrapped his lips around the small bud and sucked, and I bucked up with a harsh gasp. One of his hands suddenly cupped the breast not getting as much attention, and he used his thumb and index finger to toy with the nipple.

Fuck, Alan,” I whimpered. “Get a move on already.”

There was another chuckle. His lips pulled away from my nipple, only to move onto the other one and give it the same treatment. Then he was pulling away from me, and I looked up at him as I lay there, panting and squirming. A light throbbing had started between my thighs, and I could feel my panties getting wet from my own slick. I hadn’t let myself think about going quite this far, but we were so close already… why not?

Alan’s hands went to the waistband of my jeans, and I moved to help as he pulled them down my legs. I’d taken off my shoes when I sat on the blanket, so the jeans slipped right off. Then his hands were on the insides of my thighs, urging me to raise my legs.

“Stay like that,” he commanded.

My body shivered in anticipation, and all I could do was nod and wait.

He was obviously done with the teasing. He lowered his head between my thighs, and I gasped, then moaned, when I felt his mouth pressed against my sex through my panties. The tip of his tongue found my clit, making me moan some more, then whimper because it wasn’t nearly enough.

“I want these off, now,” he growled at me as his hands moved to my hips.

I lifted my ass to help him and let him rearrange my legs as he pleased. I was now completely naked under him, and instead of nervous, this time, I felt only excitement.

“You can grab my hair and scream as loud as you want,” Alan said.

I would have thought he was full of himself, but when he pressed his mouth against my bare sex, I threw my head back and cried out. He kissed me there much like he’d kissed my mouth, hard and rough, wet. His tongue came out to play against my clit, then thrust in and out of me. My hands reached for his hair, and I might have tugged on it as my thighs squirmed around his face.


He pulled away, and I looked down to see him sucking three of his fingers, before he was back on me. I understood why a second later when I felt his finger prod at my entrance. I didn’t even have the chance to tense up as his finger slid inside me. The sensation made me gasp.

I’d touched myself, more than a few times. I had way too much time on my hands now that I didn’t need to go to school, and I’d used them to explore a few curious thoughts. Having Alan’s finger inside me was a lot better than my own, though. He thrust it in and out, his lips wrapped around my clit, sucking lightly.

He pulled out the finger, and came back with two. It was a little painful as his fingers forced my body to stretch around him. I whimpered, pain and fear mixed in.

“Shh,” Alan murmured. “I’ve got you.”

You trust him, I tried to reassure myself, trying to keep calm.

His fingers stayed still inside me until I could relax my body. Then he flicked my clit with the tip of his tongue, and at the same time, he pulled his fingers out, before thrusting them carefully inside. The feeling was still uncomfortable, but I didn’t mind as he moved faster, his lips once again wrapping around my clit. He sucked hard this time as his fingers slid inside me and curled.

My body shuddered as I cried out, my walls contracting around Alan’s fingers. He, thankfully, stopped his fingers, even as he continued to suck on my clit as he brought me to my first ever orgasm. I convulsed around him, my fingers in his hair clenching tightly as I lost myself in my pleasure.

When my body slumped back onto the deck, Alan stopped, pulling his fingers out of me. I watched, trying to catch my breath, as he sucked off the wetness I knew came from me. He then moved away from me, pulled off his own jeans, and returned, naked.

The temptation was right there; I looked. He was ripped, like I’d guessed, but my eyes bypassed his chest and abdomen. I’d never seen a guy’s penis outside of books and the internet, and I couldn’t help but moan. He wasn’t exactly small, his rock hard erection curving slightly up, the skin pulled back from the pink head.

“Are you still sure about this?” he asked one last time, fisting his cock. In his other hand, he held a condom in its foil.

“Do it,” I whispered, without taking time to think about it, because I was sure.

He unwrapped the condom and put it on himself. I could see his body straining as he fisted himself, stroking a couple times, before his eyes landed on me again.

He rearranged my body the way he wanted me, his hands on my thighs, lifting my legs higher as he moved closer and lowered his hips.

“Get your arms and legs around me.”

I followed his instructions, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and my legs around his hips. One of his arms slid under my waist, his other arm moving under my shoulders to hold me up. I felt the head of his penis prod at my entrance, and I bit my lip, preparing myself. I’d heard all about how it was painful for a woman the first time.

His cock slid against my sex, the head pressing into my clit and making me shiver, before he readjusted his hips so he was prodding at my entrance again. His arms tightening around me was the cue I was waiting for, and I felt his hips and back flex as he pushed, carefully, sliding inside me in one smooth thrust. There was pain for about a second, and I gasped, but before I could dwell on it, he was kissing me, then moving inside me, and all I could do was moan and writhe and move against him, chasing orgasm one more time.

Alan groaned, the sound muffled because our lips wouldn’t part long enough to let air through. His thrusts were slow and careful, but I could feel him rubbing my insides as he rotated his hips, and my legs tightened around him to try and take him in deeper. My insides contracted around him as I did that, and he groaned again.

He broke the kiss first, his mouth moving to press sloppy kisses along my neck.

“Fuck, Arielle,” he moaned. “If you do that again, this will be over way too soon.”

I could have told him that I didn’t mind. He’d already brought me to orgasm once, he deserved to have one, too. Before I could, though, he changed the pace and depth of his thrusts, moving in and out of me faster, harder, and it had me crying out and tightening against him and around him, which in turn had him moaning and moving even faster and harder.

My head tilted back as I breathed in pants and gasps. My fingers dug into the skin of his back as Alan moved against me and inside me. It was a dirty way of saying it, but he was fucking me.

I loved it.

He clamped down on my neck again with his teeth, his thrusts losing their smooth rhythm, becoming more erratic than before. He ground his hips against mine, stimulating my clit. I whined as I contracted around him in convulsions, waves of pleasure shooting through me with every shudder as I peaked another orgasm. Alan moaned and followed, and I could feel his cock pulse inside me and the condom expand as he came.

We slumped against the deck as our bodies calmed down, this time with Alan’s weight holding me down. After a while, he started feeling heavy, but he moved before I could tell him. One of his hands reached down between us to hold onto the end of the condom, before he pulled out of me, making me shiver. He turned to the side, slid off the condom and dropped it on the deck, before he turned back to me.

“That was…” I muttered.

“Yeah,” he finished.

We were both blown away by the experience, so much that we did it again. And again. Each time, Alan got me off before seeing to himself. By the time we finally came down from the frenzy, it was nearly dawn.

The lightening sky reminded me that I had to get home—now.

In the end, I literally had to make a run for it, and I made it back to my bedroom not five minutes before someone knocked on my door to wake me up.

“Miss?” an uncertain voice said. “Will you be having breakfast?”

The voice belonged to one of the maids, and I jumped when the handle to my door squeaked as she tried to open it.

“U-um,” I replied, my voice breaking a little. “I’m not feeling well. I have a bit of a fever, so let Dad know I won’t be joining him at the table.”

There was a short moment of silence.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No, I’m sure I’ll be fine after some sleep.”

“All right.”

I listened as she walked away and slumped back into my bed. I actually felt tired and achy all over, but I was smiling when I closed my eyes to sleep.

That afternoon, I was woken up by my phone ringing. I glanced at the screen and smiled before answering.


“Hey, there,” he said, his voice warm. “You sound like I just pulled you from sleep.”

“That’s because I was sleeping. What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to ask if I can visit you at home tonight. I wore you out last night, obviously, so I thought it’d be easier if I just came to see you.”

I smiled at Alan being considerate again. And I couldn’t wait to see him either, even as I moved and felt the ache between my legs.

“You could’ve held back,” I accused. “You knew exactly what you were doing last night.”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t like it,” he growled huskily.

My breath caught in my throat, because there was no way I could regret it. If anything, I wanted more.

“I didn’t hate it,” I murmured.

“Good. Now, can I come?”

I hummed. The idea of sneaking a boyfriend into my bedroom under my father’s nose was tempting, but I knew better than to try that after what I’d pulled the past couple nights. After missing breakfast, Dad was probably already suspicious of me. Especially after how happy I was yesterday.

“Can you give me some time to think about it?”




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